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Where's your mission?

August 2012



It will not do to say that you have no special call to go to China. With these facts before you and with the command of the Lord Jesus to go and preach the gospel to every creature, you need rather to ascertain whether you have a special call to stay at home.
J. Hudson Taylor

As you look through this months magazine, you may notice that there is a high proportion of pages devoted to mission. Whether its mission overseas (as in the case of Cathie in Brazil, Ann and David in Italy or Barbara in Kenya), or mission closer to home (such as Caf Church, Back to School Sunday or Vickys Tearoom), mission is one of our primary responsibilities as a church and as individuals. This isnt something we can pass the buck to others for - mission isnt a spiritual gift that some people have and others dont. Its one of the basics. That does raise two important questions. One is for us as a local church - how are we to do mission in Peebles and Tweedale? At 6.30 on the evening of Sunday 29th July we will be meeting in the Victoria Centre to discuss, over some food, what God might be saying to us about this. Well be hearing from people who have attended various events over the last few months where mission has been a key item on the agenda, and well be getting some feedback on what were already doing as a church. The aim of the evening isnt so much about planning as it is about listening, inspiring, encouraging and reflecting. Please do come if you can. The second question is for you as an individual - and this is where Hudson Taylors quote on the front page comes in. Taylor was the founder of the China Inland Mission (which became OMF), but the relevance of his words goes beyond China itself. We dont have to wait for God to issue a special call to us to engage in mission - hes already given that to us in the Great Commission. So what are you waiting for?


If youd like to know more about what our friends in the other Peebles churches are doing, you can find some of their own magazines online: Old Parish Church: St Peters: St Josephs: Were still trying to get online details of the others...

From the sunshine of Mombasa.

Hi Everyone,
A warm warm greeting from Mombasa with love and blessings to everyone from everyone here. So much love & greetings sent to you as you remain in the prayers and thoughts of all our contacts in Kenya. Well the childrens home what a blessing it is quite amazing how it is touching so many people and it is not even open or finished as yet. Everyone who visits is quite overwhelmed by the peace of the site (even amidst the banging and chatter). We know, of course, it is the peace of the Lord that is present. The build continues to proceed at a rapid rate all the beds have now been made perhaps I had better explain that instead of standard wooden beds, wardrobes and desks, we decided to be a little contemporary and have had them all made in concrete and they look great. There will be little or no maintenance no dodos (insects) to destroy them, children bouncing up and down on the beds will not affect them and with good

mattresss they will be quite comfortable, and of course the desks and wardrobes will stand the test of time and children. The laying of the floor tiles commenced this week and already one house has been completed. And for me the area I love choosing curtains and other fabrics has taken up quite a bit of my time over the last week along with the various site visits. Even the architect suggested I look for pretty plants for the built-in flower containers outside the front doors another job that is not a job for me but so enjoyable. The well has been started this week quite a job we will probably have to go to a depth of 90 feet to reach fresh water but it will be well worth the effort very easy for me to say since I will not be counted in the ones digging! Exhausting work but we thank God that the weather is somewhat cooler at the moment so that will be a great help to the guys. The whole project is and has been just such a blessing thank you all for keeping us in your prayers prayers pave the way for all we do and it is wonderful to see the fruit. For those of you who sponsor children please know that all are doing well and I will be collecting letters to post to you from them by the end of July. I visited with Edward yesterday & also had a meeting with his doctor you will remember that Edward has been recovering from TB & fibrosis of the lungs. We are pleased to report that medication is now completed. He will require further X-rays in six months time but for now he must start to rebuild his strength we thank God for his

healing and for the doctor who has been so caring and supportive to him. Besides Sunday meetings I will be speaking at a couples seminar this coming weekend so I would really appreciate your prayers. Please visit us on facebook and our website Love & blessings with appreciation,

For more information about Barbaras work with Vision Ministries, visit their website at, or find them on Facebook.

Back to school with God

During August (on the 19th for us at PBC), the churches in Tweedale will be joining many others throughout the country in celebrating Back to School with God Sunday. Back to School with God is about inviting God to be part of school life, and affirming support for those who are part of the local school community. It is an opportunity for churches to commission their young people and school staff, and to encourage ongoing prayer for local schools throughout the year. This would be a great time not only to pray for those you know who are at school (whether children or adults), but also to invite them along on Sunday so that we can bless and encourage them.

At the end of June we held a coffee morning in aid of Leven Baptist Churchs visit to Beirut with BMS, where they have been helping to build a new Community Centre. As well as serving around 150 coffees and cupcakes, we sold a selection of plants, cakes, books, bric-abrac, and even teddy bears (which went, if youll pardon the expression, like hot cakes). The end result was a total of 500 raised, which is fantastic. Just as important as the money for Beirut, though, were the contacts made during the day both with Peebles locals and tourists. Very many thanks to all those who gave of their time, skills, energy and resources.

Well Done the Wilsons!

