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(Section A : Directed Writing) DO YOU KNOW WHOSS YOUR BEST FRIENDS Everyone in this world liked to be friend.

It is a normal human being relationship. But not everyone could tell the specifics matters and value of their true friends, so my questions is do you know your best friends?? So do I, I have more than a thousand friends but only one person could take part as my best friends. My best friends names are DK Zulaiha Binti Rasyid. She is 16 years old, same grade with me. Her father was a teacher while her mother was a staff nurse in my district hospitals. She had 4 siblings which is 2 sisters and 1 younger brother. She was the elder sister for her siblings. She went to study at our school that known as SMK PITAS and we had study here since 2009 until now. Everyone would be questioning why I really like to be friends with her. And this is because she was a good friend that really understands what a true friends means and the second reasons is she was the one who really appreciated on everything what Im doing as a student even though Im not the best student in our school. Recently our school had an English Comity Camp and she was chosen as the best group leader. I think she really deserve that, it is because her responsible during the camp. It is always showed when she was given any mandate by teacher or the committee the member she always makes sure that the responsibility always carried. For example during the camp she as a group leader always make sure all the participants in the camp always in a good care and all of their necessary were fulfil and everyone in that camp feels very comfortable and its showed how she cared for other people needed as a group leader. Besides that why she was chooses as the best group leader is because her intelligent. She had a variety of idea to show her ability as a good leader. She was the best speaker for the camp debate on resolving the problems of the slow learner students to get them easy to catch up all the subjects they should learn. So it is represented her not only as an intelligent students but had a brilliant mind to help another students to be the best among the best same like her. In addition for the best speaker award she also had voted as the most co-operative participants during the camp. Everyone was agreeing with the voted its because she was represent a very good co-operative people in that camp not only with the participants also with the admin management of the camps. For all that commitment on the camp my best friend DK Siti Zulaiha Binti Rasyid was awarded a certificate of Achievement and also cash money RM 500 as a consolation prize for her achievements and congratulation for that friend. To sum up no matter who ever your friends or whatever achievement they were got the most important thing in friendship is the honesty on friendship. So my question again do you know who your best friend is??? Written by: ALBANIAH DOLLING 4 ALPHA STUDENTS SMK PITAS, SABAH

Section B : Continuous Writing Questions 3-(My perfect future husband or wife) Married is a thing that we know as a share of love, property and also live between two people. Many people in this world want the best for their life including getting a happiness life with the person that they really in love, so there is no doubt for all people in this world had a dream to get a perfect husband or wife in their life. So do me. I also had a dream to get my prince charming to be my perfect future husband. The most important thing that I really care for my perfect future husband is to be a good leader for me no matter in religious thing also in social life. I want someone that have more knowledge about Islam and can be equalize between the worldly and heavenly, for me someone that have more knowledge about religious and could make a great decision in whatever situation his faced. Secondly, my perfect future husband should be the honest man. I know in this modern thinking era its hard to find someone especially man that really keep the honesty value in their personal. But its not wrong if we still keep the traditional condition to protect our self from the dishonestly life that we should avoid as a guarantee for a quality future life. Thirdly, I also make a dream that my perfect future husband could be someone that has a high sense of humours. I was a silent woman. So I decide that I should having a talkative partners but in humours side, so it will keep the balancing in my future life and keep away for the lonely life words. And the last condition that I put for my perfect future husband are always had a fixed economics systems in his life. I mean someone that had a guarantee for his own life that he can survive in this challenge world which is all of we needed in this world are using money. I am not a materialistic women but I just want to make sure that my future life will have a guarantee to survive in this increasing value of money in world. As we all know that to make a perfect family institution started with a good economic system from the family institutions. I do not want to ruin my self also my future family happiness just only because of us did not have a fixed economy system. As a conclusion all the conditions that I mentioned above was a dream and hoped for me to get my perfect future husband. Even though it hard to find someone that could fulfil all my conditions above but in my opinions a reality is started from the dreams and from that we could make a first step to achieve all of our dream and find our real soul mate as my future prince charming or specifically as a My Perfect Future Husband ever.

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