EngineeringStudent Handbook v2-19

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Engineering Student Handbook

Diploma of Engineering Drafting - 40603SA Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design - 40604SA Diploma of Engineering Technical - MEM50205

Engineering Student Handbook

TAFESA Panorama - Engineering 2011 Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.



Page 1

About This Handbook

This handbook is issued to every student enrolled in Civil, Industrial or Mechanical Engineering studies at Diploma or Advanced Diploma level. It contains information that should remain valid for the duration of your studies and should be kept in a safe place so that you may refer to it when necessary. Please bring this handbook to each enrolment session with an up-to-date tally of the units of competency you have passed ticked on the appropriate pages. This will enable counselling and approval of your studies each semester to be completed efficiently. You will not be issued with another copy unless changes necessitate an updated edition being printed. This handbook is based on the Curriculum Document for Engineering and the MEM50205 Training Package, which can be accessed from the pdf file through the engineering link on the website Click on the link Curriculum Document for Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Engineering.

If you lose this handbook You may download a copy from the above website or you may purchase a new copy from the Client Services at a cost of $5.



Page 2

Keys to success ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Grading Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Exam and Assignment Policy ........................................................................................................................ 6 Assignment Submission ................................................................................................................................. 6 Cheating or plagiarism .................................................................................................................................... 7 Staff:- Paraprofessional Studies .................................................................................................................... 8 Course Structures ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Recommended Study Programs for Full-time Students Commencing February ................................ 10

Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Civil/Structural) .................................................................... 10 Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Civil Design) ........................................................................ 11 Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Industrial) ............................................................................ 12 Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Industrial Design) ................................................................ 13 Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Civil/Structural) .................................................... 14 Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Industrial) ............................................................. 15
Course Structures ......................................................................................................................................... 16

MEM50205 Diploma of Engineering - Technical ...................................................................... 16

Prerequisite Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 17 Articulation Schedule .................................................................................................................................... 25 Articulation Schedule MEM05 ...................................................................................................................... 27 Availability of Units ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Enrolment ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 Enrolment entitlement in units of competency .......................................................................................... 32 Fees ................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Fees by instalment ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Fee Cap ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 Re-enrolment Entitlement Policy ................................................................................................................. 32 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ........................................................................................................... 33 Application for your Award Parchment ....................................................................................................... 35



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Keys to success
The following is good advice to help you to be successful in your studies: Study at the Diploma and Advanced Diploma level is quite onerous and you need to be well organised in your approach. Take personal responsibility for your learning. The staff members are there to assist you but you do the actual learning not other people. Attend all lectures and do all the assignments otherwise you will fall behind and problems may arise. Read the handout notes for each topic before the class and reread them after the lecture. This exposes you to the concepts and material three times and gives your brain more chance to understand and remember it. Plan your time so that you complete each assignment ahead of the deadline. For many of our students this is preparation for the workplace feeble excuses dont get you very far in the real world. If you are doing everything above and feel your studies are getting on top of you, seek help as soon as possible. You must talk to your lecturer, the Principal Lecturer, or a Learning Support Lecturer and let them know that you need help. Get to know the other students in your classes and help each other as much as possible without breaching the plagiarism policy. This is also important learning for you because the ability to work effectively in a team is highly valued in the workplace. Work at a paraprofessional level involves being able to think for yourself and come up with creative solutions to problems and the lecturing staff will be trying to nurture this ability. Expect to be challenged in your thinking rather than sitting passively as an empty vessel waiting to be filled with skills and knowledge. You are expected to do more than simply complete assignments. To succeed in this course, you need to devote at least one hour outside of class for each hour spent in class for study or doing tutorial problems. Achieving a personal understanding of the material requires being actively involved in the learning process through questioning, completing assignments and linking material covered in one unit to material covered in another. You must use the program as a means of teaching yourself how to learn, how to find information and grasp its meaning quickly and accurately and then use it to solve problems. This holistic approach is invaluable in giving meaning and relevance to learning and will enable you to be ethical and effective as a para-professional engineer. It is crucial that you use your relatively short time in the Engineering program to develop the skills and understanding necessary so that you can problem solve, be innovative and value-add to the work place.



Page 5

Grading Policy
Pass 60%

The student must demonstrate a basic understanding of the subject and proficiency at solving simple problems in most of the performance criteria.
Credit 75%

The student must demonstrate a good understanding of the subject and proficiency at solving complex problems in most of the performance criteria.
Distinction 90%

The student must consistently demonstrate mastery of the subject and proficiency at solving complex problems in all performance criteria.

Exam and Assignment Policy


Students missing exams with documented evidence* may sit a supplementary exam without penalty. Eligibility for re-sitting exams will be at the discretion of the individual lecturer. Students who do not attend a programmed test/exam without acceptable evidence will be resulted as a FAIL. Students who attempted and failed a programmed test/exam may be given the opportunity for a re-sit with penalty. Any re-sits will be at a designated time and place. Mobile phones must be switched off during all exams. It is an offence to have your phone on or to answer your phone during any exam. Failure to comply may result in the student being evicted from the exam.

Mobile Phones


Late assignments or projects will only be accepted with penalty. Examples include a doctors certificate, employers letter or advice from a student counsellor. Special Consideration To request special consideration, students must discuss their requirements with their lecturer and submit appropriate evidence or documentation Grounds for special consideration in assessment include but are not limited to: Illness / medical condition, English language, limitation, Compassionate, Religious Observance and community service

Assignment Submission
The procedure for handing up assignments outside of lecture time is as follows:

There is an assignment slot located opposite the reception desk. Students should deposit their assignments into this slot. Assignments must clearly identify the name of the student and lecturer. Collating including stapling of all submissions is the responsibility of the student and not the office staff.



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Cheating or plagiarism
What is plagiarism?
Put simply, plagiarism is cheating. Plagiarism is cheating and can take many forms. Three common forms are: Using the ideas, words or work of other students and to submit these in an assessment task as their own. Using the ideas, words or work from published sources and to submit them in an assessment task as their own. Work taken from any source, including the internet, must be rewritten in the students own words and due acknowledgement of the source given in a bibliography. Contributing less than their student colleagues to a group assignment and to then claim an equal share of the marks.

TAFE Policy
TAFE has a responsibility to ensure that students seeking formal awards do so against statewide academic standards. As part of this process, TAFE has developed policies to ensure individual students do not have an unfair advantage and compete fairly and equitably. It is expected that work presented by students for assessment is original and their own work. For this reason TAFE has developed a Cheating or Plagiarism Policy. Cheating or plagiarism violates TAFE Policy. Cheating or plagiarism is an offence.

