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Pricing and Hedging of Japan Equity-linked Power Reverse Dual Note Using Least Squares Monte Carlo Simulation

Frank Fung Shaoyu Hou Nicholas Lee Mayank Rao

Abstract We computed the price of a structured product, the Japan Equity-linked Power Reverse Dual note (hereafter referred to as JRD), using a Monte Carlo approach with Least Squares to account for early exercise. We benchmarked the pricing model on a number of simpler derivatives with closed form solutions or highly accurate pricing from FD schemes. The sensitivity of JRD with respect to various parameters and performance from different basis functions is investigated. We employed quasi-random sequences, latin hypercubes and Brownian bridges as Variance Reduction techniques. We also hedge the JRD using static and dynamic delta hedging.

Nomenclature For illustrative purpose we consider an instance of the product with 8 months until maturity, 2 coupon payments in total (including that at maturity) and monthly observations:

T: : t : S: Date of maturity

Time interval between two consecutive observation dates The date of the payment of the nth coupon (n=1 in this case) Stock price of the ith stock in the basket Knock-out barrier of the ith stock in the basket


Problem Description Japan Equity-linked Power Reverse Dual Target Accrual Note (JRD): The JRD is a note targeted towards Japanese investors wishing to gain exposure to US equity markets. Investors can also gain exposure to FX via the power reverse feature. The note pays off a coupon based on the best performing stock in a basket of 5 stocks. A detailed definition of terms and product specifications can be found in the following sections. Definition of terms: Power Reverse Dual: Reverse dual notes offer coupons in domestic currency based on a foreign interest rate. Power reverse dual notes offer FX exposure and are suitable when you expect the domestic/foreign rate to decline. The JRD note offers a twist on this standard product by allowing investors to gain equity exposure instead of just interest rates (which are currently at historic lows and not attractive). Moreover, the JPY is currently very strong. However given the state of the Japanese economy relative to the US economy, we expect the JPY to decline - thereby the power feature in the note, which exposes the investor to the FX rate, enhances the yield if the yen declines. Equity Linked Note: This note pays a coupon on a principle of 100 based on the best performing stock from a basket of 5 stocks. Up and Out Barrier: If any of the stocks in the underlying basket breach their preset barriers, the note terminates immediately, and investors a paid a bonus coupon to compensate them for the early termination.

Product Specification:



Equity exposure

Y=Best of 5

Basket of 5 stocks

The diagram above illustrates the basic setup of the JRD note. The mechanics are as follows: Investor pays X to the issuing bank Principal is protected, but subject to FX risk. On an annual basis, the investor receives Y*JPYUSD from the bank. Here Y is calculated as: , 0 100 is the stock is the strike price for

Here stock i

is the stock prices of stock i on each observation day;

price of stock i at the beginning of the coupon interval and

The JPYUSD exchange rate is calculated on the day of any cashflow. If any of the stocks in the basket hits their knock out barrier , the note is terminated, and the investor is paid a bonus coupon is checked on each observation day. After 1 year, if the note has not been redeemed or called, the note terminates and the investor received his final coupon on a notional of 100 (the basic pricing unit for the JRD)

On any of the observation dates, the investor can call the product. If the product is called the investor will be paid a coupon linked to the highest performing asset as of the exercise date (only in the Bermudan version of the JRD)

Pricing a product with early exercise features is a complicated exercise when using Monte Carlo simulation. A simple way to do this would be to simulate entire trajectories, and then at each point consider exercising versus holding on. However the price obtained by following this procedure will be biased upwards, as it is a perfect foresight estimate of the price. In reality we do not know what the optimal exercise decision will be. Longstaff and Schwartz[1] present a technique based on a least squares regression that allows you to make a decision for early exercise based on the conditional expectation of the underlying asset price. This technique requires the use of basis functions that are capable of expressing information

about the underlying prices that can then be used in an ordinary least squares regression to generate conditional expectations. There is no hard and fast rule for the choice of basis functions, and we need to experiment with various kinds of functions to determine a good fit. In this paper we experiment with various kinds of functions (Monomials, Laguerre, Bessel, Hermite and Chebyshev). We pick a function that best captures the behavior of the JRD under various scenarios. To focus on the simulation and the analysis of our product, we decide to use a simple geometric Brownian motion model for the stock and FX dynamics, namely dS = r y S dt + S dW dQ = r r Qdt + QdW 2 1

with the correlation matrix for the Brownian motions (5 stocks, and 1 FX rate which is assumed to be uncorrelated to any of the stocks hence has zero entries at all places except a correlation of 1 with itself) 1 1 1 = 1 0 0 0 0 here r is the foreign risk-free rate, y is the 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 dividend yield for the ith stock, is the is the volatility of the

volatility of the ith stock, r is the domestic risk-free rate and

FX rate. Considering the complexity in the structure, we will assume a

constant flat yield curve throughout. In this paper we consider we have a basket of 5 stocks whose correlation matrix we derived from historical data. The correlation matrix along with the other parameters can be found in Appendix A. Methodology Here we briefly describe how we priced the product including the least squares regression. Equity Linked option: Using cholesky decomposition, we generate correlated weiner processes. These processes are used to simulate stock trajectories. At each observation date we consider a payout based on the best performing stock if the exercise cashflow is greater than the conditional expectation of the stock prices at that point (from the Least Squares regression) Barrier Option: through matrices stillAlive and breachingPoint we keep of track of when the barrier was breached by any stock

Power Reverse Dual (PRDC): Each cashflow is multiplied by the corresponding FX rate which is also simulated at each point Pricing on intermediate dates: This feature allows us to dynamically hedge the product. To handle this, we divide the maturity into intervals and calculate the number of intervals remaining in each coupon. Least Squares Regression: At each observation date we determine the conditional expectation of future prices by regressing the current stock prices against some basis functions. This is further discussed in the Basis Functions section. Benchmarking We benchmarked our pricing function against several sources. The basket call from Tavella [2] page 200: This example has a benchmark that was obtained by running a high quality finite differencing scheme on a basket of 3 assets. There are no barriers or other exotic features. The results obtained are shown in Table 1 Exercise Opportunities 10 15 30 17.844 17.969 18.082 Benchmark JRD Pricer 17.782 17.891 17.949 0.18 0.13 0.18 Error Diff against Benchmark -0.062 -0.078 -0.133


Table 1: Benchmarking against basket of 3 assets from FD scheme[2]

2) Benchmarking against options with analytical results: To validate the JRDs rainbow, barrier and FX features, we benchmark our product with simpler derivatives where analytical solutions are available. We implemented general closed form pricing models for options contingent to the maximum or the minimum of any number of assets using the result by Johnson[4]. With respect to the barrier feature, since our product has a discrete barrier which does not have a closed form solution, we benchmarked our result to a continuous barrier options analytical solution, with displaced barrier as suggested by Broadie and Glasserman[5].

Theoretical value Rainbow option Barrier option (pricing from adjusted continuous barrier) Quanto option 4.1075
Table 2: Benchmarking against Analytical option prices

JRD Pricer 13.288 3.4512 4.1409

13.243 3.4371

3) Benchmarking against European structures: Another way to benchmark a pricing function is to consider the European version of the product and the Bermudan premium. This premium is discussed more extensively in the European versus Bermudan structures section. Results and Discussion For pricing the Bermudan JRD note, we utilized Monte Carlo simulations with the Least Squares approach for early exercise. We also experimented with several variance reduction techniques to accelerate the pricing over the nave MC approach. We discuss these techniques briefly and then present our results. Quasi-Random Sequences: We implemented the Sobol sequence. In the nave approach we sample randomly from a normal distribution. However this approach does not cover the sample space uniformly and as a result we experience a clustering effect. QRS numbers rectify this problem. In lower dimensions, QRS numbers cover the sample space relatively well and therefore lead to more accurate pricing. A problem with QRS numbers is that unlike the naive approach which has a clearly defined convergence law (and therefore a well defined termination criterion), convergence is not as well defined. This is primarily because the theoretical error can be drastically different from the numerical error obtained. It is therefore good practice to calibrate to the nave MC. The reader is referred to [2] for further details on this. Quasi-Random Sequences with Brownian Bridges: numbers generated from a QRS tend to work well in low dimensions. As the dimensionality of the problem increases however, the numbers generated from quasi-random sequences tend to leave gaps. This reduces the acceleration obtained in higher dimensions. This can be exploited by using Brownian bridges. The numbers from the lower dimensions can be used at the more important points (end of the trajectory, mid point of trajectory etc). Each time we add a point using the Brownian bridge technique, the variance of the new point is reduced by half. We can therefore obtain significant acceleration in this way. To control the random numbers used in the construction of the bridge we developed our own implementation of the bridge (rather than use the

default one implemented in MATLAB). Table 3 shows the results from under different scenarios. The parameters used to obtain these results are shown in Appendix A. For the Least Squares regression we used 10 Hermite polynomials on 3 cross products ( basket at each observation date. Nave Cycles Price Standard Error 10000 50000 100000 10000 50000 100000 10000 50000 100000 23.34 23.34 23.40 23.81 24.00 24.40 24.31 24.37 0.10656 0.06056 0.03715 0.09871 0.03370 0.09754 0.06085 0.03605 74 222 196 75 544 647 96 807 984 23.31 23.37 23.38 23.97 24.01 24.00 24.45 24.40 24.37 CPU Price , & ) on the two best performing stocks in the

Sobol Standard Error 8 Exercise Opportunities 0.06902 0.031173 0.020319 0.078865 0.028306 0.021172 0.077832 0.03699 0.022355 49 265 237 96 596 1053 113 954 990 CPU Price

Sobol with BB Standard Error 23.37 0.045109 23.41 0.020798 23.39 0.014715 23.95 0.056059 23.96 0.021163 23.94 0.014697 24.38 0.056099 24.38 0.023484 24.35 0.016417 47 268 252 102 615 864 110 1047 1000 CPU

16 Exercise Opportunities 23.93 0.041052

32 Exercise Opportunities

Table 3: Prices and errors obtained via nave MC, MC with Sobol and MC with Sobol & Brownian bridges

Depending on the number of exercise opportunities, the JRD has dimensions ranging from 48 to 192 (5 stocks + 1 fx rate times the # of exercise opportunities) in Table 3. The results show that even though Sobol sequences do reduce the standard error, they are not as effective in higher dimensions. Adding Brownian bridges however reduces the variance by more than half in most of the cases. Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS): extends the concept from stratified sampling (which samples from each strata in the unit hypercube). LHS is similar except that it samples from each row and column in the multi dimensional hypercube such that no cell is repeated. By increasing the number of cells in the LHS, we can therefore obtain a sequence of random numbers that cover the sample space better than the standard sampling. Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) with Brownian Bridges: similar to the case with sobol sequences, we can construct Brownian bridges using random numbers generated from the LHS.

