Palmtop Computer (Report of Early Usage)

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September 1999

Palmtop Computers in Community Health

Roberto J. Rodrigues 1 , Daniel Sigulem 2 , Meide Anção 3 ,

Reginaldo H. Albuquerque 4 and André C.T. Aubers 5


This research project6 investigated the applicability and usefulness of portable palmtop
personal computers (P/PCs) in the development and utilization of computer-based forms
to assist data capture by lay community health workers at the site of contact and subse-
quent transfer of recorded data to a desktop platform for processing at a central site. The
project's expected result was to abolish paper forms, which were replaced by digital forms;
introduce consistency checking procedures at the time of data capture; abolish data tran-
scription and entry; and test data transfer from the P/PC to a desktop computer for proc-
essing by a public-domain epidemiology software. The authors discuss the results of a pi-
lot project conducted in a community household surveillance program, and review meth-
odological and technological issues regarding the implementation of P/PC-based applica-
tions. Compared to laptop and handheld computers, P/PCs have limited processing capa-
bilities, but are capable of supporting many mobile requirements, including simple data-
base operations and data communication. Large data volumes can be recorded, trans-
ported, and uploaded in generic format to a desktop personal computer for processing
and analysis. Technological and market trends, increasing machine resources and capa-
bilities, ease of use by individuals with limited skills, and diminishing costs suggest that
palmtop computers are useful mobile tools for health data recording and transport. The
new generation of palmtop devices is most appropriate to field conditions. They are rug-
ged, operate on batteries for long periods of time, and can support a vast range of public
health, primary care, home care, environmental health data capture, and data communi-
cation needs.

Regional Advisor, Health Services Information Technology, Essential Drugs and Technology Program,
Division of Health Systems and Services Development, Pan American Health Organization / World
Health Organization, Washington, D.C., USA
Professor and Head, Department of Health Informatics, Escola Paulista de Medicina (CIS/EPM), Federal
University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil
Senior Researcher, Department of Health Informatics, Escola Paulista de Medicina (CIS/EPM), Federal
University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil
Consultant, Greater Recife Community Household Surveillance Program, Pernambuco, Brazil
Technical Consultant, Omniamedia – Solutions for Mobile Communications, São Paulo, Brazil
This Project was partially funded by the Pan American Health Organization, Division of Health Systems
and Services Development (Contract ASC-98/00176-0). Prototype application development and testing
were conducted in the Greater Recife Community Household Surveillance Program of the State of Per-
nambuco Health Secretariat, Brazil, a program implemented with financial resources of the Government
of the State of Pernambuco and the Municipality of Recife Integrated Actions in Health, Education, and
Environment Project, supported by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
September 1999

