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The News of Grace

Volume 36, no. 2 February 2013

change from year to year. This is probably a good time to once again remind and encourage the men of the congregation not to forget to make your Valentines Day plans in advance. That means ordering flowers ahead of time if that is your pleasure and making reservations at your favorite restaurant before it is too late. If nothing else be sure you get your Valentines card before the fourteenth because the selection is better. Let me also encourage all of you to mark the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday, on your calendars. At the same time may I suggest that you also look ahead to Holy Week, which begins March 24th and plan on observing these special times in our Church Year. I am sure that I will have more to say about that in the March Newsletter. With all of that said, let me get more to the point of why we observe Lent in the first place. During this special penitential time we are called upon to remember our baptisms, be more diligent in prayer and contrite reflection on our relationship with God and our neighbor. Our focus in this season should turn to the love shown to us in Christ Jesus as He went to the cross and laid down His life for us. For some this is a highly anticipated part of their yearly walk with the Lord. In our year in and year out journey we travel with Christ from Bethlehem to Golgatha to the Mount of His Ascension, and then we go back with His disciples to Jerusalem and the celebration of the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. There we begin to see how we as the Body of Christ are given the Means of Grace to make disciples of all nations. This yearly flow is comforting to the faithful as it exercises our faith throughout the year. With the Word of God shared above through the prophet Joel, I encourage others who may not exercise that same discipline to return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. During the Sundays in Lent those words from Joel serve as the Verse of the Day and that is such a beautiful reminder for all of us of Gods love for each one of us personally and for all of us collectively. Maybe you have been doing everything other than walking in the faith. Maybe you need a spiritual attitude adjustment or a time of renewal in your spiritual life by the power of the Holy Spirit. That same Spirit constantly seeks to call you, gather you and enlighten you through the reading and hearing of Gods Holy Word. Of course this can be done at any time, but with this special time in our Church Year it might make sense to let this be that time. Our God is a God of love. He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Pastor Walter

Ash Wednesday
Yet even now, declares the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and He relents over disaster. (Joel 2:12-13) This year we have a short season of Epiphany which means that the day before Valentines Day, February 13th, is Ash Wednesday. It could be earlier however. Actually if Ash Wednesday were Valentines Day it would serve as a great illustration of Gods love for us. As the prophet Joel reminds us, Your God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. We need to know that and we need to live that in our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. However if Ash Wednesday were Valentines Day I would imagine that attendance would suffer because of an unfortunate conflict in scheduling. Actually that conflict has not happened since I have been a Pastor (1991 to date). However, looking ahead it will happen in 2018 and 2024. I dont think I will have to worry about 2024, but 2018 might be interesting. Ash Wednesday is always forty-six days before Easter. If you are curious how we come up with the dates of Ash Wednesday and Easter, here is the formula. Easter Day is always the Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox on March 21 and April 18 inclusive. If the full moon falls on a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday following that full moon. Therefore Easter Day cannot be earlier than Sunday, March 22 or later than Sunday, April 25. Ash Wednesday is then forty-six days before that Sunday. Are you still curious? So maybe in good Lutheran fashion you might wish to ask, What Does This Mean? It just means that Easter is tied into the Passover full moon and is a movable date. Many holidays are set dates such as the secular holiday, Valentines Day on the 14th of February. Christmas is December 25th and Epiphany is January 6th, but other major Church Year days are set around Easter and so the dates for those Sundays in the Church Year

This Years Mid-Week Lenten theme is:

This Years Mid-Week Lenten theme is:


