Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones

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Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones (Gravels, Spray Seal Aggregate, DG Asphalt)

MRTS05 Unbound Pavement Gravels Hold Point 1- Use of Quarry (Cl 6) Material from a quarry shall not be used until the quarry has been approved by the Administrator. Milestone 1 - Quarry assessment and current certification (Cl 6) Copies of current certificates for Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 paving materials or the quarry assessment for Type 4 materials shall be forwarded to the Administrator at least 7 working days before material deliveries to the stockpile (or direct to the pavement if a stockpile is not required) are to commence. Hold Point 2 - Approval of grading envelope Type 2. (Cl 7.2.4) Type 2 Grading envelopes Hold Point 3 - Approval of grading envelope Type 3. (Cl 7.3.4) NA Hold Point 4 - Demonstration of material compliance prior to incorporation into pavement. (Cl 8.2) Test results as per minimum testing listed in Clause 1.2 of Annexure MRTS05.1. The Contractor shall not incorporate materials into the work unless it has demonstrated that the material complies fully with the requirements of this standard. Hold Point 5 - Covering a pavement layer. (Cl 10.2.9) No layer of pavement shall be covered by a subsequent layer of pavement until testing has been completed, and layer presented to Superintendent.

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Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones (Gravels, Spray Seal Aggregate, DG Asphalt) MRTS08 Stabilised Pavements Cement Stabilised. Hold Point 1 Demonstration of material compliance prior to construction of stabilised layer (Cl 7) Demonstration of material compliance. Testing frequencies in accordance with Clause 1.1 of Annexure MRTS08.1. Milestone 1 Submission of sample of pavement material (Cl No testing required as per Clause 3 of Annexure MRTS08.1 Milestone 2 - Actual Additive Content Variability (Cl Following to be provided: Contractors proposed Target Additive Content and (standard deviation) for mixing plant to be used Details of proposed mixing equipment and controls to be adopted. Historic production test results Test certificates for test results Statistical analysis of difference between Actual Content and Ordered Contents Supporting information Hold Point 2 - Covering a pavement layer (Cl 8) No layer of pavement shall be covered by a subsequent layer of pavement until testing has been completed, and layer presented to Superintendent. Contractor to allow 1 day for response. Hold Point 3 (Cl 9.2.9) Construction shall not proceed until Superintendent has received the results of compliance testing for all lots constructed in the 2 previous work periods. Witness Point 1 (Cl 9.2.9) All layers to be subjected to proof roll to assess whether pavement displays visible deflection.

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Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones (Gravels, Spray Seal Aggregate, DG Asphalt) MRTS22 Supply of Cover Aggregate Hold Point 1 Approval of Quarry (Cl 2) Material from a quarry shall not be used until the quarry has been approved by the Administrator Milestone 1 Quarry assessment and certification (Cl 6) A copy of the current certificate for the quarry from which the cover aggregate has been obtained shall be forwarded to the Administrator at least 7 working days before material deliveries to the stockpile/site Milestone 2 - Precoating Agent (Cl 7.1.4) At least 7 days prior to commencement of any precoating activity, the Contractor shall submit to the Administrator details of the procedure to be used for the application of the precoating agent Milestone 3 Submit sample of cover aggregate (Cl 8.1) No testing required as per Clause 3 of Annexure MRTS22.1 Milestone 4 Aggregate test results (Cl 8.3.3) Contractor shall provide aggregate test results and historical control charts for each aggregate property to the Administrator at least 7 days prior to commencement of sprayed sealing operation. Hold Point 2 Approval to place aggregates on stockpile (Cl 10) Prior to commencement of delivery of aggregate to any stockpile site, the Contractor shall obtain the Administrator's authorisation to place aggregates on the stockpile site. Witness Point 1 Covering of aggregate stockpiles (Cl 10)

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Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones (Gravels, Spray Seal Aggregate, DG Asphalt) MRTS30 Dense Graded Asphalt Witness Point 1 Assessment of pavement defects (Cl 7) Assessment for defects will be the responsibility of the Administrator Hold Point 1 Asphalt mix design acceptance (Cl 8.2) At least 7 days before production asphalt is required to be produced, the Contractor shall submit to the Administrator the identity and address of the proposed asphalt manufacturer and a copy of the mix design certificate for the mix proposed for the job Milestone 1 Submission of asphalt mix design certificate (Cl 8.2) Production asphalt shall not be delivered to the Works until written acceptance of the registered mix design has been obtained from the Administrator Milestone 2 Registered mix design (Cl 10.4.2) Contractor shall submit required documents to TMR as per Clause 10.4.2 of MRTS30. At least 28 days shall be allowed by the Contractor to be advised in writing whether or not the proposed mix design is registered. Witness Point 2 Trial of asphalt manufacture (Cl Mix design shall be verified using a production trial of laboratory verified mix design. Milestone 3 Production trial (Cl At least 7 days prior to commencement of the production trial, the Contractor shall supply details of the trial to the Administrator and Principal Chemist, including the date, time, proposed location and tonnage of the trial. The trial may be located in the Works, subject to the approval of the Administrator. A production trial shall adopt the production rate expected to be used for full scale production of the mix, and shall involve the manufacture of not less than 100 tonnes of asphalt. Hold Point 2 Ability to manufacture registered mix design (Cl The test results of the production trial shall be assessed for compliance with the requirements of Clause Provided that the Contractor demonstrates the production trial fully conforms to the requirements of Clause, the Administrator shall deem the mix design suitable for incorporation into the Works Milestone 4 Submission of aggregate testing control charts (Cl 11.3.1) Contractor shall provide aggregate testing control charts to the Administrator Prior to commencement of asphalt paving, and as evidence of compliance throughout the project. Hold Point 3 Acceptance of paving procedure (Cl 12.1) Paving operations shall not commence until the procedure is accepted by the Administrator Milestone 5 Submit paving procedure (Cl 12.1) At least 7 days prior to commencement of paving, the Contractor shall submit the identity and address of the registered asphalt supplier (where not the Contractor) and the procedure for paving operations detailing at least the following: Laying program and rolling pattern; Details of any required placement trial; and Inspection and test plan.