Using the same setup as before, we price the JRD using LHS. The results are presented in table 4. LHS Cycles Price Standard Error CPU Price LHS with BB Standard Error CPU

8 Exercise Opportunities 10000 50000 10000 50000 10000 50000 23.56 23.39 23.93 23.99 24.39 24.39 0.077112 0.031476 0.081044 0.028629 0.083112 0.028626 694 2712 2026 10514 7163 38807 23.47 23.43 23.91 23.98 24.40 24.39 0.072128 0.029398 0.059213 0.023684 0.045832 0.028538 484 2788 2137 9589 6560 37693

16 Exercise Opportunities

32 Exercise Opportunities

Table 4: Prices and errors obtained via MC with LHS and MC with LHS & Brownian bridges

Table 4 shows that while LHS does offer some acceleration, it does not work as well as Sobol sequences even when we add Brownian bridges. One explanation for this is sampling in the LHS scheme is done by drawing one sample from each cell. Therefore this approach is expected to work best when the correlation between dimensions is minimal. Apart from the FX rate, the component stocks in the JRD are correlated with each other. Also the payoff function depends on the entire trajectory and this introduces a complex correlation across the observation dates. This correlation reduces the efficiency of LHS as a variance reduction technique for the JRD. One last point to note is that the CPU time for the LHS is very high. This can be explained by the algorithm used to generate these samples. We used the MATLAB implementation of the LHS. As is evident, the LHS computational requirements are far higher than any of the other techniques. Because of the computational cost we did not run a sample with 100,000 cycles/samples as we did in the other schemes. From the JRD price, we generated an exercise boundary by calculating the maximum of the underlying stock prices when the option was exercised. This boundary is shown in Fig 1.

Fig 1: Exercise Boundary versus the observation time

European versus Bermudan structures An interesting study of the JRDs behavior arises when we calculate the Bermudan premium. In calculating the premium there are a few factors to consider: Dividend Yield: In the presence of dividends, options with early exercise features can become valuable. We therefore try a number of different dividend yields to determine how the pricing of the JRD behaves with respect to the dividend yield of the underlying basket of stocks. We consider constant and continuous dividend yields that are the same for all stocks for simplicity. The Bermudan premium as a fraction of the European price is shown in Figure 2 for a range of dividend yields (0 to 0.2) with 32 observation dates/exercise opportunities.

0.22 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 Laguerre Monomial Hermite




0.08 0.1 0.12 Dividend Yield





Fig 2: Bermudan premium versus Dividend Yields for the JRD

Figure 2 shows the premiums obtained by using Laguerre (7 polynomials), Hermite (10 polynomials) and Monomials (7 monomials) as basis functions with 7 cross products (refer to Appendix B). We also experimented with Chebyshev polynomials of the 1st and 2nd kind, and Bessel equations of varying orders. However these functions performed poorly in the least squares regression, returning negative premiums at lower dividend yields. The interested reader is referred to Appendix C for plots showing the premiums obtained from these polynomials. Barrier Level & Rebate: Analytically, there is a complex interaction between the barrier level and rebates and the Bermudan premium. When the barrier level is set above the rebate, then we expect a significant premium, as it is valuable to exercise when any of the underlying stocks approaches the barrier. When the reverse is true, the behavior depends on the level of the barrier. If the barrier is set very low, then the chances that both the European and Bermudan versions get knocked out early are higher, and we do not expect a big premium. However when the barrier is set high, then the premium should become more valuable. For a barrier level B of 150% of the spot price for each stock, we evaluate the Figure 3 shows the premium versus the rebate.

Bermudan premium of the JRD with 32 observation dates/exercise opportunities.

0.2 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price Laguerre Monomial Hermite




-0.05 0.3




0.5 Rebate




Fig 3: Bermudan premium versus Rebate for the JRD

Figure 3 demonstrates an important point. When the rebate level is set higher than the barrier (i.e. it is advantageous to hit the barrier), the premium is low (negative in Figure 3). We know that the Bermudan premium cannot be below the European value, as we can always choose note to early exercise. We conjecture that the negative premiums observed are due to the regression function that we implement. In our implementation we only consider the top two stocks at each observation dates in order to reduce computational costs. If we early exercise based on these stocks, it is possible that the European version of the JRD becomes more valuable due to the barrier being breached by some other stock in the basket. To correct for this, we experimented with different cross products and also tried including all stocks prices in the regression. We were unable to determine a regression function that worked well for this particular case. It was also observed that including all stocks actually deteriorates the regression, and the interested reader is referred to Appendix C for a figure that demonstrates the premium obtained in this case. An added complexity is the FX dynamics which can also influence the exercise decision. For our case, we can simply set the price equal to the price of a European version when the rebate is greater than the barrier (we do not expect the premium to be very high in this case anyway). The uncertainty introduced by the barrier here should be dealt with through more sophisticated schemes such as Finite Differences. Basis Functions The quality of the Least Squares Monte Carlo can be greatly impacted by the choice of basis functions. Simple polynomials may not be adequate for use in the least squares regression.

We therefore experimented with a number of polynomials including Laguerre, Bessel (varying orders), Chebyshev (1st and 2nd kinds) and Hermite functions. Figure 4 shows the rebate generated through different basis functions.
0.2 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price



0.05 Laguerre Monomial Hermite Chebyshev1st Chebyshev2nd Bessel 1 2 3 4 5 Number of Basis Functions 6 7


Fig 4: Bermudan premium versus number of basis functions for the JRD

For the JRD, we have a basket of 5 correlated stocks. So our choice of basis functions should also allow for the correlation between these stocks. For computational economy we only considered running regressions on the two best performing stocks and taking various cross products of these stocks. A definition of the cross products can be found in Appendix B. We found that the Chebyshev polynomials and the Bessel functions did not work well with a low number of cross products (negative premiums generated). Figure 5 demonstrates the impact of changing the number of cross products on Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. Note that the monomial basis function was taken from [2], and we do not change the number of cross products in this, therefore it is simply one value.

0.18 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 Laguerre Monomial Hermite 1 2 3 4 5 Number of cross products 6 7

Fig 5: Bermudan premium versus number of cross products for the JRD

Another check on the use of different basis functions is to consider the impact of changing the strike. We do not expect big differences in premiums depending on whether the JRD is in the money or out of the money. Basis functions that describe this behavior are more suited for pricing the JRD dynamically. Figure 6 shows premium for Laguerre, Monomials and Hermite functions (the others do not produce valid results).
0.18 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price





0.08 Laguerre Monomial Hermite


0.04 0.94



1 1.02 Normalized Strike



Fig 6: Bermudan premium versus normalized strike for the JRD

Figure 6 demonstrates that Monomials and Hermite functions produce the most consistent results overall. In the pricing numbers presented in tables 3 and 4, we use 10 Hermite polynomials.

Hedging In this section we present two techniques for hedging the JRD 1) Dynamic Hedging and 2) Static Hedging. In dynamic hedging we simulate various trajectories for the underlying stocks, and at each point compute the delta. Based on the delta we can form a replicating portfolio that can hedge our short position in the product (assuming we sold the product). By contrast static hedging assumes that we do not change our hedging portfolio over the lifetime of the product. We therefore need to mimic the JRDs early exercise and FX features, and we achieve this by using a combination of barrier and quanto options. Dynamic Delta Hedging We follow a dynamic delta hedging strategy and compute the cost of hedging based on the change in delta at each time step. This procedure is outlined in greater detail in Hull [3]. To test this strategy we first simulate a set of asset trajectories (without loss of generality we assume the FX rate is fixed). We will test the delta hedging scheme as if these simulated trajectories are out of sample realized prices. We choose to carry out the hedging using Monte Carlo, and in particular using the CV approach. The other two alternatives (i.e., Likelihood Ratio and Pathwise Derivative) require us to compute partial derivatives, which is outside the scope of our investigation. Figure 7 shows some sample trajectories. Note that the prices here are the actual stock prices from Appendix A (i.e not the normalized stock prices).
Sample Realized Trajectories 350












Fig 7: Bermudan premium versus number of cross products for the JRD

Starting from time zero and moving forward in time, we calculate the unperturbed derivative price P and five perturbed prices P using the MC pricing function with maturity and spot prices updated for each time step. For
, , , ,

. The unperturbed price is calculated simply by

each of the perturbed prices, we change the corresponding spot price by multiplying it by we have used the same set of Wiener processes for the Monte Carlo simulations. This ensures that the error converges. The individual deltas are then approximated by taking the ratio of = P P , i P 1 + where is small. Note that in calculating the 6 prices (perturbed or unperturbed),

We rebalance the replicating portfolio one period later by changing our unit of stock holdings to these one-period-lagged deltas. The rebalancing is self-financed by changing the position in a USD, and in turn a JPY, cash account (recall that in this case the FX rate is fixed). By repeating this procedure until knock-out or expiry, we obtained a cost (or profit) of hedging in JPY. If the hedging has been effective, we would expect that the discounted cost should equal the derivative price. Figure 8 shows a histogram with the distribution of hedging costs for multiple simulations. The histogram is close to a normal distribution. However, we notice that the average cost of hedging is as high as JPY2700.
Histogram of Cost of Delta Hedging 25




0 -8



-2 Cost in JPY

2 x 10


Fig 8: Cost of hedging (JPY)

To investigate why delta hedging does not work as expected, we first repeat the experiment using one tenth of the previous volatility levels. Figure 9 shows a histogram of the cost in this case.