Sometime around the year 762 BC, Amos, a herdsman from the small Judean town of Tekoa, heard the voice of God and compared it to hearing the roaring of a lion, a roaring that causes pastures to mourn and forests to wither (Amos 1:2). That is some kind of roar! The prophet then personally encounters the LORD as a Lion (3:12), and this propels him to confront Israels movers and shakers who were deaf to Gods call of justice and righteousness (5:24; 7:1-17). What set off this divine roaring that sent Amos into the fray? People were busy with religion, but they were not heartbroken over what was happening to the little people on the fringes of society (see 6:1-7). Samaria, Israels capital, was a place of affluence and power that was indifferent to the poor. So the LORD roared, and Amos preached. There are biblical images of God as a caring Shepherd (23rd Psalm) and a mighty redeemer (Job 19:25). But we dare not let these images remove the claws and teeth of the Lion who roars from Zion. Throughout the Book of Amos, the Lion sends fires and earthquakes, locusts and droughts, famines, diseases, and an army bent on the complete annihilation of Israel. His wrath and anger are real. Amos declares that Israels most sacred institutionsits temple and systems of worship, priesthood, covenant, land entitlement, election tradition, and kingshipwill not avert disaster. Long-standing institutions associated with Gods blessings, cherished belief systems, and a social structure that appeared invincible will come to an end (Amos 8:1-3) The prophet insists that the kings, priests, and leaders are engaging in an enormous deception, a huge lie. Our Lenten Midweek message is singularRestore the Roar! This Lent, we will listen to the Lion as He rumbles pointing out our complacency, duplicity, and sin. But, and thank God for this, the ferocious Lion is also the bleeding Lamb. Our Lords mighty power is made most perfect in the weakness of the cross (2 Corinthians 12:9). And gathering under the cross, we will all the more be amazed when the roaring Lion defeats His greatest enemies, the devil, hell, and the power of death. Then with resurrection joy we will say of Jesus, The Lion of the tribe of Judah, He has triumphed (Revelation 5:5).


Lenten Services 7:00 p.m. Lenten Dinners 5:30 p.m. in Parker Hall

Sermon Themes
Ash Wednesday February 13th Midweek Lent 1 February 20th Midweek Lent 2 February 27th Midweek Lent 3 March 6th Midweek Lent 4 March 13th Midweek Lent 5 March 20th Rescued from the Rubble Amos 1:1-2 Upside Down Amos 3:1-8 This Is the Night the LORD Has Made Amos 5:18 Grieving for Joseph Amos 6:6 Locust Here, Locusts There, Locusts Seem to Be Everywhere Amos 7:1-6 Lion Alert! Amos 7:10-17

Maundy Thursday The Taste Test Amos 8:11-14 March 28th Good Friday March 29th Easter Sunday March 31st Buried! Amos 9:1-6 Come to the Feast Amos 9:11-15


Lenten Services 7:00 p.m. Lenten Dinners 5:30 p.m. in Parker Hall
+ + + + + +

Thirty Years of Grace

As chairman, I really want people to know what is going on at Grace so I thought I would cover a few important points regarding the financial state of our church. First, you should know that we ended last year in the black and because we have ended the last several years in the black we had a surplus which we used to pay off our building loan. The amount we repaid LCEF was $113,308.04. It is great for us as a congregation to be debt free. Looking toward this year the Voters approved an overall church budget increase of approximately 6%. Additionally we have a building committee looking at the changes we need to make in our parking areas. We are looking at several issues including expanding of parking onto where the houses were torn down and improving safety and security in all our parking areas. We do not have any figures yet to share but it could well be several hundred thousand dollars. These are big items for us as a congregation to work on and I would ask that you: o o Faithfully support the operating budget that was approved by the Voters last fall. Consider special gifts to the building fund so that we can be in a strong position to do the work on our parking areas that needs to be done. And most importantly, pray for our church so that we can be effective in this place and in this time to do the work God would have us do.

Ash Wednesday February 13th

Dinner served by the Board of Parish Fellowship Chicken Spaghetti

Midweek Lent 1 February 20th

Dinner served by JOY Club - Tacos

Midweek Lent 2 February 27th

Dinner served by Grace Youth Baked Potatoes with all the fixins!

Midweek Lent 3 March 6th

Dinner served by the LWML Evening Guild - Meatloaf

Midweek Lent 4 March 13


Dinner served by the ACTS Group - Spaghetti

Midweek Lent 5 March 20th

Dinner served by __________________________

Maundy Thursday March 28th

Dinner will be served Watch March newsletter for more

Set aside a couple of hours in the middle of your week and join us on Wednesday Evenings during Lent for Worship, dinner and fellowship.

