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Saint Germaine Music Inc. P.O. Box 27001 Saskatoon Sask. S7H 5N9 Sharonbrown03@hotmail.


Greetings in the Name of Jesus,

My name is Sharon Brown. I reside in Marshall Saskatchewan. The Lord has given me a vision to begin a method of worship that has the potential to be introduced into communities around the world! Praise His Name! The Program name is the Community Worship Circle. The Venue will be named the Community Worship Centre. Saint Germaine Music. Inc. was incorporated in 2010. The Proprietor, Yvonne St. Germaine is a Country Gospel Singer and has a supernatural testimony of how God delivered her. God has been using Yvonne to witness in song and motivational workshops to many Aboriginal communities as well as churches, jails, womens conferences etc. You can view her web page at for further information. The vision God has given me is to extend Saint Germaine Music Inc. to include a support structure. The main purposes are to disciple and encourage new Christians. Many Christians in remote communities have no churches or Christian fellowship available and soon backslide into old ways. So many remote communities are dealing with high suicide rates, drug and alcohol addictions, poverty as well as abuse in their homes. One of the main reasons is they have no hope or direction in their lives. Community Worship Centre Programs will reach out to youth, elders and families in an informal non-denominational, fun, community centred atmosphere. The meetings can be held in any venue, but God has given me a vision of a Community Worship Centre, with the pilot project to begin right here in Marshall, Sk. At present Marshall is a community of approximately 700 people, with no place of worship!

Saint Germaine Music Inc. P.O. Box 27001 Saskatoon Sask. S7H 5N9

Yvonne St. Germaine and I, Sharon Brown, will be willing to host a Community Worship Circle Presentation in your community. The purpose of the presentation is to give you a detailed picture of Gods vision. It would be an honor to have a representative from your church or community attend this foundational meeting. All sponsorship or donations to Saint Germaine Music Inc. will be used to bring the pilot project into a reality. For further details please contact Sharon Brown @ (306)387-6540 or email me @

Leviticus 19:16

(16) You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

John 15: 7, 8

(7) If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. (8) By this My Father is glorified, that you will bear much fruit, so you will be my disciples.

There truly is a great mission field right here in Canada!

Thank You for Your consideration,

Sharon Brown

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