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For Players

CHARACTERS start with 1 point each in Brawn, Agility, and Psyche.

Choose a Kin: Human (gain 3 advances to any abilities, skills, or spells). Choose a Type: Swashbuckler Attributes: +2 Agility Skills: +1 Traps Stats: +1 Max Life, +1 Max Energy Thaumaturge Attributes: +2 Psyche Skills: +1 Recharge Stats: +2 Max Energy Warrior Attributes: Skills: Stats: +2 Brawn +1 Repair +2 Max Life

Diablo RPG
Batter (Brawn 3): Costs 2 Energy; A melee attack which pushes the target a number of yards equal to your ability level and inflicts +1 stun. Max Level: 10 Battle Cry (Brawn 2, Psyche 2): Costs 4 Energy; Enemy runs away from you for a number of rounds equal to your ability level. Max Level: 5 Jab (Agility 3): Costs 3 Energy, 1 Stamina; Make a melee attack and repeat the damage against a number adjacent enemies equal to your ability level at a cumulative -2 damage penalty. Max Level: 10 Pivotal Strike: Passive; After making an attack, if the die result is greater than or equal to 11 - Pivotal Strike, you double the resulting damage. Max Level: 5 Slam (Brawn 3): Costs 2 Energy; Adds its level as a bonus to damage on melee attacks and pushes the target from melee to short range. Max Level: 10

For Narrators
Characters are disabled if they have less than 1 Life. Characters die if Life reaches a negative number greater than or equal to Max Life. Abilities and spells specify the Energy required to use them. Characters regain 1 point of spent Energy at the start of each round. Each turn characters can use 2 actions for tasks such as attacks, movement, or drinking potions. Stamina can be spent to gain extra actions and returns after a rest. Some tasks require multiple actions. Speed is the number of yards a character can move with 1 action. Defense is subtracted from an opponents attack total to create a modifier for the attack. Ability, Skill & Spell Checks: Tasks are performed by rolling a 10-sided die and adding the result to relevant bonuses. For melee attacks, add the die result to bonuses from the Melee Combat skill, a relevant weapon skill, and the characters Brawn attribute. If the result of the die roll is 10 (or 0), add 9 to your total and roll the die again, adding the new result. Abilities such as Pivotal Strike use the initial 10 rather than subsequent results to determine consequences. Subtracting the target number, such as an enemys Defense, from the check result creates a modifier. Should the attacker roll a 6 on the die and have a +5 total bonus from Melee Combat (1), Blades (1), and Brawn (3), the attack result would be 11. Against an 8 Defense, the attack would have a +3 damage modifier. Against 13 Defense, the attack would receive a -2 damage modifier. Only if damage is reduced below 1 does the attack miss. Use Agility for movement and ranged actions, Brawn for melee and strength actions, and Psyche for magic and spells. Advancing: Narrators decide how much experience to award during play. Rewards could include 1 per play session, 1 per encounter, 1 per task completed, or 1 for each instance of good role-playing. Players can spend experience to advance their characters abilities, attributes, skills, spells, or stats. Existing abilities, attributes, skills, and spells each cost their new level, so increasing a skill from 1st to 2nd level costs 2 experience. New abilities, skills, and spells cost 2 to gain after character creation. Max Life and Max Energy each cost 1 experience for each new point, and Stamina costs 2 experience for each new point. Damage Types: Characters may gain resistance to damage types, such as fire or lightning, through magic items or other means described by the narrator. Each point of resistance negates 1 point of damage. Some creatures may take extra damage from certain damage types, and the magic damage type cannot normally be resisted. Some creatures or objects may be vulnerable to certain damage types. Equipment: Characters may begin with 1 set of armor and either 2 weapons or 1 weapon and 1 shield. They also begin with either 1 Rejuvenation potion or 2 Life or Energy potions. Stun: Stun is an effect which, instead of dealing damage, makes tasks more expensive. Each task requires a number of extra actions equal to the stun value, so a standard attack would take 2 actions at +1 stun or 3 actions at +2 stun. Stamina can be spent to compensate for this, and the stun duration is 1 round unless otherwise noted.

Blades: Adds its level as a bonus to damage totals on attacks made with blades such as axes, daggers, and swords. Max Level: 10 Bows: Adds its level as a bonus to damage totals on attacks made with bows and crossbows. Max Level: 10 Maces: Adds its level as a bonus to damage totals on attacks made with clubs, flails, maces, mauls, and morning stars. Max Level: 10 Melee Combat: Adds its level as a bonus to all melee attacks made with or without a weapon. Max Level: 10 Ranged Combat: Adds its level as a bonus to ranged weapon attacks. Max Level: 10 Recharge (Psyche 3): Once per day you can replenish a number of magical item charges equal to your skill check result providing you have the Energy to do so. Each charge to replenish costs 5 Energy. Repair (Brawn 3): You can fix armor, weapons, and other items that are damaged in some way. Repair takes a number of hours determined by the narrator and modified by your skill check result. Staves: Adds its level as a bonus to attacks made with staves, whether used as melee weapons or for casting spells. Max Level: 10 Traps (Agility 3): You can arm, detect, and disarm traps. You can passively detect traps by adding 5 to the skill level without rolling the die.

Stats: In addition to bonuses from Kin and Type, a character begins with Max Life equal to Brawn + 10, Max Energy equal to Psyche + 10, Max Stamina equal to Brawn + Psyche, Speed equal to Agility + 2, and Defense equal to Agility + Armor.

Leather Armor: +1 Defense Chain Mail (Brawn 3): +2 Defense Splint Mail (Brawn 4): +3 Defense Plate Mail (Brawn 6): +4 Defense Full Plate Mail (Brawn 8): +5 Defense Buckler: +1 Defense Small Shield (Brawn 3): +2 Defense Large Shield (Brawn 4): +3 Defense Kite Shield (Brawn 5): +4 Defense Tower Shield (Brawn 6): +5 Defense

Life & Energy Potions: +10 Life or +10 Energy Rejuvenation Potions: +10 Life and +10 Energy Full Potion: Max Life, Energy, or both based on type

Axes: Range (melee, short); +4 damage Bows: Range (short, long); +1 attack; +2 damage Clubs: Range (melee); +2 damage; +1 stun Crossbows: Range (short, long); +4 damage Daggers: Range (melee, short); +1 attack; +2 damage Flails: Range (melee); +1 attack; +1 damage; +1 stun Maces: Range (melee); +3 damage; +1 stun Mauls: Range (melee); +1 damage; +2 stun Morning Stars: Range (melee); +1 attack; +3 damage Staves: Range (melee); +1 attack; +1 stun Swords: Range (melee); +2 attack, +1 damage Created by L. J. Shepherd

SPELLS (require Psyche 2 unless otherwise noted)

Bead Lightning (Psyche 3): Costs 6 Energy; Creates a number of lightning bolts equal to its level, each of which deals its level in lightning damage to targets in melee or short range. Max Level: 10 Burn: Costs 6 Energy; Creates a ball of flame which deals twice its level in fire damage to targets in short or long range. Max Level: 10 Heal: Costs 10 Energy; Restores an amount of Life to the caster equal to 1d10 plus twice the spells level. Holy Flare: Costs 7 Energy; Creates a dart of light which deals its level in magic damage to targets in short or long range. Max Level: 10 Torch: Costs 11 Energy; Creates a wave of continuous flame from melee to short range from the caster, dealing its level in fire damage to each creature in its path. Max Level: 10

Art by Jeff Preston

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