Consequences of plagiarism
In the first instance the lecturer will call an interview with the student(s) to discuss the suspected plagiarism or cheating. The lecturer in conjunction with a Student Counsellor, will attempt to resolve the matter, which may involve the student(s) resubmitting the assessment task or accepting a reduced mark. Should the issue not be resolved, the matter will involve the Educational Manager or Principal Lecturer who may request a further meeting with the student(s) to resolve the matter. If there is a dispute, the student(s) may be required to provide supporting evidence of the authenticity of their work. Students are encouraged to bring a support person in addition to a Student Counsellor to this meeting. The matter will be resolved at this point. Should the student(s) feel dissatisfied with the outcome, the issue may be addressed through the TAFESA Complaints and Appeals Policy process.

How to avoid plagiarism

Although students are encouraged to collaborate and co-operate with their colleagues as this enhances the learning process, they must make sure that their final submission is their own work. If you are using the precise words of a source, place it in quotation marks and reference the source. Even if you are paraphrasing i.e. summarising the ideas of others in your own words, you must acknowledge the source in the bibliography. The internet has been found to be the most common source of plagiarism. If using material from the internet, you must rewrite it in your own words and quote the web address (not just the web site) in the bibliography. Finally, plan your study time so that you allow enough time to complete assignments without resorting to cheating as a quick fix measure.



Page 7

Staff:- Paraprofessional Studies

Manager:Peter Daly Phone: 8207 2920 email: Phone: 8207 2914 email: Phone: 8207 2928 email: Phone: Fax: email: Phone: Fax: Email: 8207 2939 8207 2906 82072860 82072906 Principal Lecturer:Lance Rosser

Office Manager:-

Leonie Plymin

Admin services Officer:-

Sue Cotterill

Admin Services Officer

Jo Hammill

Lecturing Staff

Name, phone & email

Peter Abigail 8207 2929

Areas covered
Analyse force systems (advanced) Analyse force systems (basic) Design components for universal assembly Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Perform calculations related to thermal energy and heat engines Solve simple problems related to motion and energy Use technical mathematics (basic) Complete an engineering project Design and select components Design drive systems Draft drive systems Manage an engineering project Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage staff in an engineering environment Prepare concept designs Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Prepare structural steel design drawings Prepare structural steel shop drawings Produce detailed engineering drawings Building Services Design Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Apply knowledge of environmental issues Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Use standard office computer software for technical applications

Paul Battersby 8207 2927

David Gobbett 8207 2827

Terry Hall 8207 2822 Jim Kersting

8207 2919



Page 8

Nick Kriaris 8207 2989

Orientation Analyse and design flexural concrete members (complex) Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple) Analyse and design foundations Analyse and design simple structural steel members Apply knowledge of civil construction processes Carry out geotechnical site investigation Complete an engineering project Design simple steel structures and prepare associated drawings Determine design actions and analyse structures Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Test and evaluate soils Analyse and design foundations Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads Prepare reinforced concrete drawings Prepare structural steel design drawings Use a digital terrain Modeller Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Apply knowledge of industrial processes Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Measure engineering components Select common engineering materials Select system components Principal Lecturer Parchment applications Enrolment Information Sessions International Students Apply knowledge of environmental issues Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions Use calculus Use technical mathematics (basic) Use technical mathematics (advanced)

Karen Marks 8207 2934

Neville Phillis 8207 2837

Lance Rosser 8207 2914

The units taught by each lecturer are subject to change. Some of the units listed above and units not shown may be taken by part-time lecturers.



Page 9

Course Structures Recommended Study Programs for Full-time Students Commencing February
Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Civil Drafting/Structural Drafting)
Following program covers specialisations for Civil Drafting or Structural Drafting
First Semester of Study Common Diploma TAFESA Course Code = PBA

Nominal Hours/ Units

EDX080B EDX010B EDC040B EDX060B MEM30001A EDX150B EDX130B

Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Interpret and process survey data Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (basic)

30 60 40 40 60 20 60
310 (7)

Second Semester of Study Civil Drafting TAFESA Course Code = PBC and Structural Drafting Course Code = PBB Note: At this point of your study you will need to have all of your Semester 1 competencies Credit Transferred to the specialisation you are choosing. Please complete the appropriate Credit Transfer paperwork


Apply knowledge of civil construction processes Apply knowledge of environmental issues Prepare cost estimates Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads Prepare reinforced concrete drawings Prepare structural steel design drawings Use extended features of CAD

40 40 20 40 60 40 60
300 (7)

Third Semester of Study

EDC010B EDX210B EDC060B EDX072B EDC090B MEM30007A EDC100B

Carry out geotechnical site investigation Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Prepare structural steel shop drawings Select common engineering materials Use a Digital Terrain Modeller

40 60 40 80 40 40 60
360 (7)

Total hours for Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Specialising in Civil Drafting) or Total hours for Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Specialising in Structural Drafting)

970 (21)



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Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Civil Design)

Following program covers specialisations for Civil Design
First Semester of Study Common Diploma TAFESA Course Code = PBA

Nominal Hours/ Units

EDX080B EDX010B EDC040B EDX060B MEM30001A EDX150B EDX130B

Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Interpret and process survey data Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (basic)

30 60 40 40 60 20 60
310 (7)

Second Semester of Study - Civil Design TAFESA Course Code = PBG Note: At this point of your study you will need to have all of your Semester 1 competencies Credit Transferred to the specialisation you are choosing. Please complete the appropriate Credit Transfer paperwork.


Analyse force systems (basic) Apply knowledge of civil construction processes Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads Prepare reinforced concrete drawings Prepare structural steel design drawings Use extended features of CAD Use technical mathematics (advanced)

60 40 40 60 40 60 60
360 (7)

Third Semester of Study

EDX090B EDX020B EDC010B EDC030B EDX030B MEM30007A EDX210B EDC060B EDX072B EDC090B EDC100B

Analyse force systems (advanced) Apply knowledge of environmental issues Carry out geotechnical site investigation Determine design actions and analyse structures Prepare cost estimates Select common engineering materials Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Prepare structural steel shop drawings Use a Digital Terrain Modeller
Subtotal Total hours for Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Specialising in Civil Design)

60 40 40 60 20 40 80 40 80 40 60
300 (approx) (7) 970 (approx) (21)

Select one of the following units



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Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Industrial Drafting)

Following program covers specialisations for Industrial Drafting
First Semester of Study Common Diploma TAFESA Course Code = PBA

Nominal Hours/ Units

EDM070B EDX010B EDX060B MEM30001A EDX150B EDX130B

Apply knowledge of industrial processes Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (basic)

60 60 40 60 20 60
300 (6)

Second Semester of Study - Industrial Drafting TAFESA Course Code = PBE Note: At this point of your study you will need to have all of your Semester 1 competencies Credit Transferred to the specialisation you are choosing. Please complete the appropriate Credit Transfer paperwork.

