Monthly Report Juli

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Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : M. Syahfri Shaleh Level : 6 / III / 1 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Syafri often completes the assignment early. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Reading Fluency: Syafri needs lots of repetition in practice in order to retain reading vocabulary.

Examples 30/07/11/WST, When the class has a monthly evaluation, Syafri finished the test before the times up.

Examples 27/07/11 When Syafri read stories about Cat there are many mistakes in pronunciation.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda, Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Kuntum Annisa Tiara Aden Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Kuntum often completes the assignment early. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Note taking: Kuntum shows a growing understanding of taking note from pictures and paragraphs in preparation for writing a report.

Examples 29/07/11/WST, When the class has a monthly evaluation, kuntum finished the test before the times up.

Examples 25/07/11, Kuntum wrote and paraphrased the entire important note from the white board.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda, Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Aurora Putri Lathifah Level : 5 / III / 1 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Participation: Putri participates very well in class. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Speaking: Putri doesnt have difficulties using pronouns and verb.

Examples 27/07/11 Putri was a new student but she could interact and play the tennis well together with Iin, Syafri, and Dhanu.

Examples 30/07/11 Putri made a short sentence (If I want to see a lion, I will go to the zoo) she made the sentence clearly and all of the words are correct. Reported by, Acknowledged by, Parents Signature

Parents Comments

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Ario Nugraha Ramadhanu Level : 5 / III / 1 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Learning attitude: Dhanu assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Reading Fluency: Dhanu reads for pleasure

Examples 30/07/11 Dhanu always cleans up all the things (toys) in the shelf properly.

Examples 27/07/11 When there was a text reading for pleasure Telling the Time, Dhanus so excited to read and discuss about the story.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Rizky Siti Inayah Level : 5 / III / 1 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Iin is not completing assignment in the allotment of time given. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Reading Comprehension: Does not willingly read aloud.

Examples 30/07/11 Iin could not finish the monthly evaluation in the allotment time since the teacher had to give additional time to her to finish the test. Parents Comments

Examples 13/07/11 Iin was asked to read the text aloud but she could not do that. Then the teacher helped to guide her the way how to read loud. Reported by, Acknowledged by, Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Anggi Yohanes Pardede Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Independent Working. Anggi is showing signs of independence. Level : 6 / I / 3 Period : July 2011 Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Listening: Anggi can fallow direction.

Examples 27/07/11, after asking about the form of the verbs for perfect tense and he had known the answer Anggi did the exercise himself.

Examples 07/07/11, Anggi knew how to do the exercise by listening the direction spoken by the teacher.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Cut Mutiara Azzahra Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Icut often completes the assignment early. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Writing: Communication is clear and precise.

Examples 29/07/11/WST, When the class has a monthly evaluation, Icut finished the test before the times up.

Examples 11/07/11, When she retold a story The Ancient Egypt , she could do it well.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Alifah Esyani Az-zahra Level 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Esya often completes the assignment early. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Note taking: Esya shows a growing understanding of taking note from pictures and paragraphs in preparation for writing a report.

Examples 29/07/11/WST, When the class has a monthly evaluation, Esya finished the test before the times up.

Examples 25/07/11, Esya wrote and paraphrased the entire important note from the white board.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Afraa Maharani Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Afraa is not completing assignment in the allotment of time given. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Reading Comprehension: Afraa does not willingly read aloud.

Examples 2707/11 Afraa could not finish the monthly evaluation in the allotment time since the teacher had to give additional time to her to finish the test. Parents Comments

Examples 14/07/11 Afraa was asked to read the text aloud but she could not do that. Then the teacher helped to guide her the way how to read loud. Reported by, Acknowledged by, Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : M. Kurnia Ardi Ariusrah Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Participation: Ari participates well in class Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Reading Fluency: Ari needs lots of repetition in practice in order to retain reading vocabulary.

Examples 07/07/11/WST, Ari showed a good participation in playing Remi card with Valent, Iman, and Anggi. He really enjoyed the game.

Examples 07/07/11 When Ari read stories about Ancient Egypt there are many mistakes in pronunciation.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Natasya Emilda Resqita Level : 6/ I / 3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Needs frequent reminders to use the time wisely. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Phonetic: Tasya has difficulty distinguished sounds in words

Examples 28/07/11. Tasya missed the time when she did the monthly evaluation that had to use her www time.

Examples 18/07/11. Tasya was hard to differentiate the sound of Word and World.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : M. Iman Tauhid Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Learning Attitude: Iman needs to improve his attention. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Writing: Iman has difficulty using (pronouns and verb) correctly.

Examples 18/07/11 when the teacher explain about present perfect tense, Iman liked to asked a question but not related to the material.

Examples 28/07/11. Iman said, She likes they instead of She likes them

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Valentino Gerin Fernanda Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Enthusiasm: Vallent is an enthusiastic learner. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Writing: Vallent shows an excellent understanding of note taking from picture and paragraph for writing a report.

Examples 16/06/11/WST, When the class celebrated Fathers Day. Vallent is very enthusiastic to make a card for her father, she used all the things to make it nice.

Examples 16/06/11/WST, When the students were asked to make a note, memo, poem, or song for their father. Vallent wrote a nice memo to express his love to his father.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name : Aptaliza Azzahra Level : 6/I/3 Period : July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Enthusiasm: Icha is an enthusiastic learner. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Writing: Icha shows an excellent understanding of note taking from picture and paragraph for writing a report.

Examples 16/06/11/WST, When the class celebrated Fathers Day. Icha is very enthusiastic to make a card for her father, she used all the things to make it nice.

Examples 16/06/11/WST, When the students were asked to make a note, memo, poem, or song for their father. Icha wrote a nice memo to express her love to her father.

Parents Comments

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Parents Signature

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


Junior English for Elementary School Students Monthly Progress Report

Student Name: Glenda Nadhifa Ananta Level: 6/I/3 Period: July 2011 Learning Attitude, Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm, Following Direction, Independent Working, Conscientious, Use of Time Use of time: Glenda often completes the assignment early. Phonics. Spelling. Reading Fluency. Reading Comprehension. Home Reading. Responds Journal. Recitation. Handwriting. Writing. Note Taking. Listening. Speaking. Speaking: Glenda doesnt have difficulties using pronouns and verb.

Examples 29/07/11/WST, When the class has a monthly evaluation, Glenda finished the test before the times up.

Examples 27/07/11 Glenda made a short sentence (I am studying English now. I was studying English yesterday when you came) she made the sentence clearly and all of the words are correct. Reported by, Acknowledged by, Parents Signature

Parents Comments

Winda Classroom Teacher

Ida Kurniati, Principal


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