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PakistanUnited States relations

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Pakistan-United States relations


United States

Circular diagram showing 96% of U.S. funding to Pakistan in military efforts and 1% in development efforts.

The United StatesPakistan relations refers to the international, historical, and cultural bilateral relationship between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the United States of America. Roughly two months of its establishment after the departure of the subcontinent by Great Britain, the United States established relations with the Pakistan on 20 October 1947. The United States has credible distinction of being among the very first nations to have established relations with Pakistan in late 1940s, but since then, the relationships has been based primarily on extensive economic, scientific, and military [1] assistance to Pakistan. Allying with the United States during the Cold war against Soviet Union, Pakistan was an integral in CENTO and SEATO both alliances opposed the Soviet Union andCommunism. Relations were soured in 1970s with the democratic government which was in power. However, the closely coordinated military cooperation deepened in 1980s against Soviet expansion in Central Asia. After the disintegration of USSR, and Pakistan's subsequent return to democracy, the relations once again became cold with the U.S. imposing economic embargo on Pakistan during the most of 1990s. At present,

Pakistan is designated as a Major non-NATO ally of the United States, which is the second-largest supplier of military [2][3][4] equipment to Pakistan after China, and largest economic aid contributor as well. Since 2011, the intensive criticisms and allegations on each other based on their strategies in the War on Terror lowered the relations. Furthermore, the Lahore incident and the black operation in the country which killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, followed by the Salala incident, the relations between two countries were severely damaged, and was also a crucial point in the history of bilateral relations of both countries.

1 Relations with Superpower during Cold war

o o o

1.1 Democratic governments (1947-1958) 1.2 Military dictatorship (19601969) 1.3 Military dictatorship (19691971)

o o

1.3.1 Pakistan's role in U.S.-China relations 1.3.2 Role in Indo-Pakistani war of 1971

1.4 Democratic government (1971-1977) 1.5 Military dictatorship (19771988)

2 Relations after the Cold war: 1998-1999

2.1 Democratic governments (19881998)

2.1.1 Rift in relations 2.1.2 Economic embargo

2.2 Cold war legacies and trade sanctions

2.2.1 CENTO and SEATO 2.2.2 Trade embargo

3 Military science programmes

3.1 Pakistan and atomic weapons

3.1.1 Nonproliferation and security

3.2 Space programme

4 Relations since 2001

o o o o

4.1 Alliance with United States 4.2 Aid from the United States since 9/11 4.3 Trust deficits issues 4.4 Border engagement and skirmishes

5 Afghan war factor in PakistanUnited States relations

o o o

5.1 2009: U.S. military and economic aid 5.2 2010: Coalition partnership issues 5.3 2011: American accusations and attacks in Pakistan

5.3.1 Collapse of alliance and death of Osama bin Laden

5.4 201213: American sentiment against Pakistan

6 Military aid from the United States

7 Cultural influence 8 External links 9 References


with Superpower during Cold war

Main article: Cold war [edit]Democratic

governments (1947-1958)

Main articles: Indian integration of Junagadh, Indo-Pakistani War of 1947, Indian-held Kashmir, Operation Polo, and PakistanPoland relations Main article: Soviet Union-Pakistan relations

Prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan meeting President Truman (during the 1950s when Pakistani Prime minister made a good will tour in the U.S.). [5]

After Pakistan's independence by the partitioning of the British Indian Empire, Pakistan was founded while struggling with problems involving the national economy, national security, and Soviet influence on Afghanistan and Iran, forced Pakistan's [6] first prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan to cement a pro-Westernand pro-American policy. In 1949, the Soviet Union directed a farewell message to Prime minister Ali Khan, followed by the U.S. invitation in 1950. The proposal was under consideration when Pakistan's geostrategists, military policy makers, logisiticians and foreign service officers raised great questions whether [7] or not the Soviet Union could provide the military, technical, and economic aid that the country needed so urgently. One key common denominator was at the home front, when the Communist party had gained the considerable support in East Pakistan and the Socialist party in West Pakistan, in which the Muslim League had failed to take active measures against [6] socialists in the West and communists in the East. Prime Minister Ali Khan made a tireless effort to establish relations with [7] the Soviet Union, repeatedly asking Joseph Stalin for military aid, but all attempts were rebuffed by the Soviets. According to the PIIA, the religious background of Pakistan and the atheist background of the Soviet Union had created a major divergence [6] after Pakistan noted subservience which was forced upon the allies of the Soviet Union. After a long debate, Prime Minister Ali Khan decided to pay his first visit to the United States, while holding the Soviet invitation which was met with great hostility from the Soviet Union, and the harsh criticism by the socialists and communists to Ali Khan and his government. The President of the United States Harry Truman and the U.S. itself were well aware of strategic [8] importance of Pakistan, but did not have any concrete plans. The U.S. continued its civilian aid to the country through the United States Ambassador to Pakistan, Paul Allin. It was not until 1950 when the military aid was begun with new [8] ambassador Avra M. Warren taking office. In 1950-53, a flurry of Pakistan's state delegation paid visit to the U.S., initially seeking military aid rather than civilian. Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan, Huseyn Suhravardie, Army commanderAyub Khan, Foreign Minister Sir Zafrullah Khan, Foreign Secretary Ikram-ullah Khan, Finance Minister Ghulam Muhammad, Defense Secretary Sikander Mirza, and special envoy Mir Laiq Ali made U.S visits with the main intention of getting military aid. Controversially, there was neither an organized, [8] coordinated, nor institutional effort nor any attempt made to study the U.S. decision-making process to achieve the goal. The U.S. government officials were smart enough to understand and to very quickly grasp the mediocre leadership of [8] Pakistan. The U.S. government would use the country to their maximum regional and strategic goals and interests. When the

true nature of U.S. ambition exposed to Prime minister Ali Khan, the prime minister deliberately attempted to warm the relations with theSoviet Union and the Soviet bloc, while warning the U.S. that "[Pakistan] has annexed half of Kashmir without [9] [A]merican support.... And would be able to take the other half too". Ali Khan's sudden shift and aggressive mood was a [9] "bombshell" for President Truman's presidency and for the U.S. foreign policy. In 1950, President Truman requested Prime minister Ali Khan to provide a military base to Central Intelligence Agency to keep an eye on Soviet Union, which Ali Khan hesitated and later refused, prompting the U.S. to began the planning to assassinate Ali Khan to remove him from the country's [9] politics once and for all. However, there are no official evidence to support, marking the big question on Ali Khan's [9] assassination. The Indian government followed a different, non-aligned policy stance, which leaned closer to the Soviet Union rather than the United States of America. Pakistan was seeking strong alliances to counter its neighbor, India. At this time, India was neutral and went on to be a part of Non Aligned Movement.

In 1972, Zulfi Bhutto gifted the thoughtful and unique carved ivory set of chess to the United States, handed over to President Gerald Ford.

