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Situation Reaction test

1. If in an examination hall, you find that the question paper is too tough to be answered satisfactorily by you, the best thing for you to do is to a) Tell the examiner that the questions are out of course b) Provoke the candidates to walk out of the examination hall. c) Try to know something from your neighbor. d) Try to solve the questions as much as you know with a cool head. Sol. Clearly, an ideal student shall never be expected to create a row over such an issue or try to copy the answers. Also, a situation can best be tackled by not creating panic rather trying to sole it with a cool head. Hence, the answer is d). 2. Your maid has invited you to her daughters wedding. You would a) Completely ignore her b) Attend the wedding c) Buy a gift for her daughter d) Congratulate her and make up some excuse for not being able to attend. Sol. Clearly, the situation demands helping the maid by contributing towards the wedding as much as one can. Hence, the answer is c). 3. Your friends like smoking and influence to do the same. You will a) Smoke only because your friends are smoking b) Refuse to smoke c) Smoke but only in their presence d) Refuse and lie to them that you have asthama Sol. Clearly, one should have a strong will power so as not to yield to easy temptations and indulge in any activity that shall later prove to be harmful. Hence, the answer is b). 4. If on a tough day you are the only person available to handle the customers, you should a) Ask for additional help from the boss b) Take leave and go back home c) Just do your part of the work d) Try and work to the maximum of your ability to satisfy the customers Sol. Clearly, an ideal professional is expected not to shirk his duties but to work hard and strive to satisfy the customers/clients. Hence, the answer is d). 5. When you get angry, you usually a) Throw things b) Withdraw yourself and start crying c) Leave the situation and engage yourself in a different activity

d) None of these Sol. The best mode to overcome anger is not to vent it on things or people around but to divert your mind to a different indulgence. Hence, the answer is c) 6. You are alone in the house and your sister-in-law is suddenly experiencing labor pains. You a) Definitely get upset and dont know what the right step is b) Go out of the house to call family doctor c) Walk her to the nearest hospital d) Call an ambulance for emergency Sol. Clearly, the situation demands taking the lady to the hospital without much delay. Leaving her alone at home to go out in search of help or to make her to do excess strain in the act of reaching hospital shall surely not be appropriate. Hence, the answer is d). 7. While attending your friends party, you see your friends muffler catching fire from the candle on the table behind him. You would a) Ask your friend to see behind b) Rush to call friends mother c) Rush and taking out the muffler from his neck, drop it and pour water on it d) Take out the muffler and throw it away Sol. The given situation demands a prompt action rather than just caution, to save the concerned person from any harm. But just throwing away the muffler may cause harm elsewhere. So, the best course of action shall be to first remove the muffler and then extinguish the fire. Hence, the answer is c).

8. You want to get married to a person of your choice, but your family members give their own reasons why you should not marry what person, which you do not find very convincing. What would you do? a) Go by what your family says b) Become thoroughly confused and still remain undecided c) Marry the person of your choice d) Try to convince your family about your choice Sol. The best way to settle a conflict is always to arrive at a consensus through peaceful talks and mutual decision rather than stick to any one side and ignore the other. Hence, the answer is d).

Statement Course of action

Grasp the statement, analyze the problem or policy it mentions and then decide which of the courses of actionlogically follow(s):
1. Statement - The officer Incharge of a company had a hunch that some money was missing from the safe. Course of action I. He should get it recounted with the help of the staff and check it with the balance sheet. II. He should inform the police. Sol. Clearly, suspicion first needs to be confirmed and only when it is confirmed, should an action be taken. So, only course I follows. 2. Statement The ground water in the locality has been found to contain high level of arsenic making it dangerous to drink. Course of action I. The people living in the area should be shifted to another area to avoid the catastrophic situation. II. The government should make arrangements for the supply of safe drinking water. Sol. Clearly, the contamination of ground water doesnt provide sufficient grounds to shift people to other areas. The problem demands creating awareness among people of the dangers of drinking contaminated water and arranging to provide them safe drinking water. Thus, only course II follows. 3. Statement Japan is not likely to grant Indias request for a $500 million fast disbursing loan for the current year. Course of action I. India should approach other countries to get a loan. II. India should persuade Japan to grant the loan to meet its immediate demand of foreign exchange. Sol. Clearly, to remedy the problem, India can either stress its urgency and persuade Japan itself or it shall look to another country for the same purpose. Thus, either I or II follows. 4. Statement A large number of employees have gone on a mass casual leave in protest against the companys new recruitment policy. Course of action I. The company should immediately withdraw the new recruitment policy. II. All these employees should immediately be suspended from their service. Sol. Here, the problem is one of mutual disagreement. So, extreme measure as getting rid of the policy or employees protesting against it wont help. It can best be solved by finding a middle path via mutual talks. Thus, neither I nor II follows.

5. Statement A large cache of live ammunition has been found in the scrap-yard of a local street factory. Course of action I. The steel factory should immediately be closed down till all these ammunitions are located and shifted to safe place. II. The government should immediately set up an enquiry to unearth the details and take corrective measures to avoid such incidents in future. Sol. Clearly, such a finding demands a probe into the matter along with sealing of the premises for further checks to avoid any mishap. Thus, both the courses of action I & II follow. 6. Statement The librarian finds some cases in which the pages from certain books issued from the library, are torn. Course of action I. The librarian should keep a record of books issued to each student, and if the pages are found torn, strict measures should be taken against the child who had been issued that book. II. Some funds should be collected from the children collectively to renovate the library. Sol. Clearly, the wrong practice ought to be checked, if the library is to be maintained. This is possible if precaution is taken to catch the guilty person and punish him for the act. Thus, only I follows. 7. Statement A group of school students was reported to be enjoying at a picnic spot during school hours. Course of action I. The principal of the school should contact the parents of those students and inform them with a real warning for future. II. Some disciplinary action should be taken against those students for the awareness of all the other students. Sol. Clearly, such students who bunk schools should be punished so that other students should not indulge in the same. Also, their parents should be informed about the same so that they are not let free in future. Thus, both I & II follow.

Choose the conclusion that appeal to you to be the most correct.

1. The Taj is in Agra. Agra is in India. Therefore Taj is in India. a) True b) Probably false c) False d) Cant say 2. The presence of calcium in milk makes it white. Rice, too, is white. Therefore, rice also contains calcium. a) False b) Probably true

c) True d) Cant say 3. Hydrogen is lighter than oxygen. Hydrogen is lighter than helium. Therefore, oxygen is the heaviest of all the three gases. a) False b) Probably false c) True d) Cant say 4. People who are bald are generally of the intellectual type. Arun is bald. Therefore, Arun is an intellectual. a) False b) Probably true c) True d) Cant say 5. Jatin, Kamal and Navin are three mountaineers. Jatin is Kamals brother. Kamal is Navins Brother. Navin is not Jatins Brother. Therefore, Navin is Jatins sister. a) True b) Probably false c) False d) Cant say

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