Lesson Plan For Employability Classes

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Lesson Plan

Course: The Job Wants You CV Building Tutor: Date: Place: Time:

Aims The learner will gain an awareness of how to complete a CV Objectives: Learning Outcomes: o Learners will be aware of what information should be included on a CV o Learners will be aware of how to use a CV to find work o Learners will be aware of what makes a CV appealing to employers o Learners will be aware of the most common mistakes on CVs and how to avoid them o Learners will be aware of how to improve their own CV o Learners will start work on improving their own CV Previous Knowledge of learners o No previous knowledge is required Teaching/Learning Methods o Group Work o Discussion o Peer led learning o Tutor Presentation Materials and equipment required o Flip Chart & Paper o Pens o Handouts o CV templates o Computers Assessment of learning o Verbal assessment o Completed group work o Learner Feedback o CV templates/CV development

Lesson Plan
Course: The Job wants you - Job applications Tutor: Date: Place: Time:

Aims The learner will gain an awareness of how to complete a job application Objectives: Learning Outcomes: o Learners will be aware of why employers use job application packs to recruit for positions o Learners will be aware of the information contained in most job application packs o Learners will be aware of how to complete a job application to the standard required by employers o Learners will be aware of how to avoid common mistakes when filling in an application form o Learners will be aware of how to complete a personal statement Previous Knowledge of learners o No previous knowledge is required Teaching/Learning Methods o Group Work o Discussion o Peer led learning o Tutor Presentation Materials and equipment required o Flip Chart & Paper o Pens o Handouts o Job application packs Assessment of learning o Verbal assessment o Completed group work o Learner Feedback

Lesson Plan
Course: The Job wants you - Interview techniques Tutor: Date: Place: Time:

Aims The learner will gain an awareness of how to complete a CV Objectives: Learning Outcomes: o Learners will be aware of why employers interview o Learners will be aware of how to prepare for an interview o Learners will be aware of different methods of interviews used by employers o Learners will be aware of the most common interview questions and how to answer them o Learners will be aware of questions they can ask the employer at the end of an interview o Learners will be aware of how to conduct themselves at interviews Previous Knowledge of learners o No previous knowledge is required Teaching/Learning Methods o Group Work o Discussion o Peer led learning o Tutor Presentation Materials and equipment required o Flip Chart & Paper o Pens o Handouts o Interview cards Assessment of learning o Verbal assessment o Completed group work o Learner Feedback

SESSION 1 CV Time Content 20 mins Sign In Housekeeping

Method Tutor explanation

Tutor Student Activity Activity Verbal presentation Listening Verbal Feedback Completing project paperwork

Resources Group session register Project paperwork

Assessment Methods Completed enrolment forms Verbal feedback

Project paperwork 1st part of evaluation form

Introduce Learning Outcomes Introductions 10 mins What is a CV? Why do we need to have a CV? Round robin Leads group discussion and asks questions Makes notes on flipchart Tutor explanation Gives each learner a post it note

Learners say their name and jobs they are looking for Group discussion Answers questions Flipchart paper and pen Verbal feedback

20 mins

What information needs to be on a CV?

Individual work

30 mins

What information needs to be on a

Round robin

Leads group discussion and

Learners to write one thing they would include on a CV on post it and stick on the flipchart Group discussion

Post its Pens Flipchart

Written feedback

Post its Pens

Verbal feedback

CV? How to use Neuro and cognitive persuasion language and use values and buzz words

asks questions Makes notes on flipchart Reads through key points on CV guidance handout then gives each learner a copy Split learners into 2 groups

Answers questions

Flipchart CV guidance handout

15 mins

Top ten tips for a good CV Common mistakes on CVs

Tutor explanation

20 mins

Presentations of group work

Group presentation Introduce presentations Listen When the presentations are over, encourage learners to have a group discussion

One group Flipchart paper discusses and Pens writes down their top ten things that make a good CV. The other group discusses and writes down what they think are the 10 most common mistakes on a CV Group Flipchart paper presentations Group discussion

Completed flipcharts

Verbal feedback

15 mins

What makes a good CV? (Selling skills and personality-realistic) How to avoid common mistakes on your CV.