EDX020B EDX080B EDM040B EDX030B MEM30003A MEM30007A EDM080B EDX120B

Apply knowledge of environmental issues Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Measure engineering components Prepare cost estimates Produce detailed engineering drawings Select common engineering materials Select system components Use extended features of CAD

40 30 20 20 60 40 40 60
310 (8)

Third Semester of Study

Design components for universal assembly EDM010B Draft drive systems EDM020B Draw electrical diagrams EDM030B Prepare parametric 3D CAD models EDX072B Additional 3 units from the Diploma of Engineering Drafting

60 60 40 80

360 (approx) (7) 970 (approx) (21)

Total hours Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Specialising in Industrial Drafting)



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Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Industrial Design)

Following program covers specialisations for Industrial Design
First Semester of Study Common Diploma TAFESA Course Code = PBA

Nominal hours/ Units

EDM070B EDX010B EDX060B MEM30001A EDX150B EDX130B

Apply knowledge of industrial processes Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (basic)

60 60 40 60 20 60
300 (6)

Second Semester of Study - Industrial Design TAFESA Course Code = PBH Note: At this point of your study you will need to have all of your Semester 1 competencies Credit Transferred to the specialisation you are choosing. Please complete the appropriate Credit Transfer paperwork.

EDX100B EDX080B EDM040B MEM30003A EDM080B EDX120B EDX140B

Analyse force systems (basic) Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Measure engineering components Produce detailed engineering drawings Select system components Use extended features of CAD Use technical mathematics (advanced)

60 30 20 60 40 60 60
330 (7)

Third Semester of Study

EDX090B EDX020B EDM010B EDM020B EDM050B EDX030B MEM30007A EDM090B

Analyse force systems (advanced) Apply knowledge of environmental issues Design components for universal assembly Draft drive systems Prepare concept designs Prepare cost estimates Select common engineering materials Solve simple problems related to motion and energy
Subtotal Total hours for Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Specialising in Industrial Design)

60 40 60 60 20 20 40 60
360 (8) 990 (21)



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Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Civil/Structural)

Diploma of Engineering Drafting (Specialising in Civil Design) TAFESA Course Code PBG plus the following competencies: Note: At this point of your study you will need to have all of your Diploma competencies Credit Transferred to the appropriate specialisation you are following in the Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design. Please complete the appropriate Credit Transfer paperwork.
Fourth Semester of study Civil Design specialisation TAFESA Course Code = PBT and Structural Design specialisation TAFESA Course Code = PBS

Nominal Hours/ Units

Compulsory Units:


Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple) Analyse and design simple structural steel members Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Test and evaluate soils

40 60 40 40
180 (4)

Additional Units:


Apply engineering hydrology principles Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Manage an engineering project Undertake advanced stress analysis Use Calculus

40 40 40 40 60

Fifth Semester of study

Compulsory Units:


Analyse and design flexural concrete members (complex) Analyse and design foundations Complete an engineering project Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions Design simple steel structures and prepare associated drawings Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics *

40 60 60 40 40 40 20
300 (7)

Additional Units:


Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage staff in an engineering environment

40 40

A total of 4 Additional Units must be completed over the Fourth and Fifth Semesters of Study Total hours for Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Specialising in Civil Design) or Total hours for Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Specialising in Structural Design) 640 (approx) (15)


EAX110B Use Calculus is required for an engineering degree at University level. * EAC130B Perform laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics cannot be undertaken on its own. It is offered in two parts and linked to both EAX101B Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems and EAX061B Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Status for EAC130B can only be granted upon completion of both EAX101B and EAX061B



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Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Industrial)

Diploma of Engineering Drafting (specialising in Industrial Design) TAFESA Course Code PBH plus the following competencies: Note: At this point of your study you will need to have all of your Diploma competencies Credit Transferred to the appropriate specialisation you are following in the Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design. Please complete the appropriate Credit Transfer paperwork.
Fourth Semester of Study Industrial Design specialisation TAFESA Course Code PWH

Nominal Hours/ Units

Compulsory Units:


Apply knowledge of electrical systems Design and select components Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Specify materials and heat treatment processes

40 40 40 40
160 (4)

Additional Units:


Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Manage an engineering project Undertake advanced stress analysis Use Calculus

40 40 40 60

Fifth Semester of Study Compulsory Units:


Complete an engineering project Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions Design drive systems Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics * Perform calculations related to thermal energy and heat engines

60 40 40 40 20 40
240 (6)

Additional Units:


Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage staff in an engineering environment Prepare parametric 3D CAD models

40 40 80
600 (approx) (15)

A total of 5 Additional Units must be completed over the Fourth and Fifth Semesters of Study Total hours for Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design (Specialising in Industrial Design)


EAX110B Use Calculus is required for an engineering degree at University level. * EAC130B Perform laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics cannot be undertaken on its own. It is offered in two parts and linked to both EAX101B Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems and EAX061B Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Status for EAC130B can only be granted upon completion of both EAX101B and EAX061B



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Course Structures Recommended Study Programs commencing February

MEM50205 Diploma of Engineering Technical
Nominal Hours/ Units
First Semester of Study

MEM23071A MEM16006A MEM30002A MEM30001A MEM16008A MEM30012A MEM12024A

Select and apply mechanical engineering methods, processes and construction techniques Organise and communicate information Produce basic engineering graphics Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Interact with computing technology Apply mathematical techniques in a manufacturing engineering or related environment Perform computations

60 60 40 60 20 40 20
300 (7)

Second Semester of Study

MEM18001C MEM12003B MEM30023A MEM30003A MEM30007A MEM30009A MEM09005B

Use hand tools Perform precision mechanical measurement Prepare a simple cost estimate for a manufactured product Produce engineering drawings Select common engineering materials Contribute to the design of basic mechanical systems Perform basic engineering detail drafting

20 20 20 60 40 40 80
280 (7)