Then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord. 1Chronicles 29:9 In His Service Randy Middaugh Chairman of Grace


Director of Parish Music

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ! In the coming months we will once again have the opportunity to host music groups from around the country here at Grace. On Sunday, February 17th we will host Pro Musica Sacra, a choir from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. They will lead us in a Service of Evening Prayer at 7pm that evening. On Sunday, March 17th, we will have the band from Martin Luther High School in Greendale, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. They will be performing at concert the previous evening at Christ Lutheran and then will join us for the 8:15 service on Sunday. I look forward to having these groups at Grace to share their musical gifts with us. February 17th is also the first Sunday in Lent. The Gospel reading for that day is Luke 4:1-13, where Jesus is tempted by Satan. Appropriately, the suggested Hymn of the Day for that day is A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, LSB 657. Here is Stanza One: A mighty fortress is our God, A sword and shield victorious; He breaks the cruel oppressors rod And wins salvation glorious. The old satanic foe Has sword to work us woe. With craft and dreadful might He arms himself to fight. On earth he has no equal. This stanza ends on an unsettling note, because indeed, there is no force on earth that can match Satans might. He used those very crafts on Christ as he tempted Him in the wilderness. We need a Savior from outside of our world. Stanza Two: No strength of ours can match his might. We would be lost, rejected. But now a champion comes to fight, Whom God Himself elected. You ask who this may be? The Lord of hosts is He, Christ Jesus, mighty Lord, Gods only Son, adored. He hold the field victorious.

Christ entered this world and was born as a helpless baby, at the same time fully God and fully man, to save us from Satans power. Indeed, we cannot defeat Satan ourselves, but Christ, the very Word of God, defeated him with that same Word. Stanza Three: Though hordes of devils fill the land All threatning to devour us, We tremble not, unmoved we stand; They cannot overpowr us. Let this worlds tyrant rage; In battle wess engage. His might is doomed to fail; Gods judgment must prevail! One little word subdues him. Because Christ defeated Satan once and for all on the cross, we need not fear his attacks. He is now a toothless devil, unable to hurt us because we are in Christ. We were brought to Christ through Baptism, and we remain in Christ through His Word and Sacraments. Now confidently we sing in the words of Stanza Four: Gods Word forever shall abide, No thanks to foes, who fear it; For God Himself fights by our side With weapons of the Spirit. Were they to take our house, Goods, honor, child, or spouse, Though life be wrenched away, They cannot win the day. The Kingdoms ours forever!

Peace in Christ, Nathan Beethe, Director of Parish Music LITTLE ROCK MARATHON March 3rd
The Little Rock Marathon will be held Sunday, March 3rd, beginning at 8:00 a.m. with the race route going past Grace. Both lanes of Lookout will be closed and one lane of Kavanaugh from downtown to Hillcrest will be closed. The best route to the church will be to go east on Lee to Beechwood, turn left on Beechwood going across Kavanaugh to Hillcrest. Turn left on Hillcrest and come to the church. Coming from the west on Cantrell, you can also take Kavanaugh to Hillcrest and very carefully turn left onto Hillcrest. Please proceed with care.

Pro Musica Sacra

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Rev. Stephen Rosebrock, Interim Kantor


ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Service Mason Andrews 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Bradley Stillman Ash Wednesday February 13th Acolyte Andrew Warren Crucifer Perryn Andrews Lenten Service February 20th Bailey Cannon Lenten Service February 27th Lily Woodyard USHERS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Robert Wilimzigs team Robert Jones, Robert Nichols, Paul Walter 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Tim Sweeneys team Shaun Baker, Ron Krueger, Greg Warren Ash Wednesday - Feb. 13th 7:00 p.m. Gary Goldsbys team Terry Bradshaw, Jim Marvin, Mark Peterson Lenten Service Feb. 20th 7:00 p.m. Roy Bullards team Roy Andrews, John Ketcher, Gary Proud GREETERS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Sally McNabb 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Larry, Faye & Bradley Stillman Ash Wednesday Feb. 13th Lori Bloom Lenten Services Feb. 20th Debbie Penny Feb. 27th Debbie Penny

Service of Evening Prayer

Sunday, February 17
7:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church 5124 Hillcrest Ave, Little Rock, AR 72205
Pro Musica Sacra is a choir of 14 male seminarians preparing for full-time service as pastors in The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod.