In 1953, United States assessed Pakistan as "a volunteer army of 3,000,000... It is not neutral but an anti-communist... As a possible ally for US, Pakistan displays a tempting picture of power potential and actual. The Pakistan Armed Forces were [8] extremely well-disciplined, professional, well trained armed forces whose morale and bravery are unquestionable. According to Hamid Hussain, Pakistan has became comical in 1955-56, and the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles while arguing for wheat aid to Pakistan in 1953, told the sub-committee on Agriculture and Forestryduring hearings that, "the [p]eople of Pakistan had a splendid military tradition and that in Karachi he had been met by a guard of honour which was the "finest" he [8] had ever seen". Apparently, Dulles did not tell the agriculture department what on earth the wheat aid has to do with the military. After the signing of first mutual defence treaty in May 1954, large-scale interaction between U.S. and Pakistani military started, with hundreds of officers began to sent to U.S. on routine and regular basis, getting trained shoulder-to-shoulders [8] with U.S. military. A U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) was established in Army Headquarters in Rawalpindi, [8] although the MAAG was divided into groups depending on their role. According to Colonel Jordan of CIA, the officers of Pakistan Armed Forces were not only trained in military ethics but also to groom them for non-military activities such as [8] leadership, management, economics. The U.S. had no interests to enhance relations with the political leadership, but was [8] rather hostile towards the civilians. In 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower kindly requested Prime minister Suhravardie to lease a military base, Peshawar Air Station (PAS), to make preparations for spy operations and to coordinate secret signal [8] intelligence flights to gain intelligence on Soviet Union's intercontinental ballistic missiles. The request was granted and the [8] U.S. opened the station with building an airstrip, command and control station and air force base near by. This base was kept in secret, the highest Pakistani government officials, including the military personnel, could not enter, and in 1959, U.S. denied [8] the request of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto when he tried to visit the facility. The U.S. interest in Pakistan grew after realizing the importance of Pakistan Armed Forces, which was seen as potential partners against the communism, not the political leadership. That is why, when Prime minister Huseyn Suhravardie made a [8] frequent trip to U.S., the importance was not given to him but his Army commander Ayub Khan. Furthermore, the relations gradually went down with people-elected president Iskander Mirza, leading to military coup against him in 1958. After successfully leading the military coup d'tat in 1958, Ayub Khan quickly visit the U.S., stressing that armed forces are the [8] strongest element.

Ayub Khan and U.S. were completely convinced that the left wing intellectuals will come to power which will not only [8] destabilize Pakistan but will affect U.S. strategic interest. To United States, the military alliance with Ayub Khan was to ensure a provide safeguard to U.S. interests in Southwest Asia and Middle East and not against India. The secret Establishment too saw the relationship as a short cut to modernization of its armed forces but failed to comprehend [8] long-term strategic interest of Pakistan. [edit]Military

dictatorship (19601969)

Main articles: CIA activities in Pakistan, Peshawar Air Station, 1960 U-2 incident, and Indo-Pakistani war of 1965

Jacquelyn Kennedy visiting Pakistan in 1962

Pakistan joined the US-led military alliances SEATO and CENTO. In 1954 the United States signed a Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement with Pakistan. Under Ayub Khan, Pakistan enjoyed a strong and healthy relationship with the United States. Pakistan had aligned itself with the United States during the Cold War, rather than with the Soviet Union. Khan's government also provided a secret military base to United States. The 1960s era was perhaps most enjoyable and fond relationships enjoyed both by the United States and Pakistan. This 1960s era, Pakistan and her people were the most proAmerican nation where the U.S. image was more positive than any other nation at that time. In 1961, Khan paid a state visit to the United States, accompanied by his daughter Begum Nasir Akhtar Aurangzeb. Highlights of the trip included a state dinner [10] at Mount Vernon, a visit to the Islamic Center of Washington, and a ticker tape parade in New York City. In 1954, Ayub Khan had famously told Brigadier-General Henry A. Byroade and the United States that "I didnt come here to [8] look at barracks. Our army can be your army if you want us. But lets make a decision". In 1960, Ayub Khan gave approval to U.S. to fly a spy mission to Soviet Union, knowing the aftermath of the mission, Ayub Khan was fully aware of the [8] [8] operation. On May 1960, the U-2 incident took place, capturing its pilot Gary Powers was captured. The CIA notified Ayub Khan of the incident when he was in London for a state visit, he shrugged his shoulders and said that he had expected this [8] would happen at some point. According the General Khalid Mahmud Arif, this incident "severely compromised Pakistan [8] security" and brought the Soviet ire on Pakistan. "Pakistan felt deceived because the US had kept her in the dark about such [8] clandestine spy operations launched from Pakistans territory", quoted by General Arif. The United States military aide was only concentrated in West-Pakistan, and the economical benefits enjoyed by West [8] Pakistan, not the East. The Anti-Americanism and democracy tendency was great and was stronger in East-Pakistan, [8] the East-Pakistan parliament signed a statement, denouncing the military pact and aide with United States. The United States refrained to provide the military training of the East Pakistan Army and the East Pakistan Rifles, troops stationed [8] at Kashmir province did not receive any training but was managed by Pakistan itself.

President Ayub Khan and Jaqueline Kennedy with Sardar, a Seal brown horse gifted by Khan to Jackie Kennedy, 1962.

The economical aide to Pakistan was increased by the United States through the consortium companies. Booming economy had brought Pakistan a prestige and the success of capitalism system in an underdeveloped country was widely [11] appreciated. But this was short lived, when Ayub Khan launched the Operation Gibraltar against India, leading India to [11] declare full-scale war with West-Pakistan. Many civil bureaucrats, notably Sartaj Aziz noted that the war with India was an ill-considered decision and its aftermath that [11] was uncontrollable by Ayub Khan. The economy and foreign policy requirements are not fully consistent, in fact they were [11] rapidly falling out of line after the operations were launched. The United States placed embargo on Pakistan, both military [11] and economical, that led the collapse of Pakistan's economy. The war with India cost Pakistan an economical price, when Pakistan lost lost the half a billion dollars it had coming from the [11] Consortium for Pakistan through the United States. Ayub Khan could not suffer the aftermath and fall from the presidency [11] after surrendering the presidential power of Army Commander General Yahya Khan in 1969. Escalating the further crises, the country was floundered, losing East-Pakistan after India was again attacked by Pakistan six years later, with the economy [11] in great jeopardy without United States' assistance. [edit]Military


dictatorship (19691971)

See also: Bangladesh Liberation War, Yahya Khan, Indo-Pakistani war of 1971, 1972 Nixon visit to China, Sino-American relations, and State-sponsored terrorism#India Pakistan was perceived in the United States as an integral bulwark against Communism in the Cold War. The United States [12] cautiously supported Pakistan during the 1971 war although congress kept in place an arms embargo. With the Soviet Union already covertly engaged in neighboring Afghanistan, the Nixon administration used Pakistan to try to [citation needed] deter further Soviet encroachment in the region. [edit]Pakistan's role in U.S.-China relations In 1971, Pakistan helped the United States to make preparations for the President Richard Nixon for his historical visit to Peoples' Republic of China (PRC). President Nixon and Henry Kissinger used Pakistan's relationship with China to start secret contacts with China, which resulted with Henry Kissingers secret visit to China in July 1971 while visiting Pakistan. [edit]Role in Indo-Pakistani war of 1971

President of Pakistan Yahya Khan with United States President Richard Nixon, 1970.