Histogram of Cost of Delta Hedging 25




0 -1.5



0 Cost in JPY


1.5 x 10

Fig 9: Cost of hedging (One Tenth volatility)

The average cost of hedging drops from JPY2700 to JPY800. Furthermore, if we look at the change in the deltas in different time steps, as shown in the following table, the value of delta can change abruptly at different points in time.

Time Step 1 2 3 4 0.0326 0.0348 0.0410 0.0378 0.1617 0.1829 0.1817 0.2077 0.7020 5.7690 0.4511 1.4777 0.1110 3.7583 0.1464 0.1937 3.7821 1.0930 -16.9050 1.4602

Table 5: Delta with respect to individual stocks

Taking the two pieces of evidence into account, we make the following postulation regarding the poor performance of delta hedging for JRD. The payoff of JRD depends on the return of the best performer in the basket. By this nature, the value of the JRD is a highly non-linear function of the underlying asset prices. As a didactic example, suppose that by the CV approach we perturb the price of Asset 1 and found that = 0.03 and suppose that at this price level Asset 1 is the best performer. When the price of Asset 1 changes further, however, it ceases to be the best performer and the JRD value is determined by the return of changing deltas we saw in the table. In other words, the gamma of JRD is so high that delta Asset 4. As a consequence is not a smooth function of S1. This agrees with the abruptly

hedging simply cannot capture the instantaneous risk. This also agrees with the fact that under lower volatility the hedging performance is marginally improved, since under lower volatility a best performer has a higher probability to remain the best performer, and vice versa.

This analysis suggests that hedging may better be achieved through a static approach, where we do not need to rebalance and incur hedging costs at each observation date. This is discussed in the next section. Static Hedging The exotic features of this product include: Rainbow option (best performance of the five underlying) Exchange option (paid in JPY) Knock out Barrier option (can be triggered by any of the five assets) First touch option (rebate) Due to the nature of complexity of the product, it is quite difficult to achieve perfect hedging by implementing a static hedging strategy. Therefore, we employ an approximate static hedging using Mean Monte Carlo (MMC). This procedure is equivalent to partially hedging the claim using a portfolio of simpler assets. If the residual risk is deemed appropriate or can be reduced to a suitable level, the static portfolio can be employed in place of complex dynamic hedging procedures (for further details refer to Pellizzari 2001 [6]). Here we denote the final payoff of the coupon at choose a combination of low dimensional instruments Such that the variance of

as ,

. We then

is minimized. However, the barrier in our product can be triggered by any asset. So it is quite different from a combination of multiple barrier options each of which has a single underlying asset with its own barriers. As the base price is set at time 0, the strike prices for all the options are at the money. The hedging portfolio then consists of: Six month at the money European Barrier options on three of the most volatile underlying stocks Six month at the money European Exchange Option between USD and JPY Six month European first touch options on three of the most volatile underlying stocks The trading strategy is to hold the hedging portfolio at the beginning, with the weight determined by the following procedure, and remaining money is put into a risk free account. For each trajectory, if the product hit the barrier, we clear all of our positions, pay the rebate,

and put the remaining, if any left, into risk free account till the end. If the product is early exercised, we clear all of our positions as well and pay the option payoff, and put the remaining, if any left, into risk free account till the end. We took 10,000 trajectories and recorded the payoff profit and loss for each one. We then chose our weight of holding on each component such that the total variance of final profit and loss is minimized. Finally we used the weights calculated above to test the hedging on another 10,000 trajectories. The result is summarized in Table 6.
% % %

MMC Hedging Without Hedging

-0.22627 -0.30433

-0. 13964 -0.23425

-0.014769 -0.14161

0.077624 0.15011

Table 6: Simulation results with MMC hedging

Fig 10: PnL with MMC hedging

Fig 11: PnL without MMC hedging (note the big positive premium and fat tail)

We can find that although the hedging portfolio is not completely hedged, the hedging portfolio weighted by the Mean Monte Carlo technique using 10,000 simulations is better distributed than the unhedged portfolio results as shown in Figures 10 and 11 (both VAR and volatility are much smaller). As the market marker, it would not be hard to get these instruments from the OTC market. If we cannot find a barrier option with the desired barrier in the market, we can instead replicate this single barrier option with a combination of vanilla index options with different strikes, using the hedging techniques suggested by Carr and Chou [7]. It is clear that the static hedging appears to work better for the JRD, due to the hedging costs involved with dynamic hedging. The dimensionality of the problem is the critical factor here. With a high dimension product, we are faced with very high deltas and this is difficult to hedge with only first order hedging. If we have access to a market with other exotic options on single assets, we can however create a hedging portfolio that minimizes our variance as demonstrated by the MMC hedging technique. Final Remarks In this paper we have demonstrated pricing and hedging of a complicated structured product using the Least Squares Monte Carlo approach. We saw that as the dimensionality of the product increases, we are forced to think of innovative techniques to achieve the desired accuracy from the pricing function. In this paper we achieved significant variance reduction by using a combination of Sobol numbers and Brownian Bridges. To get comfortable with the

price of the product, we also benchmarked our pricing to several analytical results and a high quality numerical result. We also demonstrated two different hedging techniques for this product and showed that it is cheaper to use static hedging for the JRD note. The MATLAB implementation of this product can be found in Appendix D for the interested reader.

References [1] Longstaff and Schwartz, Valuing American options by simulation: a simple least-squares approach [2] Tavella, Domingo A., Quantitative Methods in Derivatives Pricing [3] Hull, John C., Options, Futures and Other Derivatives (6th Edition) [4] Johnson, Herb Options on the Maximum or the Minimum of Several Assets. The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 22, 1987 [5] Broadie and Glasserman [6] Pellizzari, P. "Static Hedging of Multivariate Derivatives by Simulation." European Journal of Operational Research (2005): 507-19. Web. [7] Carr, Peter and Chou, Andrew Breaking Barriers. Risk September 1987 [8] Derman, E., D. Ergener, and I. Kani. Static Options Replication. Goldman, Sachs & Co. [9] Jckel, Peter. Monte Carlo Methods in Finance. Chichester, West Sussex, England: J. Wiley, 2002. Print. [10] Piterbarg, V. A Multi-currency Model with FX Volatility Skew. (February 7, 2005). Available at SSRN: [11] Pricing Power Reverse Dual Currency Notes. Available at ency.aspx

Appendix A Parameters Used The parameters used to price our final product: Stocks used: Apple, Citi, P&G, American Express and Microsoft Correlation Matrix: 1.0000 0.2957 0.3729 0.1930 0.2438 0 0.2957 1.0000 0.3819 0.3738 0.5604 0 0.3729 0.3819 1.0000 0.2846 0.3097 0 0.1930 0.3738 0.2846 1.0000 0.2846 0 0.2438 0 0.5604 0 0.3097 0 0.2846 0 1.0000 0 0 1

(note the final row and column refers to the FX rate, which is assumed to be uncorrelated with the underlying stocks) Volatilities: [0.15;0.2;0.23;0.3;0.1]; Spot Prices: [250;40;23;60;3.8]; Dividend Yields: [0.05;0.02;0.09;0.01;0.02]; Barriers: spots*1.2 Rebate: 30% Maturity: 1 year Coupon maturity : 1 year (annual) Foreign Interest Rates: 5% Domestic Interest Rates: 1% FX volatility: 15% Initial FX Rate: 100 (20% increase in any stock)

Appendix B Basis Functions and Cross Products Laguerre Polynomials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 720 1 120 1 24 1 6 1 2 +1 +9 1

4 +2


+ 25


+ 450


+ 72

18 + 6


+ 600

96 + 24

+ 5400

600 + 120

4320 + 720

Hermite (probabilists) Polynomials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chebyshev (1st kind) Polynomials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32 8 2 1 1 1 1






+ 378

+ 210


+ 45

+ 15




+ 105


+ 945

+ 105






+ 18 + 56



1 7

9 10





+ 432

+ 160





Chebyshev (2nd kind) Polynomials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 256 64 16 4 2 1 1










+ 672

+ 240

+ 24

+ 80





+ 10


Bessel Functions: We use the MATLAB implementation of the Bessel functions of various orders Monomials (taken from Tavella[2]) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 + + + + +

+ + 1

For the basis functions (Laguerre, Hermite and Laguerre), we use the following cross products: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 We also tried cross products with all 5 stocks included

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Appendix C Misc Graphs

0.3 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 Chebyshev1st Chebyshev2nd Bessel 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 Div Yield 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2

Fig C.1: Bermudan premium with varying div yields

From Fig C.1 it is clear that the Chebyshev polynomials and Bessel functions do not work well with low dividend yields and generate negative premiums.

