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Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title

Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Resources in Mathematics (Resos dalam Matematik) MTE 3106 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Choose appropriate and relevant mathematics resources 2. Demonstrate their understanding in using the resources 3. Produce creative manipulative materials to support teaching and learning in mathematics 4. Display effective management skills in planning and handling mathematics resources Synopsis This course provides an opportunity for students to explore the applications of various resources in teaching and learning Mathematics. Students will be introduced to printed materials, teaching and learning aids, technology in Mathematics, Mathematics facilities and management of resources. Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk menerokai aplikasi pelbagai resos dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik. Pelajar akan diperkenalkan dengan bahan bercetak, alat bantu pengajaran dan pembelajaran, teknologi dalam Matematik, kemudahan-kemudahan Matematik dan pengurusan resos.

Topic 1

Content Printed materials Books o text, reference o Literature books Integrating literature in teaching and learning Mathematics Journals and articles Teaching and learning aids o Manipulative kits: geoboard, Dienes blocks, Cuisenaire rods, Base ten blocks o Nets and solids o Measuring instrument : weighing scale o Computing tools: calculators, abacus, rods & sticks Technology in Mathematics Hardware o Computers, LCD Software packages o Teaching packages o Teaching software and courseware Internet and online instructions Mathematics Facilities Mathematics Laboratory Mathematics garden Mathematics corners Management of resources Inventory and records Monitoring and maintenance Planning and budgeting Total

Hours 6




Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Foresman, Scott (2000). Interactive mathematics: Lessons and tools. NJ: Prentice Hall. Jennings, Sue and Dunne, Richard (2003). I see maths books. vol 13. UK: Mashford Colour Press. National Curriculum Council. (1991). Prime calculators: Children and mathematics. UK: Simon and Schuster.

Additional References

Burns, Marilyn (1992). About Teaching Mathematics. Maths Solution. Haylock, D. (2003). Understanding mathematics in the lower primary years. UK: Paul Chapman. Publication. Trautman, Andria P. & Lichenberg, Betty K (2003). Mathematics: A good beginning . 6th ed. UK: Wadsworth/ Thompson Inc.

Websides htm ear3/number_deans/question.asp mathematics/assets/pdf/literacyy7/s4placevalue2.pdf

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