Third Semester of Study

MEM09141A MEM12025A MEM15008B MEM09004B MEM30004A MEM23001A

Represent mechanical engineering designs Use graphical techniques and perform simple statistical computations Perform advanced statistical quality control Perform electrical/electronic detail drafting Use CAD to create and display 3D models Apply advanced mathematical techniques in a manufacturing, engineering or related environment Subtotal

100 20 20 80 80 60 360 (6)

940 (20)



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Diploma of Engineering Drafting

The Diploma requires the completion of 21 units of competency in total, comprising: Core (compulsory) Units complete all 8 Specialisation Units minimum of 9 The remaining units (to bring the total number to 21) may be selected from either the Specialisation Units or Generic Elective Units, or a combination of both. Note on electives: Up to two electives may be selected from units at AQF 5 or AQF6 level from any Training Package or accredited course identified as relevant by local industry. Sector specialisations Sector specialisations will be recognised on the parchment, below the qualification title, provided the requirements for the sector specialisation are met as shown below. The total number of units required to complete the full Diploma must still be achieved. More than one specialisation may be completed. Care must be taken when selecting units that all prerequisites have been completed. Core (compulsory) Units: Unit Code Unit Title Communicate and apply standard industry procedures and policies in an engineering design office Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Apply knowledge of environmental issues Use computer aided drafting systems to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Use technical mathematics (basic) Use standard office computer software for technical applications Select common engineering materials Hours

EDX010B EDX060B EDX020B MEM30001A EDX120B EDX130B EDX150B MEM30007A

60 40 40 60 60 60 20 40

Specialisation Units Structural Drafting Specialisation The following two units must be completed Interpret and process survey data EDC040B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes EDC020B Select at least three of the following units Prepare reinforced concrete drawings EDC070B Prepare structural steel design drawings EDC080B Prepare structural steel shop drawings EDC090B Civil Drafting Specialisation The following two units must be completed Interpret and process survey data EDC040B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes EDC020B Select at least three of the following units Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads EDC050B Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads EDC060B Use a Digital Terrain Modeller EDC100B Industrial Drafting Specialisation The following three units must be completed Select system components EDM080B Apply knowledge of industrial processes EDM070B Measure engineering components EDM040B Select at least three of the following units MEM30003A Produce detailed engineering drawings Prepare parametric 3D CAD models EDX072B C:\Users\jimkerst\AppData\Local\Temp\Engineering_Student_Handbook_v2-19.docx

40 40 60 40 40

40 40 40 40 60

40 60 20 80 80 13/12/2011 Page 17


Draft drive systems Design components for universal assembly Draw electrical diagrams Prepare basic development and pipe work drawings

60 60 40 40

Civil Design Specialisation (this should be undertaken if the intention is to complete the Structural Design or Civil Design stream in the Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design) The following two units must be completed Interpret and process survey data 40 EDC040B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes 40 EDC020B Select at least three of the following units Use technical mathematics (advanced) 60 EDX140B Analyse force systems (basic) 60 EDX100B Analyse force systems (advanced) 60 EDX090B Carry out geotechnical site investigation 40 EDC010B Determine design actions and analyse structures 60 EDC00B Industrial Design Specialisation (this should be undertaken if the intention is to complete the Industrial Design or Building Services Design stream in the Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design). All the following units must be completed 40 Select system components EDM080B 60 Apply knowledge of industrial processes EDM070B 20 Measure engineering components EDM040B 80 Produce detailed engineering drawings MEM30003A 60 Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX140B 60 Analyse force systems (basic) EDX100B 60 Analyse force systems (advanced) EDX090B 60 Solve simple problems related to motion and energy EDM090B Generic Electives select units to bring total to 21 Prepare cost estimates EDX030B Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards EDX210B Create 3D models using computer aided design MEM09010C Apply knowledge of fabrication processes EDX080B Manage an engineering project EAX080B Manage a quality system in an engineering environment EAX070B Manage staff in an engineering environment EAX090B Use Calculus EAX110B Prepare concept designs EDM050B

20 80 40 30 40 40 40 60 20



Page 18

Advanced Diploma of Engineering Design

The Advanced Diploma requires the completion of 36 units of competency in total, comprising: Generic Engineering Core Units complete all 13 Engineering Specialisation Units AQF5 minimum of 6 Engineering Specialisation Units AQF6 minimum of 10 The remaining units (to bring the total to 36) may be selected from either the Engineering Specialisation Units or Generic Elective Units, or a combination of both. Note on electives: Up to two electives may be selected from units at AQF5 or AQF6 level from any Training Package or accredited course identified as relevant by local industry. Sector specialisations Sector specialisations will be recognised on the parchment, below the qualification title, provided the requirements for the sector specialisation are met as shown below. At least four of the completed units must be from an Engineering Design sector specialisation at AQF6 level. The total number of units required to complete the full Advanced Diploma must still be achieved. More than one specialisation may be completed. Care must be taken when selecting units that all prerequisites have been completed. Generic Engineering - Core Units: Nominal Hours Unit Code Unit Title Communicate and apply standard industry procedures and policies in an engineering design office Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Use computer aided drafting systems to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (basic) Use technical mathematics (advanced) Analyse force systems (basic) Analyse force systems (advanced) Select common engineering materials Apply knowledge of environmental issues Prepare cost estimates Complete an engineering project Hours

EDX010B EDX060B MEM30001A EDX120B EDX150B EDX130B EDX140B EDX100B EDX090B MEM30007A EDX020B EDX030B EAX040B

60 40 60 60 20 60 60 60 60 40 40 20 60

Engineering Specialisation Units AQF5 Structural Drafting Specialisation The following two units must be completed Interpret and process survey data EDC040B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes EDC020B Select at least three of the following units Prepare reinforced concrete drawings EDC070B Prepare structural steel design drawings EDC080B Prepare structural steel shop drawings EDC090B Civil Drafting Specialisation The following two units must be completed Interpret and process survey data EDC040B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes EDC020B