Nixon relayed messages to Yahya, urging him to restrain Pakistani forces. His objective was to prevent a war and safeguard Pakistan's interests, though he feared an Indian invasion of West Pakistan that would lead to Indian domination of the sub[14] continent and strengthen the position of the Soviet Union. Similarly, Yahya Khan feared that an independent Bangladesh could lead to the disintegration of Pakistan. Indian military support for Bengali guerillas led to war between India and [15] Pakistan. The United States was secretly encouraging the shipment of military equipment from Iran, Turkey, and Jordan to Pakistan, [16] [17] reimbursing those countries despite Congressional objections. The U.S. used the threat of an aid cut-off to force Pakistan to back down, while its continued military aid to Islamabad prevented India from launching incursions deeper into the country. Near the end of the war and fearing Pakistan's defeat by the joint forces of Mukti Bahiniand Indian forces, Nixon ordered [18] the USS Enterprise into the Indian Ocean, although it was never used for actual combat fearing Russian response. Pakistan [19] also felt the US arms embargo affected Pakistan more than it affected India.


The United States deployed the Task Force-74 of the United States Seventh Fleet, when it became apparent that Pakistan was losing the war. At the height of Vietnam war, the Enterprise led the Task Force-74 and was seen as a Show of force by the [19] United States in support of the beleaguered WestPakistan Armed Forces. The Task Force-74 was forced to withdrew [18] with Soviet Union dispatch a large fleet to support India, as well as nuclear submarines armed with nuclear missiles. Declassified CIA intelligence documents stated that "India intended to dismember Pakistan and destroy its armed forces, a possible loss of U.S. ally in the Cold war that United States cannot afford to lose. Nixon termed India as "Soviet stooge" before [20] ordering the Enterprise to lead the Task Force-74. In an assessment completed by U.S., India, with full-backing of Soviet [20] Union, can tackle [Pakistan] without anybody doing anything. Nixon sent a strong message to Soviet Union urging Russians to stop India from dismembering and disintegrating the State of Pakistan from existence, in Nixons' words: "In the strongest possible...(...)... terms to restrain India with which (Soviets) have great influence and for whose actions you must share [20] responsibility... (...)...". [edit]Democratic

government (1971-1977)

Main articles: 1977 Pakistani coup d'tat, Smiling Buddha, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Pakistan and its Nuclear Deterrent Program, Democratic socialism, Pakistan Peoples Party, and Nationalization in Pakistan See also: PakistanSoviet Union relations, Pakistan North Korea relations, and Pakistan-Vietnam relations As a result of 1970s election, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a charismatic democratic socialist, became President (1971-1974) and later Prime minister in 1974. This period is seen as a "quiet cold war" with the Pakistan who was administer under democratic socialists led by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. His socialist ideas favored the communist ideas but never actually allied with communism. Under Bhutto, Pakistan would focused on Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, building closer ties with Soviet bloc and the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, Bhutto tried to maintain a balance with the United States, but such attempts were rebuffed by United States. Bhutto opposed the ultra-leftism concepts but was a strong proponent of left-wing politics, which the U.S. had [21] opposed in Pakistan from the very start.

When differences develop, a small country should not take on a great power head-on, it is wiser for it to duck, detour, side-step and try to enter from the back-door...

Zulfi Bhutto, on U.S.-Pakistan relations, [8]

Although, Richard Nixon enjoyed firmly strong relations with Bhutto and was a close friend of Bhutto, the graph of relation [22] significantly went down under the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. Carter, an anti-socialist, tightened the embargo placed on [22] Pakistan and placed a pressure through the United States Ambassador to Pakistan, Brigadier-General Henry Byroade. The socialist orientation, and Bhutto's proposed left-wing theories, had badly upset the United States, further clinging the bell tolls [22] in the United States as fearing Pakistan's loss as an ally in the Cold war. The leftists and Bhutto's policy towards Soviet Union was seen sympathetic and had built a bridge for Soviet Union to have gain access in Pakistan's warm water ports, that [22] something both United States and Soviet Union had lacked. During the course of 1976 presidential election, Carter was elected as U.S. President, and his very inaugural speech Carter [22] announced the determination to seek the ban of nuclear weapons. With Carter's election, Bhutto lost all links to United States [22] administration he had through President Nixon. Bhutto had to faced the embargo and pressure from the American President who was totally against the political objectives which Bhutto had set forth for his upcoming future plans. Carter indirectly [22] announced his opposition to Bhutto, his ambition and the elections. Responding to President Carter, Bhutto launched a more actively aggressive and serious diplomatic offensive on the United States and the Western world over the nuclear [23] issues. Bhutto's demagogic act on nuclear issues put the United States, particularly Carter who found it extremely difficult to [23] counter Bhutto, on Defensive position at the United Nations. While India and Soviet Union were pushed aside when Bhutto [23] attacked Indian nuclear programme as labeling latter's program based on the nuclear proliferation. Writing to the world and Western leaders, Bhutto made it clear and maintained to the United States:

Pakistan was exposed to a kind of "nuclear threat and blackmail" unparalleled elsewhere..... (...)... If the world's community failed to provide political insurance to Pakistan and other countries against the nuclear blackmail, these countries would be constraint to launch atomic bomb programs of their own!... [A]ssurances provided by the United Nations were not "Enough!"... Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, statement written in "Eating Grass", source[23] Although, Carter placed an embargo on Pakistan, Bhutto under the technical guidance and diplomatic though Foreign minister Aziz Ahmed, succeeded to bought sensitive equipments, common metal materials, and electronic components, marked as "common items", hide the true nature of the intentions, greatly enhance the atomic bomb project, though a complete [22] failure for Carter's embargo. Bhutto tried to resolve the issue, but Carter intentionally sabotage the talks. In a thesis written by historian Abdul Ghafoor Buhgari, Carter keenly sabotaged Bhutto credibility, but did not wanted favored his execution as [22] Carter made a call to General Zia-ul-Haq to stop the act. Therefore senior leadership of Pakistan Peoples Party reached out to different country's ambassadors and high commissioners but did not meet with the U.S. ambassador, as the leadership [22] knew the "noble" part played by Carter and his administration. When Carter administration discovered Bhutto's act, the programme was reached to a well advanced level, and furthermore, had disastrous effect on SALT I Treaty which was soon collapse, a failure of President Carter to stop the atomic proliferation and arm race between Soviet Union and United States [22] heightened.

Bhutto meeting with Nixon in 1972.

