Corrosion On Indian Railways

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Possible methods of Prevention



Rail Corrosion Causes - Types

RAIL - Is the fundamental component of Rail Transit System EXPECTATIONEXPECTATION To function reliably and continuously over decades.

What is the problem?

Saline atmosphere in salt-laden coastal areas deteriorating the life of the rail due to corrosion. Corrosion of rails causes huge economic loss replacements. because of frequent

As per analysis of IIT/Kanpur, average annual loss due to premature rail replacements is about Rs.440 cr. Rail failures due to corrosion effects safety of trains and disturb normal traffic. Rails laid near coastal regions are more prone for atmospheric corrosion and warranting more frequent replacement than rails in dry climate.

Corrosion? What is Corrosion?

In simple terms, Disintegration of a metal due to an electrochemical reaction with its neighboring environment.

How it forms
Substance disintegrates into atoms by chemical reactions with water and oxygen in the environment, resulting into an electron loss of the material. If an electrical circuit is completed, the metal atoms become positively charged ions, causing pitting or the development of a crack. Rate of pitting corrosion is more in portions where welding operations have caused micro structural transformation. Localized corrosion may initiate fatigue that can intensify by action with corrosive agents like sea water. Strength of iron reduces due to the oxidation of its atoms, called rusting, by which oxides are formed.


Loss of mechanical Strength Damage to the dimensional integrity Distortion to physical properties of the component.


(i) Atmospheric corrosion and (ii) Localized corrosion.

Atmospheric Corrosion
o Rust is formed when iron compounds corrode in the presence of oxygen and water which are available in atmosphere. This corrosion is the result of the oxidation reaction when iron metal returns to a more stable state. o Rust is formed on the rail table, more predominantly on the rail flange and in the rail web. o Rail corrosion, particularly at the base of the rail, is a serious problem in rail transit systems. Rail base corrosion compromises the integrity of the rail and could result in catastrophic failures. o The average rate of deterioration of rail foot in absence of application of any protective measures is around 1mm per year. This may be much more in corrosion prone areas. o The deposition of salts such as alkaline salts, chlorines and sulfates on rails creates a very detrimental effect on the reliability of the rails, because the salts form electrolytes promoting oxygen to react with the rails, thereby accelerates corrosion. o Places of salt Deposition noticed at; top of the slide chairs in P&C area, lugs of steel sleepers, bearing plates of wooden sleepers and very prominently near pit lines and coach maintenance lines. Most of these locations are usually humid and where there is consistent contact between the rail and ground.

Localized Corrosion
Stray Current Corrosion Crevice Corrosion


Stray current corrosion is related to design than material facet. A constant leak of current of one ampere can corrode up to 20 pounds of iron per year. An electric system where the return current can be as high as 750 A or higher, can result in damages of the rail of up to 15,000 lb or 7.5 tons of iron per year. Stray currents can be eliminated by properly insulating the rails from the ground. Careful designing and proper installation considerably reduces corrosion due to return current.

o The form of corrosion below and around the metal liner can commonly referred as crevice corrosion. o Localized corrosion in the form of corrosion pits and thinning of rail foot under the liner contact area are matter of serious concern.
o End result is premature failure of the rails, which is a great safety apprehension because this is failure. a major cause of rail failure.

o This is mainly due to collection of moisture from the atmosphere and discharge from the open lavatories of the coaches. o It is a localized form of attack, where there is a breakdown of the surface passive layer, in crevices or on shielded areas beneath surface deposits. o Crevice corrosion is more prominent in environments near sea coasts. The drawback is, this corrosion is not easily visible to the naked eye unless we remove the liners and examine. o Mostly the pit formation and crevice corrosion is observed on the gauge face side of the rails. Arrangement of the discharge pipe of the toilets provided in the trains is a main cause. The sullage water and the night soil will be highly saline in nature and entrapped near rail and liner contact area and at weld collars thus accelerates the corrosion and forming of corrosion pits.

Combat on General Corrosion

No instantaneous way out to get rid of the rail corrosion. Alternative is, Adopt anticorrosive metal.
Constriction..... Rare in nature and proved to be either costly or weak in strength.

