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10 Ethics

Business Leaders on

before you watch

Think about the following sayings. Do you agree with them? Are they true in the business world?
Honesty is always the best policy. You cant make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. (breaking a few rules) Winning is everything. Theres no place for second place.

Watch the complete video and answer the questions.

1 Who is Ben Allen?
a) He is a fraud investigator. b) He is a policeman. c) He is the boss of an international risk-consulting group.


2 What types of investigation does Kroll do?

a) mainly fraud and bribery b) investigations for the US Government c) many different kinds of investigation

3 Where does Kroll do these investigations?

a) mostly outside the United States b) mostly inside the United States c) equal parts inside and outside the United States


Parts 1 & 2

The words and phrases in the box below will help you to understand the video. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words. Match one word or phrase to each of the situations below.
investigation joint venture due diligence emergent market hedge fund internal investigation objective third party knock-off

misappropriation of assets fraud

1 When I have to go to Medellin on business, I usually stay at my brothers house. His

wife works in a hotel and gives me a nice big bill for my expenses. Its the only way to make money!

2 The river authorities have discovered the water is heavily polluted with copper. Theyve
set up a team to find out why.

3 For Christmas, I gave my daughter an old laptop computer from work. Theyve got
hundreds of laptops there and they wont notice that one is missing!

4 Two big computer manufacturers are working together to develop talking robots. 5 They decided to invest their savings in government bonds rather than risk their money
on the stock market.

6 My neighbour and I cannot agree about some trees in my garden. Weve asked the local
priest to come to our meetings to help us to find a solution.

7 The doctor said he couldnt understand my symptoms. He said he would need to look
inside my body to discover the problem.


Pearson Education 2010

Market Leader Intermediate 3rd Edition

UniT 10 eThics

8 Now, even five-year-old children have money to spend. We should make things they
like and can afford to buy.

9 We were going to appoint Alberto Sanzo to be our exclusive distributor in Sicily until
we discovered he owed 10 million to the tax authorities.

10 A top grade manufacturer of electrical batteries discovered that another company was
selling cheap imitations of its most expensive brands.


Watch Part 1 of the video carefully. complete the sentences below.

1 Investors in emerging markets often ask Kroll to find out about
a) the financial history of a company. b) the products made by a company. c) the customers of a company.

Part 1

2 Investors might also ask Kroll to find out about

a) a joint venture. b) a possible future partner in a joint venture. c) an ex-partner in a joint venture.

3 The board or chief executive might ask Kroll to do an internal investigation if

a) the company makes exceptional profits. b) they think employees might be stealing from the company. c) they think the company is stealing from suppliers.

4 An unlicensed or illegal copy of a patented product is called

a) a knock-up. b) a knock-off. c) a knockdown.


Part 2

Watch Part 2 of the video carefully. Mark these sentences (T) true or (F) false. Mark the sentence (?) if no information is given in the video.
1 60% of the money earned from investigations comes from outside the United States. ( ) 2 Two thirds of the investigations done by Kroll are outside the United States. ( ) 3 US companies have more problems inside the US than abroad. ( ) 4 US companies have many problems with foreign investors. ( ) 5 US companies often have problems with foreign investments. ( ) 6 Although most of the investigations done by Kroll are carried out in foreign countries,
most of its customers are in the United States. ( )


Part 3

Look at the words and phrases in the box below. Find out the meanings and use the words and phrases to complete the sentences below.
monitor bribe restrictions code of conduct subject to brought to the forefront operating procedures

1 The teacher gives the class regular tests to ___________ each childs progress. 2 The washing machine came with a booklet explaining the ___________. 3 There are severe ___________ on the use of dangerous fertilisers on fields. 4 He paid the teacher 300 as a ___________ to give his son a good grade.


Pearson Education 2010

Market Leader Intermediate 3rd Edition

UniT 10 eThics

5 Our companys ___________ says employees should never accept bribes. 6 All citizens are ___________ the same laws. 7 The swine flu epidemic has ___________ the need for personal hygiene.


Part 3

Watch Part 3 of the video carefully. choose the correct answers to the questions.
1 Are there restrictions on the ways in which your investigators can operate?
a) We have to follow US laws even when we are working in foreign countries. b) We only have to follow local laws when working in foreign countries. c) We have to follow both local and US laws when we are working in foreign countries.

2 Do your investigators have to take risks when working abroad?

a) Yes, but risks are part of the work we are paid for. b) Yes, but we always examine the risks very carefully before starting an investigation. c) Yes, but the dangers are only for very senior people in the group.

3 Do you expect that there will be more frauds because of the financial situation?
a) No, I think there will be fewer frauds. b) No, I think there will always be frauds, but more frauds will be revealed. c) No, I think there will always be frauds, but fewer frauds will be discovered.


Pearson Education 2010

Market Leader Intermediate 3rd Edition

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