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Jesus, Heir of the promise, Hope of the years, You are here.


Help us Lord, To know that you are there, too, Before us As you are behind us, Already in the new moment, The new day, The new year. Help us Lord To delight in your company, To walk your safe way, To shine your clear light Of hope for the year.
Daphne Kitching

Those of us who were at the joint Christmas Day service with St Andrews Leckie had the chance to celebrate with the family of young Rowan Oddy as he was baptised. That was an important occasion for them, and even if we as Baptists take a different view of what baptism actually is, we can still rejoice with the family at the birth of their new family member. That does give us a good excuse, however, to think about baptism for ourselves. Although we want to welcome and affirm those who have a different story to tell of how they have been baptised and come to faith, our conviction is that believers' baptism is the pattern that is set out for us in scripture. As a Baptist Church we follow one of the key principles of the early church, that the believers believed, repented and were baptised. What this means is that following their acceptance of Jesus as their Lord, and their turning to new ways of living, the early Christians celebrated and proclaimed their new faith by means of baptism - they acknowledged publicly their faith and symbolised the washing away of sin by immersion in water. Jesus himself was baptised by John the Baptist, and subsequently told his followers to be baptised. Therefore, for believers to be baptised is to follow both the command and the path set out by Jesus. It is an important step of obedience, a powerful opportunity for witness to friends, family and community, and an exciting way of opening ourselves to Gods blessing. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ but have not yet been baptised as a believer, please think and pray about this important step - it doesnt matter whether you came to know Jesus for yourself 60 years ago or just this morning! As we enter the New Year, this is a great time to think about New Life! If you have questions about baptism, please do come and speak to me.


Prayer Points for January

Praise and thank God for who He is and for all His blessings. Praise and thank Him for another new year in which we can serve Him. Lets pray for the folks who are in mourning for loved ones, that the God of all comfort will comfort them. Pray for children worldwide who are being used in indescribable ways, that our Father will rescue them and lead them to places of safety. Continue to pray for our Pastor and family, that they enjoy Gods blessing and protection and continue in the centre of His will. Pray for our Deacons, as they seek Gods leading for the church. Pray also for their families. Lets pray for one another, for the folk who have been ill recently and those who have long-term health problems, and for members of our families who are in stressful situations. May all be aware of Gods presence.
Please pass prayer requests to Wilma Wintour, 723023

..the proof of Gods amazing love is this: that it was while we were sinners that Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
(Phillips translation)

Family found!

Page 12 of this weeks Southern Reporter carries the heart-warming story of two of oor ain folk, Carlyn McCall and Janlyn Townley, who recently met for the first time with their Italian relatives. Many Peebles Bappies were already feeling very privileged to have watched the Scottish side of this story unfolding before our eyes! Carlyn and Janlyn were born following a wartime romance here in Peebles. Their mum (who died 38 years ago) worked in one of the local mills, and their father, Paulo, was an Italian prisoner of war, who was repatriated to the Naples area when the twins were about eleven months old. Carlyn and Janlyn have no conscious memories of their father, but, especially after the death of their mother, often longed to find out about their Italian roots. This yearning was the drive behind a search that lasted many years, with many disappointments along the way when apparently promising leads came to nothing. In November 2011, however, new information released by the Red Cross in Geneva heralded a breakthrough. The McCalls enlisted the help of a genealogist living in Naples, who quickly discovered that the twins father had died in the late 1960s, but had left behind a widow, three daughters and a son - all of whom were desperate to meet with Paulos Scottish bambine! Carlyn, Janlyn, and Douglas were able to fly out to Italy for a weekend later that month. They were overwhelmed by the warmth of the welcome and the hospitality they received from more than twenty newly discovered relatives, and they had the opportunity to visit their father's grave with some of the family. A return visit is planned for the Spring, but many of the Italian relatives also want to come across to Scotland, to walk where Paulo walked. Carlyn and Janlyn have promised to introduce them to the Peebles Baptist Church family!