Introduction Data Capture and Data Entry

Full-fledged palmtop computers (P/PCs) are increas- There are two major bottlenecks in the operation of
ingly finding their place in situations where data nearly all paper-based information systems — data
must be collected, processed, and communicated. In capture and data entry. Except for instances where
community health, the focus on population requires data capture and transcription are performed auto-
mobile capture of large data volume and speed in matically, a condition that exists only in limited
the transfer and processing operations. Small bat- cases, major hindrances, errors, delays, and cost
tery-operated pen-based P/PCs are especially ap- are associated with the cumbersome and labor-
propriate for data capture at the site and time where intensive utilization of data collection paper forms
data are generated and they replace, with great ad- and the keying-in of data by an operator.
vantage, the traditional paper data collection form.
As capabilities increase and prices fall, palmtop per- Data Transcription Problems
sonal computers are bound to become ubiquitous.
Data transcription (form to form or data entry), usu-
Recording Data at the Site of Origination ally done at a site away from where data were col-
lected, poses its own set of difficulties: quality con-
There are important reasons that uphold the desir- trol and error detection limitations, the return and
ability of recording data when they are generated. In tracking of incomplete forms, readability issues, and
the case of health information systems, ideally data the need for personnel dedicated to the task of key-
should be captured at the site and time of contact, ing-in data. Even in the best circumstances, an error
care, or intervention, since consistency checking rate of two to three percent is related to data tran-
and error detection are best carried out at that point. scription alone. Timeliness, completeness, accuracy,
and backlog are ensuing common problems.
While in certain well-controlled environments, as is
the case of inpatient care and survey studies, struc- Computer-based Forms for Data Capture,
tured data recording at the site of care or contact is Transport, and Entry
generally possible, such a situation usually is not
found in primary care, home care, environmental Portable laptop and notebook computers and elec-
health inspection, field social and health interven- tronic data forms are well established and exten-
tions, and many situations of community health prac- sively used. In the health sector, epidemiologists
tice. and field researchers pioneered the use of such mo-
bile devices, and integrated software products have
Constraints of Paper Forms been developed for the creation of forms, data entry,
and data analysis. The best known application in
Paper-based data capture forms must be designed this area is Epi-Info, a public-domain software de-
and printed. Frequently many changes are made to veloped by the United States Centers for Disease
the original design, requiring reprinting and disposal Control and Prevention and the World Health Or-
of unused previous versions. Storage, distributed ganization. Obstacles to the generalized use of lap-
inventory management, and supply of forms to the top and notebook mobile computing equipment are
end-user pose a number of logistical constraints, related to size, high unit cost, power consumption,
especially when the forms are used in a large num- relatively fragile critical internal moving parts (hard
ber of facilities — while there may exist an abun- disk), and the need for a fair level of computer skills.
dance of forms in some sites there may be none in
others. Since 1997 a new generation of cheap, rugged,
diskless, small computer devices have reached the
Perhaps the most important limitation of paper forms market. They have limited processing capabilities
is that, in contrast to computer-based programmed and mass storage but are an ideal platform for elec-
forms, paper forms do not allow the incorporation of tronic data capture forms that use pen-based touch
automatic consistency checks, build-in calculation screen and hand character recognition technologies.
routines, use of programmable variables, and default Typically these devices presently cost from one-
entries. Conditional jumps, easy to program and tenth to one-fifth of a low-end laptop or notebook
change in electronic format, are restricted to fixed computer. Accumulated data can be uploaded to a
and limited rules in paper forms. desktop computer for further processing using a va-
riety of means, by cable and wireless connections.
3 September 1999

Early experimentation with electronic data forms re- In the initial stage of the Community Household Sur-
siding in palmtop devices at the Department of veillance Program, data collection was done with
Health Informatics, Escola Paulista de Medicina printed forms. Those forms were found to be inap-
(CIS/EPM), Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil, propriate due to the cost and time required in de-
involved the development, in 1996, of a nutritional signing, redesigning, and printing; the logistics in-
assessment application on a pen-based Newton volved in storing and supplying paper forms; and the
platform. Although the users were enthusiastic about poor writing skills of the community workers. The
the possibilities of the device, high unit cost (around change in a single data element required the design
US$800), weight, and poor resources in terms of and printing of new forms and the loss of unused
processor capacity and speed, memory, and screen forms from previous print runs. Those issues and
size and quality did not recommend its widespread nagging problems of readability, inconsistencies,
utilization. With the appearance of new options on and the need to manually key-in about 200,000
the market, price reduction and better machine re- forms per month, led to the development of a more
sources, a hospital auditing and evaluation applica- structured data capture form and a change in the
tion was developed in 1997, under contract for the data entry procedures by the introduction of optical
State of São Paulo Regional Medical Board reader technology.
(CRM/SP). The project selected a Hewlett-Packard
LX Series platform, a handheld computer, running Although forms designed for automated optical read-
MS-DOS 5.0. The application was successfully im- ing reduced the incidence of human errors in data
plemented and utilized to collect data in periodic in- capture and transcription, problems remained re-
spection visits conducted in 680 hospitals. Field data lated to the development and printing of those forms,
were periodically uploaded to a desktop platform for necessarily demanding a very accurate design. The
processing. process of entering text by filling mark-sense fields
was quite cumbersome, and a seven percent error
occurred in the optical reading process that required
Problem Statement manual input of correct data. Irrespective of the
method used (manual keying-in or optical reading),
The State of Pernambuco (Brazil) Health Secretariat paper data collection forms do not permit consis-
and the United Nations Educational Scientific and tency checking, and there are many operational
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) implemented a situations in which it would be desirable to have a
social program (Greater Recife Community House- way to calculate field values and introduce default
hold Surveillance Program) in poor areas of the Mu- responses, impossible to do in paper forms.
nicipality of Recife with the goal of bringing to poor
communities a set of integrated developmental ac-
tions involving health, education, and the environ- Methodology
ment. This highly successful project employs around
1,200 community workers with the objective of con- Due to the characteristics of the Greater Recife
ducting household visits to assess needs related to Community Household Surveillance Program, it was
the project’s areas of interest. Pertinent data must considered as an ideal environment for the investi-
be recorded to support program planning, monitoring gation of the applicability and usefulness of portable
of activities, and evaluation. palmtop personal devices in the development and
utilization of computer-based forms.
Most community workers, recruited among the
poorly educated and low-income population of the The goal of this research project was to identify and
project area, have a low literacy level and no special test a low-end pen-based palmtop computer and
skills but, because they live in the neighborhood, investigate tools and issues related to the design
they have easy access to households and first-hand and creation of electronic data collection forms for
understanding of the social, health, and environ- field data capture by unskilled lay community health
mental problems of the community. With little train- workers. The expected result of the project was to
ing they develop into very useful agents for the pro- eliminate paper forms by the introduction of digital
active identification, reporting, and follow-up of forms, introduce consistency checking at the time of
health, educational, and environmental problems. data capture, abolish paper form data transcription
Each community worker visits an average of 200 and entry, and experiment with data transfer and
households per month, presenting the need to print processing by generic and public-domain epidemiol-
and process around 200,000 data capture forms ogy software in a desktop computer at a central site.
each month.
4 September 1999