40 40

60 40 40

40 40



Page 19

Select at least three of the following units Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads EDC050B Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads EDC060B Use a Digital Terrain Modeller EDC100B Industrial Drafting Specialisation The following three units must be completed Select system components EDM080B Apply knowledge of industrial processes EDM070B Measure engineering components EDM040B Select at least three of the following units Produce detailed engineering drawings MEM30003A Prepare parametric 3D CAD models EDX072B Draft drive systems EDM020B Design components for universal assembly EDM010B Draw electrical diagrams EDM030B Engineering Design Specialisation Units- AQF6 Structural Design Determine design actions and analyse structures EDC030B Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple) EAC020B Analyse and design simple structural steel members EAC040B Analyse and design flexural concrete members (complex) EAC010B Design simple steel structures and prepare associated drawings EAC080B Carry out geotechnical site investigation EDC010B Test and evaluate soils EAC120B Analyse and design foundations EAC030B Civil Design Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems EAX101B Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems EAX061B Perform laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics EAC130B Apply engineering hydrology principles EAC110B Industrial Design Design drive systems EAM020B Design and select components EAM010B Specify materials and heat treatment processes EAM060B Apply knowledge of electrical systems EAM070B Engineering Management Manage an engineering project EAX080B Manage a quality system in an engineering environment EAX070B Manage staff in an engineering environment EAX090B Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions EAX050B Generic Elective Units: Select units to bring total to 36 Complete and manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards EDX210B Create 3D models using computer aided design system MEM09010C Apply statistical methods to engineering problems EAX010B Apply knowledge of fabrication processes EDX080B Undertake advanced stress analysis EAX020B Use Calculus EAX110B Use mathematics for higher level engineering EAX095B

40 40 60

40 60 20

80 80 60 60 40

60 40 60 40 40 40 40 60 40 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 80 40 40 30 40 60 60



Page 20

Prerequisite Requirements
Unit of Competency


Analyse and design flexural concrete members (complex)


Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple)


Analyse and design foundations


Analyse and design simple structural steel members


Analyse force systems (advanced) Analyse force systems (basic) Apply engineering hydrology principles Apply knowledge of civil construction processes Apply knowledge of electrical systems Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Apply knowledge of environmental issues Apply knowledge of industrial processes Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Carry out geotechnical site investigation Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Complete an engineering project Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards

Prerequisite Unit/s EDX130B - Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDC030B Determine design actions and analyse structures EAC020B Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple) EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B - Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDC030B Determine design actions and analyse structures EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDC010B Carry out geotechnical site investigation EAC120B Test and evaluate soils EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDC030B Determine design actions and analyse structures EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) None EDX130B - Use technical mathematics (basic) None None None EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office None All core Advanced Diploma units and other units that are relevant to the specific project EDC040B Interpret and process survey data EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX120B Use extended features of CAD EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office



Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions



Page 21

Unit of Competency


Design and select components


Design components for universal assembly


Design drive systems


Design simple structures and prepare associated drawings


Determine design actions and analyse structures


Draft drive systems


Draw electrical diagrams Interpret and process survey data Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage an engineering project Manage staff in an engineering environment



Prerequisite Unit/s EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDM090B Solve simple problems related to motion and energy EDM050B Prepare concept designs MEM30007A Select common engineering materials EAM060B Specify materials and heat treatment processes (can be undertaken concurrently) EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30003A Prepare detailed engineering drawings EDM040B Measure engineering components EDM080B - Select system components MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX120B Use extended features of CAD MEM30007A Select common engineering materials (can be undertaken concurrently) EDM070B Apply knowledge of industrial processes EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDM090B Solve simple problems related to motion and energy EDM050B Prepare concept designs MEM30007A Select common engineering materials EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDC030B Determine design actions and analyse structures EAC040B Analyse and design simple structural steel members EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 EDC080B Prepare structural steel design drawings MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30003A Prepare detailed engineering drawings EDM040B Measure engineering components EDM080B Select system components MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX120B Use extended features of CAD EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 None EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office 13/12/2011 Page 22


Unit of Competency


Measure engineering components Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems

Prerequisite Unit/s EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EAX101B Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced EDM090B Solve simple problems related to motion and energy. EAX101B Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems EAX101B Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) None EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 EDM080B Select system components EDM070B Apply knowledge of industrial processes EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDC020B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes EDC040B Interpret and process survey data EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDC040B Interpret and process survey data EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX120B Use extended features of CAD EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 EDC020B Apply knowledge of civil construction processes EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX080B Apply knowledge of fabrication processes EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDC080B Prepare structural steel design drawings.


Perform calculations related to thermal energy and heat engines


Perform laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Prepare concept designs




Prepare cost estimates


Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads


Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads


Prepare parametric 3D CAD models


Prepare reinforced concrete drawings


Prepare structural steel design drawings


Prepare structural steel shop drawings



Page 23

Unit of Competency


Produce detailed engineering drawings

MEM30007A EDM080B

Select common engineering materials Select system components Solve simple problems related to motion and energy



Specify materials and heat treatment processes


Test and evaluate soils


Undertake advanced stress analysis


Use A Digital Terrain Modeller


Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings


Use calculus


Use extended features of CAD Use technical mathematics (advanced) Use technical mathematics (basic) Use standard office computer software for technical applications

Prerequisite Unit/s EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX150B Use standard office computer software for technical applications None None EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office MEM30007A Select common engineering materials EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX130B - Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) EDX100B Analyse force systems (basic) EDX090B Analyse force systems (advanced) EDC040B Interpret and process survey data EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 EDC050B Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads. MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings. EDX010B Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office EDX150B Use standard office computer software for technical applications (can be undertaken concurrently) EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) EDX140B Use technical mathematics (advanced) MEM30001A Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings EDX060B Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 EDX130B Use technical mathematics (basic) None None



