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DIGITALIZING TV Theoretical Issues and Comparative Studies across Europe Fausto Colombo Nicoletta Vittadini (eds.

) 2006 Milano Vita e Pensiero Largo A. Gemelli Tecnological Innovation and Media Complexity DTT in the Light of a New Theoretical Prospect Fausto Colombo str. 25 DTT must be considered as only one of the elements in the broader digital television range, which includes cable TV and via ADSL, satellite TV, web TV and, finally, digital terrestrial. A description of the DTT phenomenom must therefore be included within a broader description of digital TV and its spread. Moreover, the technology used is not everything when it comes to describing television as a medium. As Raymond Williams (1974) already observed /.../ a cultural form binds itself to this technology; /.../ a social mechanism of production, exchange and reception of contents that on the one hand makes use of technology and on the other shapes it to its own image. str. 26 ugotovitve, ki se nanaajo na situacijo v Italiji ... the development of television is typical of a mature medium that has tackled the challenge of technological innovation and the confrontation with other media competing for the user's time as from the 1990. The defensive phase has now ceded to a process of complex convergence which /.../ with digital terrestrial, may enable TV to increase its interactivity and supply a series of services that were formally the prerogative of the web; ... analogical TV is set to become a technosaur, to borrow Nosengo's felicitous term (Nosengo, 2003) /.../ Vice versa, digital TV in its various forms, appears a technology that is still young and highly diversified. str. 27 redefinicija TV kot medija? - digitalizacija je uvedla razliko med medijem (each of which presupposes a way of programming and organising given content for a given model of use) in komunikacijsko tehnologijo (the single platforms that support these media in technological terms) ... str. 28

/.../ we have every medium supported by more than one platform; TV today is analogical terrestrial, digital and also usable via the internet or mobile phone. At the same time we have platforms (such as internet) that support several media (in the case of internet not just the web, but also TV, radio, telephony, newspapers, cinema, music and so on). ... preide na hospitality offered to TV content by the web as a medium ... internet kot platforma in metamedij ... /.../ we can say that, on the one hand internet today is a platform that enables the circulation of different media-based products, and on the other hand the web appears as a metamedium supplied in part by a specific feature, and in part by cross-fertilisation with traditional media. str. 29 /.../ the technolgical platform does not define the medium ... str. 30 Razvije model medija, ki ga v danem zgodovinskem trenutku obdajajo razline socialne dimenzije ... ta medij je oblikovan s strani teh dimenzij, prav tako pa vpliva na socialne dimenzije ...

- tehnoloka dimenzija ... low interactivity ... DTT lahko omogoi nekoliko komplexneji teletext ... gre za kvati internet platformo nove tehnologije - ekonomska dimenzija ... poslovni model ... gre za a) ekstenzijo klasinega poslovnega modela terestrialne analogne televizije ... (ki bazira na naronini in oglaevalskih prihodkih), hkrati pa b) ponuja dodatne storitve (prodaja izdelkov, pay per view) ... kot takna DTT konkurira satelitski ponudbi - institucionalna dimenzija ... znotraj te se pojavi vpraanje zasebnosti (poznavanje preferenc uporabnikov, njihovih nakupovalnih navad itd.) ter vpraanje vsebin in njihove uporabnosti - kulturna dimenzija ... ali gre za participativni model, ki omogoa potencialno horizintalno komunikacijo ali pa gre ponovno za broadcasting model, ki temelji na 2

