K. New Taipei News

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new taiPel -.r. vitrl in trBint

.v.rr filhld
doubi m|l3t



Kicks, grunts and shouts:

th. bal.nc.
lhis sPott

.Dd bodv Do'trion


Martial arts under the bleachers

bv Randall lkongatd
Tuck d .way und.t lhc "d!.:9 4als" s.ction of Taio.i MuniciDil Strdiutn i! r stto'Srsbdd for th. s.U

D.sDit. b.'n{ r form ot Z.n

rn'nirt Arroolh rrc\f,'

dnl ilo'l. *otd dcscrib.s


x.ndo.s!o6.s th. th.or) lhrt

ii! *grclsbn lto tlt bc't d'f'rs' it

urusuil l.nElhy !o tuppon th. t ti.s of npid sttikcs lrcm pliy.6 i! th.y s.llt .8!in5t on. .nothcr' 15 in boring, lh. t .t .t. noi u!.d .5 {'..Pons, v't

Sood off.N. A l^. tr'.l.rt turthe I do'.n

t|. tev th. .r.. $ mr' *u st,'rrdar!' ,!t' 12

d.l.N. junl'.. FNr

five ping

d|ys r st!t.3tud.nr5 of lh. Tr;p.i Physi.:l Eduction Coll.g. lss.rnbl. in th. fd,r twntv'

to stldy th.it dbs.n rrl In th!s. clas'oottlt ioor't, punching bagt lnd rnjnott h.ng in Plac. of ttBPs vibr.te und.r rnd blackboa'& rhil. tustv m.!al t 'c.ns rel.ntt.ss bornbardm.ntr ot thouls iDd grunts Th. unique studlnt body i5 rn de up of both tnal.s

rnd f.nlal6 16 to 2l y..6 old Th"y hav .nt.'.d th! fiv. y!.r prodrim to nudy phytiol !(llotion md rr. pttPrting f@ r c.t.!' in th. gorts vo'ld cithd E . cddr. rn .thlct. or mr ot . nu'r$.' of orh.t t.httd gGitiotts E dt droolal sl. oI four t.lt d.f.nx cotrB.sl nr.st.m Xt,on Do, ot Judo. rtyl. boin8, lkndo,

th. r|onhvtn dd. of th. n:dium P.tlitll lot it th. first oI thc tour toolrl! lnsid. on th. Lft tid! of th.


rsn|. thict Dl.dic cort! tt tch rround fosr r'lt l po6rt loformrrsDt.tin8.Af..*f..tootsitttBt ting,.stt tv ttud.nt diliemtb .htrE tlol,.d fitts itto th. 3ut ot . punchind b.g, buildint th. ttr.t.{! .nd r!fl.rca ..t nri.l
to bsinC.

Otasio lly th. t.cl|! intcrnrPtr.nd uith I ft|vJ bricf words .Dd !.!tut.! tnrl.s r .orr ction in th. nud.nt! forln 8.hind th.m lh. oth.t nin bding F.in..5rt.


oot in fronlofth.

mittor.dt/ lonth.tu

E d! is bot ncing t.p .nd do,n tPtinginS thcir to.. ofi $! noor i8t hirh cttoi4h to wdd th. iunp tq. rbt rliccs th. ait.nd .l.F th. b.r. s,@d.n fl@r. D@gh hcling i! not u!.d in bonng, to . bqd f4r rr. rs ilrrpornnt 13 fi5t5. FiShtas rito rE rlol .bl' to mt!.w.t cfi..tiv.lt will rh.aF find thctrE h'cs on th' dltcnsiE. ,urnDint ro?. i! i&.1 for dd.lo?in8 rliliv in h.. b.cor'. .h indilP'ns'bl' both hrn& .nd t cl t.ininc tol for th.lor.r. A| nith th. r.si ot th. phvs{d 5tu&nls th'

t ur


bos.ts .t. pt.P.'in! for o'i' oI lodr &h'd!l'd to b. h.ld dnir4lh. Y!.r. Anoth.t hundrcd rtt u ound rh' b"d, aplotiw tbooB rnd gtintcrin! crrth's tn'l' il tound ri Yood'n fumitrre thouth $n|.on. it





intimid.tir{ rrl both

in .c'tion .nd rpFinn<!' Undoobt.dly lhih Vd.r't \Nrtdrolt drsigncrr *crc inspirld by it! rP.r.l Th. u'iform it cDlor'd d"p blu' bodv r thicl tk'atd robe o".rs tt. upP'Y rnd $,hilr hrt. p.d&d 8lo,cs 3n5P |nd wi'ld th' h'Jtv split'

of lh. sarruni, !pon'o.i!nt.d lkndo n ltill r

'llrss.criM .ffici.ndv frotn


l'tlDl e'o'dsrBn-



b.hbo" t*o'd

ttBsk and.ttached sh@ldcr plds lit. th! cav.s of' tcmPlcK.ndo Dractitions, fitsl loct thci' bamboo tso'ds t'rrsom' out in ftont ol th.m .nd thcn wilh th' 'nost rcr.am th"y an nun.i hunch th.ir .tt ct' lrtcd .r I'Tfit tltouL' i3 This t.ram.lit lt tcnns m' onlv to commn to rrtrtiv nEni.l

.olor.d hllrNt

To coflplct. th. 3uF.J rnitc is so.n *ith tightlv knit

*it' 'hc'

d'!p blu!

Yfi|. photo

d,ttr.ci rn cDlDnmt, but rlro |s I nr'rr to unifo th' will brath .nd rctio.r ol lh..ttrcL Th! $oris of K'ndo rr'

trllttr| ri!

?,tniM -d. to tu ol h.;^dd M' ol|i.

A K'nto

fiit2' ,n opp@at


h.oL bnt 6

ldntl tutt^


t@ i^ l^n.gti.. tPtt'. 'd'r't!ll



+i Fi,'tr

Vision lnlormation

Pnistue |l.-lb.
Jt rt

cdt. tq.d rthl ti ratttltc tl |.raFo rr rR nr'oo ;i';;; Pl l{tllF cnftE tttry 19. otheLan w.s. ^ Car



lesr sirvicc



Torr & TidctiBg. Bdi srcid 7 DrYs 5 litbr3

Pricc in xorct

O-tio9 Rbli.hitg

. Ehfirhrchit .. .


Ft FA r- r-') .8. Tlraros tr Elt.-.aitf


!.dlbar ftd.l @n.t..d'fr'-g -.Ln Ll: !l!-I23 fu: ltl{$z



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