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This Week in Syria, Deeply

2/5/13 10:44 AM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, While we track the ongoing conflict in Syria Sunday marked day 691 there is some good news to share from our team. This week we launched a special initiative with US teachers, creating a digital lesson plan to help them explain the situation in Syria to their students. The project, Teach Syria, is a bridge between the newsroom and the classroom, developed with our friends at the World Policy Institute and the National Council for the Social Studies. To mark the launch, one educator wrote us this item on Why We Need to Educate Americas Students About the World. In our reporting from the week, photojournalist Nicole Tung sent us a visual essay looking Behind the Lens: A Week in Shaar, Aleppo. Our Syrian journalist, pen name Abu Leila, looked at Social Divides Among Syrians in Beirut, while a One-on-One with Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times explored the perils of reporting on the ground. In Op-eds, Arab-Russian relations expert Mark Katz explained Why Moscow Backs the Assad Regime, while the New America Foundations Barak Barfi enlightened us with Syrias Aid Quagmire, Explained. We shared our knowledge with friends at mainstream news outlets, in Lara Setrakians FP Item on Covering the Syrian Catastrophe, Mohammed Sergies hit on BBC Radio, contrasting Mali and Syria, and Karen Leighs video interview with Huffington Post Live, on the latest massacre in Aleppo. As always, to help you review, heres our day-by-day roundup of Syria news this week: Monday: Al Qaeda Claims Attack, As Regime Strikes Rebels in Hama; Russia Says Assads Staying Power Shrinking Tuesday: Rebels Make Gains, Capture Key Bridge in Deir Ezzor; UN Struggles to Cope

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

2/5/13 10:44 AM

as Syrian Refugees Top 700,000 Wednesday: Donors Pledge $1 Billion as UN Warns of Catastrophe; Israel Hits Target Along Syrian Border Thursday: Israel Strikes Syria, Believed to Target Arms Cache; Russia Calls Raid 'Unacceptable' Friday: UN Reaches Rebel-Held Area in Syria's North; Syria Threatens to Counterattack Israel We hope our work has helped to better engage and inform you on a critical issue. Were fielding your feedback on how to better serve you and the story, via email at Sincerely, The News Deeply Team

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