Jesus The Rebel PBL Outline

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St Ignatius College Riverview DEPARTMENT of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR 9 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION UNIT 1: Jesus & Scripture- Jesus the



DELIVER 1 x 55 MINUTE LESSONS BASED UPON ONE OF THE CANONICAL GOSPELS Your lesson must include: Notes for the class to write, relating to the section that your group is teaching; At least one worksheet to be completed in class, during your lesson; You should make use of the Promethean Smartboard AND May include video footage e.g. Youtube. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You will be divided into 4 groups which will consist of 4 -5 students. Groups will be determined by your teacher. Your teacher will assign your group a different Canonical Gospel. You will have () lessons to prepare your teaching lesson. In your preparation lessons, you will have access to: Smartboard technology; The Library; Computer based technology and your RE Teacher. 6. Any photocopying that you need to have done, needs to be submitted to your teacher at least one (1) week before your lesson, in order that this can be organised. 1. Do not expect your teacher to organise or capture online video feeds from Youtube (etc) on the day of your presentation. That is YOUR responsibility to organise in advance, not your teachers job to save you. 2. Do not hand your teacher photocopying to be done on the day of your lesson. It will not be done and you will lose marks as a result. 3. It is the students responsibility to ensure that any software that you need to use as part of your presentation meets the Colleges requirements. This means that you need to have tested your software or data before your lesson. Thats part of your six lessons prep time.




As part of your ()essons prep time, you have to prepare a lesson plan for your lesson. This has to be approved by your teacher. Your actual teaching lesson that you present will be marked according to the attached criteria.

St Ignatius College Riverview DEPARTMENT of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR 9 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION UNIT 1: Jesus & Scripture- Jesus the Rebel


CATEGORY Presentation

4 Excellent
Well rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds class attention
Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. All documented in desired format. Covers topic indepth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent.

3 Good
Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds class attention most of the time
Source information collected for all graphics, facts and quotes. Most documented in desired format.

2 Satisfactory
Delivery not smooth but able to maintain interest of the class for most of the time
Source information collected for graphics, facts and quotes but not documented in desired format.

1 Elemental
Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost



Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good.
Uses headings or bullet points to organise but the overall organisation of the topic appears flawed. Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.

Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1 2 factual errors. Content is logically organised, for the most part.
Uses other people's ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking. Researches identify, with some adult help, at least 4 reasonable, ideas/questions when doing the research.

Very little or no source documentation was presented in the desired format. Content is minimal or there are several factual errors.



Content is well organized using bulleted lists, headings or lists to group related material. Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. Researches independently identify at least 4 reasonable, insightful, creative ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.

There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts.

Uses other peoples ideas but does not give them credit.
Researches identify, with considerable adult help, at most 4 reasonable, ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.

Ideas / Research / Questions

Researches independently identify at least 4 reasonable, ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.

Overall Mark /24

St Ignatius College Riverview DEPARTMENT of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YEAR 9 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION UNIT 1: Jesus & Scripture- Jesus the Rebel

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE: Text being taught: Group Member Name: Responsibility:

Timing: Time allocated Presenter will be doing: Students will be doing:

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