In 1974, with India carried out the test of nuclear weapons near the Pakistan's eastern border, codename Smiling Buddha, [21] Bhutto sought United States to impose economic sanctions in India. Though it was unsuccessful approach, in a meeting of Pakistan's Ambassador to United States with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Kissingers told Pakistans ambassador to Washington that the test is a fait accompli and that Pakistan would have to learn to live with it, although he was aware this is [21] a little rough on the Pakistanis. In 1970s, the ties were further severed with Bhutto as Bhutto had continued to administer the research on weapons, and in 1976, in a meeting with Bhutto and Kissinger, Kissinger had told Bhutto, "that if you [Bhutto] [24] do not cancel, modify or postpone the Reprocessing Plant Agreement, we will make a horrible example from you". The meeting was ended by Bhutto as he had replied: "For my countrys sake, for the sake of people of Pakistan, I did not succumb to that black-mailing and threats". After the meeting, Bhutto intensified his nationalization andindustrialization policies, as well as aggressively taking steps to spurred the scientific research on atomic weapons and the atomic bomb project. Bhutto authorized the construction of Chagai weapon-testing laboratories, whilst United States opposed the action and predicted that it will lead to a massive and destructive war between India and Pakistan in the future. The atomic bomb project became fully mature in 1978; and a first cold test was conducted in 1983 (see Kirana-I). Bhutto called upon Organization of Islamic Conference in order to bring Muslim world together but after months, the pro-United States Muslim nations and United States itself took the promised step and Bhutto was declared as the corrupted one, as a [24] result the Bhutto was hanged in 1979. [edit]Military

dictatorship (19771988)

Main articles: Soviet war in Afghanistan, Operation Cyclone, Foreign aid to Pakistan, Reagan Doctrine, Ronald Reagan, Tim Osman, Grand Mosque Seizure, Islamic terrorism, and United States and state terrorism

In 1979, a group of Pakistani students burned the American embassy in Islamabad to the ground killing two Americans as a reaction to Grand Mosque Seizure, citing the U.S. involvement.

Crile and Charlie Wilson meeting withISI officers, c. 1980s.

After the removal and death of Bhutto, the Pakistan's ties with United States were better and improved. In December 24, 1979, the Soviet 40th Armycrossed borders, rolling into Afghanistan, President Carter issued his doctrine (see Carter Doctrine). The silent features offers the creation of the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), increasing the deployment of United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), a collective security framework in the region and a commitment to the defence of Pakistan by transfer of significant amount of weapons and Monetarism. Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, ISI and CIA ran multi-billion dollar worth Operation Cyclone to thwart the communist regime as well as defeating Soviets in Afghanistan. Throughout the military regime of General Zia-ul-Haq, the ties and relations were promoted at its maximum point, and United States had given billion dollars of economical and military aid to Pakistan. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 highlighted the common interest of Pakistan and the United States in opposing the Soviet Union. In 1981, Pakistan and the United States agreed on a $3.2 billion military and economic assistance program aimed at helping Pakistan deal with the heightened threat to security in the region and its economic development needs. With US assistance, in the largest covert operation in history, Pakistan armed and supplied anti-Soviet fighters in Afghanistan who successfully kept the Soviets at bay. In the 1980s, Pakistan agreed to pay $658 million for 28 F-16 fighter jets from the United States; however the American congress froze the deal citing objections to Pakistani nuclear ambitions. Under the terms of the American cancellation, they [25] kept both the money and the planes, leading to angry claims of theft by Pakistanis.

When Americans lost in Vietnam, Americans went home and cried. When the Soviets got kicked out of Egypt, Soviets decided to go after Libya... Is America still the leader of the free world? In what respect?.... I hope it will soon restore its countervailing role, abandoned after Vietnam


Zia on U.S.'s policy on Pakistan., [8]

Initially, Carter offered Pakistan $325 million in aid over three years; Zia rejected this as "peanuts." Carter also signed the finding in 1980 that allowed less than $50 million a year to go to the Mujahideen. All attempts were rebuffed, Zia shrewdly played his cards knowing that Carter was on his way out and he may get a better deal from the incoming Reagan. After Ronald Reagan came to office, defeating Carter for the US Presidency in 1980, all this changed, due to President Reagan's new priorities and the unlikely and remarkably effective effort by Congressman Charles Wilson (D-TX), aided by Joanne Herring, andCIA Afghan Desk Chief Gust Avrakotos to increase the funding for Operation Cyclone. Aid to the Afghan resistance, and to Pakistan, increased substantially, finally reaching $1 billion. The United States, faced with a rival superpower looking as if it were to create another Communist bloc, now engaged Zia to fight a US-aided war by proxy in Afghanistan against the Soviets. The Reagan administration and Reagan himself was a great supporter of Pakistan's military regime, American officials visiting [8] country on a routine basis. The U.S. political intelligentsia in Pakistan had effectively curbed down the liberals, socialists, communists, and democracy tendency in the country in 1983, instead advising Zia to hold the non-partisans elections in

1985. General Akhtar Abdur Rahman of ISI and William Casey of CIA worked together in harmony, and in an atmosphere of mutual trust. The ISI officer Mohammad Yusuf stated "It was a great blow to the Jehad when Casey died", callimg Casey as [8] "shaheed", a former CIA director is actually a martyr of Islam. The U.S. intelligence community also helped Zia to expand the idea ofEstablishment, in the national politics of Pakistan, approving the sell of F-16 Fighting Falcon, nuclear technology, naval [8] warships and furthermore intelligence training and efforts. [edit]Relations


after the Cold war: 1998-1999

governments (19881998)


Main articles: Pressler amendment, Taliban, Economy of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto, Indo-Pakistani War of 1999, 1999 Pakistani coup d'tat, Pokhran-II, Chagai-II, and Soviet troop withdrawal from Afghanistan After the restoration of democracy after the disastrous and mysterious death of Zia and U.S. Ambassador in an aviation crash. The relations quickly deteriorated with upcoming prime ministersBenazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif. The United States took tough stand on Pakistan's nuclear development, passing the Pressler amendment, while significantly improving the relations with India. Both Benazir and Nawaz Sharif also asked the United States to take steps to stop the Indian nuclear programme, feeling that United States was not doing enough to address what Pakistan saw as an existential threat. Pakistan found itself in a state of extremely high insecurity as tensions mounted with India and Afghanistans infighting continued. Pakistans alliance with the U.S. was strained due to factors such as its support for the Taliban and public distancing of the Pakistani government from the U.S. [edit]Rift in relations In 1992 US Ambassador Nicholas Platt advised Pakistan's leaders that if Pakistan continued to support terrorists in India or Indian-administered territory, "the Secretary of State may find himself required by law to place Pakistan on the state sponsors [27] of terrorism list." When the US decided to respond to the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Africa by firing missiles [27] at an al-Qaeda camp in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, five Pakistani intelligence agents present at the camp were killed. [edit]Economic embargo

Benazir Bhutto paying state visit to the U.S., 1989.