Concordia Seminary
801 Seminary Place St. Louis, MO 63105 314-505-7000

ALTAR GUILD SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Service Sandy Price and Pat Funk 10:45 a.m. Service Dawn Cline, Lucia Jones and Jon Cline
Wednesday Mid-Week Services - Suzanne Raddle and Wilma Richter

CANTORS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Service Paula Walter 10:45 a.m. Worship Service Jeff Ralston COMMUNION ASSISTANTS February 3rd 10:45 a.m. Service Ken Ross February 10th 8:15 a.m. Service Carter Stein February 17th 8:15 a.m. Service Raymond Harrill 10:45 a.m. Service Frank Royster
Ash Wednesday February 13th 7:00 p.m. Vicar David Witte


Richard and Anne McIntyre and children Hannah and Matthew are received as new members of our Grace congregation by Profession of Faith on Sunday, February 3rd. Please welcome the McIntyres to our Grace Family.


CONGRATULATIONS to Rev. Michael Middaugh as he was installed on January 13th as Pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church in Silver Spring, Maryland. Michael is the son of Randy and Riley Middaugh.

If you are unable to serve please ask someone to fill in for you and then call the church office.



Members of the Board of Church Properties will hold a brief meeting on Sunday, February 3rd, at 9:45 a.m. in the nursery to gather suggestions and comments on renovations to the nursery. The Grace Lutheran Church Voters Assembly has approved painting and flooring for the nursery and the board would like input from parents and other interested church members on the scope of the renovations. Andrea Faulkner is the boards point of contact for the nursery renovations.

OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Mrs. Martha Pils who passed away on January 17th. Marthas memorial service was at Grace on January 21st with Pastor Walter officiating. Her committal was at Oakwood Cemetery in Austin, Texas with the Rev. Sherman Stenson, St. Paul Lutheran Church in Austin officiating. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Pils family. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Dr. James Thomas McAllister, Jr. who passed away on January 20th. He is survived by his wife Mary Ellen McAllister. A graveside service was held at Pinecrest Memorial Park on January 24th with Pastor Walter officiating. Our thoughts and prayers are with the McAllister family. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Mrs. Doryse Martin who passed away on January 23rd in Tucson, Arizona. She is survived by her husband, Fred Al Martin and daughter Dr. Robbie Martin. Memorials may be given to the Grace General Endowment Fund and notes of condolence may be sent to Al Martin at 653 East Carondelet Drive, #434, Tucson, AZ 85710.

OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Mrs. Carol Zirbel who passed away on January 13th in Harrison Arkansas. Mrs. Zirbel is the wife of the Rev. Frank Zirbel, the aunt of Paula Walter and sister of the Rev. Paul Donner. Our thoughts and prayers are with Paula and all of her family. OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to Debbie and Joe Craig on the death of their brother-in-law Joe Eddy of Olive Branch, Mississippi on December 30. Our thoughts and prayers are with Debbie and Joe and their family. .


Volunteers Needed to Serve - Please take a minute and sign up for the Sunday on which you wish to serve. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board by the Parlor.

The schedule for February, 2013 is:

February 3rd _____________________________ Sally McNabb and Debbie Penny Grace Youth Group Ron and Russlynn Krueger and Zachary

FELLOWSHIP CLUB February 19th 12:00 noon Parker Hall

Plans are being made for another fun event!!!! Watch the Sunday bulletin for further details.

