EDUC 515 Syllabus

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EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

About EDUC 515

This course looks at the evolution of educational technologies in their present and historical contexts. Students explore how and why some technologies endure while others do not. Attention is given to current technologies and how they can be successfully implemented into the classrooms in order to enhance both teaching and learning strategies. Azusa Pacific University School of Education Department of Innovative Education Technology (IET) and Physical Education Masters of Arts in Education: Digital Teaching and Learning Masters of Arts in Educational Technology and Learning Instructor: Mark Rounds, M.A. @markrounds5 on Twitter Cell/iMessage: 619-347-0491

Required Resources

iPad 2 or newer Possible apps for iPad (no more than $20 total) Class Website:

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

Student Outcomes and Expected Competencies

Measurable Learning Outcome
Analyze and evaluate successful social media practices.

Accreditation Standards
1b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. 3a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. 3b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. 4c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. 5c. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning. 5a. Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning. 5b. Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others. 2b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress. 2c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources

Activities to Assess Learning Outcome

Development of PLN using Twitter and Ning. Participate in a Twitter #edchat

Use web-based tools to collaborate with students and colleagues. Copyright, security, and safety issues in media.

Blog Edmodo Google Docs Classroom Website Blog Posts

Reflect upon how missionary organizations can reach out to communities using social media.

Faith Integration Project

Present an emerging technology case study.

Case Study Presentation

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

Course Calendar
Week Week 1 2/5/13 f2f Week 2 2/12/13 f2f Week 3 2/19/13 f2f Week 4 2/26/13 f2f Week 5 3/5/13 f2f Week 6 3/12/13 f2f Week 7 3/19/13 f2f Week 8 3/25/13 online Week 9 4/2/13 f2f Topics Introduction to Professional Learning Networks (PLN), Twitter, Educators PLN, establishing online presence, Student and Educator Blogging, Edmodo The Social Network, #edchat, Online collaborative spaces, Social bookmarking, Prezi, Symbaloo, Audio All Things Google: Google+, Google Drive, Gmail, Calendar, YouTube, Picasa, Google Apps for Education, Flipped Classroom, Delivering Instruction Online, Screencasts (screenr), Step-by steps (, Sharing content with students and colleagues BYOD, iPad, Android, Apps for teachers, Apps for students, Word Clouds Online/Blended Learning (synchronous/asynchronous), Backchanneling, Virtual spaces, LMSs, Video Streaming, Audio, Podcasting Google Sites, Classroom workflows, free webapps, IFTTT, Evernote EdTech trends, infographics (, Creative Commons, Home-School Connection, Classroom management Authoring, Distributing Content, Student-Led Hangout Assignments Blog, Intro letter, Blog responses #edchat transcript, blog responses, SymbalooEDU certification Faith integration paper, YouTube, Picasa, blog responses Screencast, Step-by-step, blog responses Blog responses, App prezi, Word cloud Blog posts, Todays Meet transcript, Audio Podcast Classroom Website


Case Study, Presentation

Course schedule, topics, evaluation, and assignments may be changed at the instructors discretion. Check regularly for current schedule and class happenings

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

1. EdTech Blog
Create a media-rich educational technology blog to respond to weekly EdTech prompts and to share best practices. 100 Points (Including blog aesthetics, content, posts, and comments)

2. Twitter/PLN
Establish a Twitter account with the goal of connecting with educators about EdTech. Create a profile on The Educators PLN Ning network. 50 Points (Including profile customization, following tweeters, relevant tweets, links to your blog posts, #edchat participation)

3. Faith Integration Paper

Reflect on how church or missionary organizations reach out to the community. Include a reflection on what you learned talking to people of other faiths, and how you can share your faith in the future. Write a summary using the knowledge and ideas gleaned from your forum conversations. 30 Points

4. Screencast
Create a tutorial screencast with the intention of training students in a particular technologybased skill. Publish the video and embed it in your blog. 30 Points

5. App Prezi
Create a Prezi showcasing two iOS or Android apps that can be used in teaching and learning 20 Points (Including one teacher app and one student app)

6. Audio Podcast
Create an audio podcast reflecting on one of a few EdTech resources, summarizing and giving an opinion, 3-5 minutes. 40 Points (Including voice and music editing and linking from your blog)

7. Classroom Website

Create a media-rich educational technology website using Google Sites 40 Points (Including photos, video, and educational content)

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

8. Infographic
Create a simple infographic based on some current EdTech statistics or information 20 Points

9. Case Study and Presentation

Select a current, historical, or emerging technology not discussed in class. Submit your case study proposal by week four, indicating the focus of your case study. Write a 2-3 page paper on Google Docs about the selected technology, and share the document on your blog. Develop a case study to include a written and visual component.Present your finding to the class as you lead a five minute Google Hangout. Focus on your researched technology, and address your paper in the presentation. Include necessary videos, links to a blog site, and other applications to enhance your message. 70 Points (Including voice and music editing and linking from your blog)

Assorted Assignments

Grading Scale
427 - 450 points 414 - 426 points 400 413 points 378 399 points 365 377 points 330 364 points A AB+ B BC

The myriad weekly assignments, such as YouTube, Symbaloo, Tildee, todays Meet, etc 50 Points


Superior knowledge regarding details, assumptions, implications, history; superior thinking with information relevant to application, critique and relationship to other information. More than adequate knowledge regarding technical terms, distinctions, and possesses an ability to use information.

Basic knowledge needed to function and carry on learning regarding major principles, central terms, major figures, also possesses an awareness of field or discipline. Note that a grade of C- may not be eligible for transfer and in most programs does not constitute a passing grade.

Credit not given for the grades of D or F.

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies

Course Policies
Spring 2013, Session 1 San Diego Regional Center Mark Rounds Azusa Pacific University School of Education

Regular attendance and participation is expected of all students. Please contact me as soon as possible if there is an emergency situation that keeps you from attending. Students missing more than two class meetings will not receive credit for the class. All assignments for the course are to be completed and submitted on time in order to receive full credit. Late assignments will be penalized 10% of the total points available per assignment for each week late, or portion thereof. Permission for late work is granted only by special request. Incompletes are rare and are available only in special or unusual circumstances as negotiated with the instructor prior to the end of the term. See Student Handbook for policies regarding Withdrawals and grade record permanence. Students interested in proposing other means of demonstrating their comprehension, inquiry, and skill relative to the purposes of this course may do so upon the instructors discretionary consent. Proposals for projects that support APUs Four Cornerstones (Christ, Scholarship, Community, Service) are encouraged. Make up work and extra credit work is not accepted. Plagiarism/copying violate APUs Standards of Student Conduct. Students are expected to produce work that reflects graduate-level standards. An automatic failure of the course will result if a student violates this code of conduct.

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