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10cty/En1 Feb 2013

GROUP ACTIVITY 3rd Speaking and Listening before the written Controlled Assessment
We are going to be reading Tess of the dUrbervilles for our pre-1914 prose text (written in 1891). You will be having your next written Controlled Assessment piece on this. In order to prepare, you need to: Task 1: Read as much of the book as possible (do try and finish it during Feb half term). It is quite long and the language is difficult, but you need to try and get a feel for the STORYLINE. Task 2: Prepare a short presentation in groups of 4 which will be assessed for Speaking and Listening.

You must prepare this over the next week and a half date of presentations: Mon 25th February 2013

Your speaking and listening assessment can be in the following formats: Formal presentation where you give a speech PowerPoint Prezi with accompanying speakers chipping in Interview one of you asks the questions and the others answer with information about the period Your focus is the social and historical context of when Hardy was writing. You need this information as this is vital for your Controlled Assessment task. As each group presents, you will be required to make notes on what they say. The topics are: 1 Religion and the influence of Darwins theory 2 The divide between rich and poor 3 Life of servants 4 The role of women in society 5 Industrial / Agricultural revolution 6 Love and marriage

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