February 10th February 17th February 24th


Noon Devotions with Pastor is Thursday, February 14th, at 12:00 noon in Parker Hall. Bring a sandwich and join us as we share Gods love on Valentines Day with Bible study and fellowship. Drinks, chips, and dessert are provided. Bring a friend and join us this is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship!!

The schedule for March, 2013 is:

March 3rd March 10th March 17th March 24th March 31st _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________


Bring your project and join the Sit and Sew group on Tuesday, February 5th, at 12:00 noon in the downstairs classroom in the church. For details call Carole Nichols or Sammye Sue Harrill.

Thanks!! We appreciate your help!


The Grace Board of Evangelism encourages our continued support of the foster care program in the East Office of DCFS. Some of the items they need for the children coming into their office include: breakfast type foods (pop tarts, breakfast bars) peanut butter crackers microwaveable pasta meals diapers of various sizes toothpaste toothbrushes soap If you can help provide any of these items, please place them in the box for DCFS which is in the church breezeway. Thank you for your continued support!! If you have questions, please contact Abby Buchanan or Pat Funk. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND GOD'S BLESSINGS to February: Grace Family Members in the month of February: 3 - Bob Bryant, Matt Duncan 4 - Terry Eustice 5 - Robert Jones 6 - Mary Catherine Allen, Ralph Olsen 7 - Ame Andrews 8 - William Allaben II, Samuel Duncan, 8 - Austin Hill, Kurt Shrader 9 - John Tyler Lambert 10 - Carole Nichols, Matthew Faulkner 11 - Larry Sullivan 12 - Larry Jones, Mallory Stewart, Riley Wood, Tyson Wood 13 - Dalton Arnold, Brenda Parscale, Wendy Schmidt 14 - Harley Cannon 16 - Jesse Bischof, Aidan Sutterfield, Aaron Walter 17 - Noah Whitney, Scarlet Cook 18 - Hannah Mainard, Molly Beethe 19 - Michael Gipson, Sammye Sue Harrill 20 - Riley Middaugh 21 - Kay Jenkins, Wilma Richter 22 - Alex Roberts 24 - Annalia Buchanan, Robert Wilimzig 26 - Matthew Warren, Linnea Weed 27 - Frederick Lee Zweifel 28 - Stephen Douglas HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to these couples in February: 10 - Doris and Carroll Holzhauer 14 - Jackie and David Cossey, Carole and Robert Nichols 19 - Abby and Charlie Buchanan 21 - Sherry and Irvin Clawitter 25 - Russlynn and Ron Krueger, Nancy and Jim Wade
We apologize if we have missed your birthday or anniversary; please let us know in the church office so we can update our records. Thank you!!


LWML Evening Guild will have their annual White Elephant Sale on Thursday, February 21st, at 7:00 p.m. Bring an item that can be new or used and be sure to wrap it for the auction. We will decide where the proceeds go before the auction begins. This is always a fun evening and I encourage you to come!! All women and girls are invited. If you have any questions contact Judy Rivers or Pat Funk.


Our nursery, downstairs in the church, is also available to take care of the infants and toddlers during Sunday School/Bible Class time.