navpini transmisiji informacij, tako imenovani top-down model? ... in e ve ... ali DTT v tako imenovanem procesu industrializacije kulture (Bustamante 2005) predstavlja sredstvo za organizacijo produkcije vsebin na podoben nain, kot smo ga poznali do sedaj (koncentracija vsebin in anrov) ali pa ponuja ve monosti organiziranja produkcije (svobodneji dostop, niji stroki) in posledino kroenje vsebin med diferenciranimi obinstvi namesto znoraj enega samega mnoinega obinstva? str. 33 TV je danes komplexen multimedij. Literatura: - Raymond Williams, Television, Technology and Cultural Form, 1974. - N. Nosengo, L'estinzione dei technosauri. Storie di technologie che non ce l'hanno fatta, 2003. - E. Bustamante, Cultural Industries in the Digital Age: Some Provisional Conclusions, in Media, Culture and Society, 2004. Public Service Communications in the Digital Era Communicative Democracy, Pluralism and the Politics of Presence Georgina Born str. 37 ... radikalna transformacija tehnolokih, ekonomskih, politinih, drubenih in kulturnih okoliin, v katerih se je rodil javni servis, posledino vodi v transformacijo javnega servisa ... propad ideje javnega servisa gre z roko v roki s propadom ideje nacionalne kulture ... ... sodobne drube vse bolj institucionalizirajo individualizem ... po drugi strani si Evropa prizadeva zgraditi skupnost vseh skupnosti, ki presega nacionalne meje ... Evropa se, tako Ulrich Beck, kozmopolitizira ... str. 38 ... Evropa postaja kulturno vse bolj pluralistina in heterogena ... ... Green Paper ... 2005 ... o prihodnosti BBC-ja str. 39 ... treba bo preoblikovati teorijo o demokraciji v lui demokratine politike razlinosti 3

Preide na diskurz politikov o digitalizaciji in javnih servisih str. 40 A key issue is whether market and the technological changes imply that PBS should be confined to market failure provision in which it supplies only those services or content that commercial actors tend to under-supply. Posledino doloeni politiki zagovarjajo ukinitev splone naronine in uvedbo individualnih naronin. Kot dobro stran digitalizacije ti politiki navajajo vejo izbiro kupca ter interaktivnost. Tretji aspekt digitalizacije, o kateri se govori, je premoanje digitalnega razkoraka. Digitalna televizija naj bi omogoila vejo participacijo v informacijski drubi. So pa politiki kaj kmalu ugotovili, da druba ni razvila znanj, ki bi ji v celoti omogoala izkoristiti informacijska omreja, ki jih je zgradila. Prav tako so v GB zaeli poudarjati, da mora BBC zaeti vzpodbujati grass-roots drubena podjetja in lokalno kreiranje vsebin. str. 42 Potem se loti akademskega diskurza o digitalizaciji - Habermas ... on uvede dvonivojski model, in which the informal networks of opinion formation of the public sphere and the formal deliberations of political institutions are portrayed as complementary democratic mechanisms. PBS kot imperfect embodiment of the public sphere ideal ... centralna vloga medijev v deliberativni demokraciji ... potencial interneta v lui javne sfere ... v asu globalizacije ter poveane migracije komunikacijski prostori, ki jih ponuja internet, za razliko od starih medijev, ki so bili geopolitino omejeni, predstavljajo prilonost za alternativna socialna gibanja, robne politine stranke ... ogramna sposobnost mobilizacije disperziranih enot v kolektivno akcijo ... - Stephen Coleman ... internet je kritino sredstvo za oivitev demokracije s pomojo tevilnih interaktivnih kanalov, ki jih ponuja in skozi katere se lahko vzpostavi politina mobilizacija mnoic, drubena odgovornost vlade in politina posvetovanja ter debata o javnih vpraanjih ... - John Keane ... PBS is in decay, suffering from self-commercialisation and a long-term crisis of legitimacy. /.../ the ideal of a unified public sphere and its corresponding vision of territorially-bounded republic of citizens ... are obsolete. Loi med micro, meso in macro public spheres ... meso predstavljajo tradicionalni nacionalni mediji tisk in televizija ter radio, ki nacionalno politiko urejajo na ravno drave; micro povezujejo nova drubena gibanja z novim medijev; macro se rojevajo kot posledica rasti globalnih komercialnih medijev ter interneta... Povzetek: Academic debate on multichannel television exhibits a remarkably similar logic: 4