Page 24

Articulation Schedule
SA Code EAC010B EAC020B EAC030B EAC040B EDX090B EDX100B EAC110B EDC020B EAM070B EDX020B EDX080B EDM070B EAX010B EAC050B EDC010B EDX010B EDX210B EAX040B EAX050B EAM010B EDM010B EAM020B EAC080B EAC100B EDC030B EDM020B EDM030B EDC040B EAX070B EAX080B EAX090B Articulation Post Out Unit Name 2009 Hrs Code A Analyse and design flexural concrete members (complex) 40 EAC010 Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple) 40 EAC020 Analyse and design foundations 60 EAC030 Analyse and design simple structural steel members 60 EAC040 Analyse force systems (advanced) 60 EDX090 Analyse force systems (basic) 60 EDX100 Apply engineering hydrology principles 40 EAC110 Apply knowledge of civil construction processes 40 EDC020 Apply knowledge of electrical systems 40 EAM070 Apply knowledge of environmental issues 40 EDX020 Apply knowledge of fabrication processes 30 EDX080 Apply knowledge of industrial processes 60 EDM070 Apply statistical methods to engineering problems 40 EAX010 Carry out geometric road design 40 EAC050 Carry out geotechnical site investigation 40 EDC010 Communicate & apply standard industry procedures & policies in an engineering design 60 EDX010 office Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards 80 EDX210 Complete an engineering project 60 EAX040 Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions 40 EAX050 Design and select components 40 EAM010 Design components for universal assembly 60 EDM010 Design drive systems 40 EAM020 Design simple steel structures & prepare associated structural drawings 40 EAC080 Design underground piping drainage systems and minor culverts 60 EAC100 Determine design actions & analyse structures 60 EDC030 Draft drive systems 60 EDM020 Draw electrical diagrams 40 EDM030 Interpret and process survey data 40 EDC040 Manage a quality system in an engineering environment 40 EAX070 Manage an engineering project 40 EAX080 Manage staff in an engineering environment 40 EAX090 Unit Name Analyse and design concrete beams, one & two-way slabs, footings & columns Analyse and design flexural reinforced concrete members Analyse and design foundations Analyse and design simple structural steel members Solve more complex problems in Statics & Strength of Materials Solve simple problems in Statics & Strength of Materials Perform engineering hydrology activities Demonstrate knowledge of civil construction processes Understand electrical systems Demonstrate awareness of environmental issues(Online Delivery) Select fabrication processes Demonstrate knowledge of manufacturing processes Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Carry out geometric road design Carry out site investigation Communicate & apply standard industry procedures & policies in an engineering design office Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards Complete an engineering design project Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions Design and select components for mechanical devices Design mechanical components for universal assembly and prepare associated drawings Design rotating machines Design simple steel structures & prepare associated drawings Design underground piping drainage systems and minor culverts Determine design loads on beams & columns Draft mechanical drive systems Draw electrical diagrams Perform measurements & layout tasks on construction sites Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage an engineering project Manage staff in an engineering environment

SA Code EDM040B EAM030B EAX061B EAX101B EAM050B EDX060B EDM050B EDX030B EDC050B EDC060B EDX072B EDC070B EDC080B EDC090B MEM30003A MEM30007A EDM080B EDM090B EAM060B EAC120B EAX020B EDC100B EAX110B MEM30001A EDX120B EDX150B EDX140B EDX130B

Unit Name 2009 Measure engineering components Perform advanced calculations on systems in dynamic equilibrium Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Perform calculations related to thermal energy and heat engines Prepare basic mechanical & structural engineering drawings to AS1100 Prepare concept designs Prepare cost estimates Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Prepare reinforced concrete drawings Prepare structural steel design drawings Prepare structural steel shop drawings Produce detailed engineering drawings Select common engineering materials Select system components Solve simple problems related to motion and energy Specify materials and heat treatment processes Test and evaluate soils Undertake advanced stress analysis Use a digital terrain modeller Use Calculus Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (advanced) Use technical mathematics (basic)

Articulation Post Out Hrs Code A 20 EDM040 60 EAM030 40 EAX061 40 EAX100 40 EAM050 40 EDX060 20 EDM050 20 EDX030 40 EDC050 40 EDC060 80 EDX070 60 EDC070 40 EDC080 40 EDC090 60 EDM060 40 EDX040 40 EDM080 60 EDM090 40 EAM060 40 EAC120 40 EAX020 60 EDC100 60 EAX110 60 EDX110 60 EDX120 20 EDX150 60 EDX140 60 EDX130

Unit Name Measure mechanical components Perform advanced calculations dynamics Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Perform calculations related to thermal energy and heat engines Prepare basic mechanical & structural engineering drawings to AS1100 Prepare mechanical concept designs Estimate costs and prepare basic tendering documentation Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads Prepare 3D and parametric CAD models Prepare reinforced concrete drawings Prepare structural steel design drawings Prepare structural steel shop drawings Prepare mechanical detail drawings Evaluate materials for specific applications Select mechanical components Solve simple problems and carry out experiments related to motion and energy Specify materials and heat treatment processes Test and evaluate soils Apply the principles of Strength of Materials to advanced problems Use a digital terrain modeller in the preparation of civil drawings Use Calculus Use basic features of CAD in the preparation of 2D engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD in the preparation of 2D engineering drawings Use standard computer applications (Online Delivery) Use quadratic, exponential, logarithmic & trigonometric functions & matrices Use mathematics at technician level



Page 26

Articulation Schedule MEM05

SA Unit Code EDX090B EDX100B EAM070B EDX080B EDM070B EDX180B EAX110B Unit Title Analyse force systems (advanced Analyse force systems (basic) Apply knowledge of electrical systems Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Apply knowledge of industrial processes Apply knowledge of physical principles Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Complete an engineering project Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions Create 3D models using computer aided design Customise CAD software Design and analyse basic fluid power systems Design and select components Design components for universal assembly Design drive systems Hours 60 60 40 30 60 50 40 MEM Code MEM30005A MEM30006A MEM30025A MEM18001A MEM23071A MEM23041A MEM12025A MEM15.1A MEM13010A MEM30024A MEM14061A MEM22007A MEM0910C MEM09009A MEM30010A, MEM30011A MEM23091A MEM09141A MEM23091A MEM Title Hours Calculate force systems within simple beam structures 40 Calculate stresses in simple structures 40 Analyse a simple electrical system circuit 40 Use hand tools 20 Select and apply mechanical engineering methods, 60 processes and construction techniques Apply basic scientific principles and techniques to 80 mechanical engineering situations Use graphical techniques and perform simple 20/20 statistical computations/Perform basic statistical quality control Supervise occupational health and safety in an 40/30 industrial work environment, Participate in quality assurance techniques Plan and design mechanical engineering projects 60 Manage environmental effects of engineering activities 40 Create 3D models using computer aided design systems Create 2D drawings using computer aided design system Set up basic hydraulic circuits/Set u basic pneumatic circuits Apply mechanical system design principles and techniques in mechanical engineering situations Represent mechanical engineering designs Apply mechanical system design principles and techniques in mechanical engineering situations 40 80 40/40 80 100 80



EAX040B EAX050B MEM0910C EDX200B EDM120B EAM010B EDM010B EAM020B

60 40 40 80 40 40 60 40


Draw electrical diagrams Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage an engineering project Manage financial data Manage staff in an engineering environment Measure engineering components

40 40 40 60 40 20

MEM09004B MEM30024A MEM22004A MEM22003A MEM22003A MEM12003B

Perform electrical/electronic detail drafting Participate in quality assurance techniques Manage engineering projects Manage engineering resources Manage engineering resources Perform precision mechanical measurement

