Management Options For A Traditional Humphead Wrasse Fishery in Fiji

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Management options for a traditional humphead wrasse fishery in Fiji

Akosita Rokomate, Chris Poonian and Maleli Qera Community Centred Conservation (C3)

Humphead Wrasse
(Cheilinus undulatus)

Largest reef-dwelling teleost (2m) Vulnerable to fishing pressure Live reef fish trade Spawning aggregations Red List: Endangered; CITES: Appendix II

Humphead Wrasse global distribution (Sadovy et al. 2004)

Fiji - Eastern edge of the species range Decline in national reported catch -1998:12 tonnes -2002: 3 tonnes Trade prohibited under Fijian Law (since 2002) - FJ$5,000 or imprisonment

Study site
Anonymous Remote island community in northern Fiji 50 households / 3 villages Dependent on fishing - Primary income for 82% - Secondary income for 8%

Data collection
Expert fisher interviews (n=21) Humphead Wrasse landings -aim to record every fish Community members involved

Grow to 3m, 400kg - Can live up to 70 + years

Spearfishing - at night (Tukidodo, Kiliveti)

May not reproduce until 17 years old

Line (for LRFT)

Only 1 calf every 35 years

Line 16%

Landing site data: Gestation period 13 months (n=121)

Speargun 84% Calf suckled by its mother and stays for 18 months Cultural significance in legends and myths

How many caught annually?

In the past 300 200 or 300 100 or 200 100 60 to 80 40 or 50


20 or 30 10 4

Monthly catch

26 Mar Funeral 30 May Turaga-ni-Koro bans capture of Humphead Wrasse

Jan mid-Feb MPA open to generate funds for school fees

Size distribution

Cultural significance
Feasts, funerals, other community events Mototeivovo (hump area) is reserved for high-ranking chiefs Grade B / C FJ$4-6 / kg but BIG Jewelry - upper jaw made into necklaces

Spawning aggregations
Reports of aggregations of 10-20+ fish Generally not targeted no clear knowledge of sites or timing Reasons given for aggregations included feeding and playing

Widespread awareness of laws BUT Lack of enforcement Ready market Chinese fish traders Government fish wardens not trusted

Low community awareness of humphead wrasse life history Adaptive management and selfenforcement by community -remoteness of site -luxury fish not critical source of livelihood Improved understanding of population status in situ surveys

Donors and partners

Fijian fishers and their families For further information:

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