writers either advocate the PBS model in which television is seen as promulgating a unified public sphere, or they welcome the demise of PBS, linking it to the rise of digital and narrowcast media which allow for the articulation of new identities and politics and the growth of plural public spheres. Paddy Scannel develops his case around a series of binary terms. Broadcasting is equated with the free dissemination of a universal public good and the creation of a 'general public', an inclusive public sphere that is, with mass democracy which 'grants formal political equality to all and is blind to difference'. Against this he poses narrowcast and digital media, which he aligns with commercialisation, an individualistic consumer address, the personalization of experience, and which offer 'technologies of self-expression'. Equating the survival of PBS with broadcasting per se, Scannel warns that 'it remains an indespensable guarantor of open, democratic forms of public life', and that the expansion of digital media, if accompanied by the attenuation of broadcasting, may have catastrophic consequences for democracy. John Hartley, in contrast, /.../ celebrates the development of 'post-broadcast' forms of television, which he links to the audiences organized around choice, affinity and decentralised media production, and in particular to the 'trail-blazing' indigenous media sector which over decades, and with increasing intensity, has engaged in narrating an alternative account of nationhood (on je izhajal iz Avstralije in Aboriginov) that is with the creation of an indigenous public sphere. Str. 54 Njej se zdi, da v sodobni drubi PBS igra kljuno vlogo v 'fosterinf the processes of social and cultural developments that underlie the general condition of citizenship.' Str. 56 Alternativa 'unitary public culture' je extremna segmentacija, ki je znailna za komercialne medije v ZDA, kjer logika segmentacije vodi v preferiranje vrednosti razlik nad vrednostjo 'of commonality'. Nato se loti postavljanja temeljev za Pluralistic Public Service Comminications str. 57 /.../ the exploitation of digital media for pluralist ends must be supplemented by the continuation of comprehensive or 'universal' channels. Literatura: - U. Beck, Cosmopolitan Europe, Lecture delivered at the London School of Economics, (January), 2003. - J. Habermas, Three Normative Models of Democracy, in S. Benhabib (ed.), Democracy and Difference, 1996. - S. Coleman, From Service to Commons: Reinventing a space for Public 5

Communication, 2004. - J. Hartley, Television, Nation and Indigenous Media, 2004. - J. Keane, Structural Transformations of the Public Sphere, 1995. - P. Scannel, The Meaning of Broadcasting in the Digital Era, 2005. Digital Interactive Television: New Audiences for an Old Medium? Charo Sadaba Str. 70 ... njegov point je, da se je televizija skozi svojo zgodovino ves as spreminjala ...zakaj pa so spremembe, ki jih televizija doivlja z uvedbo digitalnega elementa vredne posebne pozornosti: - this change supposes that television gets out of the box ... television consumption is not related to a physical place, as the home, as viewers could watch their favourites shows via mobile devices from other places; - as the pull strategy to access content is gaining power over the traditional pushing of content to the viewers, digital television also could end with the unique television viewership experience: every viewer could have a really different content, adjusted to his personal needs or wishes ... .. posledino se bo spremenilo tudi obinstvo ... predvsem bo imelo v rokah ve moi str. 72 - term prosumer meaning fusion of producer and consumer ... nov odnos med konzumentom in vsebino ... zdaj se konzument sam odloa kaj bo gledal kdaj ... - term viewser fusion of television viewer and computer user ... 1999 prvi uporabijo ... gre za aktivno izkunjo ... - Viewsers not only decide about timing issues, as the prosumers, but also about content. They can play with content, participate in contests, or personalize the kind of information they want to receive. According to Jagodzinski, viewser is the same that telewebber and both terms describe to those who multitask, simultaneously e-mailing, instant messaging, surfing the Web, talking on cell phone, watching TV while doing their homework. str. 73 Prosumers, viewsers, telewebbers are useful tools to understand the new role that this everyday more fragmented audience is claiming in front of the television. Literatura: - J. Jagodzinski, Youth fantasies: the perverse landscape of the media, 2004. 6