Viable solution is
Adopt corrosion resistant Alloy. Elements like Cu, Cr, Ni, Mo, P, Si etc., will improve the sustainability against corrosion. Iron pillar at Qutub Minar is a great example of corrosion resistant ferrous. Increased phosphorous content made it possible.

TRIALS CONDUCTED Cu69C 24Cu 18Mo) Cutrial. SAIL developed Cu-Mo steel (0.69C-0.24Cu-0.18Mo) on trial. These rails shown promising results during field trials, but the high cost of molybdenum has became production. a hurdle in commercial production.

Cr, Mn, etc. Further trials Alloys like Cu and Cr, Cu and Mn, Cu, Cr and Ni etc., which abundant. Niare cheaper and abundant. Field trials have shown lower rusting in the case of Nisteels. CrCr-Cu rail steels. Once the symbiosis of these metals is proved satisfactory, general extent. corrosion can be get rid of to certain extent.

Condition of Alloy steels after 6 months exposure to Salt fog.


Coatings of zinc achieve corrosion prevention of the protected metal by the formation of a physical obstruction, and by functioning as an anode if this obstruction is destroyed. Constraint : Costly affair to put in long stretches. Perhaps, use of galvanized rails

in highly corrosion prone locations such as platform lines, tunnels and extent. cuttings in the approaches of major cities and metros may help to some extent. Application of anticorrosive paints, oil, grease etc :
Can minimise formation of rust by exclusion of air and water from the surface of rails.


Guidelines for anti-corrosion treatment of rails, welds and other P.Way fittings through ESO 59 Instructions on Corrosion of Rail foot due to Liner Bite and Protection through ESO 60. Drives to curb corrosion
Painting of Rails in corrosion prone areas Greasing of ERCs Sealing of Liner Contact Area Shifting of Liner Contact Area Use of Galvanized Liners

Salient Features of Engg. Standing Order No: 59

Brings various corrosion control measures in a unified circular. Gives a solution to combat against General and Localized corrosions.

Essence of the Standing Order :

Identification of corrosion prone sections, in addition to already identified locations, based on the practical experience of S.C.Railway and circulation of the list to divisions for taking various preventive measures. Highlighting the problem of corrosion and formation of corrosion pits near liner contact area on rails and the preventive measures.


inRails: Painting of New rails and in-service Rails:

(a) For New Rails: Paint before laying into the track. Schematic painting shall be : Primer coat: Red Lead paint prepared by mixing 3.3kg dry pigment of red lead powder confirms to IS type C 57-1989 with One litre boiled linseed oil confirming to IS 77/1966 to a thickness of 80 microns. Second Coat: Ready mixed red oxide confirming to IS 123-1962 mixed with lamp black to a thickness of 45 microns. Third Coat: Ready mixed red oxide confirming to IS 123-1962 to a thickness of 45 microns. Red lead is effective in protecting the bear metal against the corrosion. As drying time of red lead is more, this scheme of painting is restricted to new rails on cess.

(b) For in-service Rails: Primary Coat: Anticorrosive Bituminous black paint confirming to IS 9862-1981 to a thickness of 100 microns. Secondary Coat: Anticorrosive Bituminous black paint confirming to IS 9862-1981 to a thickness of 100 microns.

inThe Painting of in-service rails shall be carried out depending upon condition, but not only. earlier than once in two years covering web and top flange only. However, platform painted. lines of station yards, Non gauge face side will also be painted. For locations other than painted. platform lines, only gauge face side shall be painted.

Application of Anticorrosive Paint for in-service Rail

Revelation against CREVICE Corrosion

Lubrication of ERCs and Sealing of Liner Contact Area:

i. On corrosion prone areas ii. On other areas

Once in a year. Once in 2 years.

ERC greasing shall be done for all 4 ERCs on the sleeper. Sealing of liner contact area - In corrosion prone areas only on inside of the rail. Grease graphite to the specification IS 408 1981 Gr O (Aluminum soap based).