Esther and Dechlan Wilson are pictured following their recent graduation ceremonies, in Dundee and Edinburgh respectively. Esther has now gone back to Dundee, where she will be taking up a post as a junior doctor at Ninewells Hospital. Dechlan will soon be returning to University to continue his studies, this time for a Masters Degree. Our love, congratulations and prayers go with them!

in a small group!
John Stott wrote: I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that small groups, Christian family or fellowship groups, are indispensable for our growth into spiritual maturity.
Connect with the indispensable! For more information, speak to Ian, one of the deacons, or one of the small group hosts. Peebles South: Tuesdays, Drovers Way Peebles North: Wednesdays, Willie and Wilmas Blyth Bridge: Wednesdays, Jon and Saras

The Mens Group and The GLS programme is intentionally friends recently diverse and designed to take you out of enjoyed a tour of the your comfort zone. Scottish Parliament, and afterwards viewed Come and be stretchedmentally and the very thoughtspirituallyat the Edinburgh GLS videocast, in Ps & Gs, York Place, on provoking World Friday 2 and Saturday 3 November. Press Photo Exhibition. Listen for details of the next meeting!
The deadline for Early Bird reduced rate bookings has been extended to 31 July. See Christine or Frank Drummond for more information.

Ann and David MacFarlane

Prayer Letter June 2012
from Reggio Calabria, Italy
Two weeks to go and we will have our summer mission team here with us for two weeks of evangelism. There will be eight of them from the ages of 18 to 70. We are so excited to hav them and all are looking forward to their visit. It will not all be work though as I want to give the team time to relax and enjoy the area they will be working in. We have just been home now three weeks and have not had time to get a breath. Monday 18 June was our first day off and we went for a swim. The temperature is unusually hot for June and we have been getting into the late 30s and even 40 one day. Our home assignment went very well as usual and we had great times meeting with old friends and many new ones. We have been coming over to you for 20 years now and cannot believe the time has gone so quickly. It seems like yesterday we sat down to write our first newsletter from Altamura. We visited our link groups in Cambridge, Kettering B, Accrington, Borders. Thank you all for your wonderful hospitality and fellowship. We always come back tired from the journey but refreshed spiritually from our fellowship with you all. We do not like to name names because there are so many so we just say a great big thank you to God for the privilege of knowing you and serving together with you here in Italy. The money for the hospitality for the team has been raised - praise God. The team will not have to contribute a penny towards their stay in the hostel. Their food, accommodation and travel to and from Lamezia has been covered. Isn't God good? David was hoping to get his operation for his new hip when we were home but was not called so

we asked them to call him after the that some agencies have been mission. getting it. All our activities apart from the prayer meeting and our Saturday night with the worship group and Sunday service have been suspended until September. We are also having an Action Team with us this year and this will be our fifth team. We have seen their photos and read a bit about them and, as with the other teams, they will be a great blessing to us here in Reggio. This year as in the past we have some of our exAction Teamers coming on mission and also on holiday. So in our prayer list, please continue to pray that the problems can be resolved and the many people in Reggio can get back the help that the food brings them.

Prayer points
Rosarno, food bank, mission team - 4 to 18 July. That David's new hip operation can be done soon after the mission.

In our next newsletter we will have Harvey: no change from the last a lot more to say about the Action newsletter. He is still waiting for Team and will have our report on surgery. the summer mission team. Biancamaria who has cancer. Our work with the African boys She is making great progress and from Rosarno goes on through our was in church the Sunday before lovely Lucia. The majority of them we came home for our home leave Rosarno for a few months, assignment. getting work picking fruit and Eva has been to the prayer olives in other areas. We are meeting once and it is a start. We hoping to go through soon and meet with those who are still there hope that she will come back to and see what we can do with them church. and an open-air meeting. Our food bank was cancelled for the month of May as there was very little food. We came back to find that there is not very much to distribute with what was picked up for June. No one knows exactly why there is no food and it seems

Prayer Points for August

Give God thanks that Cathie Aberdour has arrived back in Scotland safe and well, after many years in Brazil. Pray that God will bless her and continue to use her to His glory and honour in her retirement. Lets pray that our God will intervene, as Turkey has sealed its border with Syria cutting off vital supplies. Pray for the families of the 12 children who died after their local water spring was booby trapped by a bomb aimed at Afghan police. (The children accidently triggered it while grazing cattle.) Pray for the men and women who come home from conflict overseas, as they may experience great difficulty in adapting to civilian life after deployment. Continue to pray for the folk we know and love who are ill, grieving, or having a daily struggle with life. May God in His grace, mercy and love comfort them and uplift them. Pray for the Chattabox childrens holiday club, beginning 6 August in St A/L. Praise and thank God for who He is.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Please pass prayer requests to Wilma Wintour, 723023

Isaiah 41:10

Whats on when.
Vickys Tearoom
The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer.
F.B. Meyer

Sunday 12 August


SATURDAY 4 August 9am
@ Liz and Lindas

Please pray for the enjoyment and well-being of everyone involved

Letter writing, and prayer for persecuted Christians, at Willie and Wilmas home, on Tuesday 14 August at 10am. Ladies who Lunch
visit to Dryburgh Abbey Hotel

Vickys Volunteers

Wednesday 1 July 2pm @ the Drummonds

Thursday 2 August More Information from Kim

Newly retired from Wycliffe Bible Translators!