Round robin

about the information given in the presentations Tutor leads group Group discussion discussion Makes notes on flipchart Tutor reads through key points of CV handout 2 then gives a copy to each learner Tutor explains exercise, splits learners into 2 groups and gives out CVs

CV handout 2 Flipchart Pen

Verbal feedback

30 mins

Best CV for the job exercise

Group exercise

20 mins

Presentations of group work

Group presentation Introduce presentations Listen When the presentations are

In groups learners look at a job ad and compare and contrast 3 CVs, looking at strengths and weaknesses of each one then decide which person they would be best think for the job and why Group presentations Group discussion

CVs Job Ad Notes sheet Flipchart paper Pens

Completed notes and flipchart

Flipchart paper

Verbal feedback

over, encourage learners to have a group discussion about the information given in the presentations 20 mins Peer analysis of CVs Peer learning/Pair work Tutor explanation In pairs learners to discuss their own CVs strengths and areas that need to be improved. Learners that do not have a CV will start a CV template Each learner writes on a post it note one thing they have learnt or will change as a result of their training and sticks on the flipchart Complete evaluation form Learners own CVs CV templates Pens Notes on CVs or CV template

5 mins

What have you learnt from today

Individual work

Tutor explanation

Post its Pens Flipchart

Completed post its

5 mins

2nd part of evaluation


Tutor asks learners to complete evaluation form

Evaluation form

Completed evaluation form showing distance travelled

SESSION 2 JOB APPLICATIONS Time Content 20 mins Sign In Housekeeping Project paperwork 1st part of evaluation form

Method Tutor explanation

Tutor Student Activity Activity Verbal presentation Listening Completing project paperwork Verbal Feedback

Resources Group session register Project paperwork

Assessment Methods Completed enrolment forms Verbal feedback

Learning Outcomes

15 mins

Why do some employers ask you to complete an application to apply for a job instead of a CV? What other information is usually included in an application pack? Application packs

Round robin

Tutor leads group discussion Makes notes on flipchart

Group discussion

Flipchart Pen

Verbal feedback

20 mins

Group work

Tutor explanation

In 2 groups, learners compare and contrast 2 application packs

Application packs Paper Pen

Learner notes

15 mins

Application packs feedback

Learner feedback

Tutor listens and makes notes on the flipchart Tutor talks about application packs after presentations Tutor explains group work

Each group feeds back the similarities and differences they found

Application packs Paper Pen

Verbal feedback

20 mins

Top ten tips for a Group work good application form Common mistakes on job application

15 mins

Presentations of group work

Group presentation Introduce presentations Listen When the presentations are over, encourage learners to have a group discussion about the information given in the presentations

Group 1 discusses and writes down their top ten tips for a good application form Group 2 discusses and writes down the most common mistakes on job application forms Group presentations Group discussion

Flipchart paper Pens

Completed flipcharts

Flipchart paper Completing a job application handout

Verbal feedback

10 mins

The personal statement

Round robin

Read through key points of completing a job application handout then give a copy to each learner Tutor leads Listen discussion Group Makes notes on discussion flipchart Tutor talks to group about personal statements using the Personal statement handout Tutor gives out completed application forms with Person specifications and job ad, then explains exercise

Flipchart Pen Personal statement handout

Verbal feedback

40 mins

Best job application for the job

Group work

15 mins

Presentations of group work

Group presentation Introduce presentations Listen When the presentations are

In 2 groups, learners compare and contrast the completed application then choose which person they would give the job to. Group presentations Group discussion

Job applications Completed Job ad notes and Person flipchart specification Notes sheet Flipchart paper and pen

Flipchart paper Completing a job application handout

Verbal feedback

over, encourage learners to have a group discussion about the information given in the presentations Read through key points of completing a job application handout then give a copy to each learner Tutor explanation Each learner writes on a post it note one thing they have learnt or will change as a result of their training and sticks on the flipchart Tutor asks learners Complete to complete evaluation form evaluation form

