Who Dares Despise The Day of Small Things?: March 2011

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March 2011

Who dares despise the day of small things?

Zech 4:10



Nothing is too small for God, for He makes use of insignificant agents for the accomplishment of His purposes.. C.H.Spurgeon

We give thanks that improvements in health, and the weather, made it possible for all four deacons to be present at the meeting on 8 February. We met again on 22 February, although on this occasion one of us had to be absent because of a pressing work commitment. As well as the usual review of pastoral matters, a lot of time was dedicated to taking forward ideas generated in the small group discussion at the Church Members Meeting last September. We have had contact with the other Baptist churches in the Borders, and hope our fellowships can pray, worship and work together more often. Liz and Linda have agreed to attend an initial meeting of the revitalised Border Baptist Cluster on the afternoon of 16 March. We have been in contact with Apex Graphics to investigate the possibilities for new signage to advertise the churchs presence in VPC on Sundays. We have purchased a new gadget (to replace Franks now defunct MP3) to record Sunday services and make them available on the website. (Please bear with us as it may take a few weeks till we learn how to use it properly!) We are examining some of the resources recently recommended by the Baptist Union Mission Advisor, that could help us all to deepen our faithbeginning with some teaching on prayer. From March onwards, the last Sunday evening of the month will be devoted to BIS (Big Issue on Sundays) - discussion and a biblical perspective on issues that really matter in everyday life. Sometimes this may involve listening to a guest speaker, or watching a DVD. Please let us know the topics YOU think should be explored in this forum.

CHURCH PRAYER TIME for MARCH will be at Liz and Lindas (tel 722062 for details) at 10am on Saturday 5 March. To neglect prayer is to neglect the source of the greatest power in our lives. If we depend on education, we get what education can do. If we depend on organization, we get what organization can do. If we depend on money, we get what money can do. If we depend on promotion, we get what promotion can do. But if we depend on prayer, we get what God can do. Paul W. Powell

BORDERS PRAYING FOR YOUR COMMUNITY TRAINING DAY Saturday 12th March 2011 You are invited to join with Pray for Scotland for an exciting and informing day of training and praying for your community. Where: Peebles Evangelical Church When: 11am to 3pm

Our Team for the day will be Jean Black, Margo Cunningham, Jacqueline Cowan and Rev. Harry Sprange Tea and coffee from 10.30am, please bring your own packed lunch. If you wish to prepare for the day please read the book of Nehemiah

We ought to regard the church not as a luxurious hostelry where Christian gentlemen may each one dwell at ease in his own inn, but as a barracks in which soldiers are gathered together to be drilled and trained for war. We should regard the church not as an association for mutual admiration and comfort, but as an army with banners, marching to the fray, to achieve victories for Christ, to storm the strongholds of the foe, and to add province after province to the redeemers kingdom. [C. H. Spurgeon]

Prayer Points for March

Lets thank God that Margaret McLeod is home from hospital, and pray that God will strengthen her daily. Give thanks too for other folks in our fellowship who are so much better after being poorly. Continue to pray for our Deacons that their leadership is in accordance with Gods will. Pray also for their families. Pray for the groups within the church: Ladies who lunch Mens Group House Group Vickys Tearoom that God will continue to bless each one. Pray also for the group for young Christians and people interested in the Christian faith, that is just starting up; pray against any evil that would try to prevent it happening.

Pray for Gods intervention in Libya, for the unrest in the Middle East, and for the families of the victims in New Zealands recent earthquake. Ask that God will send the aid they so desperately need. Continue to pray for our Link Missionaries, Ann and David McFarlane in Italy, Cathie Aberdour in Brazil and Jackie Cowan in Scotland, that they will have good health and strength to continue the work God has called them to do. Pray that everyone in the fellowship will be able to attend Life-size on Saturday 2 April; pray for Andrew Scarcliffe who will lead; and pray that during this conference, we will hear God speak into our particular situation.

Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. AMEN

Please pass prayer requests to Wilma Wintour, 723023

Christian Aid Week: 1521 May 2011

Each year thousands of people across Britain undertake a week of fundraising for Christian Aid. Last year over 12,000 was raised in Peebles and Tweeddale testimony to the hard work and generosity of our community. The money raised will have had a very real effect on the lives of some of the worlds poorest and most needy people. In order to raise this amount of money again, we need you! We are particularly in need of: Volunteers for the door-to-door collections, both to deliver and collect envelopes in May and to help distribute bags of envelopes to collectors at the end of April. Last year there were not enough collectors to cover all areas, so help here would be much appreciated (Contact Sue Isherwood on 01721 721252) Help with the coffee morning on Saturday 21st May. Home baking for the coffee morning and market stall Seedlings/plants for the plant stall Volunteers for supermarket bag-packing New ideas! If you have any or would be willing help in any way please contact Emma and Graeme Herd on 01721 724593 or at theherds@crossburn.wanadoo.co.uk Working with partner organizations, Christian Aid aims to assist people and communities on the basis of need, regardless of race, religion or nationality fighting HIV providing clean water campaigning to combat climate change teaching trades and skills providing emergency aid setting up rural radio building schools running health clinics assisting farmers www.christianaid.org.uk

The March Mens Group meeting will be on

7.30pm at 12 Drovers Way. Another stunning display of the photographers art, by Alan Wilding

TUESDAY 1 March,

Owners of Perpetual Pleasure nesting boxes are respectfully reminded that boxes should now be carefully emptied and cleaned in anticipation of the forthcoming nesting season. For more information, and to enquire about purchasing boxes, please contact Fergus.

Its our turn to cater and serve again at LunchnChat in the Leckie Memorial Church hall on Monday 28 March. March (The last of the season!)

SUNDAY 27 FEBRUARY, 6.30pm, 12 Drovers Way

WHAT A FEW CAN DO! One man awake awakens another, The second awakens his next door neighbour, And three awake can rouse the town, And turn the whole place upside down. And many awake can raise such a fuss, That it finally wakens the rest of us. One man up, with dawn in his eyes MULTIPLIES!
(Author uncertain sometimes attributed to Helen Kromer)

The next Vickys Tearoom will be on Sunday 13 March. Even if youre not involved as a helper, please pray for the Tearoom and for our guests.

Were very grateful to Bruce, whose motorbike boots achieved the wonderful price of 124, which will be added to the 250 already raised by the PBC February Fling Oot for Leuchie Respite Centre, North Berwick.
Theres been quite a bit of progress at the Manse over the last month! Probably the most dramatic improvement is in the back garden, which is looking wonderfully bright and tidy since the light-coloured stones were spread on 18 February, but a lot of painting and other jobs have also made a big difference. The hard work of everyone whos helped is hugely appreciated. Theres still more to be done, though, in the next few weeks please speak to Linda if you are able to help.

Thank you to all who bought the Christmas cards and gift tags I made last year. I have added 30 to the Church Building Fund. Hope to do more again for next Christmas! Margaret Johnstone At the February LunchnChat, 109 was raised for Vision Ministries, to which Barbara and David, who have been worshipping with us recently, are committed. For information about the work this charity undertakes in Kenya, see


Services, March 2011

Sunday 6 March
Service led by Rev. Bill Clark, Livingston Communion servers: Liz Keiro, Carlyn McCall Stewards: Margaret Cowan, Pat Hamilton Flowers: Pat Hamilton Teas: Douglas McCall

Transport: Fergus Brown, Stan Henderson, Margaret Cowan

Services in Victoria Park Centre, unless otherwise indicated

Sunday 13 March
Service led by Professor David Bebbington, Stirling Stewards: Vi Brown, Linda Bell Flowers: Helen Henderson Teas: Pat Hamilton

Website: http://peeblesbaptistchurch.org/

Secretary, Christine Drummond, tel 722062

Treasurer, Liz Keiro, tel 730217

Transport: Tom Wight, Stan Henderson, Margaret Cowan

Sunday 20 March
Service led by Iain Harris (Selkirk) Communion servers: Linda Bell, Christine Drummond Stewards: Janet Smith, Liz Keiro Flowers: Margaret McLeod Teas: Vi Brown

Transport: Fergus Brown, Stan Henderson, Margaret Cowan

Sunday 27 March
Service led by Anne MacIntyre, Parliamentary Prayer for Scotland Stewards: Pat Hamilton, Hazel Hoggan Flowers: Janet Smith Teas: Carlyn McCall

Transport: Tom Wight, Stan Henderson, Margaret Cowan

Laying of Communion Table in March, Margaret Cowan

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