In 1989, Benazir Bhutto made a quick visit in the U.S. asking U.S. to stop financing the Afghan mujahideen to [28] President George H. W. Bush, which she marked "America's Frankenstein". This was followed by Nawaz Sharif who visited the U.S. in 1990, but U.S. gave cold shoulder to Pakistan, asking Pakistan to stop developing the nuclear deterrence. In 1990, Prime minister Nawaz Sharif travels to U.S. to solve the nuclear crises after the U.S. had tightened its economic embargo on [29] Pakistan, prompting Sharif and then-Treasure Minister Sartaj Aziz to held talks on Washington. It was widely reported in Pakistan that the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Teresita Schaffer had told the Foreign Minister Shahabzada Yaqub Khan to [29] halt the uranium enrichment programme. In December 1990, France's Commissariat l'nergie atomique agreed to provide a commercial 900MW power plant, but plans did not materialize as France wanted Pakistan to provide entire financial funds for the plant. Furthermore, the U.S. Ambassador Robert Oakley further influenced on the project, showing growing concerns of the [29] U.S. on the agreement. While talking to U.S. media, Nawaz Sharif declared that: "Pakistan possessed no [atomic] bomb... Pakistan would be happy to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) but it must be provided "first" to India to do the [29] same". After the France's project cancel, Nawaz Sharif successfully held talks with the China to build the largest commercial [29] nuclear plant,CHASNUPP-I in Chasma city in Pakistan.

In 1995, Prime minister Benazir Bhutto made final visit to U.S. urging President Bill Clinton to amend the Pressler Amendment and emphasized United States to launch a campaign against the extremism, with Pakistan allying with the United [30] States. Prime minister Benazir Bhutto was succeeded to pass the Brown Amendment, but the embargo on arms remain active. At the United States trip, Prime minister Benazir Bhutto faced a heated criticism and opposition on nuclear weapons program, Benazir Bhutto responded fiercely and sharply criticized U.S.'s nonproliferation policy and demanded that the United [30] States honour its contractual obligation. Although Benazir was able to convince U.S. business community to invest in [30] Pakistan, but was unable to revert the economic embargo which kept investment away from the country.

Nawaz Sharif meeting with William Cohen, Secretary of State, 1998.

In 1998, Prime minister Nawaz Sharif ordered to conduct first nuclear tests after Benazir Bhutto called for the tests (see Chagai-I and Chagai-II), in response to Indian nuclear tests (see Pokhran-II). Nawaz Sharif's ordering the nuclear tests was met with great hostility and ire in the United States after President Clinton placing the economic embargo on Pakistan. The relations were also refrained and strained after Nawaz Sharif became involved with Kargil war with India, while India's relations with Israel and U.S greatly enhanced. Soon after the tests, Benazir Bhutto publicly announced her believe that her father was [31] "sent to the gallows at the instance of the superpower for pursuing the nuclear capability, though she did not disclose the [32] name of the power. In 1999, Benazir leaked the information that Nawaz Sharif would be deposed that there is (nothing) that [33] [33] Americans want to support Nawaz Sharif or the democracy in Pakistan. After the military coup was commenced against Nawaz Sharif, the President Clinton criticized the coup demanding the restoration of democracy but did not favor the mass demonstration against the military regime as the coup, at that time, was popular. In conclusion, both Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto refused to make compromise the with country's nuclear deterrence, but instead building the infrastructure despote U.S. [31] objections. [edit]Cold

war legacies and trade sanctions

[edit]CENTO and SEATO Pakistan was a leading member of the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) from its adoption in 1954-55 and allied itself with the United States during the most of the Cold war. In 1971-72, Pakistan ended its alliance with the United States after the East-Pakistan war in which East Pakistan successfully seceded with the aid of India. The promise of economic aid from the Uinited States was instrumental in creating these [citation agreements. At the time the pact was adopted, Pakistan's relationship with the United States was the friendliest in Asia.

During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, the United States refused to provide any military support to as against its pledged. This generated a widespread anti-American feelings and emotions in Pakistan that the United States was no longer a reliable ally. According to C. Christine Fair, the U.S. cut off arms supplies because Pakistan "started the war with India by using regular military personnel disguised as mujahideen." According to Fair, in 1971 "the Pakistanis were angry at the U.S. again, for not [27] bailing them out from another war they started against India." [edit]Trade embargo In April 1979, the United States suspended most economic assistance to Pakistan over concerns about Pakistan's atomic [34] bomb project under the Foreign Assistance Act. [edit]Military

science programmes
and atomic weapons


In 1955, after Prime minister Huseyn Suhrawardy established nuclear power to ease of the electricity crises, with U.S. offering [35] grant of $350,000 to acquire a commercial nuclear power plant. Following this year, the PAEC signed an agreement with counterpart United States Atomic Energy Commission where the research on nuclear power and training was started initially by the United States. During 1960s, the U.S. opens doors to Pakistan's scientists and engineers to conduct research on leading institutions of the U.S., notably ANL, ORNL, and LLNL. In 1965, Abdus Salam went to U.S. succeeding the U.S. [35] government to establish a national institute of nuclear research (see PINSTECH and a research reactor Parr-I). The Pinstech was designed by leading American architect Edward Durrell Stone whereby American nuclear engineer Peter [35] Karter designed the reactor, with the reactor supplied by the American Machine and Foundry as its contractors. Later in years, U.S. helped Pakistan to negotiate to acquire first commercial nuclear power plant, Kanupp-I, from GE Canada in [35] 1965. All this nuclear infrastructure was established by the U.S. during the successive years of 1960s, as part of [35] the Congressional Atoms for Peace programme.

The leadership of both nations meeting in a high-level state dinner in Islamabad, 2006.

This was changed after Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and democratic socialists under him decided to build nuclear weapons for the sake [35] of their national security and survival. In 1974, U.S. imposed embargo and restriction on Pakistan to limit its nuclear [35] weapons programme. In 1980s, the American concerns of Pakistans role in nuclear proliferation eventually turned out to be [35] true after the exposure of nuclear programs of Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Libya. Although the atomic program was effectively peaceful and devoted for economical usage, the nuclear policy change in 1970s and till the present, with Pakistan [35] maintaining its program as part of the strategic deterrence. In 1980s, the plan of recognizing national security concerns and accepting Pakistan' assurances that it did not intend to construct a nuclear weapon, Congress waived restrictions (Symington Amendment) on military assistance to Pakistan. In October 1980, a high level delegation andCMLA General Zia-ul-Haq travels to U.S., first meeting with former president Richard [36] Nixon. Although, the meeting was to discuss the Soviet integration of Afghanistan, Nixon made it clear he is in favor of [36] Pakistan gaining nuclear weapons capability, while correcting that he is not in a race for the presidential elections. The following year, Agha Shahi made it clear to Alexander Haig that Pakistan "won't make a compromise" on its nuclear weapons program, but assured the U.S. that the country had adopted the policy of deliberate ambiguity, refraining itself to conduct [36] nuclear tests to avoid or create divergence in the relations. In March 1986, the two countries agreed on a second multi-year (FY 198893) $4-billion economic development and security assistance program. On October 1, 1990, however, the United States suspended all military assistance and new economic aid to Pakistan under the Pressler Amendment, which required that the President certify annually that Pakistan "does not possess a nuclear explosive device." India's decision to conduct nuclear tests in May 1998 and Pakistan's matching response set back US relations in the region, which had seen renewed US interest during the second Clinton Administration. A presidential visit scheduled for the first quarter of 1998 was postponed and, under the Glenn Amendment, sanctions restricted the provision of credits, military sales, economic assistance, and loans to the government. [edit]Nonproliferation and security Since 1998, the governments of both countries have started an intensive dialogues on nuclear nonproliferation and security issues. First meeting took place in 1998 between Foreign SecretaryShamshad Ahmad and Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott to discuss the issues focusing on CTBT signature and ratification, FMCT negotiations, export controls, and a nuclear