0.1 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 0.3 Chebyshev1st Chebyshev2nd Bessel Hermite with all cross products 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Rebate 0.55 0.6 0.65

Fig C.2: Bermudan premium with varying rebates

Fig C.2 shows that Chebyshev polynomials and Bessel functions do not work well with barriers. In the paper we talked about how we obtained negative premiums even with Hermite, laguerre and monomials when the rebate was set high above the barrier. We hypothesized that this was due to the other components of the basket which were not

included in the least squares regression. However Fig C.2 shows that even when we include more cross products which cover all the assets, we obtain negative premiums. In fact in this case the regression does not work well at all, with consistent negative premiums. This suggests that either the basis functions and cross products need to be more complex, or that the LSMC technique cannot handle the complexity introduced by the barriers and the dimensionality of the product, and we must use other schemes such as Finite Differencing.

0.1 Bermudan Premium as fraction of European Price 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 -0.35 0.94 Chebyshev1st Chebyshev2nd Bessel



1 1.02 Normalized Strike



Fig C.3: Bermudan premium with varying rebates

Fig C.3 shows the Bermudan premium against normalized strikes when using Chebyshev and Bessel functions. Bessel functions do produce a positive premium, but the premium is much lower than we expect. We therefore disregard these functions.

Appendix D MATLAB implementation

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Main pricing function (includes all variance reduction % techniques and also prices the European version) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function MCResults=jrd_LSMC(maturity, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes,observation_frequency, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ...

highBarrier,rebate,domesticRate,fxVol,fxRate,batches,MCType,useBrowni anBridge,... basisType,basisFns,crossProducts,productType)


% parameters interval = 1/observation_frequency; payoffs = zeros(batches,1); cholMatrix=chol(corMatrix)'; strikes = strikes./spots; %scale strike for ease of use in basis functions time_steps = observation_frequency*maturity + 1; dimensions=(basketSize + extraAssets + 1)*(time_steps-1); highBarrier= highBarrier./spots;

if strcmp(MCType,'sobol') sobol_obj=sobolset(dimensions,'Skip',1e3); end

for i=1:batches if strcmp(MCType,'sobol') sobol_seq=sobol_obj((i-1)*cycles+1:i*cycles,:); sobol_norm=norminv(sobol_seq); sobol_norm_seq=reshape(sobol_norm,[cycles,time_steps-1, basketSize + extraAssets + 1]); elseif strcmp(MCType,'lhs')

lhs_unformatted=lhsdesign(cycles,dimensions,'smooth','off','criterion ','correlation'); lhs_unformatted=norminv(lhs_unformatted); lhs=reshape(lhs_unformatted,cycles,time_steps-1,basketSize + extraAssets + 1); end % work with normalizes stock prices and fx rates, hence period 0 values % are 1 trajectories = ones(cycles, time_steps, basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectories = ones(cycles,time_steps);

trajectoriesW = ones(cycles, time_steps, basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectoriesW = ones(cycles,time_steps); % generate weiner processes if useBrownianBridge % steps must be in 2^k + 1 format! currInterval = maturity; % generate beginning and end points randSetIndex = 1; beginW = zeros(cycles,basketSize + extraAssets); beginFxW = zeros(cycles,1); trajectoriesW(:,1,:) = reshape(beginW,cycles,1,basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectoriesW(:,1) = beginFxW;

if strcmp(MCType,'sobol') endW = (cholMatrix*sobol_norm(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex+basketSize+extraAs sets-1)')'*sqrt(currInterval); randSetIndex = randSetIndex + basketSize+extraAssets; endFxW = sobol_norm(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex)*sqrt(currInterval); randSetIndex = randSetIndex + 1; elseif strcmp(MCType,'lhs') endW = (cholMatrix*lhs_unformatted(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex+basketSize+ex traAssets-1)')'*sqrt(currInterval); randSetIndex = randSetIndex + basketSize+extraAssets;

endFxW = lhs_unformatted(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex)*sqrt(currInterval); randSetIndex = randSetIndex + 1; end

trajectoriesW(:,time_steps,:) = reshape(endW,cycles,1,basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectoriesW(:,time_steps) = endFxW; bbInterval = interval; while (currInterval > interval) bbIndex = 1; trajIndex = 1; while (bbIndex*currInterval <= maturity) if strcmp(MCType,'sobol') currZ = (cholMatrix*sobol_norm(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex+basketSize+extraAs sets-1)')'; randSetIndex = randSetIndex + basketSize+extraAssets; currFxZ = sobol_norm(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex); randSetIndex = randSetIndex + 1; elseif strcmp(MCType,'lhs') currZ = (cholMatrix*lhs_unformatted(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex+basketSize+ex traAssets-1)')'; randSetIndex = randSetIndex + basketSize+extraAssets; currFxZ = lhs_unformatted(:,randSetIndex:randSetIndex); randSetIndex = randSetIndex + 1; end variance = currInterval/4; currW = 0.5*(beginW+endW) + sqrt(variance)*currZ; currFxW = 0.5*(beginFxW+endFxW) + sqrt(variance)*currFxZ; trajIndex = trajIndex + ((time_steps-1)/(maturity/(currInterval/2))); trajectoriesW(:,trajIndex,:) = reshape(currW,cycles,1,basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectoriesW(:,trajIndex) = currFxW; bbIndex = bbIndex + 1;

beginW = endW; beginFxW = endFxW; trajIndex = trajIndex + ((time_steps-1)/(maturity/(currInterval/2))); endIndex = ((time_steps-1)/(maturity/currInterval))*bbIndex + 1; if endIndex <= time_steps endW = reshape(trajectoriesW(:,endIndex,:),cycles,basketSize + extraAssets); endFxW = fxTrajectoriesW(:,endIndex); end end currInterval = currInterval/2; beginW = zeros(cycles,basketSize + extraAssets); beginFxW = zeros(cycles,1); trajIndex = ((time_steps-1)/(maturity/currInterval)) + 1; endW = reshape(trajectoriesW(:,trajIndex,:),cycles,basketSize + extraAssets); endFxW = fxTrajectoriesW(:,trajIndex); bbInterval = bbInterval/2; end % free memory clear beginW endW beginFxW endFxW currW currFxW; % generate trajectories for j=2:time_steps for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets trajectories(:,j,k) = trajectories(:,j-1,k).*exp((foreignRate... -divYields(k)-0.5*(vols(k)^2))*interval + vols(k)*(trajectoriesW(:,j,k)-trajectoriesW(:,j-1,k))); end fxTrajectories(:,j) = fxTrajectories(:,j-1).*exp((domesticRate... -foreignRate-0.5*(fxVol^2))*interval + fxVol*(fxTrajectoriesW(:,j)-fxTrajectoriesW(:,j-1))); end clear trajectoriesW fxTrajectoriesW; else for j=2:time_steps

if strcmp(MCType,'sobol')

sobol_eachtimeStep=reshape(sobol_norm_seq(:,(j-1),:),[cycles, basketSize + extraAssets + 1]); z=sobol_eachtimeStep(:,1:basketSize + extraAssets)*cholMatrix'; fxZ=sobol_eachtimeStep(:,basketSize + extraAssets + 1:basketSize + extraAssets + 1); elseif strcmp(MCType,'lhs') lhs_eachtimeStep=reshape(lhs(:,(j-1),:),[cycles, basketSize + extraAssets + 1]); z=lhs_eachtimeStep(:,1:basketSize + extraAssets)*cholMatrix'; fxZ=lhs_eachtimeStep(:,basketSize + extraAssets + 1:basketSize + extraAssets + 1); else z=(cholMatrix*normrnd(0,1,basketSize + extraAssets,cycles))'; fxZ=randn(cycles,1); end % generate trajectories for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets trajectories(:,j,k) = trajectories(:,j-1,k).*exp((foreignRate... -divYields(k)-0.5*(vols(k)^2))*interval + vols(k)*sqrt(interval)*z(:,k)); end fxTrajectories(:,j) = fxTrajectories(:,j-1).*exp((domesticRate... -foreignRate-0.5*(fxVol^2))*interval + fxVol*sqrt(interval)*fxZ); end end clear z sobol_norm_seq sobol_norm lhs_unformatted lhs; % free up memory % work backwards cfMatrix = zeros(cycles, time_steps-1); cfMatrixPlusRebate= zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); stillAlive=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity);