80 30 40 40 40 20



Page 27

EDX060B EDM050B EDX030B EDX072B MEM30003A EDM140B MEM30007A EDM080B EAX110B MEM3001A EDX120B EDX150B EDX140B EDX130B

Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Prepare concept designs Prepare cost estimates Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Produce detailed engineering drawings Program basic PLC application Select common engineering materials Select system components Use calculus Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (advanced) Use technical mathematics (basic)

40 20 20 80 60 40 40 40 60 60 60 20 60 60

MEM30002A MEM30008A MEM30023A MEM30004A MEM30003A MEM30027A MEM30007A MEM30009A MEM23002A MEM30001A MEM09009A MEM16008A MEM23001A MEM30012A

Produce basic engineering graphics Apply basic economic and ergonomic concepts to evaluate engineering applications Prepare a simple cost estimate for a manufactured product Use CAD to create and display 3D models Produce detailed engineering drawings Prepare basic programs for programmable logic controllers Select common engineering materials Contribute to the design of basic mechanical systems Apply calculus in engineering situations Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Create 2D drawings using computer aided design system Interact with computing technology Apply advanced mathematical techniques in a manufacturing engineering or related environment Apply mathematical techniques in a manufacturing engineering or related environment

40 40 20 80 60 20 40 40 80 60 80 20 60 40



Page 28

Availability of Units
The programme follows a two-year cycle. Whilst we intend, as a priority, to keep to this programme, changes in staffing or to the curriculum may force changes to this plan. Even Years
Semester 1 Units of Competency
Analyse and design flexural concrete members (complex) Analyse and design flexural concrete members (simple) Analyse and design foundations Analyse and design structural steel members Analyse force systems (advanced) Analyse force systems (basic) Apply engineering hydrology principles Apply knowledge of civil construction processes Apply knowledge of electrical systems Apply knowledge of environmental issues Apply knowledge of fabrication processes Apply knowledge of industrial processes Apply statistical methods to engineering problems Carry out geotechnical site investigation Communicate and apply standard industry policies and procedures in an engineering design office Complete & manage complex graphical tasks to industry standards Complete an engineering project Consider environmental issues in making engineering decisions Design and select components Design components for universal assembly Design drive systems Design simple steel structures and prepare associated drawings Determine design actions and analyse structures Draft drive systems Draw electrical diagrams Interpret and process survey data Manage a quality system in an engineering environment Manage an engineering project Manage staff in an engineering environment Measure engineering components

Odd Years
Semester 1 Semester 2 Day Eve Day Eve Eve

Semester2 Day



Even Years
Semester 1 Units of Competency
Perform calculations related to more complex fluid systems Perform calculations related to simple fluid systems Perform calculations related to thermal energy and heat engines Prepare basic mechanical and structural steel drawings to AS 1100 Prepare concept designs Prepare cost estimates Prepare drawings required in the construction of rural roads Prepare drawings required in the construction of urban roads Prepare parametric 3D CAD models Prepare reinforced concrete drawings Prepare structural steel design drawings Prepare structural steel shop drawings Produce detailed engineering drawings Select common engineering materials Select system components Solve simple problems related to motion and energy Specify materials and heat treatment processes Test and evaluate soils Undertake advanced stress analysis Use a Digital Terrain Modeller Use Calculus Use computer aided drafting to produce basic engineering drawings Use extended features of CAD Use standard office computer software for technical applications Use technical mathematics (advanced) Use technical mathematics (basic)

Odd Years
Semester 1 Day Eve Semester 2 Day Eve

Semester 2 Day Eve





Page 30

How and when does enrolment occur?

Enrolment occurs twice per year and is for one semester (half year) of study. All existing students are issued with an enrolment pack via mail. The enrolment pack contains a pre-enrolment form on which you can select the units you wish to enrol in. Recommended programmes of study for full-time students are shown on pages 10 20 of this handbook. You MUST bring the enrolment pack and this handbook to the enrolment session where you may receive counselling, if necessary, and approval of your study programme. You will also be given the appropriately coded TAFE blue enrolment form on which you fill in your personal details.
Must I attend the enrolment session?

At the enrolment session all completed pre-enrolment forms are checked by a lecturer and approved for suitability and the meeting of prerequisites. You must make every effort to attend the actual enrolment session as this is when all lecturers are available for counselling and approving study programmes. It may not be easy to have your form approved at another time, especially in the last week of each semester when all lecturers are marking and resulting. Lecturers are also unlikely to be available in the school holidays.
What happens next?

Once your programme of study is approved, an Engineering Administrative Services Officer will make copies of your pre-enrolment form and staple the original to the TAFE blue enrolment form. You must present these at the Client Service Centre when you make payment. If you are unable to pay for your studies at once you may request Fees-by-Instalment and pay the deposit of one quarter of the full amount.
What happens if I havent paid by the time classes start?

You are not enrolled in the class until you have paid at least the deposit. Students who have not paid their fees will be permitted to attend the class as an observer. However, lecturers have been instructed: To mark the students attendance on the roll Not to provide any educational assistance to the student Not to issue any resources to the student Not to accept or assess any assignments or exams submitted by the student Not to provide the student with any indication of progress in the unit Students have access to a student counsellor to discuss any extenuating circumstances.



Page 31

Enrolment entitlement in units of competency Fees

The cost of a course depends on the number of hours nominated for each unit of competency, the type of study involved and whether the course is subsidised by the government or is fee-for-service. Each government subsidised (i.e. FSI 500) course has a set fee based on the nominated hours for each unit. Additional fees, dependent on the program, may be payable for materials, textbooks and protective clothing. Details for all fees for fee-for-service and government subsidised courses are available prior to enrolment from program or enrolment offices.

Fees by instalment
TAFE SA understands that sometimes it is difficult for students to pay their fees. TAFE SA offers payment of courses fees by instalments, which may be approved if you are undertaking a government subsidised course vocational courses where fees are more than $100. Under normal circumstances, you will be required to pay 25% of the full fee to secure your enrolment and the balance in instalments by an agreed due date. Fees by instalment will only be granted upon successful application. You will need to think carefully about how you are going to manage your course costs and organise this before you enrol. There are a number of organisations and services that offer financial assistance to students.