This month in Mission Possible! were looking at the BMS Birthday Scheme. You may not have heard of that, and even if you have you may not think that the gift you send to the Scheme on your birthday means much. You might think it's too small to make a difference. But if you think that, you couldn't be more wrong. Last year, the BMS Birthday Scheme received a total of over 310,000 from people just like you. That money, made up of thousands of gifts just like yours, made it possible to save countless lives and improve the quality of life for many more in the name of Jesus Christ. A centre for hope in Chad In Chad, BMS workers Mark and Andrea Hotchkin are overseeing the building of a brand new hospital, in partnership with the Cutting Edge Foundation. Chad is a country where poverty is extreme (Chad is rated 175 out of 182 countries on the Human Development Index). Rebel forces have been attempting to take the capital and female genital mutilation is practised on 45 per cent of the female population. Against this backdrop, Andrea, a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology and Mark, a specialist in emergency medicine, are hoping to use their surgical and medical skills to bring life in all its fullness to the largely Muslim area in which they will be working. Dignity recognised and restored In Tunisia, unlike in the UK, children with disabilities are not always included in the mainstream schooling system, and their disability is often seen as a shaming curse on their families. Anna*, a BMS physiotherapist, mentors Tunisians who care for people with disabilities in their homes. She tells of how she met Yasmina*, a 15-year-old disabled girl whose family had tied her up in her bedroom in order, as they honestly saw it, to 'protect her'. Anna was able, through a relationship of trust that she had built up with Yasmina's family, to speak into the situation and offer alternative ways for them to interact with her. Today, thanks to Anna's help (and your support), Yasmina's situation is very different. She is no longer tied up. She participates happily in family life. In the eyes of God, she always had dignity, but today she and her family experience it for themselves. Your gift, no matter how small, makes an immense difference. Thank you for being part of Christ's witness of love and mercy among some of the most grateful people in the world. Over the next few weeks, you will get the chance to sign up for the Birthday Scheme in Peebles Baptist Church for 2012.
*names have been changed to protect identities

in Brazil with Wycliffe Bible Translators

11th December

Dear All,
Judy left for the Apurina a week ago. Our Scottish pastor friend Robert Galbraith went with her, also an American Brad who came to Brazil about 4 months ago with his wife and family with a desire to do missionary work in the interior of Brazil. Also a Brazilian evangelist Marivaldo went. He and his wife are hoping to start a church in the interior town of Tapaua and hope to make visits to the Apurina village. This is only a short visit to let Brad and Marivaldo meet the Apurina and also to let the Apurina know officially that Judy and I will be retiring this coming year. They should be back to Manaus at the end of this week. PRAY

that this may have been a worthwhile visit. that Judy may keep healthy for a Bible school that we're aiming to have here in Manaus for some of the Apurina in January.

PRAISE for the interest of the above people in keeping contact with the Apurina after we have gone. for the pedagogical grammar of Apurina that is now complete in Apurina/Portuguese as well as Apurina/English. Robert Galbraith translated the English parts into Portuguese for me. Thanks so much for your support and prayers for us and I wish you all a very blessed Christmas as we remember our Saviour's birth,

In Him, Cathie

...and hot of f the press, a New Year update from Cathie

7th January

Dear All,
Our house is now full. Ten Apurina arrived here in Manaus on Thursday night - Odivo and his wife Alvara and their two sons Misaque and Davi; also Makoaa and his son Nato: also Imaora and two of her sons Valdecir and Adelson, and her grandson Nonato. Yesterday we helped them to settle in. We had a time of worship together, singing and studying the first part of John 14. They were saddened to hear about the passing of Janet Mackenzie who along with her husband Kenneth had visited the Apurina a few times. However as we read that Jesus has gone ahead to prepare a place for us it was encouraging to know that Janet is being well taken care of and we will meet again one day. Apurina love to eat and I put a 4 kilo chunk of meat into the oven for lunch. We also had sweet potatoes and huge pots of beans and rice. Also they had their staple - farinha made from manioc. Half an hour after saying grace there was nothing left - not even enough meat to put in a soup!!! At least I'm glad that they enjoyed the food and feel comfortable enough to eat up! Our church is sending a van to taake us all to church tomorrow. On Monday the Bible school will begin. I'm teaching two classes on the parables and the life of Joseph. Judy is teaching the qualifications of a pastor and what a Christian should believe. They'll be studying the 7 churches of Genesis with our friend Brad. We'll do the translation for him. Do value your prayers for these next two weeks of teaching, cooking etc.