ECDC News & Notes

Almost February and another year rolls around. It was 13 years ago this month we moved into Parker Hall! What a wonderful facility it continues to be providing so many opportunities for our congregation, our little school, and our community! We are truly blessed!! Even with the changing times that require us to look closer at security our facilities serve us well. Over the next few months updates on changes and th renovations will be shared. First up January 30 we began keeping the ECDC entrance door locked at all times for the safety and security of our children and staff. This was the first phase and has been met with positive patience by our parents. Second hopefully coming soon - will be the installation of more secure entrance doors; and remote locks and keypad for access. As progress is made well keep you up to date. We pray that these measures are never tested, but thankful we have the resources to put them in place! February is all about valentines, ground hogs, dinosaurs, Presidents, shapes, and colors that seems like a lot for a short month, but we are all about being busy! And, of course, we will celebrate Valentines Day with pajama parties and dances! Our kids will be making Valentines Day cards for special friends in our church and the community so if you know someone who needs a littlepick-me-up, let me know and well make sure they get one of our special cards. Something new this year, we are officially celebrating Fat Tuesday with our very own Mardi Gras parade and festivities should be a hoot! Well also th have a Staff Development Day February 18 our focus this year Healthy School, Healthy Staff, & Healthy Children; and of course spending some time getting things spruced up for Spring. Jesus Time will find us learning of Gods love. In John 13:34 we find Jesus words love one another as I have loved you. He not only told usHe showed us in many ways! Well re-hear several of our favorite Bible stories. Zacchaeus who was a wee little man (and we are wee little people). Jesus cared enough for him to come to his house, and He cares for and comes into our hearts! (Luke 19:1-10). Well also learn the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25037) we all need to be reminded about being a good friend; and about some of Jesus miracles one of our favorites is Jesus feeding over 5,000 people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. As we wrap up the month the Lords Prayer will be our focus as we learn how Jesus taught us to pray. Oops Im out of room Just remember with God in our lives every day is filled with HIS LOVE thats better than any valentine! Gods continued blessings to each of you

ADULT BIBLE CLASS - Pastor Walters Bible Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Parker Hall. In February, Pastor will begin a study of The Augsburg Confession and Its Apology The Lutheran Confessions Series. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES for children ages 3 years through 6th grade are held in the lower level of the Family Life Center. The parents are invited to join us for the opening service at 9:45 each Sunday. If you have questions contact Colleen Moorman or Nathan Beethe. LCEF K.I.D.S. Saving Stamps are available from Ame Andrews during Sunday School opening time. JUNIOR YOUTH class meets at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday in their classroom downstairs in the church. Joel Junkans leads their study each Sunday. SENIOR YOUTH class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in their classroom downstairs in the church. Dave Roberts leads their study each Sunday. MENS BIBLE STUDY class meets each Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. at St. Vincent Hospital in the 4th floor conference room (off the main elevator). Pastor Walter leads this Bible Study. All men of Grace are encouraged to attend. TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS meets each Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the downstairs classroom in the church. Their study is based on the series Gods Word for Today on LUKE To All Nations. Contact Joan Ann Olsen for more information.




Greetings in Christ! We hope that you are having a great start to 2013. December was a wonderful and busy month for our family and for the Peru mission team. The children finished their school year and the team took part in many Christmas events and outreach activities. One event that our team organized was a Chocolatada for the children in La Victoria on December 22. Over 100 children attended with their parents. There were games, balloons, face painting, singing, a puppet show, and more - all done to reach the people and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition to our team, over 15 Peruvian volunteers helped make this day a huge success. It was a wonderful day! Please continue to keep our family and the Peru mission in your prayers: Praise God for the many children who signed up for English classes in La Victoria. Please continue to pray that we find a permanent location for the center, and pray that many people come to learn English and learn about their Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise God for the Memorial Lutheran, South Dakota team who is coming soon to help with the Los Olivos Vacation Bible Study. Pray for Roy, Elvis, and Julia as they prepare for this VBS. Praise God for the birth of Ruth Esmerelda in Los Olivos. Ruth was recently baptized. Praise God for Rosa who now has a position working with our team as she also continues her university studies. She will continue to lead the childrens ministry in San Borja as well as help with the Mercy Center in La Victoria. Pray for Bruce Wall and his family, who are now living in the United States. Pray for their transition back the states after serving as Latin America missionaries over the past few years. Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support. God's blessings to you as you serve our mighty God! In Christ, The Eisold Family

The Eisold Family loves to receive letters and notes of encouragement. Their address and important dates are below: La Familia Eisold Calle Matier 212 Departamento 402 San Borja, Lima 47 Peru Pastor Eisold and Sandis wedding anniversary is July 12 Pastor Eisolds birthday Sandis birthday Annalises birthday Eriks birthday August 24 May 18 June 22 April 4

To read more about the Mission in Peru, go to home page and click on the picture of the Eisold Family or to World Missions website View their blog at: Please continue to keep the Peru Mission Team and the Eisold family in your prayers.


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