% determine final payoff based on initial composition of the basket currPrice = reshape(trajectories(:,time_steps,1:basketSize),cycles, basketSize); cfMatrix(:,time_steps-1) = (max(max(currPrice... repmat(strikes(1:basketSize)',cycles,1),0),[],2)).*fxTrajectories(:,t ime_steps-1); alive=ones(cycles,1); % determine the trajectories where the barriers are not breached for m=1:observation_frequency*maturity temp=reshape(trajectories(:,m+1,:),cycles,basketSize); alive=alive.* min((repmat(highBarrier',cycles,1)-temp)>0,[],2); stillAlive(:,m)=alive; end breachingPoint=[ones(cycles,1),stillAlive(:,1:(end-1))]stillAlive;

cfMatrix(:,time_steps-1)=cfMatrix(:,time_steps-1).*stillAlive(:,time_ steps-1); % pay rebate at the point where barriers were breached cfMatrixPlusRebate = cfMatrix + rebate.*breachingPoint; % loop through to determine bermudan value if strcmp(productType,'bermudan') for j=time_steps-1:-1:1 % determining current exercise value currPrice = reshape(trajectories(:,j+1,1:basketSize),cycles, basketSize); exerciseCF = (max(max(currPrice repmat(strikes(1:basketSize)',cycles,1),0),[],2)).*fxTrajectories(:,j +1); exerciseCF = exerciseCF.*stillAlive(:,j); % cannot exercise if knocked out moneyness = exerciseCF>0; pvVector = zeros(cycles,1); for k=j+1:time_steps-1 % As all future cashflows have already been converted to % the % domestic currency discounting done in domestic rate

pvVector = pvVector + cfMatrixPlusRebate(:,k)*exp(-domesticRate*interval*(k-j)); end % only consider the two best performing assets for the least % squares regression sortedPrices = reshape(sort(trajectories(:,j+1,1:basketSize),3,'descend'),cycles,bas ketSize); currPrices = sortedPrices(:,1:2); if sum(moneyness)==0 condExpect = moneyness; else if strcmp(basisType,'all') condExpect = LSR(sortedPrices,pvVector,basisType,basisFns,crossProducts,moneyness) else condExpect = LSR(currPrices,pvVector,basisType,basisFns,crossProducts,moneyness); end end cfMatrix(:,j) = moneyness.*((condExpect < exerciseCF).*exerciseCF); % If knocked out pay the rebate cfMatrixPlusRebate(:,j) = cfMatrix(:,j) + rebate*breachingPoint(:,j); % set CF's of j+1 to maturity zero if exercised at current time for k=j+1:time_steps-1 % If not exercised and not knocked out, keep old cashflows cfMatrix(:,k) = cfMatrix(:,k).*(cfMatrix(:,j)==0); cfMatrixPlusRebate(:,k) = cfMatrixPlusRebate(:,k).*(cfMatrix(:,j)==0); end end end % Discount the CFs from the CF matrix to get option value currPayoffs = zeros(cycles,1); for j=time_steps-1:-1:1

currPayoffs = currPayoffs + cfMatrixPlusRebate(:,j).*exp(-(domesticRate/observation_frequency)*j) ; end payoffs(i) = mean(currPayoffs)*fxRate; % Scale by current fxRate end clear trajectories fxTrajectories; % free memory MCResults(1)=payoffs(1); MCResults(2) = std(payoffs); end

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Function to perform Least Squares Regression for LSMC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

function condCF=LSR(currPrices, pvVector, fnType, numFns,crossProducts,moneyness) condCF=zeros(size(currPrices,1),1); crossTerms = zeros(size(currPrices,1),7); regressFns = numFns; if strcmp(fnType,'simplest') basisFns = zeros(size(currPrices,1),numFns); for i=2:numFns basisFns(:,i) = currPrices.^(i-1); end elseif strcmp(fnType,'sine') basisFns = zeros(size(currPrices,1),numFns); for i=2:numFns basisFns(:,i) = sin((i-1)*currPrices); end elseif strcmp(fnType,'monomial') basisFns = zeros(size(currPrices,1),numFns); basisFns(:,1) = currPrices(:,1) + currPrices(:,1).^2 + currPrices(:,1).^3 ... + currPrices(:,1).^4 + currPrices(:,1).^5; if numFns >= 2 basisFns(:,2) = currPrices(:,2) + currPrices(:,2).^2 + currPrices(:,2).^3 ...

+ currPrices(:,2).^4 + currPrices(:,2).^5; end if numFns >= 3 basisFns(:,3) = currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2) + currPrices(:,1).*(currPrices(:,2).^2) ... + currPrices(:,1).*(currPrices(:,2).^3) + currPrices(:,1).*(currPrices(:,2).^4); end if numFns >= 4 basisFns(:,4) = (currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2) + (currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2) ... + (currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^3); end if numFns >= 5 basisFns(:,5) = (currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2) + (currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^2); end if numFns >= 6 basisFns(:,6) = (currPrices(:,1).^4).*currPrices(:,2); end if numFns >= 7 basisFns(:,7) = 1; end elseif strcmp(fnType,'laguerre') crossTerms(:,1) = sum(laguerre(currPrices(:,1),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,2) = sum(laguerre(currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,3) = sum(laguerre(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,4) = sum(laguerre((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,5) = sum(laguerre((currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,6) = sum(laguerre((currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,7) = sum(laguerre((currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^3),numFns),2); basisFns = crossTerms(:,1:crossProducts); regressFns = crossProducts;

elseif strcmp(fnType,'Chebyshev1st') crossTerms(:,1) = sum(Chebyshev1st(currPrices(:,1),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,2) = sum(Chebyshev1st(currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,3) = sum(Chebyshev1st(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,4) = sum(Chebyshev1st((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,5) = sum(Chebyshev1st((currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,6) = sum(Chebyshev1st((currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2),numFns),2 ); crossTerms(:,7) = sum(Chebyshev1st((currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^3),numFns),2 ); basisFns = crossTerms(:,1:crossProducts); regressFns = crossProducts; elseif strcmp(fnType,'Chebyshev2nd') crossTerms(:,1) = sum(Chebyshev2nd(currPrices(:,1),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,2) = sum(Chebyshev2nd(currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,3) = sum(Chebyshev2nd(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,4) = sum(Chebyshev2nd((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,5) = sum(Chebyshev2nd((currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,6) = sum(Chebyshev2nd((currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2),numFns),2 ); crossTerms(:,7) = sum(Chebyshev2nd((currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^3),numFns),2 ); basisFns = crossTerms(:,1:crossProducts); regressFns = crossProducts; elseif strcmp(fnType,'Hermite') crossTerms(:,1) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,2) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2),numFns),2);

crossTerms(:,3) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,4) = sum(Hermite((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,5) = sum(Hermite((currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,6) = sum(Hermite((currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,7) = sum(Hermite((currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^3),numFns),2); basisFns = crossTerms(:,1:crossProducts); regressFns = crossProducts; elseif strcmp(fnType,'all') crossTerms(:,1) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).^2,numFns),2); crossTerms(:,2) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2).^2,numFns),2); crossTerms(:,3) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,3).^2,numFns),2); crossTerms(:,4) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,4).^2,numFns),2); crossTerms(:,5) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,5).^2,numFns),2); crossTerms(:,6) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,7) = sum(Hermite((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,8) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,3),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,9) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,4),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,10) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,5),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,11) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2).*currPrices(:,3),numFns),2); crossTerms(:,12) = sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2)... +sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2).*currPrices(:,3),numFns),2); basisFns = crossTerms(:,1:crossProducts); regressFns = 12; elseif strcmp(fnType,'bessel') crossTerms(:,1) = sum(bessel(numFns,currPrices(:,1)),2); crossTerms(:,2) = sum(bessel(numFns,currPrices(:,2)),2);

crossTerms(:,3) = sum(bessel(numFns,currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2)),2); crossTerms(:,4) = sum(bessel(numFns,(currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2)),2); crossTerms(:,5) = sum(bessel(numFns,(currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2)),2); crossTerms(:,6) = sum(bessel(numFns,(currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2)),2); crossTerms(:,7) = sum(bessel(numFns,(currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^3)),2); basisFns = crossTerms(:,1:crossProducts); regressFns = crossProducts; end % basisFns(:,1) = basisFns(:,1).*moneyness; formattedBasisFns = zeros(sum(moneyness),regressFns); formattedPvs = zeros(sum(moneyness),1); counter = 1; for i=1:size(currPrices,1) if moneyness(i)==1 formattedBasisFns(counter,:) = basisFns(i,:); formattedPvs(counter,:) = pvVector(i,:); counter = counter + 1; end end b = regress(formattedPvs,formattedBasisFns); if strcmp(fnType,'simplest') for i=1:numFns condCF = condCF + b(i)*currPrices.^(i-1); end elseif strcmp(fnType,'sine') condCF = b(1); for i=2:numFns condCF = condCF + b(i)*sin((i-1)*currPrices); end elseif strcmp(fnType,'monomial') condCF = condCF + b(1)*(currPrices(:,1) + currPrices(:,1).^2 + currPrices(:,1).^3 ... + currPrices(:,1).^4 + currPrices(:,1).^5);

if numFns >= 2 condCF = condCF + b(2)*(currPrices(:,2) + currPrices(:,2).^2 + currPrices(:,2).^3 ... + currPrices(:,2).^4 + currPrices(:,2).^5); end if numFns >= 3 condCF = condCF + b(3)*(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2) + currPrices(:,1).*(currPrices(:,2).^2) ... + currPrices(:,1).*(currPrices(:,2).^3) + currPrices(:,1).*(currPrices(:,2).^4)); end if numFns >= 4 condCF = condCF + b(4)*((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2) + (currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^2) ... + (currPrices(:,1).^2).*(currPrices(:,2).^3)); end if numFns >= 5 condCF = condCF + b(5)*((currPrices(:,1).^3).*currPrices(:,2) + (currPrices(:,1).^3).*(currPrices(:,2).^2)); end if numFns >= 6 condCF = condCF + b(6)*((currPrices(:,1).^4).*currPrices(:,2)); end if numFns >= 7 condCF = condCF + b(7); end elseif strcmp(fnType,'all') condCF = condCF + b(1)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).^2,numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(2)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2).^2,numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(3)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,3).^2,numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(4)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,4).^2,numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(5)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,5).^2,numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(6)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(7)*sum(Hermite((currPrices(:,1).^2).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(8)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,3),numFns),2);

