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See : dikti/english debate competition/2008

~ Cambridge Model
WICIDA ENGLISH DEBATE COMPETION 1 (TI-SI-MI Students Forum) Wicida Student Award Candidate
By : Eka Arriyanti, S.Pd., I.G. Unmul Cambridge Debate Judger (2008) ~ Game Structure Theme I : Which one do you like : Group A (Pro) : OS Windows ? Group B (Contra) : OS Linux ? Group C (Moderator and Former) Theme II : How to solve flood problem in Samarinda city ? : Group C (Pro) : Moving on Samarinda. Group A (Contra) : Rebuild in Samarinda. Group B (Moderator and Former) Theme III : Impact of the use of ICT to the amount of unemployment : Group B (Pro) : It will increase ; how to solve the unemployment problem ? Group C (Contra) : It will decrease ; how can ? Group A (Moderator and Former) Semi Final Theme : The next more urgent department in Wicida : (Pro) : Artificial Intelligent (Robotika) (Contra) : Computer Security and Forensic Moderator and Former Final Oration Theme : Nominee 1 : the theme from Mrs. Hj. Sri Hartati (Chairwoman of Wicida Foundation) Nominee 2 : the theme from Mr. dr. H. Istyanto, Sp.O.G. (Director of STMIK Wicida) ~ Game Step
One Candidate of Group as Pro Theme I Nominee 1 Oration One Candidate of Group as Contra Elimination Theme II Semi Final Final THE CANDIDATE Nominee 2 Oration One Candidate of Group as Mod. and Form. Theme III

~ Group Member Each group of department (TI, SI, MI) is about 10 till 40 students. Each group chooses 3 till 7 students as their delegation in the forum. When the all 3, or 7 are debating or 1 of 3, or 7 is moderating, their friends of group are supporting. In elimination : The judgers score each student debating or moderating according to their skill in English in saying their idea as the theme and as their position (pro/contra/moderator and former). The judgers also score their logical argumentation, and the judgers score their performance. Hence, the judgers (J1, J2, J3) choose One of each group as the Candidate. In semi final : After Moderator opens the forum, there is open oration of semi final theme from Mr. H. Tommy Bustomi, M.Kom. (Director of Academic). The scoring criteria is relatively same as in elimination. The additional scoring is given to the guest judger. Hence, the judgers (J1, J2) choose Two nominees of Three candidates. In final : Each nominee gives oration and answer according to the guest judger. The scoring criteria is relatively same as in semi final plus duration fit in oration (J1, J3). ~ The Judgers J1. Eka Arriyanti, S.Pd., I.G. (Balai Bahasa Wicida) J2. Eni U. Hasanah, S.Pd. (English Lecturer) J3. Heny Pratiwi, S.Kom., M.Pd. (Wicida Quality Control) Guest Judgers : 1. Mrs. Hj. Sri Hartati (Chairwoman of Wicida Foundation) 2. Mr. dr. H. Istyanto, Sp.O.G. (Director of STMIK Wicida) 3. Mr. H. Tommy Bustomi, M.Kom. (Director of Academic) ~ Duration : Each forum is about 30 till 50 minutes. Oration in final is 10 minutes min. and 15 minutes max. Total time of competition could not more than 300 minutes. Elimination Semi Final Final Theme I Theme II Theme III Semi Final Theme Nominee 1 Nominee 2 50 50 50 50 30 30

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