Dear all,
Brad, his daughter and a friend have just come back from a trip to the Apurin at Monkey River. They spent a short time in the village to keep up contact with the Apurin once were gone. Brad plans to visit them at least every three months. Brad and Melissa and their five children came to Brazil a year ago and thus far have been learning Portuguese and helping with evangelism at a local Baptist church in Manaus. They are living in our Manaus house until we are able to sell it. Our prayer is that their church in the States will be able to eventually buy the house for them. Their support is very low and they sold everything in order to be able to come to Brazil as missionaries. They would love to have our house as its big enough for their large family and also has an extension where the Apurin used to stay when we had them in Manaus for Bible school, visits to the hospital etc. A Brazilian, Marivaldo, and his wife have started an evangelistic work in Tapau, the interior town closest to where the Apurin live. They have already made a few visits to Monkey River and the Apurin have been going to his church when they make their monthly visits to Tapau in order to pick up their government pensions. We are thankful for both Brad and Marivaldo and that there is at least occasional contact with the Apurin. We are praying that there will be a more permanent presence with the Apurin to help them to continue on with the Lord. A German mission has been continuing on the Apurin work at the village where we worked some years ago at White Lake. Marcus sent me an e-mail a short time ago to say that the young man Nonato who was living at Monkey River but who came from near White Lake has returned there and has a desire to have a church at the village where he lives. He also wants to attend a Bible course that Marcus holds. This is really encouraging to us as Nonato has had a troublesome past and was involved in drinking and stealing while at Monkey River. Then we invited him to a Bible course in Manaus and he made a commitment to the Lord and has changed. It was difficult

for the others at Monkey River to believe that he was different and didnt accept him too well, so hell have a new start where he is and be a means of spreading the Gospel in this other village. Judy and I left Brazil on May 17th and since then Ive been helping Judy get her house ready. It was a foreclosure house and thus she got it at a very reasonable price. Weve been cleaning and sanding and painting etc. Judy rented a truck and she and her sister Mary went off to Philadelphia and then on to their sister Carol in upstate New York where they picked up lots of furniture, dishes etc. that people have donated to her. Part of the house is now carpeted and the rest will be completed a few days after I leave. I leave for Scotland on the 17th i.e. tomorrow, as from when Im writing this for my prayer letter distributor. It will be so great to get home again and meet up with everyone once again. My brother James and my sister-in-law are in Scotland just now from Australia and well all be going to visit my sister Margaret in the Netherlands for almost two weeks. Im looking forward to this family time together. I will be living at the above address when I first arrive home. This is the mission flat that belongs to Abbeyhill Baptist Church. Pray that the Lord will soon find a reasonably priced place for me to buy for my retirement. I may have finished my active involvement with the Apurin but I for sure do not want to finish serving the Lord in whatever way He shows. It still has not struck me that I have left Brazil and the Apurin, so I value your prayers for this transition period. Thanks so much for your prayers for us,

In Him, Cathie UPDATE on this UPDATE!

Fergus and Vi were amongst the group of wellwishers gathered at the airport for Cathies arrival back in Scotland on 18 July. They now have a treasured copy of the Apurina New Testament, production of which was so great a labour of love for Cathie and fellow Wycliffe translator, Judy. We very much hope Cathie will be able to come to speak at Peebles Baptist Church in the near future.

Services, August 2012

Sunday 5 August
Service led by David Bebbington Communion Servers: Liz Keiro, Margaret Cowan Stewards: Liz Keiro, Margaret Cowan Flowers: Vi Brown Teas: Douglas McCall Transport: Fergus Brown, Margaret Cowan, Christine Drummond Under 5s: Christine Drummond, Janlyn Townley

Secretary: Christine Drummond, tel 722062

Pastor: Ian Gray, tel 07881 518854, email

Sunday 12 August
Service led by Rev. Bill Clark Stewards: Gordon Craig, Stan Henderson Flowers: Margaret Cowan Teas: Kenny Hamilton Transport: Christine Drummond, Margaret Cowan, Douglas McCall Under 5s: Christine Drummond, Carlyn McCall

Services in Victoria Park Centre, unless otherwise indicated


Sunday 19 August
Communion Servers: Wilma Wintour, Jacqueline Wilson Stewards: Hazel Hoggan, Jacqueline Wilson Flowers: Christine Drummond Teas: Stan Henderson Transport: Fergus Brown, Margaret Cowan, Christine Drummond Under 5s: Lindsey Gray, Carlyn McCall

Treasurer: Liz Keiro, tel 730217

Sunday 26 August
FAMILY SERVICE (followed by Barbecue) Stewards: Vi Brown, Linda Bell Flowers: Pat Hamilton Teas: Wilma Wintour Transport: Lindsey Gray, Margaret Cowan, Douglas McCall COMMUNION TABLE SETTING in August Liz Keiro

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