condCF = condCF + b(9)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,4),numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(10)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,5),numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(11)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2).*currPrices(:,3),numFns),2); condCF = condCF + b(12)*sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,1).*currPrices(:,2),numFns),2)... +sum(Hermite(currPrices(:,2).*currPrices(:,3),numFns),2); else condCF = condCF + b(1)*crossTerms(:,1); if crossProducts >= 2 condCF = condCF + b(2)*crossTerms(:,2); end if crossProducts >= 3 condCF = condCF + b(3)*crossTerms(:,3); end if crossProducts >= 4 condCF = condCF + b(4)*crossTerms(:,4); end if crossProducts >= 5 condCF = condCF + b(5)*crossTerms(:,5); end if crossProducts >= 6 condCF = condCF + b(6)*crossTerms(:,6); end if crossProducts >= 7 condCF = condCF + b(7)*crossTerms(:,7); end end condCF = condCF.*moneyness; end

function out=laguerre(x, n) y0=ones(size(x,1),1); y1=-x+1; y2=0.5*(x.^2-4*x+2); y3=(1/6)*(-x.^3+9*x.^2-18*x+6);

y4=(1/24)*(x.^4-16*x.^3+72*x.^2-96*x+24); y5=(1/120)*(-x.^5+25*x.^4-200*x.^3+600*x.^2-600*x+120); y6=(1/720)*(x.^6-36*x.^5+450*x.^4-2400*x.^3+5400*x.^2-4320*x+720); Y=[y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6]; out=Y(:,1:n); end

function out=Chebyshev1st(x, n) y0=ones(size(x,1),1); y1=x; y2=2*x.^2-1; y3=4*x.^3-3*x; y4=8*x.^4-8*x.^2+1; y5=16*x.^5-20*x.^3+5*x; y6=32*x.^6-48*x.^4+18*x.^2-1; y7=64*x.^7-112*x.^5+56*x.^3-7*x; y8=128*x.^8-256*x.^6+160*x.^4-32*x.^2+1; y9=256*x.^9-576*x.^7+432*x.^5-120*x.^3+9*x; Y=[y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9]; out=Y(:,1:n); end

function out=Chebyshev2nd(x, n) y0=ones(size(x,1),1); y1=2*x; y2=4*x.^2-1; y3=8*x.^3-4*x; y4=16*x.^4-12*x.^2+1; y5=32*x.^5-32*x.^3+6*x; y6=64*x.^6-80*x.^4+24*x.^2-1; y7=128*x.^7-192*x.^5+80*x.^3-8*x; y8=256*x.^8-448*x.^6+240*x.^4-40*x.^2+1; y9=512*x.^9-1024*x.^7+672*x.^5-160*x.^3+10*x; Y=[y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9]; out=Y(:,1:n); end

function out=Hermite(x, n)

y0=ones(size(x,1),1); y1=x; y2=x.^2-1; y3=x.^3-3*x; y4=x.^4-6*x.^2+3; y5=x.^5-10*x.^3+15*x; y6=x.^6-15*x.^4+45*x.^2-15; y7=x.^7-21*x.^5+105*x.^3-105*x; y8=x.^8-28*x.^6+210*x.^4-420*x.^2+105; y9=x.^9-36*x.^7+378*x.^5-1260*x.^3+945*x; Y=[y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9]; out=Y(:,1:n); end

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Code for dynamic delta %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clc; clear; format short g; warning('off', 'stats:regress:RankDefDesignMat'); corMatrix= [1.0000, 0.2957, 0.3729, 0.1930, 0.2438, 1.0000, 0.3819, 0.3738, 0.5604, 0.2957, 0.3819, 1.0000, 0.2846, 0.3097, 0.3729, 0.3738, 0.2846, 1.0000, 0.2846, 0.1930, 0.5604; 0.3097; 0.2846; 1.0000]; 0.2438;

corMatrix = eye(1); vols=[.15;.2;.23;0.3;0.1]; divYields=[0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1]; spots=[250;40;23;60;3.8]; strikes=[250;40;23;60;3.8]; barriers=spots*1.2; cycles = 1000; size = 1; foreignRate = 0.05; obsFreq = 16; basketSize = 5; extraAssets = 0;

rebate = 0.3; domesticRate = 0.01; fxVol = 0.15; fxRate = 100; maturity = 1; batches = 1; basisType = 'Hermite'; basisFns = 10; crossProducts = 3; dimensions=(basketSize + extraAssets + 1)*(obsFreq*maturity); useBrownianBridge = 1; productType = 'bermudan'; % parameters interval = 1/obsFreq; payoffs = zeros(batches,1); cholMatrix=chol(corMatrix)'; time_steps = obsFreq*maturity + 1; dimensions=(basketSize + extraAssets + 1)*(time_steps-1); pertDS = 0.0001; asset dummy = 0; batches_hedge = 100; termValues = []; cumcostYen_dump=zeros(batches_hedge,time_steps-1);der_price=zeros(bat ches_hedge,time_steps-1); num_TotIntervals = time_steps; %number of total intevals over the entire maturity for q = 1:batches_hedge currentPort= zeros(1,basketSize+extraAssets+2); %generate the realized trajectories to carry out the hedging simulation realTraj=(gen_traj(maturity, time_steps-1,corMatrix, vols,... fxVol, spots,fxRate, divYields, domesticRate,foreignRate,num_TotIntervals))'; cumcostYen = 0; dummy = 0; %the cumulative cost in Japanese yen %this is the percentage perturbation in the underlying

%dummy variable indicates if the barrier has been breached

for i = 1:time_steps-1 if i~=1 costYen=0;

cumcostYen=cumcostYen*exp(domesticRate*1/obsFreq); %interest accrual in JPY currentPort(1,end-1:end)=[currentPort(1,end-1)*exp(foreignRate*1/obsF req),... currentPort(1,end)*exp(domesticRate*1/obsFreq)]; accrual in USD oldMMUSD = currentPort(1,6); %the USD money market account prior to delta hedging %if barrier is breached cash out the position if max(realTraj(i,1:5))>barriers terminalValue = (currentPort(1,1:end-2)*realTraj(i,1:end-1)'... %interest

+currentPort(1,end-1))*realTraj(i,end)+currentPort(1,end); dummy = 1; end oldStockUSD=currentPort(1:end-2)*realTraj(i,1:end-1)'; %the USD value of the stocks currentPort(1:end-2) = delta; holding to delta newStockUSD=currentPort(1:end-2)*realTraj(i,1:end-1)'; %new portfolio holdings currentPort(1,6)=currentPort(1,6)+(oldStockUSD-newStockUSD); %update the USD money market newMMUSD = currentPort(1,6); %update the USD money market account after delta hedging currentPort(1,7)=currentPort(1,7)+(oldMMUSD newMMUSD)*realTraj(i,end); %convert USD money market to JPY costYen=(oldMMUSD - newMMUSD)*realTraj(i,end); %record the current cost of hedging in JPY cumcostYen=cumcostYen+costYen; %update the cumulative cost in JPY cumcostYen_dump(q,i-1)=cumcostYen; %store the values of the cumcostYen end if dummy ~= 1 norm_spots=realTraj(i,1:5)./realTraj(i,1:5); spots to 1 %normalize the %update the current portfolio

%select the price at time step i and replicate trajectories = repmat(norm_spots,cycles,1); fxTrajectories = ones(cycles,time_steps); %reshape the 2D matrix into a 3D matrix temp = reshape(trajectories,cycles,1,basketSize+extraAssets); trajectories=zeros(cycles, time_steps+1-i, basketSize + extraAssets); trajectoriesP=zeros(cycles, time_steps+1-i, basketSize + extraAssets); trajectories(:,1,:) = temp; %create a matrix to store the brownian motions to use the same %brownian motion for the perturbed and unperturbed trajectories zMat =zeros(cycles, time_steps-i, basketSize + extraAssets); fxZMat =zeros(cycles, time_steps-i); for p=1:time_steps-i zslice=(cholMatrix*normrnd(0,1,basketSize + extraAssets,cycles))'; zslice=reshape(zslice,[cycles,1,basketSize + extraAssets]); zMat(:,p,:)=zslice; fxZ=randn(cycles,time_steps-i); end for j=2:time_steps-i+1 % generate unperturbed trajectories for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets trajectories(:,j,k) = trajectories(:,j-1,k).*exp((foreignRate... -divYields(k)-0.5*(vols(k)^2))*interval + vols(k)*sqrt(interval)*zMat(:,j-1,k)); end fxTrajectories(:,j) = fxTrajectories(:,j-1).*exp((domesticRate... -foreignRate-0.5*(fxVol^2))*interval + fxVol*sqrt(interval)*fxZ(:,j-1)); end % generate perturbed trajectories by perturbing at time step 1 for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets

trajectoriesP(:,1,k) = trajectories(:,1,k)*(1+pertDS); end fxTrajectoriesP(:,1) = fxTrajectories(:,1)*(1+pertDS); %let the perturbed trajectories propagate from time step 2 through end for each asset for j=2:time_steps-i+1 % generate trajectories for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets trajectoriesP(:,j,k) = trajectoriesP(:,j-1,k).*exp((foreignRate... -divYields(k)-0.5*(vols(k)^2))*interval + vols(k)*sqrt(interval)*zMat(:,j-1,k)); end fxTrajectoriesP(:,j) = fxTrajectoriesP(:,j-1).*exp((domesticRate... -foreignRate-0.5*(fxVol^2))*interval + fxVol*sqrt(interval)*fxZ(:,j-1)); end %Assign the unperturbed paths paths = trajectories; fxpaths = fxTrajectories; %output the price of the portfolio prior to perturbation nMC_results = jrd_LSMC(maturity-(i-1)/obsFreq, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes, obsFreq+1-i, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... barriers, rebate, domesticRate, fxRate,batches,'naive',useBrownianBridge,... basisType,basisFns,crossProducts,'bermudan',1,paths,fxpaths); der_price(q,i)=(nMC_results(1)); results =[]; pricesPert = []; pathsPert=zeros(cycles, time_steps+1-i, basketSize + extraAssets); %Assign the perturbed paths for each asset and for the fx for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets pathsPert = trajectories; pathsPert(:,:,k) = trajectoriesP(:,:,k); fxVol,