Pen-based Palmtop Computers used by the Greater Recife Community Household

Surveillance Program. Record structure (164 bytes)
Of the many options available in the P/PC market, included the following data elements:
the authors decided on utilizing a device running
Windows CE version 2.0 operating system (WinCE) • Health Worker ID Number
since such devices have, as essential features, the • Household ID Code
following aspects: compatibility with the desktop • Family ID Code (if more than one family in
Windows environment, existence of a variety of household)
third-party software for WinCE platforms, and the • Individual Sequential Code (for members of
availability of WinCE development tools compliant to the same family unit)
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) standards. • Name
During September 1998 a market review was done • Birth Date
including all Windows CE P/PCs in the US$300-500 • Degree of Family Relationship
price range. • Gender
• Occupation
Based on price and technical characteristics (proc-
• School Attendance
essor type, input facilities, display, expansion slots,
• Educational Level
battery life, and ruggedness) the Casio Computer
Corporation Cassiopeia model E-11 P/PC, priced • Pregnancy (at time of each visit)
just above US$300, was selected. The Cassiopeia
E-11 is a pen-based "pocket computer" with the fol- Digital form development, installation of developed
lowing specifications: VR4111-100 MHz processor; 8 form in the palmtop device, and the uploading of
Mbyte flash memory mass storage; 4-scale mono- collected data require the installation of the Visual
chrome liquid crystal display 240 x 320 dots; serial CE DBMS in at least one desktop computer and in
(RS-232C 115.5 Kbps maximum) and infrared inter- all P/PCs used in the field. A digital data capture
faces; expansion slot for flash memory card; power form was developed in a desktop platform using the
supply by two AAA batteries, AC adapter, and Visual CE application development environment,
CR2016 lithium backup battery; main battery aver- which runs on Windows 95/98 or NT, and is com-
age life of 30 hours; dimensions 18.2 mm H x 81.5 patible with any Windows CE device. Communica-
mm W x 124 mm D; weight 186 g including batteries. tion between the desktop and the P/PC was made
via the serial port and the developed form down-
loaded to the mobile device where the empty data
Database Management System (DBMS)
form occupied only 16 Kbyte.
A small-footprint ODBC-enabled development tool
Data entry in the field was done directly via touch-
(Visual CE 3.0 Professional Database Management
screen, using a combination of programmed screen
System from SYWARE, Inc., Cambridge, Massa-
controls. Numerical values and characters were en-
chusetts) was elected for building custom database
tered through a screen keyboard or by direct charac-
applications for the WinCE environment, featuring
ter recognition. Collected data can be transferred to
simple relational capability, multipaging, and drag-
the desktop (uploaded) in different manners — syn-
and-drop controls for data entry form creation. Con-
chronization with any ODBC database, importing
trols can be text, notes, check boxes, radio buttons,
into MS-Access or MS-Excel, or exporting the
and pick lists. Dialog boxes allow inclusion of prede-
WinCE database to an ASCII comma-delimited text
fined field values, calculated fields, and default re-
file. In this project, the third option was used. In this
sponses. Databases are assembled by using the
project's application a typical maximum daily load of
built-in creation tool, or starting from a table devel-
200 record entries uses up 42 Kbyte of mass stor-
oped in any ODBC-enabled database. Visual CE
age. For the configuration utilized, a single machine
Runtime occupies only 150 Kbyte and just one run-
has the capacity of storing up to 20,000 records.
time per machine is required, regardless of the
number of applications residing on the mobile de-
The ASCII text file, created in the P/PC through the
export function of the Visual CE DBMS, can be up-
loaded via serial connection to the desktop by using
Data Requirement Definitions and Application the WinCE Services file explorer to copy the ASCII
Development file from the palmtop root directory to the desktop.
Once uploaded it can be imported into a number of
Data definitions for application development repro- applications. In this project Epi-Info was used for
duced, without changes, the specifications defined data consolidation and analysis.
for the last version of the data capture form being
5 September 1999