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Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones (Gravels, Spray Seal Aggregate, DG Asphalt)

Witness Point 3 Storage of dense graded asphalt (Cl Dense graded asphalt may be stored prior to delivery to the Works, provided that the following requirements are observed: The asphalt is consigned to, deposited in and discharged from the storage bin in a manner which prevents segregation of the asphalt; The storage bins are adequately insulated and/or heated so as to maintain an essentially uniform temperature between 135C and 175C throughout the stored asphalt for mixes with bitumen binders, and between 140C and 185C for mixes with polymer modified binders. Where an additive is a constituent material in the registered mix design, these storage temperatures may be varied, subject to the approval of the Administrator; The storage time does not exceed 48 hours; and The temperature of the asphalt is checked immediately after discharge into delivery vehicles. Witness Point 4 Loading of delivery vehicles (Cl 12.2.2) The loading of asphalt into the delivery vehicles shall be carried out in a manner which effectively prevents segregation of the asphalt. Witness Point 5 Temperature of loaded asphalt (Cl 12.2.2) For dense graded asphalt, the temperature of the loaded asphalt shall not exceed 175C for mixes with bitumen binders, and 185C for mixes with polymer modified binders Witness Point 6 Surface Preparation (Cl The Contractor shall carry out the preparation work detailed in Clauses to of MRTS30 on existing surfaces on or against which the asphalt is to be placed Hold Point 4 - Extent of crack filling (Cl N/A as per Clause 4 of Annexure MRTS30.1 Hold Point 5 Extent of strain alleviating fabric strips (Cl N/A as per Clause 5 of Annexure MRTS30.1 Witness Point 7 Application of tackcoat (Cl 12.2.5) Tack coat shall be applied to the cleaned surface prior to placing asphalt. After surface preparation and immediately prior to placing the asphalt, the surface shall be uniformly covered with a fine sprayed coat of bituminous emulsion at the application rate (0.2 litres/m2) given in Clause 6 of Annexure MRTS30.1. The bituminous emulsion shall be allowed to break and harden prior to laying the asphalt. Hold Point 6 Paving Operations (Cl Paving operations shall not commence until: The laying program has been accepted by the Administrator; The preparation of the existing surface is acceptable to the Administrator; Preliminary production and construction compliance test results for the underlying pavement lot(s), where applicable, have been supplied to the Administrator and conform in all respects to this Technical Standard, or have been accepted by the Administrator for utilisation of a rejected lot at a reduced level of service; and All recurring nonconformances identified in preceding asphalt lots have been addressed by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Administrator. Page 5 of 6

Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones (Gravels, Spray Seal Aggregate, DG Asphalt)

The Contractor shall allow not less than one working day for the Administrator to review the non-conformance report associated with a recurring nonconformance prior to release of the hold point Witness Point 8 Temperature of asphalt discharged to hopper (Cl The minimum temperature of the asphalt at the time of discharge into the receiving hopper of the paver shall be as stated in Table 135 degrees (greater than 40) 145 degrees (less than 40) Witness Point 9 Temperature of asphalt at commencement of rolling (Cl The paver screed shall not be left in contact with the previously laid asphalt for prolonged periods while the paver awaits delivery of asphalt. At no time shall the temperature of the asphalt prior to rolling fall below the minimum temperature stated in Clause 125 degrees (less than 40) 115 degrees (greater than 40) Hold Point 7 - Compaction test results for dense graded asphalt placement trial (Cl The Contractor shall carry out compaction tests along the trial run, in accordance with Clause 13, in order to determine the degree of compaction attained. If the trial does not conform to the requirementsof this Technical Standard, a further trial shall be undertaken. Witness Point 10 Trial of paving procedure (Cl N/A as per Clause 10 of Annexure 30.1 Hold Point 8 Areas for corrector course (Cl 12.2.10) N/A Hold Point 9 Tolerance on corrector course (Cl 12.2.10) N/A Witness Point 11 Cleanliness of road surface prior to opening to traffic (Cl 12.2.12)
Prior to being opened to traffic, the Contractor shall clean the surface of all pavements to be trafficked, including shoulders, so that the pavement is free from all loose material

Hold Point 10 Referring overlay design to the Principal (Cl N/A Witness Point 12 - Verification of drying of core samples where Q302B is used (Cl 13.4.1) N/A

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