restraintregime. The October 1999 overthrow of the democratically elected Sharif government triggered an additional layer of sanctions under Section 508 of the Foreign Appropriations Act which include restrictions on foreign military financing and economic assistance. US Government assistance to Pakistan was limited mainly to refugee and counter-narcotics [citation needed] assistance. At the height of the nuclear proliferation case in 2004, President George Bush delivering a policy statement at the National Defense University, President Bush proposed to reform the IAEA to combat the nuclear proliferation and quoted: "No state, under investigation for proliferation violations, should be allowed to serve on the IAEA Board of Governorsor on the new special committee. And any state currently on the Board that comes under investigation should be [38] suspended from the Board." The Bush's proposal was seen as targeted against Pakistan, which is an influential member of IAEA since 1960s and serves on the Board of Governors; it did not received attention from other world governments. In 2009, Pakistan has repeatedly blocked the Conference on Disarmament (CD) from implementing its agreed program of work, despite severe pressure from the major nuclear powers to end its defiance of 64 other countries in blocking international ban on the production of new nuclear bomb-making material, as well as discussions on full nuclear disarmament, the arms race in outer space, and security [39] assurances for non-nuclear states. The Chairman Joint Chiefs General Tariq Majid justified Pakistan's action and outline the [40] fact that atomic deterrenceagainst a possible aggression was a compulsion, and not a choice for Pakistan. He further [41] justified that "a proposed fissile material cutoff treaty would target Pakistan specifically. On December 10, 2012, the Assistant Secretary for Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance Rose Gottemoeller and Additional Secretary for United Nations and Economic Coordination Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry co-chaired the Pakistan-U.S. [42] Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation (SSS&NP) Working Group in Islamabad. Gottemoeller traveled to Pakistan after former Indian Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran wrote in an article that, "Pakistan had moved its nuclear doctrine from minimum deterrence to second strike capability and expanded its arsenal to include tactical weapons that can be [42] delivered by short-range missiles like the Hatf-IX. The meeting ended with an agreement on continuing dialogue on a range of issues related to the bilateral relationship, including international efforts to enhance nuclear security and peaceful [43] applications of nuclear energy. [edit]Space



In 1990s, U.S. and the Missile Technology Control Regime put restrictions on Pakistan's space programme in amid fear that the country's alleged covert development of missile programmes. The U.S. began cooperation with Pakistan in peaceful space technology in 1960s after establishing the Sonmiani Terminal in 1961, constructing an airfield and launch pad. In 1962, the Space Research Commission launched the first solid-fuel rocket, Rehbar-I, built with close interaction with the U.S. NASA. Launching of the rocket made Pakistan the first South Asian country and tenth country in the world to carrying out the launch of the rocket. During the 1962 and 1972, approximately 200 rockets were fired from the Sonmiani, but this cooperation waned after 1972. During 1990s and early 2000s, U.S. tightened its embargo and constriction on Pakistan's space development, and in 1998, putting restrictions and sanctions on premier astronautics research department, DESTO, although the sanctions were uplifted in 2001 by the Bush Administration. [edit]Relations

since 2001

Pervez Musharraf with President Bush.

After the September 11 attacks in 2001 in the United States, Pakistan became a key ally in the war on terror with the United States. In 2001, US President George W. Bush pressured the government into joining the US war on terror. Pervez Musharraf acknowledges the payments received for captured terrorists in his book: We've captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States. We've earned bounties totaling millions of dollars Former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf In 2003, the US officially forgave US$1 billion in Pakistani debt in a ceremony in Pakistan as one of the rewards for Pakistan joining the US war on terror. "Today's signing represents a promise kept and another milestone in our expanding partnership," US Ambassador Nancy Powell said in a statement, "The forgiveness of $1 billion in bilateral debt is just one piece of a multifaceted, multibillion dollar assistance package." The new relationship between the United States and Pakistan is not just about September 11,' Powell said. "It is about the rebirth of a long-term partnership between our two countries." However Pakistan support of the U.S. and its war has angered many Pakistanis that do not support it. In October 2005, Condoleezza Rice made a statement where she promised that the United States will support the country's [44] earthquake relief efforts and help it rebuild" after the Kashmir Earthquake. [edit]Alliance

with United States

Prior to the September 11 attacks in 2001, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were key supporters of the Taliban in Afghanistan, as [citation needed] part of their "strategic depth" objective vis-a-vis India, Iran, andRussia. After 9/11, Pakistan, led by General Pervez Musharraf, reversed course as they were under pressure from the United States and joined the "War on Terror" as a U.S. ally. Having failed to convince the Taliban to hand over bin Laden and other members of Al Qaeda, Pakistan provided the U.S. a number of military airports and bases for its attack on Afghanistan, along with other [citation needed] logistical support. Since 2001, Pakistan has arrested over five hundred Al-Qaeda members and handed them over to the United States; senior U.S. officers have been lavish in their praise of Pakistani efforts in public while expressing their concern that not enough was being done in private. However, General Musharraf was strongly supported by the Bush [citation needed] administration.

Pakistan Prime minister Shaukat Azizshakes hands with President George Walker Bush.

In return for their support, Pakistan had sanctions lifted and has received about $10 billion in U.S. aid since 2001, primarily [45] military. In June 2004, PresidentGeorge W. Bush designated Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally, making it eligible, among other things, to purchase advanced American military technology. Pakistan has lost thousands of lives since joining the U.S. war on terror in the form of both soldiers and civilians, and was [neutrality is disputed] going through a critical period, however many areas of Pakistan are becoming terror free. Suicide bombs were [citation needed] commonplace in Pakistan, whereas they were unheard of prior to 9/11. The Taliban have been resurgent in recent years in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have been created internally in Pakistan, as they have been forced to flee their homes as a result of fighting between Pakistani forces and the Taliban in the regions bordering [citation needed] [citation needed][weasel words] Afghanistan and further in Swat. In addition, the economy is in an extremely fragile position. A key campaign argument of US President Barack Obama was that the US had made the mistake of "putting all our eggs in [citation needed] one basket" in the form of General Musharraf. Musharraf was eventually forced out of office under the threat of impeachment, after years of political protests by lawyers, civilians and other political parties in Pakistan. With Obama coming

into office, the U.S. is expected to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion per year over 10 years, and to tie military aid to progress in the fight against militants. The purpose of the aid is to help strengthen the relatively new democratic government led by President Zardari and to help strengthen civil institutions and the general economy in Pakistan, and to put in place an aid program that is broader in scope than just supporting Pakistan's military. [edit]Aid