Results displacement of people, execution of applications,

and data traffic. This can be achieved by two ways:
The database management systems (Visual CE 3.0) users move and use fixed terminals or users move
had a number of limitations, compared to equivalent with portable devices — the latter being the more
desktop products. This was an expected feature, as interesting option. Mobile data entry is accomplished
the design of the product is focused on the technical by users either by working online with the application
characteristics of the portable device and the WinCE or by working offline and periodically transferring
operating system. Forms must be planned and de- captured data by a wired, wireless, or combination
signed carefully and there is little flexibility and few communication link.
options for the design of input masks and field defini-
tions. Desired consistency-checking features that From the original “luggable” computer of the 80’s,
are present in all desktop DBMS do not exist in Vis- progressive reduction in size made possible the ap-
ual CE. Despite the limitations of Visual CE, devel- pearance of generations of laptop and notebook
oped application proved to be adequate for the level computers. Further miniaturization and new tech-
of complexity of data manipulation required by the nologies led to the development of diskless devices
Greater Recife Community Household Surveillance of small dimensions and weight. Such computing
Program. hardware has been around for several years, and
performance has improved significantly over the
Field use by health workers was possible with mini- past two years. As prices fell, larger memory and
mal training. The P/PC selected for the project oper- 100MHz-plus processors became the norm in mid-
ated without trouble under a variety of environmental to high-end machines. Screens, including color
conditions. Screen quality, ease of use, and accept- screens, have improved, although there is a lot of
able battery life were positive elements in the variation among different manufacturers and units.
Size, presence of a keyboard, and capability of run-
ning small footprint versions of word processing,
Discussion spreadsheet, and a variety of application software
define two classes of small mobile computers:
Appropriate information technology, when combined handheld (H/PC) and palm-top (P/PC) devices.
with a dependable health information infrastructure, P/PCs have no keyboard and fewer capabilities than
facilitates and improves health data capture, integra- H/PCs, but their low price, soon expected to fall to
tion, analysis, and communication. Data capture rou- US$100-150 for low-end devices, makes them ideal
tines, processing tools, and methods to store, ma- tools for field data capture and transportation.
nipulate, access, and analyze information are essen-
tial components of every health program and health Mobile computing using palmtop and handheld de-
service. In addition to addressing many of the com- vices presents some limitations. They include: [a]
pelling present-day health problems and providing mobile resources are relatively poor when compared
tools for bettering health and human prosperity to desktop and laptop platforms as represented by
globally, the establishment of a health information slower processors, and smaller memory size, mass
technological infrastructure can assist in the solution storage, and screen size; [b] limited battery power;
of the major challenges faced by the health sector: [c] incipient standardization; [d] variable perform-
access, quality, finances, knowledge management, ance and reliability; and [e] scalability issues.
and better clinical and administrative practice. Al-
though technology, per se, obviously does not re- Palmtop (P/PC) Technology Issues
place the interaction between individuals and institu-
tions, it can be effectively used to enhance such re- One of the first marketed products was the Hewlett-
lationships [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. The World Health Packard 95LX, released in 1991, weighing 312
Organization played a pioneer role in early experi- grams (11 ounces), and running Lotus 123 software.
mentation with handheld computers in field health The 1992-1997 period showed a consistent growth
data collection [10]. rate of about 20 percent annually, but products were
tainted by releases that failed to meet user needs,
Mobile Computing baffling interfaces, limited machine resources,
handwriting-recognition problems, short battery life,
Mobile computing is the ability to maintain continued lack of application software and connectivity, and
access to computing facilities and data while on the prohibitively high prices. Most of the successful uses
move, at any location, while maintaining a consistent of those machines were in specialized one-
working environment that seamlessly supports the application niches, such as utility companies meter
reading, stock control, car rental systems, etc. Early
6 September 1999

