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Present Simple

Comments and special details

Pronunciation of third singular forms
Most of the (e)s endings should be pronounced as the plural (e)s. Says Does

Permanent structures
Here comes (Here comes the chef, NOT Here is coming the chef) There goes (There goes the train, NOT There is going the train)

Formal English
Some phrases that are used in formal written English can be expressed either in the present simple (more formal) or in the present progressive (less formal). Formal Less Formal We write to advise you We are writing to advise you I enclose my cheque for $200. I am enclosing my cheque for $200. I look forward to hearing from you. Im looking forward for hearing.

Talking about future

The present simple is used to refer to future events which are timetabled. o His airplane arrives at 12:00. o I start my new job tomorrow.

Some expressions
The simple present is used with a perfect or past meaning in introductory expressions like I hear, I see, I understand o I hear youre getting married. o I see theres been trouble down at the factory. o I gather Peters looking for a job.

Present progressive
Comments and Special Details
Talking about the future
We often use the present progressive to talk about the future. The present progressive is used mostly to talk about personal arrangements and fixed plans, especially when the time and place have been decided. o Were going to Mexico next summer. o Im seeing Larry on Saturday. o Did you know Im getting a new job? o What are we having for dinner? We often use the present progressive with verbs of movement, to talk about actions which are just starting. o Are you coming to the pub? o Get your coat on! Im taking you down to the doctor!

Physical feelings
Verbs that refer to physical feelings can often be used in simple or progressive tenses without much difference of meaning o My head is aching/aches. o Im not feeling well/I dont feel well.

Non-progressive verbs
Some verbs are never or hardly used in progressive forms.

o I like this music. (NOT Im liking this music.) o I rang her up because I needed to talk. (NOT I rang her up because I was needing to talk). Some other verbs are not use in progressive forms when they have certain meanings. Compare: o Im seeing the doctor at ten oclock. o I see what you mean. (NOT Im seeing what you mean.) Many of these non-progressive verbs refer to states rather than actions. Some refer to mental states (e.g. know, think, believe); some others refer to the use of the senses (e.g. smell, taste).

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