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Dawn of the dead Analysis










1. A simple black screen with the running of the red writing signifying blood, is
extremely effective in presenting the gory aspect of horror, and is a unique clever way to introduce a title, and to fad it of screen. The contrast between the black and red enhances the words on screen and holds connotations of evil, death and destruction. As the words are washed away, a theme of total destruction and extinction is presented, as the words are no longer readable, and themselves have been destroyed.

2.Similar to the first screen shot the screen remains black with the title DAWN of
the DEAD in red block letters being the focal point of the shot. The key words are highlighted dawn, dead taking up the proportion of the screen represent the key themes within the film. The obvious title along with the flashing images we are shown gives the viewer a clear idea as to what the films about, but at the same time grabs them due to the fast nature of the sequence.

3. Being one of the goriest images within the opening sequence, it clearly
demonstrates what is being said, from the voice over of the press conference. The gore and blood alienates the audience setting the tone for the film, and makes the viewer feel uncomfortable and puts them on the edge of their seats. The expression of the actors face describes extreme pain and frustration the extremity of the image shocks the viewer creating the vibe of horror. Medical care is evident in this close up, due to the cables attached to the mans chest and the rubber gloves covering the doctors hands suggest contagion and disease which is later backed up in the voice over.

4.A formal guy in smart business suit, most likely high up in presidential power or
head of medical research. The bright, soft colours create a false sense of security and lull the audience into feeling more relaxed, however the topic on conversation about a spreading virus nerves the audience bringing the important issues to light. The sign in the background disease prevention shows the escalation of the matter paired with the frightening images informs the audience

5. The sepia wide shot used creates an historical vibe, displaying violent images of
what looks to be an uprising. The fast pace of the shots is replicated in the rush and

bustle of the violent actions. The screams and shrikes from the crowd running away from something, cut through the upbeat, ironically happy song frightening the audience creating an eerily, uncertain feel.

6. The lined black and white screen with a womens face moving on it, with a look of
terror/shock. The variety of colours, effects and shot types experimented with in the opening sequence demonstrates a variety of scenes within the movie and the variety of subjects presented. The smashing of the screen holds connotations of violence and an uprising. Along with the knowledge we have previously been given we are able to come to the conclusion that the virus is spreading, and causing the destruction of the human race

7. Changing to an extreme close up of red blood cells , varies the shot, and focuses
on the main scientific issues of this new infection engulfing the human race. The constant reference to the colour red signifies the blood and gory nature of the film. The extreme close up adds a sense of ambiguity, commenting on the unknown aspect to the virus.

8. Again the obscured image of the heat/smoke from the fire creates a sense of the
unknown. By not completely giving the plot away to the audience it keeps there attention and there imagination running and intrigued to see the actual feature. The silhouettes of the figures again are unclear, but the main focus of the medium shot is on the fire, representing destruction, violence and decay .The barren landscape emphasises the idea of something being destroyed or destructed, only with a few pieces of rubble in the shot

9. In this shot we see a person physically attacking another, highlighting the fast
paced tempo of the opening sequence. The blurriness of the shot and the jerky movements demonstrate the hand held footage putting the audience in the position of the actor, experiencing the action first hand. Again the scale of the matter is shown through the guy in the army uniform with the gun. Sepia is used again dating the image, and making it seem more rustic. Compared to previous film openings I have looked at, dawn of the dead jumps straight into the action and gives a clear idea to the audience as to what the film is about. It instantly grabs the viewer loading them with information, allowing the film to start with them already having knowledge about the feature they are being shown. The fast pace, of the shots ,the slightly upbeat passed music and the action/violence contained within the shots creates an overall intriguing film opening , the audience are presented with a clear idea of what they expect to get out of the film representing the genre horror/thriller perfectly through action, pace and gore.

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