The Hundred Fold

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The Hundred Fold

I recently had a brother ask me about who would make it to ride over the tribulation period and who would be left behind. We then began to see about things that were said concerning a 30 fold, 60 fold, and a 100 fold, measure. Now according to the Bible and to prophets already come and gone, then we see that what we need to be or have is what is referred to as the 100 Fold measure. Paul said lets go on to Perfection, and other writers of the Bible have said similar things. We know the Bible says when that which is perfect is come that which is in part is done away. This of course means as we move from faith to faith and from revelation to revelation we grow in our understanding till we all come into the Unity of The Faith. Looking at it in the dimensional types we see how the Law was a 30 fold measure, then Grace became a 60 fold measure and now we are entered already into this new 3rd age of the 100 fold measure, or the 100 fold message which is, The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Now we know the measure it is speaking when we say 30 fold etc. is not the measure of the Spirit as we can see how St. Peter and Paul both were Full of the Holy Ghost, yet Paul understood things Peter did not understand. Paul even understood more than all of the apostles as he said he magnified his office and that he really did understand what the Life and person of Jesus Christ was truly all about. Peter said of Paul how he spoke of things that were hard to be understood. We can see and hear and read about the great Man of God Smith Wigglesworth who raised the dead and cast out devils and healed the sick, yet he still believed in a Trinity and from what we may know is whether he even baptized in Jesus Name or not.

What I am trying to say is like this, when Jesus told the disciples if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can move this mountain, he was not trying to emphasize the measure of faith as to the seed as much as he was emphasizing the Quality of the Seed of the Quality of what faith you have. Because I do not know of anyone in the history of the world that has moved a mountain by faith. So lets grow up and realize that he also later on referred to the Kingdom of God as a mustard seed. So we realize that human faith cannot do anything as to a supernatural event, that only The Faith of Jesus Christ can work and do the supernatural such as divide the red sea, stop the sun, raise the dead, etc. Salvation according to the Holy Scriptures is through and of The Faith of Jesus Christ, and we are commanded to strive to enter in and to contend for this supernatural Faith. So it is not the quantity, but the quality of faith that matters. So what I am saying is this. It is not the quantity of the measure you have, but it is the maturity or the fullness of the Understanding you have. The Law brought a light or an understanding to the world and it is referred to a moonlight, and then grace came which in a type was the moon covered in blood, but for our understanding sake we will see it as the Sun shining in its strength. But the Bible says something will come and has come called The Revelation of Jesus Christ, this is when the Bible says the Sun will become 7 times brighter indicating a 7 fold light indicating the rapture or translation of the Bride. There are children of God out in the world born again but will never come to the message of the hour as The Revelation of Jesus Christ. There are many good people who follow Bro. William Branham who will not come to this message though they love the Lord and have the Spirit within. Paul who had The Revelation of Jesus Christ had the fullness of the Mind of God and he understood the mysteries of God and revealed them carefully in his writings.

The sum of the matter is that a new age is come, a new light, a new understanding, and it is called the Fullness of the Stature, it is that which is perfect that is come and that in part is now done away. This great revelation brings us The Faith. This message is the fullness of the stature and it is the 100 fold light and measure. It is the message that reveals the conquering of death and the change of the Body and is the revealing of The Thunders indicating a translated Bride as the Bride is become ONE with her Husband. So those of you who have come and will come to this message, they have obtained, they have arrived to perfection and come to The Faith. This message is the fullness of the stature and it is that which is perfect and we are no longer children in our UNDERSTANDING but we are sitting in the Throne and we rule with a Rod of Iron and we have obtained to the 100 fold measure. There will be Saints in the Tribulation as Children learn obedience by suffering as will the Jews, but those who have received this wonderful message and has The Faith birthed in their heart, they have obtained and they have conquered death. Let me ask you this, If Bro Branham and Bro Pike went by the way of the Grave then who are we to think we have made it or could make it? I mean they had great measures in the Earth. So we see a time element is involved, and we understand as the Parent lay up for the children that these men did not partake of the benefits of their messages but by their death and sacrifice in life they left the benefits for their children and by the death of them being testators then their testaments could not come into effect till AFTER they were gone. So we are living now in the Age where we can conquer Death and by pass the Grave and Comprehend the Change of the Body which is already begun. Much revelation since Bro Pike has slept has been revealed of the Change of The Body. The Seeds of Revelation that He planted within us is bursting forth and growing greater each day as those ordained of old are and have Obtained to

the Fullness of The Stature and the maturity of the Mind of Christ. We have the Unction to KNOW all things! Nothing is hidden from our site, we walk in the Spiritual Realms of Revelation and we always behold the Face of our Father and we always do that which we see Him do. We walk in the Spirit as we have been translated into the Spirit, we are in The Lords day. We have already entered into His Rest. We understand that Sin was Unbelief and that it is what caused death and now we have The Faith within and we absolutely cannot Sin thus it is impossible for us to ever die again. We died when Jesus died and we raised up from the dead as He did. Bro. Pike said, when that last one steps into this message, God will shut the Door and it will be over. We understand that when the Mind of Christ came into us that the Body was changed at that very moment as well. The Bodily Change is this same body you now have, just under a new head, a new Mind. Jesus Christ died and raised from the dead in the same exact body He was born with. So will you and I. What the Change is, is recognizing the Body does not have to die anymore as it is NOT under the Law or under the cruel taskmaster of the Carnal Mind that told it, that it sinned and had to age and had to die. Now this body has a new mind and a new authority that rules in it. Adam and Eve were in a State of Mind before their Flesh came into view. Once they partook of that Tree they realized they were naked. So we see how that we are changing back from the mind that sees the Body has something shameful because of Sin is now changed and that I am Holy in my Body as well as my Spirit because of the Mind of Christ that now dwells in Me. We have made it Saints, praise God we are Home! (DSOH Ministries)-

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