from the United States since 9/11


See also: Foreign aid to Pakistan Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally as part of the War on Terrorism, and a leading recipient of U.S. aid. [edit]Trust

deficits issues

In 2008, NSA Director Mike McConnell confronted ISI Director Ahmad Shuja Pasha, claiming that the ISI was tipping off [27] jihadists so that they could escape in advance of American attacks against them. On 11 June 2008, the Gora Prai airstrike, on the Afghan-Pakistani border, killed 10 members of the paramilitary Frontier Corps. The Pakistani military condemned the airstrike as an act ofaggression, souring the relations between the two [47] [48] countries. However after the drone attacks in June, President Bush had said 'Pakistan is strong ally '. Western officials have claimed nearly 70%( roughly $3.4 billion) of the aid given to the Pakistani military has been misspent in 20022007. However U.S-Pakistani relationship has been a transactional based and US military aid to Pakistan has been shrouded in [49][50][51][52][53] secrecy for several years until recently. Furthermore a significant proportion of US economic aid for Pakistan has ended up back in the US as funds are channeled through large US contractors. US Representative Gary Ackerman also said a [54][55] large sum of US economic aid has not left the US as it spent on consulting fees and overhead cost. In the November 2008 Mumbai Attacks, the United States informed Pakistan that it expected full cooperation in the hunt for the plotters of the attacks. [edit]Border

engagement and skirmishes

See also: Pakistan-United States skirmishes, Pakistan and state terrorism, Drone attacks in Pakistan, and United States and state terrorism The United States and Pakistan have experienced several military confrontations on the Durand Line. These skirmishes took place between American forces deployed in Afghanistan, and Pakistani troops guarding the border. On November 26, 2011, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed in an aerial attack on Pakistani positions near the border. The attack further damaged US[56] Pakistani relations with many in Pakistan calling for a more hardline stance against the United States. [edit]Afghan

war factor in PakistanUnited States relations

Main articles: War in Afghanistan (2001present), India-United States relations, New Great Game, Taliban, and Northern Alliance Present US-Pakistan relations are a case study on the difficulties of diplomacy and policy making in a multipolar world. Pakistan has important geopolitical significance for both India and China, making unilateral action almost impossible for the US. At the same time, Pakistan remains a key player in American efforts in Afghanistan. The two countries are trying to build a strategic partnership, but there remains a significant trust deficit, which continues to hinder successful cooperation in combating common threats. Despite recent setbacks, both Pakistan and the United States continue to seek a productive relationship to defeat terrorist [57] [27] organizations. It has been alleged that the ISI pays journalists to write articles hostile to the United States. [edit]2009:

U.S. military and economic aid

Secretary State Hillary Clinton attending meeting with Former Pakistan Prime Minister Raza Gillani during an October 2009 visit to Islamabad.

On 14 September 2009, former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, admitted that American foreign aid to Pakistan had [58] been diverted from its original purpose of fighting the Taliban to preparing for war against neighboring India. The United [59] States government has responded by stating that it will take these allegations seriously. However Pervez Musharraf also said, '"Wherever there is a threat to Pakistan, we will use it [the equipment] there. If the threat comes from al-Qaeda or Taliban, [58] it will be used there. If the threat comes from India, we will most surely use it there." In late 2009, Hillary Clinton made a speech in Pakistan about the war against the militants and said "...we commend the Pakistani military for their courageous fight, and we commit to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani people in your fight [60] for peace and security." In October 2009, the US Congress approved $7.5 billion of non-military aid to Pakistan over the next five years via the KerryLugar Bill. In February 2010, US President Barack Obama sought to increase funds to Pakistan to "promote economic and [46] political stability in strategically important regions where the United States has special security interests". Obama also [61] sought $3.1 billion aid for Pakistan to defeat Al Qaeda for 2010. On December 1, 2009, President Barack Obama in a speech on a policy about Pakistan said "In the past, we too often defined our relationship with Pakistan narrowly. Those days are over.... The Pakistani people must know America will remain a strong supporter of Pakistans security and prosperity long after the guns have fallen silent, so that the great potential of its people [62] can be unleashed." President Obama also said, "In the past, we too often defined our relationship with Pakistan narrowly, those days are over. Moving forward, we are committed to a partnership with Pakistan that is built on a foundation of mutual interests, mutual respect and mutual trust" and that the two countries "share a common enemy' in combating Islamic [63] extremism." In the aftermath of a thwarted bombing attempt on a 2009 Northwest Airlines flight, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued a new set of screening guidelines that includes pat-downs for passengers from countries of [64] interest, which includes Pakistan. In a sign of widening fissures between the two allies, on January 21, Pakistan declined a [65] request by the United States to launch new offensives on militants in 2010. Pakistan say it "can't launch any new offensives against militants for six months to a year because it wants to 'stabilize' previous gains made. However, the US praises [66] Pakistan's military effort against the militants. Furthermore Pakistan president, in meeting with the U.S. delegation, had said Pakistan "had suffered a... loss of over 35 billion dollars during the last eight years as a result of the fight against militancy." But the President also called for "greater Pak-U.S. cooperation". [edit]2010:

Coalition partnership issues

In February 2010, Anne W. Patterson (U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan) said that the United States is committed to partnership with Pakistan and further said Making this commitment to Pakistan while the U.S. is still recovering from the effects of the global recession reflects the strength of our vision. Yet we have made this commitment, because we see the success of Pakistan, its economy, its civil society and its democratic institutions as important for ourselves, for this region and for the [62] world. Between 20022010, Pakistan received approximately $18 billion in military and economic aid from the United States. In [68] February 2010, the Obama administration requested an additional $3 billion in aid, for a total of $20.7 billion.

In mid-February 2010, after the capture of the second most powerful Taliban, Abdul Ghani Baradar in Pakistan by Pakistani forces, the White House hailed the operation. Furthermore, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that this is a "big success for our mutual efforts(Pakistan and United States)in the region" and praised Pakistan for the capture, saying it was a [69] sign of increased cooperation with the US in the terror fight. In March, Richard Holbrooke, then US special envoy to Pakistan, said that US-Pakistani relations have seen "significant improvement" under Obama. He also said, "No government on earth has received more high-level attention" than [70][71] Pakistan [edit]2011:

