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Friends of Long Rock Mexico Crossing 01.01.

.13 - Minutes Record of a meeting held at Beach Cottage, Long Rock 08:00pm Tue 01.01.13 to discuss the closure of the pedestrian crossing (Mexico Crossing) at the end of Beach Terrace. Present: 20 Long Rock residents and the Secretary of Ludgvan Parish Council (LPC), Richard Sergeant. Residents names and approximate years of residence: Tony Leeds - 45 Eleanor Nance - 53 Dick Thatcher 42 Barbara Stevens - 63 Pip Penney - 5 Richard Penney - 5 Peggy Tregoning - 29 Monica Richards - 55 Evelyn Thomas - 50 Carolyn Newton - 25 Jessica Robinson - 10 Dawn Benson - 35 Brian Monkton - 57 Roy Cleghorn - 30 Helen Eynon - 2 John Garratt - 2 John Stevens - 31 Nick Tregenza - 22 Rob Nance - 30

In total those present represent 591 years of residency in Long Rock. Rob Nance, Monica Richards and Dawn Benson visited over 250 households in Long Rock with a petition against closure and found overwhelming opposition to closure, with only 6 or 7 people doubtful or disagreeing. Cornwall Council (CC) plays a crucial role in this. Bert Biscoe, (holder of the Transportation and Highways portfolio in the CC cabinet) and Jeremy Edwards (Council highways staff) are key figures in this and should be kept informed, as should Andrew George, MP. Cornwall Councillor for Marazion, Sue Nicholas, is covering Ludgvan where the Councillor is unable to continue due to illness. Sue Nicholas sent her apologies to the meeting and expressed her willingness to keep in touch and represent the constituency. Network Rail has an agenda to close all pedestrian crossings irrespective of public opinion. It was agreed to form the Friends Of Long Rock Mexico Crossing to represent the opposition of Long Rock residents to any prolonged closure of the crossing and take appropriate action against any such closure. A committee was unanimously elected consisting of: Rob Nance (Chair) Nick Tregenza (Vice-Chair) Helen Eynon (Secretary) Peggy Tregoning Roy Cleghorn Julie Smart Dick Thatcher

FLRMC will not collect or hold funds and will not have a treasurer. It was provisionally agreed that a public meeting should be held at 07:00pm Thu 10.01.13 in the Long Rock Village Hall. The committee agreed to meet at 08:00pm on Thu 03.01.13.

Agreed 03.01.13

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