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TITLE: Epicsystems Inc Sample Verbal Ability Placement Paper Level1 (Bolded option is your answer) 1. Catching the earlier train will give us the ...... to do some shopping. A chance B luck C possibility D occasion

2. He is so ...... that he immediately believe my story of ghosts. A innocent B credulous C vociferous D credible

3. Rohan and Rohit are twin brothers, but they do not look ...... A unique 4. CANNY A Obstinate 5. GERMANE A Responsible 6. VENT A Opening B Stodge C End D Past tense of go B Logical C Possible D Relevant B Handsome C Clever D Stout B different C likely D alike

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7. Find the correctly spelt words. A Excessive B Exccessive C Exxcesive D Excesive

8. Find the correctly spelt words. A Vetarinary B Veteninary C Vetinary D Veterinary

9. Find the correctly spelt words. A Klaptomania B Klepptomania C Kleptemania D Kleptomania

10. Because of his mastery in this field, his suggestions are wide accepted. A are widely accepted B widely acceptance C have widely accepted D have been wide accepted

11. For some days the new professor lectured above the heads of his pupils. A over the head of B over the heads of C on the heads of D through the heds of

12. The small child does whatever his father was done. A has done B did C does D had done

13. Making friends is more rewarding than to make enemies.

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A to be unsociable

B to be sociable

C being unsociable

D making enemies

14. I cannot accept your offer. A Your offer B I cannot be C The offer D Your offer cannot be accepted by cannot be cannot be accepted by me. your offer. accepted by me. accepted. 15. I remember my sister taking me to the museum. A I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister. B I remember being taken to the museum by my sister. C I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister. D I remember taken to the museum by my sister.

16. He is said to be very rich. A He said he is very rich. B People say he C He said it is is very rich. very rich. D People say it is very rich.

17. Darjeeling grows tea. A Tea is being grown in Darjeeling. 18. PERTINENT A Irrational B Let the tea be grown in Darjeeling. C Tea is grown in Darjeeling. D Tea grows in Darjeeling.

B Irregular

C Insistent

D Irrelevant

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Visit for placement papers, interview tips & job updates. Toget freeupdates tomail updates on Facebook @

19. QUIESCENT A ACTIVE 20. NIGGARDLY A Frugal 21. NADIR A Modernity B Zenith C Liberty D Progress B Thrifty C Stingy D Generous B Dormant C Weak D Unconcerned

22. 1. I 2. immediately 3. salary 4. my5. want A 43152 23. 1. of 4. him A 42351 24. 1. at 4. once A 23514 B 15432 2. we 3. heard 5. had B 25314 2. it 3. take 5. away B 14352 3. you C 32514 D 53214 C 25341 D 25431 C 25143 D 42351

25. 1. seen 2. going 4. him 5. have

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Visit for placement papers, interview tips & job updates. Toget freeupdates tomail updates on Facebook @

A 35214

B 35142

C 32514

D 35124

26. his powerful desire brought about his downfall. A His intense desire B His desire for power C His fatal desire D No improvement

27. To get one's name in the Rowland Ward's book of hunting records was the hot ambition of every serious hunter. A extreme B burning C high D No improvement

28. He sent a word to me that he would be coming late. A sent word B had sent a word C sent words D No improvement

29. While we would like that all Indian Children to go to school, we need to ponder why they do not. A that all the Indian children B if all the C all Indian children of India children D No improvement

30. A religious discourse A Preach B Stanza C Sanctorum D Sermon

31. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power A Expert B Intellectual C Snob D Literate

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Visit for placement papers, interview tips & job updates. Toget freeupdates tomail updates on Facebook @

32. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things A Trickster B Imposter C Magician D Mountebank

33. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool A Imbecility B Senility C Dotage D Superannuation

34. The boy said, "Who dare call you a thief?" A The boy B The boy asked C The boy told D The boy enquired who who called him that who dared wondered who dared call him a a thief. call him a thief. dared call a thief. thief. 35. She exclaimed with sorrow that was a very miserable plight. A She said with B She said, sorrow, "What a "What a pity it is." mystery it is." C She said, D She said, "What a "What a miserable sight miserable plight it is." it is." 36. "If you don't keep quite I shall shoot you", he said to her in a calm voice. A He warned her to shoot if she didn't keep quite calmly. B He said calmly that I shall shoot you if you don't be quite. C He warned her calmly that he would shoot her if she didn't keep quite. D Calmly he warned her that be quite or else he will have to shoot her.

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