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Scrooge's Transformation

Scrooge's Redemption

From STINGY & MISERABLE, He is turned to a

Lovely, Giver, Happy, Generous Person.

I Will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!

Scrooge's own words. Redemption. Transformation. Generosity. Kindness. Universal Love for Community. Sharing.

Bob Crachit & the newly reborn Scrooge!

Chapter 5 The End

Provides an optimistic conclusion of the story. Ebenezer starts a new life. He sends a turkey to Crachits. He gives Bob a raise. He apologizes to the Gentlemen, he meets on the street. He also atends Fred's party.

In what way is A Christmas Carol an allegory? What are the symbolic meanings of the main characters? A Christmas Carol is an allegory in that it features events and characters with a clear, fixed symbolic meaning. In the novella, Scrooge represents all the values that are opposed to the idea of Christmas--greed, selfishness, and a lack of goodwill toward one's fellow man. The Ghost of Christmas Past, with his glowing head symbolizing the mind, represents memory; the Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity, empathy, and the Christmas spirit; and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come represents the fear of death and moral reckoning. The Cratchits represent the poor, whom Dickens portrays with warmth and sympathy while seeking to draw attention to their plight.

How does the time scheme of A Christmas Carol function? Why might Dickens have chosen to structure his book in this way?
Time is very important in A Christmas Carol, which is structurally centered around distinct elements of Past, Present, and Future. But, the time scheme of the story itself seems to make little sense. On Christmas Eve, Jacob Marley's ghost tells Scrooge that he will be visited by three ghosts on three successive nights. On Christmas morning, Scrooge awakes, having already been visited by all three ghosts. The three nights seem to be compressed into a single night. The presence of the spirits apparently bends the normal flow of time. A view further supported b y the fact that Scrooge goes to bed at two o'clock in the morning after Marley's visitation and awakes at midnight the same night--two hours after he fell asleep. Dickens uses the tem poral inconsistencies to emphasize the supernatural powers of the spirits--when they are around, normal earthly standards, including the flow of time, have no effect.

What role does social criticism play in A Christmas Carol? To what extent is the story a social commentary? Social Commentary--particularly those statements directed at the Poor Laws governing the lower classes during Dickens' time--plays an important but not a central role in A Christmas Carol. Dickens often uses Scrooge as a mouthpiece to express the more callous justifications and excuses used to defend the harsh treatment of the poor. Malthus' theory that anyone who could not support himself did not have a right to live is a good example of these outrageous claims. Asked whether he wishes to sup port a charity, Scrooge replies that he does support charities--prisons and workhouses, which are all the charity the poor need. Dickens harshly criticizes these attitudes and presents a highly sympathetic view of the poor through his depiction of the Cratchits. On the whole, however, the numerous messages of A Christmas Carol expand far beyond this narrow political critique of Victorian society.

A Christmas Carol
By:Charles Dickens


Scrooges old friend and partner came to see him one Christmas Eve. Marleys mouth had a folded kerchief wrapped around his head and chin. The kerchief was there to keep his moth from hanging open. Back then the dead had to have kerchiefs around there mouths and chins to keep them from coming open while people were viewing them in their casket. Marleys Ghost also had chains around him. The chains represent his spirit staying on earth until he pays all his debts.

The Ghost Of Christmas Past

This is the Ghost of Christmas Past. It is VERY old. Yet it has a face without any wrinkles at all. It holds a holly leaf. The holly represents the season, winter, Christmas! The light coming out of its head represents memories, Scrooges memories. It holds a hat. When put on its head the memories will disappear. The dress represents its youthfulness. This Spirit takes Scrooge to see his past. What does Scrooge see?

The Ghost Of Christmas Present

This is the second of the three spirits. He takes Scrooge to see all the things that will happen in the Present! He takes him to see Bob Cratchits house, where Tiny Tim (Bobs son) is doing okay. All around him lays turkeys, geese, game brawn, great joints of meat, suckling pigs, long wreaths of sausages, mince pies, plum puddings, barrels of oysters, red hot chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples, juicy oranges, luscious pears, immense twelfthcakes, and great bowls of punch.

The Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come

The last of the three spirits. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. The spirit neither spoke nor moved. This Ghost shows Scrooge his soon to be grave. He also shows him one other grave! Whos grave did the Ghost show Scrooge?

~Christmas Day~
This is Christmas Day where Scrooge lives. As u see Scrooge is being nice. He has bought a BIG turkey for the Cratchets. He gave Bob the day off. And gave him a raise!

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