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I qg.hgl -[q p. -n - -0. lg-qg-: !

| n
rv doubted Jlrr Cotrlcr colld hold hlr o!'n on th pio clrculi. but r?ho would hrvc prcdtctcd hls explGlr. rlse io
JC: I m E.trinS pcuy 8ood .r not l.uin8 rh. ourcid. dhtradioft borh.r h.. l'm sdUns !e.d lo bia |nirch lirtr.rion!. You c.n n.vr conrrol t!o* w.u d you plan Y lry and .l,o (h.

lhcE.lorttifr. did DbGciss. thy gor to No. I thct tricd for My g@l is 9ill tt. kep wdting ind to tlt bcxci I stillh!v. ilottofillonlin my 8arc.
guy3 whoslay.d


Twr why h'v. you otrtshonc tou. Amcric.n rtBha-handcr ha! htrnmered TW: whar wss ty inEs.inine rhc No. t !por? .ont.nrpor'.i!! lik. srmprts, Ati3si tnd ChinE? our o 69 and la rccord In '92 I'chrd. JC: Th. TP TN schdtrlin8. Sydn.y dmpFd Ing nvc clrcolt tltlcs, |'lsklng hlm the o|T... (lnu8hr.,... olr.mtutcr i! $trch. jok. JCr I vc won the clorc rnilch.!.Ilt ltific!mFwodh .botrt, lition .nd .vcryone hd htd i god yc.r, P.t. is tirsl Amerlcnn lo nnkh the ytrr r. iomctihs. il'3 not .v.n Syd..yworying .rli.r No 3, Mich.el i. No. 6 tnd And.. *on (A loor touham.nt in e y.!r No. I sinc John McEnroc In 19a4. dropFd ofl tft. (fipot r.hising Couric. ! avcr M.Enrc h.d a net gnme 8cniEr rhar s.r him ibov. th. rcst. Y.l pin' poinring the rtrcnglh in Court.r'l ti!.nrl iN, by his oEn .dnilsion, ! ch!llcns. Th.6'l'. 173'pornd r.d posrcsses sp..d, b0l no mor. ihan
ABassir prccision. but

rh top? The 22-rerr-old

m morc tnrn Edberg; powcr, bul no rnor than why is h. on lop? Beckr'. So "lilyslcry lo ft.' say! Selnllr$. 'itim has rrindcd his way to the tot. Hnrd work and' colchir8 IEIFd
ftin. H.


s been injury-fr.. and pcrlhc Grand Sla'n!. H.'ll I at rhc.nd oflh. ycar,"


T.lkinS with Collrir hlp3 lo

unravcl th. myncry.

"ron-big'city" boy. th. Floridi naliva crprc!\es his goals in strdishlfoNnrd RGs Percl and Nile lcrmi to J!.r do it. ' His $, h focl.d b' eflo( and lslame.l lo tb. .8

!.lf ddrib.d

lh.l hlrd wort pays off. Ch^n8, Ag.ssi ahd S.mpras havc all their Bh.r. of !o.c.!! btrt had couriet s consistency has snchord
old adage

lh. top. Monly trd nedii arr.nrioi h.w dersil.d olh.rc but trol Courier. ThrNghout our convcBadon his h!lanccd prspcitive ptcv!il.d whrh.r rhc lopi. w!5 tcnris, poliric!
fiim al

agc ro No.

Tennls Wa.t: Iro Yot think D.ion Sand.B shotlld stick to on. iporl or play borh ba*bnlr tnd foolball? Jtn' (ortrtet: Il'! o.K for him lo pl., lwo stt ni hlt donl you thinl he shdld hav. let th Brav.s knos up front ehrt he'B 8oin8 lo do? I lhitrk lhcy wcrcn't .w{r h. ets 8oi.g to ll0y fu bllldwinS tb. b.&b.l! Play{|Is.
you waot lo play motb.r 9ro 3llo.t' maybc biscbrll? JCi Tennis i..n@sh l phycd high s.hdol b.s.-