Fee Cap
Students in TAFE SA, studying a state government subsidised (i.e. FSI 500) course, will pay the standard TAFE SA course fee for all subjects/units of that course in which they have enrolled for any two consecutive semesters of study until the amount reaches $2050, regardless of when the fee is paid. Once the $2,050 fee cap has been reached, any study in subsidised courses, within those two consecutive semesters, will incur no further TAFE SA fees. Fee capping does not apply to all courses eg Traineeships or fee-for-service courses. Fee capping is reviewed annually. Check with your program area prior to enrolment.

Re-enrolment Entitlement Policy

You may enrol twice only in units of competency at the government-subsidised price. Further enrolments in the same units incur higher fee-for service charges if you: fail (F) withdraw (W) do not achieve the competency (CN)

If exceptional circumstances apply and you have adequate supporting evidence, you may be able to re-enrol at the subsidised rate by applying to the educational manager.

For further details with regard to Fees, Concessions, Re-enrolment Entitlement Policy, TAFE SA Refund Policy etc, please refer to the TAFE SA Student Pre-enrolment Information Brochure.



Page 32

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

1. Definition
Recognition of Prior Learning is the determination, on an individual basis, of the advanced standing the learner is entitled to as a result of previous formal training, work experience and or life experience. This process can also be described as Recognition of Current Competency (RCC).

2. Introduction
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) provides recognition of peoples knowledge and skills by granting status in units in a course of study. RPL is about the learner and their current knowledge and skills/competencies, not how the learning took place. Competencies may have been achieved through experience in the work place, self-taught or informal learning, or formal training. The Engineering program is committed to the recognition of skills of individuals through establishing and maintaining Assessment systems which ensure the collection of evidence to recognise skills in assessing achievement of competencies/learning outcomes/competencies Appropriate processes and systems for the recognition of current skills

Application for Recognition of Prior Learning may be made once the student has enrolled in an Engineering course of study. The current skills and knowledge of the student must be matched with the learning outcomes for each particular unit. As much evidence and verification as possible must be provided in order to confirm existing skills and knowledge. This may include Copies of any statements, references or articles about employment or community involvement Copies of school reports, certificates or statements about education and training Relevant and verified work samples such as memos, drawings, essays, and completed work products Outlines of courses undertaken Job and person specifications or a curriculum vitae / resume Challenge test Any other information which might be relevant All units must be applied for on an individual basis even if the same evidence has to be repeated. Students will need to clearly identify in their application the precise evidence that relates to each learning outcome. More detail of how to present the evidence and the options available are attached to the application form.



Page 33

3. Standard of Assessment
When assessing learning from previous studies, work or life experience, the following will be taken into account: Authenticity Currency Quality The applicant has actually demonstrated the learning outcome that is being claimed. The learning outcome is still valid and performable. The learning has reached the acceptable level.

Transferability The learning outcome can be applied outside the specific context in which it is learned. Comparability Prior learning is comparable in content and standard with the unit in which credit is being sought. The standards applied in assessing prior learning should not be greater than those required to pass the module. Recognition will not normally be given for studies/experience completed more than ten years prior to application unless there is evidence of substantial relevant experience during the intervening period. Recognition can be offered prior to enrolment

4. Procedure for RPL

This should be undertaken as early as possible on commencing your studies so as to facilitate your progress through the course. 1. Consult your Engineering Student Handbook. For complete details of the elements and performance criteria for each unit you may download and print the pdf file through the engineering link on the website This may also be done in the Learning Resource Centre at Panorama Campus 2. Obtain a Recognition of Prior Learning application form from the Engineering Office. 3. If necessary, seek help from the RPL Coordinator for Engineering in order to ascertain the best direction and approach for the application. 4. Recognition of prior learning is generally achieved in three ways (1)Passing a challenge test relating specifically to the unit in question. (2)The provision of a copy of the elements and criteria of a unit individually signed by a qualified engineer. This document must be accompanied by a letter from the engineer verifying his/her qualifications and the working relationship with the applicant. (3)The provision of authentic documentation in the form of certificates, qualifications and statements of attainments in which the learning outcomes can be shown to clearly match the unit in question. 5. Complete the application form and submit with all supporting evidence (including proper cross-referencing of the evidence to the Performance Criteria) to the Engineering Office. 6. You will shortly receive a receipt for your application and an invoice from the Engineering Office. The charge is 50% of the normal cost of studying the unit. Students entitled to a concession rate are charged 50c per unit hour less which equates to a discount of $20 for a 40 hour unit. The process of assessing your application will not be started until you have paid this account. 7. Consideration of the application will normally take about 30 days from the RPL coordinator being advised that payment has been received. Complex applications involving a number of units may take longer. Recognition of units of competency claimed will be granted in the form of a pass achieved (PA) in an academic statement.



Page 34

Application for your Award Parchment

Were all your studies completed under the current award?

You can only receive a parchment for studies that appear in your Academic Statement for the current qualification award. Awards are only accredited for a certain number of years and are regularly reviewed and restructured. Students frequently undertake studies over several years, which results in subject/modules being completed under different awards. You will therefore need to apply for Credit Transfer into the current award if any of the following apply: Some of your study was undertaken in modules rather than the new units of competency. An articulation schedule is shown in this document (please refer to the contents page). Some of your studies were completed whilst enrolled in the Associate Diploma or Advanced Certificate of Engineering. Some of your studies include the old subjects from the pre 1991 Associate Diploma. An articulation schedule listing the equivalent modules for each subject is available from the Engineering Office. Some studies have occurred outside the Engineering Programme (eg communication and computing). Please speak to a member of the administrative staff in the Engineering Office for more information on Credit Transfer and to receive the appropriate form.
Applying for the parchment.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Check your results against the requirements for the award. Complete any RPL or Credit Transfer that will be necessary (see above). Obtain an Application to Receive a Parchment/Certificate form from the Engineering Office. Complete the form and return it to the Engineering Office. We will generate an Academic Statement and check that you meet the requirements to receive the award. The Engineering Section at TAFESA Panorama Campus would prefer to issue award parchments at a graduation ceremony; however students may have their parchment issued prior to the graduation ceremony. Graduates who have already received their parchment may still attend the formal graduation. The Graduation ceremony will occur in October of each year. Students may also arrange to collect their parchment from the Engineering Office or receive it through the postal service. If you meet the requirements, the parchment will normally be prepared within 30 days from lodgement of the application. A copy of the parchment will be posted to you, together with an authorisation that you have met the requirements of the award. This should satisfy any employer requirement for progression to a higher award or pay level.




Page 35

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