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International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM) 0976 6510(Online), Volume

me 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013)

ISSN 0976 6367(Print) ISSN 0976 6375(Online) Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013), pp. 01-05 IAEME: Journal Impact Factor (2012): 3.5420 (Calculated by GISI)


M.Surya Kumar Research Scholar, Karpagam University, Coimbatore-641021, Dr.N.Shani Professor and Head, Akshaya Institute of Management Studies (AIMS) Coimbatore-641021,

ABSTRACT The paper aims to measure and identify the quality of work life among the employees at Metro Engineering. The empirical base is formed by survey among the employees by taking a sample size of 120. The factors include personal data, Information about the job, organizational work life, job vs personal life. Keywords: empirical, personal data, factors, organizational work life etc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION More complex models of an individuals experience in the workplace often appear to be set aside in an endeavour to simplify the process of trying to measure "stress" or some similarly apparently discrete entity. It may be, however, that the consideration of the bigger, more complex picture is essential, if targeted, effective action is to be taken to address quality of working life or any of it's sub-components in such a way as to produce real benefits, be they for the individual or the organization. This consideration of Quality of working Life as the greater context for various factors in the workplace, such as job satisfaction and stress, may offer opportunity for more cost-effective interventions in the workplace. The effective targeting of stress reduction

International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013)
2.0 QUALITY OF WORK LIFE QWL refers to the relationship between worker and his environment, adding the human dimension to the technical and economic dimensions with in which the work is normally viewed and designed. QWL focus on the problem of creating a human working environment where employees work co-operatively and achieve results collectively. It also includes: The program seeks to promote human dignity and growth. Employees works collaboratively they determine work change participate. The program assuming compatibility of people and organization. QWL refers to the level of satisfaction, motivation, involvement and commitment individuals experience with respect to their line at work. QWL is the degree of excellence brought about work and working conditions which contribute overall satisfaction and performance compatibility at the individual level but finally at the organization level. 2.1 WAY TO CREATE HIGH QWL QWL deals with the relationship between every employee and his or her work organization. This relationship is formal sometimes less formal. This contract is psychological; contract. Psychological contract is the set of expectations held be the individual specifying what the individual and organization except to give and receive from each other in the course of their relationship the contract represents the expected exchange of values that encourages the individual to work for the organization and motivates the organization to employ that persons. 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Demographic characteristics of employees: The frequency distribution of gender of employees was analyzed as below Gender-wise Classification of the Respondents Sl.No 1 2 3 Gender Male Female Total No. of respondents 95 25 120 percentage 79.2 20.8 100.0

Inference: From the above table it is inferred that 79.2% of the respondents belongs to male category and the rest 20.8% of them belong to female category.

International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013)
The frequency distribution of age of employees was analyzed as below Age-wise Classification of the Respondents Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 Age Less than 26 26-35 36-45 45 above Total No. of respondents 27 33 29 31 120 percentage 22.5 27.5 24.2 25.8 100.0

Inference: From the above table it is inferred that, 22.5% of the respondents belongs to the age of less than 26, 27.5% of them belongs to the age of 26-35, 24.2% of them belongs to the age of 36-45 and 25.8% of them belongs to the age of above 45. The frequency distribution of educational qualification of employees was analyzed as below Educational qualification of the Respondents Educational No. of respondents Percentage qualification


1 2 3 4 5

UG PG Diploma Others Total

36 46 24 14 120

30.0 38.3 20.0 11.7 100.0

From the above table it is inferred that, 30.0% of respondents have completed their UG degree, 38.3% of them have completed their PG, 20.0% of them have completed their Diploma and 11.7% of them have completed others courses.

International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013)
ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Null Hypothesis H0: There is no variation between the salary with organizational work life. Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is a variation between the salary with organizational work life SALARY VS ORGANISATIONAL WORK LIFE Sum of Squares Communication Between Groups Within Groups Rules to follow Total Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups 3.082 157.284 160.367 2.018 128.907 130.925 7.251 209.915 217.167 4.564 228.902 233.467 1.865 141.126 142.992 6.341 210.026 216.367 2.795 152.796 155.592 df 3 116 119 3 116 119 3 116 119 3 116 119 3 116 119 3 116 119 3 116 119 .673 1.111 2.417 1.810 1.521 1.973 .622 1.217 2.114 1.811 1.167 .325 .511 .675 .771 .513 1.336 .266 .605 .613 Mean Square 1.027 1.356 F .758 Sig. .520

Own interest

Within Groups Total Amount of work Between Groups Within Groups Total Between Groups

Within Groups Total Clear instruction Between Groups Within Groups Total Develop my own abilities Between Groups Within Groups Total

Need more training

.932 1.317



From the above anova table it is known that the significance difference between the salary with organizational work life are greater than .05 level of significance . It is inferred that there is no variation between the salary with organizational work life so Null hypothesis is accepted

International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 1, January- February (2013)
4.0 REFERENCES 1) L.M. PRASAD, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2005. 2) PYLEE. M.V. & Simon George, Industrial relations and Personnel Management, Vikas Publishing House (p) Ltd.., New Delhi 2007. 3) K.K AHUJA, Industrial Relations-Theory and Practice, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 1988. 4) P.S GREWAL, methods of statistical analysis, sterling publishers private ltd, New Delhi, 1990. 5) Dr. N. Shani, Narayanasamy.P.S, The Role Of Employee Engagement And Strategic Tool In HRM International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume2, Issue2, 2011, pp. 25 - 32, Published by IAEME 6) Dr. N. Shani, P. Divyapriya, K. Logeshwari, Human Resource Philosophy International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume2, Issue1, 2011, pp. 61 - 68, Published by IAEME 7) P. Mohanraj, A.Ashok kumar, Dr. M. Arunachalam, Quality Of Work Life Sustains Robust Work Culture: An Empirical Study On Ntc Mills, International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume1, Issue2, 2010, pp. 37 - 43, Published by IAEME

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