American accusations and attacks in Pakistan

In January 2011, the Raymond Allen Davis incident occurred in which Raymond Davis, an alleged private security contractor, shot dead two Pakistani locals after they attempted to rob him. The action sparked protests in Pakistan and threatened [72] relations between the United States and Pakistan, including aid flows. Pakistan prosecuted him despite US demands for him [72] to be freed because he enjoys diplomatic immunity. Ultimately he was freed after the United States made payments to the families of the slain Pakistanis, but the incident was emblematic of the volatile nature of American-Pakistani relations. In spite of this rocky relationship, the United States remains committed to assisting Pakistan's new democratic government in the areas [73] of development, stability, and security. The CIA had long suspected Osama Bin Laden of hiding in Pakistan. India and US have also accused Pakistan of giving [76] safe-haven to the Taliban. However, Pakistan has repeatedly denied these accusations. The attack on the US embassy and the NATO headquarters in Kabul was blamed on the Haqqani Network, which US [77][78] Admiral Mike Mullen called "a veritable arm of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency." Pakistan reacted by [79] recalling its finance minister who was on a visit to the U.N. Pakistan also tried to strengthen the relationship with China and [80] Saudi Arabia to counter the U.S. The Chinese government advised Pakistan against any commitments that could jeopardize [81] China's relationships with US and India. The United States reissued a call urging Pakistan to act against the Haqqani [82] Network or else the US would be forced to take on the threat unilaterally. Islamic groups in Pakistan, issued a fatwa proclaiming Jihad against the US and claimed that US should not be called a superpower since the title belonged [83] to Allah. This was followed by Pakistan threatening the US with retaliation, if the US went ahead with unilateral action [84] against the Haqqani network. In May 2011, Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad was killed and in September, The New Yorker reported that the order to kill Shahzad came from an officer on General Kayani's staff. In July Admiral Mullen alleged that Shahzad's killing had been [85] "sanctioned by the government" of Pakistan, but the ISI denied any involvement in the Shahzad murder. [edit]Collapse of alliance and death of Osama bin Laden See also: Death of Osama bin Laden and 2011 NATO attack in Pakistan

Diagram of Osama bin Laden's hideout, showing the high concrete walls that surround the compound

Osama bin Laden, then head of the militant group al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, shortly after 1 a.m. local [86][87] time by a United States special forces military unit. The operation, codenamed Operation Neptune Spear, was ordered by United States President Barack Obama and carried out in a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operation by a team of United States Navy SEALsfrom the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (also known as DEVGRU or

informally by its former name, SEAL Team Six) of the Joint Special Operations Command, with support from CIA operatives on [88][89] the ground. The raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan was launched from Afghanistan. After the raid, U.S. forces took [91] bin Laden's body to Afghanistan for identification, then buried it at sea within 24 hours of his death. Al-Qaeda confirmed the death on May 6 with posts made on militant websites, vowing to avenge the killing. Bin Laden's [93][94] killing was generally favorably received by U.S. public opinion; was welcomed by the United Nations, NATO, the [95] European Union, and a large number of governments; but was condemned by some, including Fidel Castro of [96] [97] Cuba and Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamasadministration of the Gaza Strip. Legal and ethical aspects of the killing, [98] such as his not being taken alive despite being unarmed, were questioned by others, including Amnesty International. According to Obama administration officials, US officials did not share information about the raid with the government of [91][99] Pakistan until it was over. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffMichael Mullen called Pakistan's army chief Ashfaq Parvez [100] Kayani at about 3 a.m. local time to inform him of the Abbottabad Operation. According to the Pakistani foreign ministry, the operation was conducted entirely by the US forces. Pakistan Inter-Services [102] Intelligence (ISI) officials said they were also present at what they called a joint operation; President Asif Ali Zardari flatly [103] denied this. Pakistan's foreign secretary Salman Bashir later confirmed that Pakistani military had scrambled F-16s after [104] they became aware of the attack but that they reached the compound after American helicopters had left. [edit]201213:
[101] [92] [90]

American sentiment against Pakistan

See also: Anti-Pakistan sentiment in the United States, Allegations of support system in Pakistan for Osama bin Laden, and Anti-American sentiment in Pakistan Numerous allegations were made that the government of Pakistan had shielded bin Laden. Critics cited the very close proximity of bin Laden's heavily fortified compound to the Pakistan Military Academy, that the US chose not to notify Pakistani authorities before the operation and the double standards of Pakistan regarding the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai [106][107][108] attacks. US government files, leaked by Wikileaks, disclosed that American diplomats had been told that Pakistani security services were tipping off bin Laden every time US forces approached. Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), also helped smuggle al-Qaeda militants into Afghanistan to fight NATO troops. According to the leaked files, in December 2009, the government of Tajikistan had also told US officials that many in Pakistan [109] were aware of bin Laden's whereabouts. CIA chief Leon Panetta said the CIA had ruled out involving Pakistan in the operation, because it feared that "any effort to work [110] with the Pakistanis could jeopardize the mission. They might alert the targets." However, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton stated that "cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound in which he was [111] [112] hiding." Obama echoed her sentiments. John O. Brennan, Obama's chief counterterrorism advisor, said that it was inconceivable that bin Laden did not have support from within Pakistan. He further stated, "People have been referring to this [113] as hiding in plain sight. We are looking at how he was able to hide out there for so long." In 2012, Shakil Afridi, a doctor who had been cooperating with the United States in searching for Al Qaeda and bin Laden was [114] convicted of treason by Pakistan,and was sentenced to 33 years in prison. The United States Congress voted to cut 33 [115] million dollars in aid to Pakistan; 1 million dollars for every year that Shakil Afridi was sentenced to prison. [edit]Military

aid from the United States

See also: Foreign aid to Pakistan Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally as part of the War on Terrorism and provides key intelligence and logistical support for the United States. A leading recipient of US military assistance, Pakistan expects to receive approximately $20 billion since 2001 a combination of reimbursement to Pakistan and training programs for the Pakistan counter terrorism units. However, in the aftermath of the Osama Bin Laden raid, Pakistan Army cancelled a $500 million training program and sent all 135 trainers [116] home. The United States showed displeasure at this act and withheld a further $300 million dollars in assistance. Some politicians in Pakistan argue the war on terror has cost the Pakistani economy $70 billion dollars and U.S. aid costs the [117] country more in the long term, leading to accusations that the US is making Pakistan a client state.

On 31 May 2012, a conservative senator, Rand Paul, called for the United States to suspend all aid to Pakistan and grant [118] citizenship to a doctor who was jailed for helping hunt down Osama bin Laden. [edit]Cultural


According to the Washington Post, American culture has heavily penetrated Pakistan. In the past decade, the introduction of US cinema, US fashion and US Cuisine have proliferated Pakistan. In particular, the introduction of American apple pies, US-style Diners similar to the Sonic Drive-In on Pakistani motorways, Hot dog stands on the streets of major cities, Fast food restaurantsserving Chicago-style pizza as well as New York-style pizza with the option of US style home deliveries. The proliferation of American culture in in Pakistan stands in stark contrast to the growing resentment most Pakistanis feel toward the United States. As a result, US companies have heavily invested in Pakistan. Hardee's have opened restaurants in the country and its first American-style sports bar. McDonald's has heavily invested in the country and has been credited with introducing the concept of home deliveries. Those businesses join existing burger joints and other American fast-food restaurants such as Pizza Hut, KFC, Fatburger and Domino's Pizza. Taco Bell and Burger King are also said to be looking at [119] opening branches in Pakistan. [edit]External


The Washington Post - Highs and lows in U.S.-Pakistan relations: The two countries are allies but their relationship has been plagued by mistrust The News International - Normalcy in Pak-US ties will take time: President Zardari Newsline Magazine - US-Pak Relations Through the Decades


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