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Discipline problems in school

Discipline in schools has always been a major concern for teachers and educators, especially when there had been indications that the problem is getting worse rather than improving. Discipline is about teaching children appropriate behavior and helping them become independent and responsible people. It is a part of growing up and also learning how to deal with the results of one's actions. A disciplined student will follow the school rules and codes of conduct. These rules may, for example, define the expected standards of clothing, timekeeping, social behavior and work ethic. The term of discipline is also applied to the punishment if there were someone who breaking the school rules. The aim of discipline is to set reasonable limits which protect students from harm and teach them what is safe and what is not. Through the sinchew news report, Malaysian Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said that the discipline level of school students in Malaysia is still under control with only 2 to 3% of the more than five million students in the country involved with disciplinary problems on year 2009. (2010-12-27) There were many types of discipline problems that usually happen in school. The most common discipline problem is students playing truancy. The reason why student play truancy is they feel stress when they attend school. Many young people feel under a lot of pressure with school work, exams and other. They are also going through the pressures of growing up, which includes physical change and concerns

about body image, relationships and identity. Student will try to escape all these by playing truancy. The other reason is bully, children may be being bullied at school and be too afraid to tell anyone about it. Bullying includes physical or verbal attacks or threats, directly or through their mobile or the internet. There were many reasons made student take part in case bullying. Maybe some of them want to attract their parent attention as they want their parent to pay more attention or take care of them. Some of them are effect by their friend. They do not know how to differentiate good and bad. They just follow what their friends ask and want. Somehow, bullying is unacceptable behavior and children will need our help to get it stopped. These were two of the reason why student play truancy. The others discipline problems in schools is vandalism. Behaviors as defined as vandalism are very often seen in the schools as well. Vandalism happens everywhere, most often it occurs at where the building design at school area such as toilet, classroom, lab and others. Besides, posting graffiti in public places, breaking or throwing items out of windows, stealing and damage school property also. All these considered as vandalism.

Through National Crime Prevention Council website, we know that there were many reasons that vandalism happen. Some vandalisms work in groups. We may also know some of the students doing the damage he or she might be the smartest kid in school, or the kid who's always in trouble. They felt boredom, anger, revenge and

also association with friends. These were the reason why most teenagers involve in this case. Vandalism should be stop and should take action immediately. As a teacher

should take their responsible to teach their student so that they can away from all negative cases.

As my conclusion, discipline problem should not be happening anymore in school. Parent, schools authorities, policemen, and others should give cooperation to stop discipline problem happen. School should be a safe and peace place for student to learn and get knowledge.


Wetaskiwin RCMP Detachment, 5005-48 Ave., Wetaskiwin, AB. T9A 0NI Retrieved from http://

MySinchew 2010Discipline problems of school students in Malaysia still under control - Wee Ka Siong 2010-12-27

Sacramento Sheriff's Department2011 711 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814The Scoop on Vandalism


Essay: Discipline problems in school.1

Reference4 Borang Kolaborasi..5 Appendix6

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