Manifest Destiny Webquest

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Manifest Destiny Web Quest

The first stage of American territorial expansion began in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. After the Louis and Clark Expedition, more people began to explore western lands. Events in the 1840s led to an ever increasing desire to extend American control westward. Your task will be to complete the following: o Answer each of the 10 questions noted below. Answers should be detailed, accurate, and written in sources unless you are quoting (which must be cited).

complete sentences (most questions will require several sentences, at least). Do not copy from any of the o Evaluate the effect of Manifest Destiny on different groups of people in the country. o Evaluate the benefits of Manifest Destiny on the growth of America. o In your opinion, explain why or why not Manifest Destiny was worth the price paid.

1. Where did the term Manifest Destiny originate? 2. Define Manifest Destiny. 3. Why would Americans want to move West? 4. How was President James Polk related to Manifest Destiny?

5. What states were added to the Union in the mid-1800's? 6. How was slavery related to Manifest Destiny?

7. What happened with the annexation of Texas and the Mexican War? What did this have to do with Manifest Destiny?

8. What was the Treaty of Guadalupe? What were the results of the treaty? 9. Describe how Manifest Destiny affected the Native American Indians.

10. In your opinion, was the expansion of the United States under Manifest Destiny worth the costs? Use specific information gathered from this webquest to support your position. In order to answer this, complete the T chart below:

Manifest Destiny Positives


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