5 mins

What have you learnt from today

Individual work

Post its Pens Flipchart

Completed post its

5 mins

2nd part of evaluation


Evaluation form

Completed evaluation form showing distance travelled

SESSION 3 INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Time Content Method 20 mins Sign In Housekeeping Tutor explanation

Tutor Student Activity Activity Verbal presentation Listening Verbal Feedback Completing project paperwork

Resources Group session register Project paperwork

Assessment Methods Completed enrolment forms Verbal feedback

Project paperwork 1st part of evaluation form

Learning Outcomes

5 mins

Why do employers interview?

Pair work

Explain exercise and hand-out post its

10 mins

Why do employers interview?

Round robin

Lead group discussion about what is written on post its Tutor explanation Gives out cards to

In pairs learners discuss and each learner writes one reason why employers interview on a post it note Group discussion

Flipchart Pens Post its

Completed post its

Completed post its Flipchart Pens

Verbal feedback

15 mins

Different types of job interviews

Group work

In 3 groups Interview cards learners discuss Explanation text and match the sheets

Completed group exercise

10 mins

Behavioural Case Competency Panel Group Structured Unstructured Telephone Different types of job interviews feedback


type of interview card to the explanation text sheets

Round robin

Lead group discussion Makes notes on flipchart Tutor explanation

Group discussion

10 mins

Top ten tips for a good interview Most common interview questions

Group work

15 mins


Group presentation Introduce presentations Listen When the presentations are over, encourage learners to have a

Group 1 discusses and writes down their top ten tips for a good interview Group 2 discusses and writes down the most common interview questions Group presentations Group discussion

Interview cards Explanation text sheets Flipchart Pen Flipchart Pens

Verbal feedback

Completed flipchart

Flipchart paper Pen Interviews handout 1

Verbal feedback

group discussion about the information given in the presentations Read through key points of Interviews handout 1 then give a copy to each learner Tutor presentation Listen Makes notes on flipchart Group discussion

10 mins

Interview preparation Common interview questions

Round Robin

Flipchart paper Pen

Verbal feedback

Read through key Ask questions points of Interviews handout 2 then give a copy to each learner 15 mins Answering common interview questions Group work Tutor explanation Explain that the interview cards relate to a customer service role In 3 groups learners select an interview question card and discuss how an interviewee should answer the question Group feedback on answers to interview questions Interview cards Paper Pens Learner notes

15 mins

Feedback on group work

Round robin

Tutor asks for feedback and writes on flipchart

Flipchart Pens

Completed flipchart

Read through key points of Interviews handout 3 then give a copy to each learner 10 mins Questions to ask at interview Round robin Tutor leads discussion asking learners what they could ask an employer at interview Makes notes on flipchart Read through key points of Interviews handout 4 then give a copy to each learner Tutor explanation In 3 groups learners, prepare 3 interview questions for tutors mock interview Tutor is interviewed Interview tutor by 3 learners (one from each group) Watch interview and take notes Asks for feedback Feeds back on strengths and Group discussion Flipchart Pen Verbal feedback

10 mins

Interview exercise

Group work

Job description Pens Paper

Written interview questions

10 mins

Interview role play

Simulated exercise

10 mins

Interview feedback

Round robin

Interview questions Pens Paper Flipchart Pen

Interview questions

Verbal feedback

Listens Makes notes on flipchart Tutor explanation Give out Job description and Person Specification Gives leaners mock interview booking sheet to book a mock interview slot Tutor explanation

areas for improvement for the interview Listen Books a mock interview slot Job description and Person Specification Mock interview booking sheet Pens Booked interview slot

5 mins

Homework Prepare for a mock interview

Round robin

5 mins

What have you learnt from today

Individual work

5 mins

2nd part of evaluation

2nd part of evaluation


Each learner writes on a post it note one thing they have learnt or will change as a result of their training and sticks on the flipchart Tutor asks learners to complete evaluation form

Post its Pens Flipchart

Completed post its

Complete evaluation form

Evaluation form

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