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Answers to Sample Unit Tests

Answers to Sample Unit Test 1 1. (a) (b) Bird ringing banding consists of fastening a light aluminum ring of appropriate size, stamped with a number and return address. Rings are studied of the ringed birds shot or recaptured. Information and other particulars written in the rings are recorded. Inscription communicated to the marking station with data. A record of accurate data maintained. Accurate knowledge of the roots built up. To study the greatest mysteries of bird life migration or travelling To get information about the places they travel To determine the geographical origins and routes of the various species To investigate to what extent the migratory birds are responsible for spreading the virus that causes diseases of man and animals Kabul, Afghanistan, Bannu and NW Pakistan (i) Forest Wagtails, Spanish and Turkestan Sparrows (ii) Chin Hills of Myanmar (Burma), Kazakshtan, Russian Turkestan. Loveliest of trees, full bloom, laden with flowers and fruits, covered with snow-dressed in white as if to attend Easter celebration (i) in stanza-II (ii) 20 years, 50 years Winter Wearing white hung with snow Yes, he is a lover of Nature.


(d) (e) 2. (a) (b) (c)


Loveliest of trees, Wearing white for Eastertide.

(e) 3. (a)

And since to look at things in bloom Fifty springs are little room, About the woodlands I will go To see the cherry hung with snow. the cherry hung with bloom, the cherry wearing white, the cherry hung with snow

Drug abuse is taking a drug or an intoxicating substance without medical reason. The amount, strength, frequency or manner in which the drug is taken leads to addiction, damages the physical and mental functioning of an individual. 135

Answers to Sample Unit Tests


(c) (d) (e)

Drug abuse is a slow killer. A large number of adolescents and youths are fast becoming its victim. This addiction forces them to do anything in exchange of the drug. The adolescents and youths are the vulnerable mass. Are influenced by friends and peer groups. out of curiosity, to have some pleasure, to have exciting feelings, to overcome boredom, depression, fatigue Drug abuse Short-term effects-a sense of well being and a pleasant drowsiness. Long-term effects-constant and excessive use of drugs leads to physical and mental damages

Answers to Sample Unit Test 2 1. 2. 3. Organisation of the content 2 Language and expression 2 Organisation of the content 2 Language and expression 2 Format 3 Organisation of thought, content and expression 3 Cluster of slums, children and adult keen to study, are in poor health, no schools for them, health and education are the essential factors for Nation to develop better health, including reproductive health, and education contribute to economic growth more emphasis on family planning and maternal health Its everybodys responsibility People should volunteer The collective and conscious effort will help in eradicating illiteracy and help in national growth. Organisation of the content 3 Language and expression - 3 Answers to Sample Unit Test 3 1. 2. 3. (a) from (f) by (b) to (g) for (c) in (h) to (d) of (i) to (e) in (j) to force,


collecting , spotted, returned, gathered, vowed, blocked, threat, arrested, destroyed

Suppandi asked his master what he was doing. His master replied that he was tuning his radio to catch a particular station. Suppandi exclaimed that was wonderful. He further asked if they could use the radio to catch a station. His master Steps to English


agreed. Then told Suppandi that his parents were arriving by the Saurastra Express at Dadar station and asked him to go and fetch them. Suppandi agreed. His master asked him to hurry up and added why he was fiddling with the radio. Suppandi replied that he was trying to catch the Dadar station with the radio so that he could receive his parents right there without having to go out. 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) (g) (h) (i) ( j) scored better runs than Amita in school cricket. the On our way home we were stopped by the police. more sociable that must does not rain is very hard Although/Though I liked the sweater, I decided not to buy it. or I liked the sweater, but I decided not to buy it. Things went wrong. We couldnt do it. Dont worry. There is always a tomorrow. Well have to practise throwing the ball into the net. Answers to Sample Unit Test 4 1. (a) (b)

(k) (l)

(c) 2. (a)

on the Inchape Rock the Abbot of Aberbrothok. for the sailor to hear the warning bell to saves the ships from the hidden and dangerous rocks during the stormy weather He was jealous of the Abbot of Aberbrothoks name and fame. Did not want people/sailors/mariners to bless him.




for want of cooperation people attacking and oppressing each other selfishly men exploiting each other no intention and initiation to work together for a common goal At night fall the forest becomes alive with clouds of fireflies roaming around in the garden, the typical and undistinguished sounds of the insects, yelling of the sambhars, barking of the cheetals, soft growling of the leopards. cool the summer heat hold back the cold winds add colour to the environment, provide shade become a play ground for children give fresh air, fruit, flower, sooth our mind and heart Sudha Chandran, the bharatanatyam dancer met with a terrible accident 137

Answers to Sample Unit Tests

lost her right leg about 8cm. below her knee but vowed not to accept defeat, to walk again without crutches, to fulfill her dream, practiced rigorously with Jaipur foot, struggled, spent sleepless nights to emerge as a winner. remembered Anil as a man whom he knew so well Anils face would reflect the sadness for the loss of trust, not for the loss of money. remembered all the household jobs he was doing for him thought of Anil teaching him to write full sentences felt that to be a really big and respected man one should learn to read and write her irrational desires such desires made her unhappy and jealous, live in a make-belief world, love for elegant dinner, rich and distinguished company, pump and fanfare, prompted Matilda to borrow a necklace from her friend, lost it, ruined her mental and physical health.





Content 3 Language and expression 3 One needs to get all kinds of things off the chest. When one is a little upset, depressed, bored and listless, when one starts brooding, thinks of writing One communicates with papers more freely and intimately. Paper has a lot of patience to listen to you, to help you get rid of all suppressed feelings. It understands you, shares your feelings silently. It is never demanding and never wants any thing in return. Paper is an imaginary friend but you can confide in it. Amidst friends and relatives one can be lonely. At this juncture this imaginary friend gives you company.


Steps to English

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