2048 Characters / 250 Words Max

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The team you build Give your best example of a time when you felt you were inspirational

l and helped others to achieve an outstanding result. Make sure you describe what you did to motivate them and why your help was important to their success. (2048 characters / 250 words max) The ideas you bring Tell us about a situation or problem that required you to think differently and come up with a creative solution. Please set out your thought process in developing your solution and how well the solution worked. (2048 characters / 250 words max) The values you hold Describe a time when you have stood up for something that is important to you and why. (NB This can be in any context whatsoever: work, social, school, family anything that demonstrates what you value). (2048 characters / 250 words max) The experience you share Please tell us about what you have done outside of education and employment and more importantly why. We want to hear about what you enjoyed about these extra-curricular activities and what you learnt from them. (2048 characters / 300 words max) The reason you applied - We would like to know why you think this programme is the right programme for you. Please tell us what excites you about the programme and why you think that it is a good fit with your future aspirations. (2048 characters / 250 words max)

On this page you will need to upload your CV/Resume. Please ensure your CV/Resume includes the following: previous work experience for at least the past 2 years, including an outline of the role, location, employer and dates of employment any personal achievements and extra curricular activities to further support your application further qualifications including IT skill and software proficiencies details of spoken languages

Which qualities & skills do you possess that make you suited to the role to which you have applied? (90 words max) From the research that you have done on our industry, how does Barclays Investment Bank differentiate itself from our competitors? (90 words max) Describe a recent development in the Investment Banking industry. What implications might this development have for the division to which you have applied? (90 words max)

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