Weld collar painting:

On identified corrosion prone areas - once a year. Non-corrosive prone areas, once in two years.
Two coats of anti-corrosive bituminous black paint conforming to IS 9862- 1981, to a thickness of 200 Microns.

Use of galvanized metal liners, galvanized plate screws and stretcher bars in points and crossing areas.
Galvanized liners In all identified corrosion prone areas. Galvanized Plate screws and Stretcher bars - In all areas irrespective of corrosion Proneness.

Galvanized Metal Liner vs MS Liner

Galvanized Plate Screw

Salient Features of Engg. Standing Order No: 60

Speaks about Corrosion of Rail foot due to Liner Bite and Protection. Shifting of Liner Contact Area Methodology to be adopted.

nutshell: In a nutshell:
Average rate of corrosion at rail foot in absence of corrosion protective measures is @ 1mm/year. In severe corrosion prone areas, though protective measures adopted, within 3to4 yrs., corrosion pit is being formed.
Shifting of liner contact area is giving a promising result.

Corrosion measurement and recording of corrosion

Guidelines for Shifting of Liner Contact Area:

i) ii) This operation shall be done at an interval of 5 years, or, before corrosion pit depth at liner contact area reaches a limit of 1.5 mm, whichever is earlier. Next round of destressing shall again be carried out after next 5 years, or, before corrosion pit depth at liner contact area reaches a limit of 1.5 mm at shifted location, whichever is earlier. During each process of destressing, it should be ensured that liner contact area is shifted away from the existing rail seat in the direction of traffic in case of Double line, by a minimum of 150 mm, so that corrosion pit, if any, formed at sleeper seat gets shifted away and does not aggravate further. In any case, efforts should be made to ensure that corrosion at liner contact area is not allowed to exceed a limit of 1.5 mm at any point of time. When a stage that there is no possibility of shifting is reached, and if rail still has residual life, operation of rail interchanging (left to right and vice-versa) shall be tried, so that corrosion pits are shifted to non-gauge face side. Any destressing operation, whenever needed in areas not identified as corrosion prone, same procedure shall be followed except that no time limit of 5 years is to be observed.

iii) iv)


Corrosion Measurement and Recording:

* * * * * Periodical measurement of corrosion pit both laterally and vertically shall be taken. Shall be done with the help of straight edge and filler gauge. Frequency- Once in a year on every 100 sleepers by removing ERCs & Liners Shall be measured on gauge face side. Record in a register maintained with every SSE (P.Way)
Date of testing Location (KM/TP) Sleeper No. Corrosion depth on gauge face in mm. Left Vertical
1 2 3 4

Right Lateral

Remarks with signature

7 8



Advance Correction Slip No:124 to IRPWM

corrosion: Para 250 (2) Prevention of corrosion:

(a) Identification and measurement:

(ii) (iii) Corrosion prone areas shall be identified by PCE based on reports of DENs. Measurement of pit corrosion shall be recorded in the register. For new lines/GC projects, corrosion prone areas shall be identified by CAO(C) in consultation with PCE.

(b) Anticorrosive Painting: (i) Anticorrosive painting of new rails before laying in the track as per procedure lay down. (ii) In-service rail painting with bituminous paint. (iii) Detailed procedure of surface preparation and procedure to be adopted while applying anticorrosive paint. (iv) Periodicity of rail painting. (c) Greasing and sealing of liner contact area (d) Shifting of liner locations.

Updates Warranted
1. Practically, Crevice corrosion is noticed on the gauge face side of the rail in the facing direction of the toilet droppings from the coaches. Modification to discharge pipe shall be done at the earliest to get rid of this menace. 2. Though it is a little costly, use of galvanized rails in highly corrosion exposed environments such as pit lines, platform lines, cuttings in the approaches of metropolitans etc., may reduce corrosion formation. SCR has taken initiative in this regard and galvanizing rails in FBWP/MLY.

From a paper submitted by ADENs of South Central Railway as a project work , Vijayawada division of this Railway alone could able to achieve Rs. a savings of Rs. 28 Crores per annum by adopting these corrosion control measures and thus contributing to the Railways and in turn to economy. countrys economy.


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