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Perfect Day

1.) If you had no financial, health, geographic, or other limitationsHow would you
describe your perfect day?
2.) What time would you wake up? ____________________
3. What would you think about?
4. What would you eat?
5. What would you do? (Out side of your career)
6. How would you spend your time? (out side of work)

7. What would your friends be like?
8. What kind of car would you drive? ____________________________________________

9. What would you do for personal fulfillment?

10. Where would you live? (Describe your home)

11. What live purpose would you strive for?

12. What time would you start work?
13. How long would you work? __________________________________________________
14. How long would you work?
15. How are your perfect clients?
16. What interests do your clients have?

17. Spiritual promises

I promise _____________________________________________________________________
18. Physical promise
I promise _____________________________________________________________________
19. Mental promise
I promise _____________________________________________________________________
20. Social promise
I promise _____________________________________________________________________
21. Professional promise
I promise _____________________________________________________________________

22. Financial promise

I promise _____________________________________________________________________
23. Your state
I am acting as if________________________________________________________________

Mortgage / Rent



Mathematical Formula
Personal sales
Income $___________ divided by average profit per $_____________ = ______________
sales needed.
Income Goal $_________________
Sales Needed _________________
Closing Rate _________________ Netquotes 10% (1 out of 10)
Closing Rate _________________ Penn Island Studio % (1 out of 200)

Build a Network of business owner who all sell the same product
Income Goal $100,000
Sales Needed 100
Closing Rate 1,000 (leads)
Closing Rate 20,000

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