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Chasing your dream is the goal and the best part of your life.

Chasing your dream is the goal and the best part of your life. Madel M. Pineda is a very friendly and a happy go lucky person but despite of thatshe has a dream that she seriously wants to chase in order to give her family a better life.

A Dream to Chase
By Madel Pineda A dream is known as someones goal in life. I also have a dream even when Im a happy go lucky person and that is having a succesful company. The reason why I want to have a succesful company because due to the influence of movies and series they all have a succesful company and they are rich. The influence I also have is my teachers , parents and my idol. I still cannot forget my elementary in Padre Mariano Gomez who asked us one by one what is our name , what is our dream and what is the reason that is our dream. Whn it is my turn I said that I wanted to be a businesswoman and a chef to help my family. After all of my classmates have recited she gave us an inspirational message that our dream is our goal in life and let us do whatever it takes to reach it in order to help our family anf the family that we will have in the future. The second one who gave me inspiration is my parents. I remember the time when my parents are scolding my brothers saying we are working to provide you need and to study very well so that someday you will be the one returning these things to us not to just play computer games and slack off. My parents said reaaly hurt because that is true. We slack off do nothing , break things up and have a quarrel well that really hurt me because I am lazy and my mother saiud that you will achieve nothing even if you have the brain if you are lazy. My third inspiration is my idol, Taylor Swift. She inspires me because of her works. Her work is very good because she put her heart on it . I also admire her because the way she talks to people and the way she response on them is very kind because even though shes high and rich she stillcommunicates with regular people and help people in need. She is also very industrious because she never stops making new songs for her living because those songs inspires teenagers especially girls. Taylor said on one magazine grow up one year at a time that something Im glad I did . Tween you will help shape the future you , and future you will want to be able to look back on all the experiences of tween you , in all its many colors. That tip really help me to grow one at a time and to look back in all the experiences that will really help me chase my dreams because when you already have your dream it is a thing that something to be proud off but always be humble to people.

Madel M. Pineda is an 11 yrs. Old kid living in Manila,Philippines. The 4th child of Rolando Pineda and Julieta Pineda.

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