Television Internet Strategies Gustavo Cardoso, Rita Espanha str. 137 - ... we argue that initial technological difficulties faced by TV's on providing broadcast on broadband to internet users was a major driving force on defining the evolution of television strategies on the internet, that is how television channels interact with internet users on the web str. 138 - ... TV producers ... seem to be experimenting new kinds of linking between television viewing and browsing on the internet ... networking of the experience of sharing the condition of being at the same time a viewer of TV and a user of internet ... str. 139 - Cardoso: new technologies promote communication in hkrati nove modele socialne in ekonomske organizacije, ustvarjajo nova obinstva in nove uporabnike, ki posedujejo nov jezik, nove vsebine in omogoajo nova znanja - Castells: technologies allow new ways of organizing production, of accessing knowledge, new economic principles and new forms of culture ... they lead us to manage the time and the space of our relationship networks differently, between companies, between friends, between the state and citizens, or between the nations .... - Livingstone: new media introduce new audiences through changes in the social approppriation processesand the dissemination of technologies str. 140 - Internet's share in this new media system is growing ... ker je hkrati medij mnoine komunikacije in medij interpersonalne komunikacije in se tako kontruira kot centralni element novega medijskega sistema ... - televizije naj bi najprej posegle po t.i. catch all portal modelu, ki ga opieta Tettamanzi in Montis (2000) ker so vedno stremele k temu, da doseejo im veje obinstvo ... vse do leta 2001 (od 1995) se je zdelo, da ta model za televizije deluje ... postopoma z rastjo in razvojem interneta pa se je izkazalo, da ta model ni zagotovil enakih pogojev, ki so televiziji omogoili iroka obinstva in posledino oglaevalski denar ... nekateri so krivili napane oglaevalske strategije, drugi so neuspeh povezovali s t.i. internetnim balonom ... kakorkoli, postopoma se je razvilo 6 razlinih modelov prenosa televizije na internet, ki so se izkazali za uspene

str. 141 Modeli: - internet news predominant informational function; strong identity, customary to online newsrooms. Competing to achieve online the same status possessed by television information BBCNews, - in-depth news complements the information broadcasted on television channels. Further explores the themes handled on information blocks or introduces new areas SIC (Portugal), France 2 - enchanced EPG Promotion of entertainment shows, leads web surfers to watch their entertainment shows on television. To explore a cult dimension, which leaves a very small part of news on the site's role Canale 5 (Italy) - TV content portal allow the user to choose what will best serve his interests within the available archive. Appeal to consultation of what's specifically produced for the online media. RAI - TV institutional portal essentially institutional portal. Institutional information regarding their channel programmes. TVE (Spain) - Networked interactivity create interactivity with their own television shows during regular broadcast; interactivity means news, chats, entertainment; mix of different technologies (SMS, teletex, internet, banners, chat, television) - mone storitve: game center, dostop do blogov, dostop do mailov, forumi, chati, shopping. str. 180 Kako se je TV spremenila s prihodom interneta Internet lahko pomaga pri razvoju t.i. networked television interacting with several other media, interpersonal or mass media, and diversified contens str. 181 - odkar ljudje uporabljajo internet, manj ur gledajo TV globalno - podatki, ki so jih predstavili, potrjujejo vse vejo pomembnost interneta, ki pa ni povezana z izginotjem tradicionalnih medijev ampak with their networking organization, creating the necessary bridges between old and new media, and transforming interpersonal communication system into mass communication system ... speed, mobility, portability contribute to alternation of individual's everyday practices, for they are present in cell phones, portable computers, broadband, wireless systems ... access to internet and digital technologies je dematerializirajo, sproa revolucijo podobno tisti, ki jo je sproil mobilni telefon v oralni komunikaciji ... preplet razlinih sredstev komunikacije, ki ga ima sedaj posameznik na domu, nomadizira, postaja permanentna anywhere just in time, povezana z naimi telesi kjerkoli, ne samo na mestih, kjer je postavljen kabel ...nove komunikacijske praxe, novi medijska konzumpcija in sociabilnost so 8

pripravljeni, da gredo na brezino, pri emer spreminjajo drubo kot celoto .... internet je v roke posamezniki poloil najmoneje orodje samoizraanja in diseminacije kadar koli ... Literatura: - G. Cardoso, Novos Media, Novas Politicas? Debater a Sociedade de Informacao, 2002. - M. Castells, Internet Gallaxy, 2004. - S. Livingstone, New media, new audiences?, 1999.

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