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Coaching Model Assessment

Name: Date:

Jean Biacsi April 18, 2012

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The Coaching Model outlines the core structure that I believe will lead to the best possible outcome for the client. Most people appreciate having a clear understanding of what is expected of them and what they can expect from the coach. I will begin every coaching engagement with assuring that the client has a very clear understanding of the expectations. To accomplish that I will establish an environment of trust and safety as well as reinforce the standard of confidentiality to which I hold myself. I will ask each client to complete a Getting to Know You questionnaire and sign an agreement that outlines the structure of the engagement and my expectations. We each have preferred styles of learning and for those who resonate with a visual and/or kinesthetic approach the agreement will facilitate their comfort level. I believe that every human being comes to this planet with at least one gift and one of my goals will be to assure the client is aware of their gift(s) as well as what they hold as values and beliefs. Where appropriate I will offer tools to assist. Most people come to the coaching relationship because they feel stuck, unable to move forward or accomplish a goal they have set for themselves. My role is to work with the client to help them identify what is preventing their forward movement towards meeting their goal. I believe that people who find themselves in that situation have the answers hidden within, they simply need a little help uncovering them, finding the missing piece of the puzzle. My role as the coach is to be the person who is there for the client; their personal champion; someone who will ask many questions, some of which might be difficult, to foster insight and awareness; someone who will hold the client accountable for the actions the client states they will take to accomplish what they want they to do; someone who will acknowledge the accomplishments, both big and small; someone who will support the client when things dont go as planned; someone who will celebrate with the client. As a coach I will help solve the puzzle, find the missing piece standing in the way of the success the client states they want to achieve.

As you begin any relationship it is important to initially establish a clear understanding of what to expect from both sides of the relationship. I guarantee you absolute confidentiality and honesty. I am a professional and as such will adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics in all situations ( I pledge my full commitment to support you on your journey to success. I will listen, ask powerful questions, help in the design of the actions you choose to take, provide feedback, hold you accountable when you agree to do something and guide you in the development of your goals. You will explore your core values and beliefs; become aware of the obstacles you impose on yourself; design, carry out and assess the actions you choose to take. The coaching relationship is all about forward movement towards a goal you define. It all starts with trust.

wisdom, knowledge and insights around issues and goals that you define, you are truly the expert about your own life. I will support you on your journey of self-discovery. Together we will assure that you have clarity around the expectations set and have defined the methods and terms of the measurable results you expect.

awareness of strengths, values, beliefs and assuring they are aligned with the goals and objectives you established. Staying motivated and committed is difficult if goals are not aligned with values.

an Action Plan that defines and describes what you will do to move you in the direction you want to go. This plan can include anything from clarifying what you want, to taking bold steps to get there. We will work together to evaluate the specific actions that fit with who you are and who you want to be while remaining true to the values and beliefs you hold for yourself. If there are behaviors that are getting in your way to success we will explore, together, the actions that will support you to change the behaviors you want to change to assure ultimate success.

the outcome of the actions you have chosen to take. We will explore what could hold you back from achieving your goal. Do you have an underlying belief that no longer serves you? We will also look at the strengths and skills you bring to this journey and how they can best be utilized for success.

the outcome of the actions you have taken in clear, measureable terms using the terms defined at the beginning of the coaching engagement. If those goals were met, a description of the methods used and insights learned. If the goals were not met, a reflection on the challenges and obstacles that prevented the outcomes desired.

will be recognized and celebrated. Your successes, big and small, deserve to be celebrated. By summarizing your accomplishments you will be able to see your opportunities to gain future success. There will be greater clarity around how your values and beliefs contribute to your success and how your underlying beliefs may contradict what you believe and explain behaviors that get in your way to success.

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