%output the price of the portfolio after the perturbation nMC_resultsP = jrd_LSMC(maturity-(i-1)/obsFreq, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes, obsFreq+1-i, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... barriers, rebate, domesticRate, fxRate,batches,'naive',useBrownianBridge,... basisType,basisFns,crossProducts,'bermudan',1,pathsPert,fxpaths); results = [results nMC_resultsP(1)]; pricesPert = [pricesPert trajectories(1,1,k)*pertDS*realTraj(i,k)]; end delta = (results - nMC_results(1))./pricesPert fxpathP = fxTrajectoriesP; %output the price of the portfolio after perturbing the fx rate nMC_resultsPfx = jrd_LSMC(maturity-(i-1)/obsFreq, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes, obsFreq+1-i, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... barriers, rebate, domesticRate, fxVol, fxVol,

fxRate,batches,'naive',useBrownianBridge,... basisType,basisFns,crossProducts,'bermudan',1,paths,fxpathP); FXpricePert = fxTrajectories(1,i)*pertDS; deltaFX = (nMC_resultsPfx(1) - nMC_results(1))/FXpricePert; else break end end %out the terminal value of the hedging portfolio terminalValue = (currentPort(1,1:end-2)*realTraj(end,1:end-1)'... +currentPort(1,end-1))*realTraj(end,end)+currentPort(1,end); termValues = [termValues terminalValue]; end xlswrite('deltaHedging.xls',termValues','Terminal Values'); hist(termValues,20);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Program to generate exercise boundaries

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% boundaryplot=[]; corMatrix= [1.0000, 0.2957, 0.3729, 0.1930, 0.2438, 1.0000, 0.3819, 0.3738, 0.5604, 0.2957, 0.3819, 1.0000, 0.2846, 0.3097, 0.3729, 0.3738, 0.2846, 1.0000, 0.2846, 0.1930, 0.5604; 0.3097; 0.2846; 1.0000]; 0.2438;

vols=[.15;.2;.23;0.3;0.1]; divYields=[0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1;0.1]; spots=[250;40;23;60;3.8]; strikes=[250;40;23;60;3.8]; barMultiplier=[1.2:0.1:2];

cycles = 100000; size = 1; foreignRate = 0.05; observation_frequency = 24; basketSize = 5; extraAssets = 0; rebate = 0.3; domesticRate = 0.01; fxVol = 0.15; fxRate = 100; maturity = 1; batches = 1;

for counter=1:length(barMultiplier) % barriers=spots*barMultiplier(counter); if counter == 1 color = 'b'; basisType = 'Hermite'; elseif counter == 2 color = 'g'; basisType = 'monomial'; elseif counter == 3 color = 'r'; basisType = 'laguerre'; end

basisFns = 10; crossProducts = 3; dimensions=(basketSize + extraAssets + 1)*(observation_frequency*maturity); useBrownianBridge = 0; productType = 'bermudan';

bound=boundaryCal(maturity, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes,observation_frequency, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... barriers, rebate, domesticRate, disp(bound); plot(bound,color); boundaryplot=[boundaryplot; bound]; hold on end fxVol, fxRate);

legend('Hermite','monomial','laguerre'); legend(gca,'boxoff'); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Normalized stock Price');

function out=boundaryCal(maturity, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes,observation_frequency, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... highBarrier, rebate, domesticRate, % parameters interval = 1/observation_frequency; cholMatrix=chol(corMatrix)'; strikes = strikes./spots; %scale strike for ease of use in basis functions highBarrier= highBarrier./spots; %for i=1:batches % work with normalizes stock prices and fx rates, hence period 0 values % are 1 trajectories = ones(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity+1, basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectories = ones(cycles,observation_frequency*maturity+1); fxVol, fxRate)

for j=2:observation_frequency*maturity+1 z=(cholMatrix*normrnd(0,1,basketSize + extraAssets,cycles))'; for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets trajectories(:,j,k) = trajectories(:,j-1,k).*exp((foreignRate... -divYields(k)-0.5*(vols(k)^2))*interval + vols(k)*sqrt(interval)*z(:,k)); end fxTrajectories(:,j) = fxTrajectories(:,j-1).*exp((domesticRate... -foreignRate-0.5*(fxVol^2))*interval + fxVol* ... sqrt(interval)*randn(cycles,1)); end clear z cholMatrix; % free up memory % work backwards cfMatrix = zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); cfMatrixPlusRabate= zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); stillAlive=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); % determine final payoff based on initial composition of the basket currPrice = reshape(trajectories(:,observation_frequency*maturity+1,... 1:basketSize),cycles, basketSize); cfMatrix(:,observation_frequency*maturity) = (max(max(currPrice... repmat(strikes(1:basketSize)',cycles,1),0),[],2)).*fxTrajectories(:,o bservation_frequency*maturity); alive=ones(cycles,1); for m=1:observation_frequency*maturity temp=reshape(trajectories(:,m+1,:),cycles,basketSize); alive=alive.* min((repmat(highBarrier',cycles,1)-temp)>0,[],2); stillAlive(:,m)=alive; end breachingPoint=[ones(cycles,1),stillAlive(:,1:(end-1))]stillAlive;

cfMatrix(:,observation_frequency*maturity)=cfMatrix(:,observation _frequency*maturity).*stillAlive(:,observation_frequency*maturity); cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,observation_frequency*maturity)=

cfMatrix(:,observation_frequency*maturity)+rebate.*breachingPoint(:,o bservation_frequency*maturity); for j=observation_frequency*maturity-1:-1:1 % determing current exercise value currPrice = reshape(trajectories(:,j+1,1:basketSize),cycles, basketSize); exerciseCF = (max(max(currPrice repmat(strikes(1:basketSize)',cycles,1),0),[],2)).*fxTrajectories(:,j +1); exerciseCF = exerciseCF.*stillAlive(:,j); % cannot exercise if knocked out moneyness = exerciseCF>0; pvVector = zeros(cycles,1); for k=j+1:observation_frequency*maturity % As all future cashflows have already been converted to the % domestic currency discounting done in domestic rate pvVector = pvVector + cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,k)*exp(-domesticRate*interval*(k-j)); end % only consider the two best performing assets for the least % squares regression sortedPrices = reshape(sort(trajectories(:,j+1,1:basketSize),3,'descend'),cycles,bas ketSize); currPrices = sortedPrices(:,1:2); condExpect = LSR_mono(currPrices,pvVector,3,7,moneyness); cfMatrix(:,j) = moneyness.*((condExpect < exerciseCF).*exerciseCF); % If knocked out pay the rebate cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,j)=cfMatrix(:,j)+rebate*breachingPoint(:,j); % set CF's of j+1 to maturity zero if exercised at current time for k=j+1:observation_frequency*maturity % If not exercised and not knocked out, keep old cashflows cfMatrix(:,k) = cfMatrix(:,k).*(cfMatrix(:,j)==0); cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,k) = cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,k).*(cfMatrix(:,j)==0) end end temp=ones(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity);

temp=max(trajectories(:,2:end,:),[],3); temp1=temp.*(cfMatrix~=0); index = find(temp1 == 0); temp(index)=NaN; boundary=nanmin(temp,[],1); clear trajectories fxTrajectories; % free memory out=boundary; end

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Code for static hedging %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hedging=staticH(maturity, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes,observation_frequency, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... barriers, rebate, domesticRate, fxVol, fxRate);

% regression [b,bint,residuals]=regress(hedging(2:end,1),hedging(2:end,2:end));

% P&L hedgingPL=-residuals+(hedging(1,1)-(b(1)*hedging(1,2)+b(2)*hedging(1, 3)+b(3)*hedging(1,4))); noHedgingPL=mean(hedging(:,1))-hedging(:,1);

% Plot and summary figure(1); hist(hedgingPL,100); xlabel('P&L'); ylabel('frequency'); xlim([-0.6 0.6]); ylim([0 2000]); title('With MMC Hedging') quantile(hedgingPL,[0.01,0.05,0.25])

figure(2); hist(noHedgingPL,100); xlabel('P&L');

ylabel('frequency'); xlim([-0.6 0.6]); ylim([0 2000]); title('Without Hedging') quantile(noHedgingPL,[0.01,0.05,0.25])

function out=staticH(maturity, vols, divYields, foreignRate,... spots, strikes,observation_frequency, cycles, corMatrix, basketSize,extraAssets, ... highBarrier, rebate, domesticRate, fxVol, fxRate)

