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9, Coronet Castle,

16, Marwadi Thottam,

Mylapore, Chennai-600 004.
K.S. BALASUBRAMANIAN E-mail: sanskritkannan@yahoo.com


More than 2 decades of experience (since 1982) in:

 Conducting Sanskrit classes in both Domestic & International locations (U.S.A., U.K.,
Europe & other parts of Asia) at the Graduate and Post-Graduate levels.
 Guiding Post-Graduate Research Scholars.


M.A. Sanskrit – University of Madras

(I Rank – Gold Medallist)

Ph.D. Hatha Yoga, New Delhi. 1999

Research Topic: “Critical Study of Hatha Sanketha Candrika of Sundaradeva”, an
unpublished manuscript (belonging to 17th Century AD).

Ph.D. Yoga – University of Madras 2005

Research Topic: “Critical Study of the Yoga Yajnavalkya”

The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, from April 1985 – Till date
Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, India.

Joined as Research Assistant in 1983.

Deputy Director of the institute from 2001.
Asst. Director(Research)-Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation from April 2007-May 2008.

Books : More than 50 books jointly edited.

 Article: Many articles in leading Indological Journals

(Available by request)

 Reviews: Reviewed more than 50 books on Sanskrit Literature, Philosophy, Religion,

Yoga, etc. in Indological Journals / Magazines.

 Books: (To be published shortly)

1. Yoga Vedanta and Sahaj Marg (Vol.I)
2. Sivasamhita (Yoga) with English translation & notes.
3. Nandikesvra Kasika (Saivism) with English translation & notes
4. Yoga Upanisads (20 Texts) with English translation.
5. Yoga Pada of Siddhantasaravali (Saiva Agamic Text)
6. Critical edition and study of Hatha Sanketacandrka of Sundaradeva an unpublished
7. Encyclopedia of Yoga
8. Encyclopedia of Sanskrit Numerals


Member – Editorial Board for all the publications of:

 The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute from 1985. (50 books and Journal of Oriental
 Samskrita Ranga, Chennai
 Samskrita Academy, Chennai
 Edited (jointly) from unpublished manuscript of ancient Sanskrit drama and Saiva
Agama texts.
 Recently ( 2006) edited ( jointly) with English translation and notes, Darsanopanisad,
pub. By The K.S.R.I.Chennai.


 Won several prizes in Inter-School / Inter-Collegiate competitions, especially in Sanskrit.

 Awarded Gold Medal for best performance in Studies, Hinduism and Social work by
R.K.M. Vivekananda College, Mylapore, Chennai. 1982.
 Awarded Gold Medal for scoring I Rank in M.A. (Sanskrit) by University of Madras


 Participated in several National and International conferences / seminars like

International Yoga Festival (special speaker), Pondicherry, University of Madras,
Pondicherry University and so on.
 International conference held at:
1. Switzerland at Lusanne, Berne, Geneva. (2002)
2. Paris, France (2003)
3. Singapore and Malaysia –2007
 Italy—International Conference organized by Torino Spiritualita, Sept.2008.

 Deputy Director, The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Mylapore, Chennai ,India.
 ( till March 2007)
Asst. Director, Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, Chennai, (Apr.07-May 08
 Honorary Director (Research): Sahaj Marg Research and Training Institute (SMRTI), a
research wing of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, a worldwide Spiritual Organization.

 External Examiner for M.Phil (Sanskrit), Bharatidasan University. Question paper setter
for Bharatidasan University for UG (Sanskrit)
 Member Doctoral Committee( Sanskrit) Univ. of Madras.


To read, write & speak: Tamil, English and Sanskrit


1. Pujyasri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachariji, President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission,

International Head Quarters, Manapakkam, Chennai – 600 116.
2. Dr. Georg Feurstein, Founder of YERC, California, presently Traditional Yoga Studies,
3. Porf. Dr. T.N. Ganapathy, Director, Yoga Siddha Research Center, (Author of ‘The
Yoga of Siddha Boganathar’), Chennai

Date of Birth : 16th Feb 1959
Gender : Male
Office Address :
The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute,
84, Thiru Vi Ka Road,
Chennai-600 004.

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