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HEA: AID Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and

FY 2006 Program Performance Report
Strategic Goal 5
HEA, Title III, Part B, Section 323
Document Year 2006 Appropriation: $238,095
CFDA 84.031B: Strengthening HBCUs and Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions

Program Goal: To improve the capacity of minority-serving institutions, which

traditionally have limited resources and serve large numbers of
low-income and minority students, to improve student success
and to provide high-quality educational opportunities for their
Objective 1 of 3: Increase enrollments at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
Measure 1.1 of 1: The number of full-time degree-seeking undergraduates enrolling at
Historically Black Colleges and Universities. (Desired direction: increase)
Year Target Status
(or date expected)
2002 188,259 Measure not in place
2003 206,332 Measure not in place
2004 221,254 Measure not in place
2005 223,933 Measure not in place
2009 231,443 (December 2009) Pending
Source. U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Frequency of Data Collection. Annual
Data Quality. Data are supplied by institutions, which certify the accuracy of the data.

This program has a long term target of 231,443 for FY 2009. We will report data annually but there are no
intermediate annual targets. The target is derived by applying the difference between regression-based
predicted values from Title IV institutions and actual HBCU grantee values for school year 2002-03, which
was 12.1 percent. Therefore, the HBCU program actual enrollment of 206,332 in FY 2003 was multiplied
by 1.121 to generate the long-term target of 231,443. Data for FY 2006 will be available in December

Objective 2 of 3: Increase the persistence rate for students enrolled at HBCUs.

Measure 2.1 of 1: The percentage of full-time undergraduate students who were in their first
year of postsecondary enrollment in the previous year and are enrolled in the current year at the
same Historically Black College and University institution. (Desired direction: increase)
Year Target Status
(or date expected)
2004 64 Measure not in place
2005 65 Measure not in place

U.S. Department of Education 1 11/14/2006

2006 65 64 Did Not Meet Target
2007 66 (December 2007) Pending
2008 66 (December 2008) Pending
2009 66 (December 2009) Pending
2010 67 (December 2010) Pending
2011 67 (December 2011) Pending
2012 67 (December 2012) Pending
Source. U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Web Site:
Frequency of Data Collection. Annual
Data Quality. Data are supplied by institutions, which certify the accuracy of the data.
Explanation. Institutions report a persistence rate, not the numerator and denominator. As a result, the
persistence rate for the HBCU program is calculated as a median. The target is derived by applying the
difference between regression-based predicted values from Title IV institutions and actual grantee values
for school year 2002-03, which was 3.6 percent. Therefore, the HBCU program actual persistence rate of
64 percent in FY 2003 was multiplied by 1.0363 to generate the long-term target (for 2009) of 66 percent.
Annual increases are estimated to be 0.6 percent each year through 2009 and 0.3 percent beginning in
2010. Data for 2004-05 will be available in November 2006. Data values for 2004 had previously been
erroneously assigned to 2003.

Objective 3 of 3: Increase the graduation rate for students enrolled at HBCUs.

Measure 3.1 of 1: The percentage of students enrolled at four-year Historically Black Colleges
and Universities graduating within six years of enrollment. (Desired direction: increase)
Year Target Status
(or date expected)
2003 39 Measure not in place
2004 39 Measure not in place
2005 38 Measure not in place
2006 37 (December 2007) Pending
2007 37 (December 2008) Pending
2008 37 (December 2009) Pending
2009 38 (December 2010) Pending
2010 38 (December 2011) Pending
2011 39 (December 2012) Pending
2012 39 (December 2013) Pending
Source. U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Frequency of Data Collection. Annual
Data Quality. Data are supplied by institutions, which certify the accuracy of the data.
Explanation. The target for four-year graduation rate is derived by applying the difference between
regression-based predicted values from Title IV institutions and actual grantee values for school year
2002-03 which was 1.4 percent. Therefore, the HBCU program actual four-year graduation rate of 36
percent in FY 2003 was multiplied by 1.0141 to generate the long-term target (for 2009) of 37 percent.
Annual increases are estimated to be 0.25 percent through 2009 and 0.1 percent beginning in 2010.

U.S. Department of Education 2 11/14/2006

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