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GMTD, Sikar.

What is Salvation ?
For having an understanding of salvation, there is a concept called Part and the Whole , and the concept says that Like a drop of water is a part of sea, but not yet sea. It can become sea if it falls into the sea. Likewise , the soul is a part of Brahm, and can also become Brahm, once it merges with it.

It is very clear that a glass of water can become sea once it falls into sea. After it merges into sea, it can not be identified independently. It loses its existence or identity, and it gains a much bigger identity of sea. Similarly, the soul which powers on the body, also loses its identity and becomes brahm or Nirankar itself.

Similarly the popular myth, that God is inside human body, is just like saying that the sea is there in a glass of water. Of course, soul is there in human body, and once it realises its source i.e. God or Nirankar, it merges with it and becomes the same Nirankar; like a glass of water becomes sea once it merges with sea.

So, Merger is salvation, or we can say that Merger of soul with the supersoul or Brahm is known as Salvation.

As long as our soul is separated from the supersoul, it keeps on changing bodies which is normally known as cycle of rebirth. But, once it gets to know the substance of this so called God or supersoul or brahm, it gets merged with it resulting into losing its own identity, and hence acquiring the identity of god itself. In spiritual parlance, this merger is known as Salvation from the cycle of rebirth

In Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Chap 4.9, Lord Krishna says: who knows me by tatva doesnt fall into cycle of rebirth, but merges into me

So a condition is being put across by Lord krishna, that the merger with me can take place only for those who know me by Tatva. So what is Tatva and how to know the Lord by tatva? To understand this concept of Tatva, let us take an example of an elephant of wood. When a child looks at that wooden elephant, he says that it is an elephant but the sculptor says that it is wood. Neither the child is wrong because he is focusing on the appearance, nor the sculptor is wrong because he is looking at the substance or tatva which is, of course, wood only.

In fact the wisdom is to know the ultimate substance of the whole cosmos. And then, as declared by Lord Krishna, anyone who gets to know the universe by the ultimate substance or the so called tatva, attains the highest state that is called salvation from the cycle of rebirth or being one with the Almighty.

In fact we are on a divine pilgrimage; Just as rivers are continuously flowing towards the mighty Ocean, our life is but a pilgrimage towards the Nirankar, the Formless Ocean. Now let us take the case of rivers flowing down the line from the mountain peaks, apparently in a great hurry with horrifying velocity, taking all sorts of circuitous routes, making violent noises, going up and down at times. The question is All this, what for? The answer is just to get merged with its source. After the river gets merged with its source i.e. ocean, there is no more racing and running, no hurry, no highs and lows, and there is complete silence, and infinite rest.

This proverbial race continues. Even for Human Beings. It is a divine pilgrimage for the soul to get merged with its source supreme soul or the Formless one. that is called

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