TW: How $.s lc.ming eith M.Enr@,


Twr world

bilt. nitchd tnd storl3lop Thlt


oul of proponion-'th. lid *ho Pliy.d ${ccr aod eis lhc ncrl Pel. b{l cho& lo b" A




wotrldn'l bc .bl. rc do it. TW: Wh.n tou walch.d St v. At.rv (lh. 22_ yc.rold Atlanl. Pilch.r) plhy in th! world TWr As No. I do you .t'trcrch mrtchcs ditfcr .nrly? Serics,.otrklYon rlatc lo him? JC: I coultl definncly rclat. lo hin. Avory is a JC: Nor !r !ll. Tt.ft's ilill lh 3am. court linca i t'obv lnd nol fmh a .nd idtn. hrllt rnd I ltill htlc rh. lemc 8amt. lor lik6 mc. H.'i 22,.inst t,rp .ir} tlc im docs hE l.h ,nd d(frn r Fallv Onl, thc r.ntinBs chonScd tnd lhaft no.c for hd'r .;d hnticr, roo much Hct vNns bur l*ts olh.r Fotle to eory about ralh.t th.n mc. trttt lo<ll coml)o$rn TW: Whal is yotrr Soil nos lh.r Jou'rc No l? TW: M.intrinitrS your.omP$rrc smi rc nnv. JC: ThcE\ no rcstnn noq to stol.nd smell the h'l'h's ro.cs. I v. still Eot i lot8 P.y ta 80 ror. nntnovc.tydtr Bimc,.rFciallv in clG' (lligtrcras. Couri.r't colch) th.t th. top st this Ycat! U.S OIEtr.


TW! h ii impo.tant for yo! lo play a lol? JC: No, il s im{Ddart ror m. ,'t to pl.} t lol Thr. s a big l.mflalion lo ovc.Flay. A lon ll.y_ play cvrry *e.l thrl l. p?.lr to, bcatrst lhc |r[ ii th.r.. Erhibilio.s ..d loornrmcnts nlsayr rl'rc* m.ey in yof fr.e lhd it! lotrgh ro r^t no Srill, ralina rh. shon l.rm loot i! .sFcmlly fN|nh my h8c. Tow.rds th..nd ot '| my l ll sl. playinS r bil morc' ,immy C',nn"rs only daltd qtEi hc *i\ .c.dy 16, ht ncv.r ov.Tt'y.d ind lhtti p.ob.bly why hc\ had rh. kn,F.vity hc\ h.d. 1 m c.fthinly nor

ind samDr^t in D.vh C!p? .lC: W 5ll th vcd ott of .*h oth.r' W. plnved poll and.njoyqlth. rour tr fiv. d.tslca(lm8 np ri,0E on(. tl'c hil.tK\ sl.n.d tl was arl

buriies. I r.!e Andt. edvic 'nd h. rdircar_ .d san,. pih Pclc .nd John Th.r. wa! a lol of pood camirnd.ri. lhich I didn l .rp6l{s. il\ do8 out lh.rc on th..ircuit nnd w. cohtcte agiinsr..(h orher.vcr' r'rhc' wccrJohn it (urr,nA bid hn $hd!'rlc ncrl reir \' I don t lnow bo* Iong we ll halc this follrso'ne.

lookifls to htrv. hi! lonB.vity. Mcntally I ! rFcial

TW: Mosr


kicky bul


There wos

family, I roPPorr rvsr.m Ho* imrndFnt it thnt for Yo!? JC: I liie to hsvc 6on.hod) a@Dd Trnv.llin8 bv vo(6.1f ir not . lol of fun l travel 6 tot liqhier rr'an some guys. I h.v. rirh.r Josc ol B;ad (sriri) with ft. ll s ! biB h.h ond I itabilirt on lh. to6d ts *.ll.s tl hom!



noe lccomlanicd


TW: \lhr this y.nrtv.rythio8 yor.rnccted? JCr ll\ h.n 6 good yor,lhat s fd lnr I rncw ir *orld b. t@gh b.cru.. il *$ m' f,rsl ychr tn


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