% parameters interval = 1/observation_frequency; batches = 1; cholMatrix=chol(corMatrix)'; strikes = strikes./spots; %scale strike for ease of use in basis functions highBarrier= highBarrier./spots; % work with normalizes stock prices and fx rates, hence period 0 values % are 1 trajectories = ones(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity+1, basketSize + extraAssets); fxTrajectories = ones(cycles,observation_frequency*maturity+1); % generate trajectories for j=2:observation_frequency*maturity+1 z=(cholMatrix*normrnd(0,1,basketSize + extraAssets,cycles))'; for k=1:basketSize + extraAssets trajectories(:,j,k) = trajectories(:,j-1,k).*exp((foreignRate... -divYields(k)-0.5*(vols(k)^2))*interval + vols(k)*sqrt(interval)*z(:,k)); end fxTrajectories(:,j) = fxTrajectories(:,j-1).*exp((domesticRate... -foreignRate-0.5*(fxVol^2))*interval + fxVol* ... sqrt(interval)*randn(cycles,1)); end clear z cholMatrix; % free up memory % work backwards

cfMatrix = zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); cfMatrixPlusRabate= zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); optionBarrier1=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); optionBarrier2=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); optionBarrier3=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); stillAlive=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); stillAlive1=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); stillAlive2=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); stillAlive3=zeros(cycles, observation_frequency*maturity); % determine final payoff based on initial composition of the basket currPrice = reshape(trajectories(:,observation_frequency*maturity+1,... 1:basketSize),cycles, basketSize); cfMatrix(:,observation_frequency*maturity) = (max(max(currPrice... repmat(strikes(1:basketSize)',cycles,1),0),[],2)).*fxTrajectories(:,o bservation_frequency*maturity);

alive=ones(cycles,1); alive1=ones(cycles,1); alive2=ones(cycles,1); alive3=ones(cycles,1); for m=1:observation_frequency*maturity temp=reshape(trajectories(:,m+1,:),cycles,basketSize); alive=alive.* min((repmat(highBarrier',cycles,1)-temp)>0,[],2); alive1=alive1.* min((highBarrier(1)-temp(:,1))>0,[],2); first asset is alive at time j alive2=alive2.* min((highBarrier(2)-temp(:,2))>0,[],2); alive3=alive3.* min((highBarrier(3)-temp(:,3))>0,[],2); stillAlive(:,m)=alive; stillAlive1(:,m)=alive1; stillAlive2(:,m)=alive2; stillAlive3(:,m)=alive3; end % alive matrix for first aaset % if the %

breachingPoint=[ones(cycles,1),stillAlive(:,1:(end-1))]stillAlive; % when product is breach the barrier

cfMatrix(:,observation_frequency*maturity)=cfMatrix(:,observation _frequency*maturity).*stillAlive(:,observation_frequency*maturity); cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,observation_frequency*maturity)= cfMatrix(:,observation_frequency*maturity)+rebate.*breachingPoint(:,o bservation_frequency*maturity); for j=observation_frequency*maturity-1:-1:1 % determing current exercise value currPrice = reshape(trajectories(:,j+1,1:basketSize),cycles, basketSize); exerciseCF = (max(max(currPrice repmat(strikes(1:basketSize)',cycles,1),0),[],2)).*fxTrajectories(:,j +1); exerciseCF = exerciseCF.*stillAlive(:,j); % cannot exercise if knocked out moneyness = exerciseCF>0; pvVector = zeros(cycles,1); for k=j+1:observation_frequency*maturity % As all future cashflows have already been converted to the % domestic currency discounting done in domestic rate pvVector = pvVector + cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,k)*exp(-domesticRate*interval*(k-j)); end % only consider the two best performing assets for the least % squares regression sortedPrices = reshape(sort(trajectories(:,j+1,1:basketSize),3,'descend'),cycles,bas ketSize); currPrices = sortedPrices(:,1:2); condExpect = LSR_mono(currPrices,pvVector,3,7,moneyness); cfMatrix(:,j) = moneyness.*((condExpect < exerciseCF).*exerciseCF); % If knocked out pay the rebate cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,j) = cfMatrix(:,j) + rebate*breachingPoint(:,j); % set CF's of j+1 to maturity zero if exercised at current time for k=j+1:observation_frequency*maturity % If not exercised and not knocked out, keep old cashflows cfMatrix(:,k) = cfMatrix(:,k).*(cfMatrix(:,j)==0);

cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,k) = cfMatrixPlusRabate(:,k).*(cfMatrix(:,j)==0); end end


the underlying price at barrier breaching or early excercised time of our product underlyMatrix(:,:,1)=reshape(reshape(trajectories(:,2:end,1).*sti llAlive1,cycles,observation_frequency*maturity).*(cfMatrixPlusRabate~ =0),cycles,observation_frequency*maturity,1); underlyMatrix(:,:,2)=reshape(reshape(trajectories(:,2:end,2).*sti llAlive2,cycles,observation_frequency*maturity).*(cfMatrixPlusRabate~ =0),cycles,observation_frequency*maturity,1); underlyMatrix(:,:,3)=reshape(reshape(trajectories(:,2:end,3).*sti llAlive3,cycles,observation_frequency*maturity).*(cfMatrixPlusRabate~ =0),cycles,observation_frequency*maturity,1);

for j=1:observation_frequency*maturity hedging instrument on each point in time

% the european price of

optionBarrier1(:,j)=barrierUpOutCon(underlyMatrix(:,j,1),strikes( 1),domesticRate,divYields(1),vols(1),(1/observation_frequency)*(obser vation_frequency*maturity-j),highBarrier(1)*exp(0.5826*vols(1)*sqrt(1 /observation_frequency))); optionBarrier2(:,j)=barrierUpOutCon(underlyMatrix(:,j,2),strikes( 2),domesticRate,divYields(2),vols(2),(1/observation_frequency)*(obser vation_frequency*maturity-j),highBarrier(2)*exp(0.5826*vols(2)*sqrt(1 /observation_frequency))); optionBarrier3(:,j)=barrierUpOutCon(underlyMatrix(:,j,3),strikes( 3),domesticRate,divYields(3),vols(3),(1/observation_frequency)*(obser vation_frequency*maturity-j),highBarrier(3)*exp(0.5826*vols(3)*sqrt(1 /observation_frequency))); end rateFun=repmat(exp((domesticRate/observation_frequency).*(observa tion_frequency*maturity-1:-1:0)),cycles,1); finalValue1=max(optionBarrier1.*rateFun,[],2); finalValue2=max(optionBarrier2.*rateFun,[],2); finalValue3=max(optionBarrier3.*rateFun,[],2); % final payoff on

each trajectory finalpayoff=max(cfMatrixPlusRabate.*rateFun,[],2);

productPrice=mean(finalpayoff); optionPrice=NaN(1,3); for i = 1:3 optionPrice(i)=exp(domesticRate*maturity)*barrierUpOutCon(1,strik es(i),domesticRate,divYields(i),vols(i),maturity,highBarrier(i)*exp(0 .5826*vols(i)*sqrt(1/observation_frequency))); end

out1=[productPrice,optionPrice]; instrument price

% record simulated hedging

out2=[finalpayoff, finalValue1, finalValue2, finalValue3]; out=[out1; out2]; clear trajectories fxTrajectories; % free memory end

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Code for Benchmarking (Analytical Formulae) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rainbow5S(spots, strikes, vols, corMatrix, maturity, domesticRate)

barrierUpOutCon(spots, strikes, domesticRate, divident, vols, maturity,barriers)

function out=rainbow5S(S, K, sigma, P, T, r) value=0; for i=1:5 value=value+S(i)*Nn_S(S,i,K,sigma,P,T,r); end out=value-K*exp(r*T)*Nn_K(S,K,sigma,P,T,r); end

function out=Nn_S(S,i,K,sigma,P,T,r) b_vector=zeros(1,5);

sig=zeros(5,5); m=zeros(1,5);

for j=1:5 for k=1:5 sig(j,k)=sigma(i)^2-P(i,j)*sigma(i)*sigma(j)-P(i,k)*sigma(i)*sigm a(k)... +P(j,k)*sigma(j)*sigma(k); end end

for j=1:5 m(j)=sigma(i)^2-P(i,j)*sigma(i)*sigma(j); end

sig(:,i)=m; sig(i,:)=m; sig(i,i)=sigma(i)^2;


for j=1:5 b_vector(j)=b1(S(i),S(j),sqrt(sig(j,j)),T,r); end b_vector(i)=[]; X_input=[X_1st, b_vector]; out=mvncdf(X_input,zeros(1,5),sig); end

function out=Nn_K(S,K,sigma,P,T,r) X_input=zeros(1,5); sig=zeros(5,5); for j=1:5 X_input(j)=-d2(S(j),K,sigma(j),T,r); end for i=1:5 for m=1:5 sig(i,m)=P(i,m)*sigma(i)*sigma(m);

end end out=mvncdf(X_input,zeros(1,5),sig);

function out=b1(s1,s2,sigma,T,r) out=b2(s1,s2,sigma,T,r)+sigma*sqrt(T); end

function out=b2(s1,s2,sigma,T,r) out=(log(s1/s2)-0.5*sigma^2*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)); end

function out=d1(s,x,sigma,T,r) out=(log(s/x)+(r-0.5*sigma^2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)); end

function out=d2(s,x,sigma,T,r) out=d1(s,x,sigma,T,r)-sigma*sqrt(T); end

function out=barrierUpOutCon(S,K,r,q,sigma,tao,S_b) a=(S_b./S).^(-1+(2*(r-q)./sigma^2)); b=(S_b./S).^(1+(2*(r-q)./sigma^2)); d1=(log(S./K)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d2=(log(S./K)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d3=(log(S./S_b)+(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d4=(log(S./S_b)+(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d5=(log(S./S_b)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d6=(log(S./S_b)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d7=(log(S.*K./S_b^2)-(r-q-0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); d8=(log(S.*K./S_b^2)-(r-q+0.5*sigma^2)*tao)./(sigma*sqrt(tao)); out=S.*exp(-q*tao).*(normcdf(d1)-normcdf(d3)-b.*(normcdf(d6)-normcdf( d8)))... -K.*exp(-r*tao)*(normcdf(d2)-normcdf(d4)-a.*(normcdf(d5)-normcdf( d7))); end

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