P/PCs products intended for general use, such as became dominated by a few companies. Standardi-
the Newton, Psion, and Zaurus machines, failed to zation of the palmtop platform is still incipient but this
gain market acceptance and disappeared in a very situation is already rapidly changing — one example
short time. being the consolidation of the initial variety of operat-
ing systems. In the beginning there were a large
The seminal debut of the PalmPilot in 1996, running number of operating systems (OS): Newton, GEOS,
on a proprietary operating system (Palm OS), MS-DOS, Psion EPOC/16, Zaurus, which were
opened up a whole new range of possibilities and quickly superseded by Windows CE (Microsoft Cor-
expandability. Since 1997, and driven by the release poration) and Palm OS (3Com Inc.), the two domi-
of the Windows CE operating system (WinCE) and nant and competing options in today’s OS market.
the Compaq PC Companion [9], the first of WinCE
machines running on AA batteries and with a weight As an indication of the standardization drive, the Mi-
of less than 450 grams, there was renewed interest crosoft Corporation has required that all WinCE sys-
in palmtop devices. As the market evolved, differ- tems comply with specific formats and provide stan-
ences among machines became more significant dard Windows-compatible desktop applications, ex-
and functions more specialized [10]. pansion capabilities, communications, and even size
and weight. The most compelling feature of these
P/PC products fit into two basic categories: organiz- systems is their built-in ability to synchronize and
ers and pocket computers. Organizers are, in gen- exchange files with a desktop or a laptop and inter-
eral, less expensive due to their limited functional- act with existing Windows-based applications and
ities and are mostly used for storing phone numbers systems.
and addresses and maintaining schedules and to-do
lists. Organizers' primary limitation is the lack of ex- Trends
pansion capabilities, as they do not offer card slots
or expansion ports. Pocket computers range in func- In the current year (1999) it is expected that five and
tionality from low-end to high-end units character- half million H/PCs and P/PCs of all types will be
ized by hardware expandability, sophisticated oper- market, a 47% increase over the previous year. It is
ating systems, and diversity of possible application. projected that the installed base will reach more than
32 million such devices in the next three years. The
Cable, infrared, and wireless connectivity to the PalmOS and WinCE operating environments will
desktop became a central feature enabling file trans- have by that time captured 92% of the market from
fer and synchronization of applications. The devel- the 67% of 1998, squeezing out the share held by
opment of devices that offer standardized, simple, Psion’s EPOCH and Sharp’s Zaurus operating sys-
and reliable access to telecommunication links, in- tems [11].
cluding the Internet, and a broad base of third party
applications increased the market share for palm- The immensely popular 3Com Palm platform contin-
tops. Although most P/PCs still rely on desktop ues to gain access to applications and database
computers for network access, recent advances in management systems as well as to provide another
remote connectivity are creating an important market connectivity option to corporate data. Although at
segment for pocketable connected devices that can this time the Palm platform remains primarily a per-
be used in lieu of a portable or desktop machine. sonal information manager (organizer), the availabil-
ity of e-mail, Internet, and database access is trans-
A major problem with any mobile device, including forming the device into a dependable corporate tool,
laptops, continues to be the power supply. Plug-in especially for vertical applications.
cards and color screens consume a lot of power and
in P/PCs and H/PCs there is a trade-off between The WinCE platform has evolved to include new fea-
battery endurance and display contrast ratio; the tures and support to a large number of hardware
relationship is not linear — typically a 15% improve- add-ons and applications. There is a move to create
ment in contrast is accompanied by a 50% drop in a cross-platform operating system, possibly a “light”
battery life. version of the NT environment that would run in
servers and desktops all the way down to the sim-
The history of desktop computers can be used as a plest palmtop device. Regardless of the WinCE plat-
reference model for the anticipated development of form, there is a growing number of software prod-
palmtop computers in the coming years. When an ucts. A recent survey [12] reviewed more than a
open standard was defined for microcomputers and hundred business and general application products.
independent developers began to develop hardware Many are miniaturized versions of desktop applica-
platforms and applications based on such standards, tions but the most exciting are those that have been
the options became rather restricted and the market written with the mobile user in mind such as map-
7 September 1999

ping, synchronization, and communications soft- References

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8 September 1999

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