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TOPIC EXPERIMENT: BERNOULLI THEOREM PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES (PLO) Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to well defined civil engineering theories and procedures. 2. Use necessary skills and technique to conduct experiment and civil engineering practices 3. Communicate effectively both in written and spoken form with other collegue and community. 4. Provide effective solution to civil engineering problems. 5. Develop social responsibilities and humanistics values 6. Recognise the need and to engage in, lifelong learning and professional development. 7. Apply entrepreneurship skill for career development. 8. Adhere to professional codes of ethics to adapt in working environment. 9. Demonstrate effective leaderships skills and team work responsibilities. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO) Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:1. Explain clearly the fluid characteristics, fluid pressure and solve problems in flow of fluid using Bernoullis Equation(C4) 2. Apply principles to solve problems in laminar and turbulent flow and relation to Reynolds number, Darcys and Hagen-Poiseuille equation for problem solving (C3) 3. Apply appropriate knowledge in minor loss in pipe and uniform flow in open channel (C3) 4. Conduct correctly methods and procedures of hydraulics solution towards practical problems (P2) 5. Demonstrate positive team working attributes by contributing actively in group for laboratory tests that yield valid results (A3)

No. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Lab.Title Fluid Characteristics Bernoulli Theorem Reynolds Number Fluid Friction Test Uniform Flow

Teaching Method







LD 2 & LD 9

Learning Domain (LD):

Generic Student Attributes (GSA): GSA 1 Communications Skills GSA 2 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills GSA 3 Teamwork Skills GSA 4 Moral and Professional Ethics GSA 5 Leadership Skills GSA 6 Information Management Skills and Continuous Learning GSA 7 Entrepreneurship Skills LD 1 Knowledge LD 2 Practical Skills LD 3 Communicatio Skills LD 4 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills LD 5 Social Skills and Resposibilities LD 6 Continious Learning and Information Management Skills LD 7 Menagement and Entepreneurial Skills LD 8 Professioalism , Ethics and Moral LD 9 Leadership and Teamwork Skiils


: 2




: To investigate the validity of Bernoullis Theorem and Pressure measurements along venturi tube.


: Hydraulic bench Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration apparatus. Stop watch

Figure 1: Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration Apparatus

1. Assembly board 2. Single water pressure gauge 3. Discharge pipe 4. Outlet ball cock 5. Venturi tube with 6 measurement points 6. Compression gland 7. Probe for measuring overall pressure (can be moved axially) 8. Hose connection, water supply 9. Ball cock at water inlet 10. 6-fold water pressure gauge (pressure distribution in venture tube)

THEORY : The measured values are to be compared to Bernoullis equation. Bernoullis equation for constant head h:

P1 g

v1 2g

P2 g

v2 2g

const .

Allowance for friction losses and conversion of the pressures p1 and p2 into static pressure heads h1 and h2 yields:
h1 v12 2g h2
2 v2 2g


p1 = Pressure at cross-section A1 h1 = Pressure head at cross-section A1 v1 = Flow velocity at cross-section A1 p2 = Pressure at cross-section A2 h2 = Pressure head at cross-section A2

v2 = Flow velocity at cross-section A2 = Density of medium = constant for incompressible fluids such as water hv = Pressure loss head

The venturi tube used has 6 measurement points. The table below shows the standardised reference velocity v . This parameter is derived from the geometry of the venturi tube.

Point, i 1 2 3 4 5 6

A1 Ai
di (mm) 28.4 22.5 14.0 17.2 24.2 28.4

Multiplying the reference velocity values with a starting value, the student can calculate the theoretical velocity values vcalc at the 6 measuring points of the venturi tube.

At constant flow rate, the starting value for calculating the theoretical velocity is found as:

Q A1

The results for the calculated velocity, vcalc can be found in the table.

Calculation of dynamic pressure head:

hdyn htot 80 mm hstat

80 mm must be subtracted, as there is a zero-point difference of 80 mm between the pressure gauges.

The velocity, vmeas was calculated from the dynamic pressure




1. Arrange the experimentation set-up on the hydraulic bench such that the discharge routes the water into the channel. 2. Make hose connection between hydraulic bench and unit. 3. Open discharge of hydraulic bench. 4. Set cap nut of probe compression gland such that slight resistance is felt on moving probe. 5. Open inlet and outlet ball cock. 6. Close drain valve at bottom of single water pressure gauge. 7. Switch on pump and slowly open main cock of hydraulic bench. 8. Open vent valves on water pressure gauges. 9. Carefully close outlet cock until pressure gauges are flushed. 10. By simultaneously setting inlet and outlet cock, regulate water level in pressure gauges such that neither upper nor lower range limit is overshot or undershot. 11. Record pressures at all measurement points. Then move overall pressure probe to corresponding measurement level and note down overall pressure.

12. Determine volumetric flow rate. To do so, use stopwatch to establish time, t required for raising the level in the volumetric tank of the hydraulic bench from 20 to 30 liters. 13. Repeat above procedure.


h static (m) h total (m) h dynamic (m) Diameter, d (m) Area, A (m2) Velocity meas. (m/s) Velocity calc. (m/s)

V (m3)

t (s)

Q calc (m3/s)

FORMULA : Q = A.v Q calc = V / t h dynamic = h total 0.08 m h static

A = d2/4

V meas = 2ghdynamic

V calc = Q calc / A


i. ii.

Determine the dynamic pressure head, hdyn. Determine theoretical velocity head and measured velocity head at each tapping position. Illustrate the measured and theoretical velocity with plotting the graph of Flow Velocity, V against measurement point, i.


Plot the graph of pressure head, hstatic, htotal & hdyn against measuring point, i. What can you concluded from the graph?

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