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Read the following text. Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived in a small house with her stepmother and two sisters. But they didnt like Cinderella. Her stepmother was mean to her. She always asked Cinderella to work at home. She cleaned the house and cooked for everybody. She dressed badly and worked a lot every day. She was unhappy all the time.

Vocabulary Stepmother madrasta Mean m Everybody todos Badly mal Unhappy infeliz Fairy fada Pumpkin abbora Coach coche Quickly rapidamente

There was a big castle in the town. The prince lived there. He decided to give a party. So he invited all the girls in town. The stepmother and two sisters didnt want Cinderella to go to the ball. So she stayed at home. She was sad because she wanted to visit the palace. Cinderellas fairy appeared at her house. She didnt want Cinderella to be sad and turned a pumpkin into a beautiful coach. Cinderella travelled to the ball by coach. The prince looked at Cinderella and liked her. They danced together all night. At midnight she returned home quickly. But she lost her shoe. The prince picked it up and looked for her. Every girl of the town tried the shoe. But it only fitted Cinderella. They got married and lived happily ever after.

1. Find in the text the 25 verbs in the Simple past and write them below.
[ dont repeat the verbs and dont forget the negative form ]

2. According to the text mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F).

a) Cinderella lived in a castle. b) Cinderellas stepmother loved her. c) Cinderella worked at home. d) The prince didnt like Cinderella. e) The prince lived in a castle.

3. Correct only the false sentences. . a) Cinderella lived in a castle. b) Cinderellas stepmother loved her. c) Cinderella worked at home. d) The prince didnt like Cinderella. e) The prince lived in a castle. _______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

4. Answer these questions according to the text. a) Where did Cinderella live?

b) Was she happy?

c) What did the Prince decide? d) Did the Prince like Cinderella? e) When did Cinderella return home?

1. Write the following verbs in the Simple Past.

Offer Enjoy Use Finish Move Carry Open Fit Clean Shout
2. Complete the sentences using the given verbs in the Simple Past. Past. a) Cinderella __________ her mother two weeks ago. b) She __________ with her family for five days. c) Her family __________ very sad when she departed. d) She __________ the Pyramids with her father. e) Cinderella __________ at the ball at 9 oclock. f) Cinderella __________ a lot last Saturday. [ visit ] [ stay ] [ be ] [ investigate ] [ arrive ] [ study ]

3. Write the previous sentences in the negative form. a) ___________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________________ e) ___________________________________________________________ f)___________________________________________________________

4. Write the following sentences in the interrogative form and answer accordingly.

a) She lived in a small house. _______________________________? Yes, ________.

b) The Prince invited all the girls. _______________________________? Yes, ________.

c) The stepmother wanted Cinderella to go to the ball. _______________________________? No, ________.

d) Cinderella only cooked for her. _______________________________? No, ________.

1. Review your answers. 2. Apply necessary corrections. 3. Deliver the test.


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