In Him, Cathie

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18-25 January

Peebles Churches Together

United Service


5.30pm Jubilee Scotland speaker in Tweedbridge Court

O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace; Give us grace to seriously lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly union and concord: that as there is but one Body and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Anglican prayer, first used in 1714)

Mission and Ministry Developments for Scottish Baptist Churches

Rev Judy White has been appointed to the new post of Mission
Development Co-ordinator (which is being jointly funded by the Baptist Union of Scotland and BMS World Mission). Judy, currently pastor for community involvement at Stirling Baptist Church, will help churches develop their engagement with local and international mission. Please pray for Judy as she takes on her new role from 1 February.

Meanwhile, you may be aware that Rev Jim Purves has just started in his new appointment as Ministry Adviser for the Baptist Union of Scotland. Jim has been the pastor of Bristo Baptist Church in Edinburgh since 1994, and now takes over this vital role in the BUS from Andrew Rollinson. Please pray for Jim and his wife Jennifer.

Women Walking with God

Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2nd 3rd March 2012 Known ..... their names were never recorded, but Jesus knew them
Speakers: Elaine Storkey, Kay Cathcart, Tania Bright-Cook Worship leader: Lou Fellingham & Phatfish
Women Walking with God Trust, charity registered in Scotland SC037904

We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties. Oswald Chambers Vickys Tearoom

Sundays 8 January and 12 February


SATURDAY 4 February Wilma and Willies house, 9am
Even if youre not involved as a helper, please do pray for the Tearoom and for our guests.

Its our turn to do Lunch and Chat again on 16 January. Please see Linda Bell with offers of help!

Letter writing, and prayer for persecuted Christians, at Willie and Wilmas home, on Tuesday 10 January at 10am.

Church Members Meeting for Business


(Venue still to be confirmed)

HOOTS MON! Dinnae miss oor Quiz!

Saturday 28 Jan.
Venue and time to be confirmed

Services, January 2012

Sunday 8 January
Preacher: Billy McHaffie, Edinburgh City Mission Stewards: Liz Keiro, Pat Hamilton Flowers: Margaret Johnstone Teas: Stan Henderson

Transport: Fergus Brown, Margaret Cowan, AN Other

Pastor: Ian Gray, tel 07881 518854, email Pastor: Ian Gray, tel 07881 518854, email Pastor: Ian Gray, tel 07881 518854, email Pastor: Ian Gray, tel 07881 518854, email

Secretary: Christine Drummond, tel 722062. Treasurer: Liz Keiro, tel 730217 Drummond, 722062.

Sunday 15 January
Communion Servers: Carlyn McCall, Jacqueline Wilson Stewards: Stan Henderson, Hazel Hoggan Flowers: Vi Brown Teas: Gillian Gray

Services in Victoria Park Centre, unless otherwise indicated Services in Victoria Park Centre, unless otherwise indicated Services in Victoria Park Centre, unless otherwise indicated Services in Victoria Park Centre, unless otherwise indicated

Website: Website: Website: Website:

Transport: Margaret Cowan, AN Other (2)

Sunday 22 January
UNITED SERVICE IN OLD PARISH CHURCH at 11am (Activities for children will be provided) JUBILEE SCOTLAND speaker in Tweedbridge Court at 5.30pm

Sunday 29 January
Stewards: Margaret Cowan, Jacqueline Wilson Flowers: Christine Drummond Teas: Hazel Hoggan

Transport: Fergus Brown, Margaret Cowan, AN Other COMMUNION TABLE SETTING in January Jacqueline Wilson

For details of other events in January, please see inside this magazine, or check the church website.

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