Physics Graduate School Stipends

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Graduate student stipends in physics weighted by the national average cost of living

Duke U
Rice U
Baylor U
Ohio State U
U. Pittsburgh
U. Notre Dame
U. Rochester
East Carolina University
Ohio U
U. Oklahoma
Georgia Institute of Technology
U. Wisconsin, Milwaukee
U. Delaware
Lehigh U
Cornell U
Case Western Reserve
Louisiana State U
Vanderbilt U
Emory University
Wake Forest U
Harvard U
Clarkson University
U. Utah
Florida International University
Brown U
Washington U
Colorado School of Mines
U. Cincinnati
Brigham Young U
Syracuse U
Northeastern U
U. Central Florida
Southern Methodist University
U. Florida
U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
U. Toledo
U. Miami
West Virginia University
Dartmouth College
U. Missouri
U. South Florida
Princeton U
Auburn U
Carnegie Mellon U
Texas Christian University
U. Alabama
Purdue U
Florida State U
Western Michigan University
U. Nebraska - Lincoln
U. Maryland, Baltimore County
Temple U
U. Kentucky
Rutgers U
Missouri U. Science and Technology
U. Denver
U. Texas at Austin
Tulane U
Binghamton University (SUNY)
U. Kansas
Georgia State U
U. North Dakota
U. Iowa
U. Chicago
Indiana U, Bloomington
Johns Hopkins U
Drexel U
North Carolina State U, Raleigh
U. Alabama at Birmingham
Brandeis U
U. Maryland, College Park
College of William and Mary
Clemson U
U. Virginia
U at Buffalo (SUNY)
Portland State University
Northern Illinois U
Michigan State U
Florida Atlantic University
U. Louisville
U. Massachusetts, Amherst
Tufts U
U. Wyoming
U. North Texas
Arizona State U
U. Texas, Arlington
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
New Mexico State U
U. South Carolina
Texas State University, San Marcos
Stevens Institute of Technology
U. Southern California
Washington State U
U. Missouri, St. Louis
U. Arkansas
U. Texas, Dallas
U. Arizona
U. New Mexico
George Washington U
Utah State U
U. Mississippi
Miami University
Iowa State University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Florida Institute of Technology
U. Minnesota
U. Colorado, Boulder
U. Idaho
Colorado State U
U. New Hampshire
U. California, Davis
Montana State U
Ball State University
U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Mississippi State University
Northwestern U
Boston U
Oregon State U
Kansas State U
U. Maine
Georgetown University
Illinois Institute of Technology
U. Washington
Appalachian State University
U. Illinois at Chicago
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
U. Wisconsin, Madison
U. California, San Diego
Pennsylvania State U
U. California, Los Angeles
Creighton University
U. Alaska Fairbanks
Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Michigan Technological U
California State University, Northridge
U. Vermont
U. New Orleans
Virginia Commonwealth University
U. California, Berkeley
Catholic U. America
U. California, Irvine
U. Minnesota, Duluth
Stony Brook U (SUNY)
U. Massachusetts Dartmouth
U. California, Santa Barbara
U. California, Santa Cruz
U. Massachusetts, Lowell
San Diego State University
U. Missouri, Kansas City
Howard University
Pittsburg State University
Bowling Green State University
Oakland University
Clark U
Depaul University
Minnesota State University, Mankato
U. Hawaii at Manoa
Air Force Institute of Technology





Teaching Assistant




Research Assistant


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