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Newspaper of the students of the University of Surrey

Issue 52 Thursday 29th November 2012

NUS VP, Vicki Baars, causes controversy calling PM a w*#ker, Page 6

NEWS James Brown reports on the NUS demonstration through central London... Page 4 FEATURES Sam Ratzer shares his own experiences for our body consciousness issue... Page 13 WORLD AIDS DAY Paint Campus Red, read all about how you get involved... Page 14

#MyBodySecret, check out our centrespread!




This issue weve focused on body issues. Weve changed our logo as well. The Stag is red for World AIDS Day and Shunayna Vaghela kindly drew our Stag Girl. She has no body issues, because shes not real! Weve also started the twitter hashtag #MyBodySecret for you to air your own body hang ups.

SCIENCE & TECH Ever wondered about diet pills? Find out the truth on... Page 18

1.6 million people in the UK suffer from an eating disorder, according to the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence. Reports suggest that men make up anywhere from 10% to a quarter of all sufferers. These statistics are shocking enough on their own, but barely touch on the amount of people who are unhappy with the way they look. There is no way of measuring the Big thanks to Kat Heneghan for the posing, Aaron Rush amount of guys who long for bigger muscles or girls who wish for flatter stomachs. The body can become a battle ground for so many people. for the photographing Charlotte Clarke for the editing.
By Alexandra Wilks, Editor hat is why The Stag have chosen to have our own Body Consciousness Issue. The Charlotte Clarke, a Photoshop whizz, edited Kat for you timing of this issue is rather to show exactly what can be done in a couple of hours to fitting given that Christmas is coming up and we all perfect a body. This is exactly what she changed... slimmed down two dress sizes know that Christmas means removed all blemishes overeating. lightened legs to match rest of body The Daily Record darkened skin colour estimates that reduced arm width Christmas Dinner can changed shoulder shape contain up to 3,500 increased breast size calories. Thats enough reduced waist width to send some of us into drew on cleavage and added highlights a spiral of worry and slimmed down hips self hate. But, obviously, reduced head length its okay to pig out at reduced nose length Christmas. Christmas used to increased eye size amd changed eye colour leave me terrified, the whole removed creasing around eyes month of December Id be removed dark circles under eyes packing mince pies away all changed shadows to fit new shape day then at night Id clutch added ruching to dress to create a completely flat stomach my stomach and want to cry, added blusher because I knew I wouldnt fit made hair shinier into the dress Id picked out for added highlights and volume the special day. Thats why weve decided to made curls thicker

DANCE & THEATRE Tiffany Stoneman looks at the harsh realities of the body on stage... Page 26

MUSIC The dark side of the music industry, Becky Worley investigates.. Page 29 SPORT Sport is the answer, Sarah Jane Gregori reports ... Page 46

focus on loving your body for this issue. That might sound embarrassing but I think its something we all need to learn to do. I dont know one single person who is completely happy with themselves from head to toe. Theres always something that could be changed, or could look better. Even if you dont think you have an issue, Im sure theres something you would change if you had a magic wand. Thats where The Stag comes in. Weve tried to fill each section with at least one article about some aspect of the body, in Science & Tech weve got an article about what diet pills really are and how dangerous they can be. If that doesnt appeal to you, weve also got one about how fabulous the body can be, Melissa Raske has written about a man in a coma who can

talk using his brain only. As a self proclaimed Feminist I often examine my outfit choices in the mirror and ask myself, Who am I dressing for? The thing is I often dont know. I know that I look good in certain clothes but Im not sure why I look good. It seems so integral to me to dress in a way that would get me a thumbs up from Look magazine that I dont even know if Im doing it for myself. As for what goes on under the clothes, I have spent many many hours thinking about the exact size of my thighs, the width of hips or how not nearly flat my stomach is. Really though, it doesnt matter. Thats what this Stag is all about. Redefining what matters and giving you some interesting things to think about next time you look in the mirror.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Editor | Alexandra Wilks Editor-in-Chief | Abbie Stone Deputy Editor (Design) | Hannah Roberts-Owen Design Team | Paul Richmond, Ankur Banerjee, Tina Morman Deputy Editor (Marketing) | Becky Richmond Marketing Team | Emily Gill, Natasha Cruz-Millheim, Georgie Wood News Editor | Rachel Thomason News Team | James Brown, Jack White, Hattie Elkins, Beth Goss, Alice Lincoln, Shunayna Vaghela, Shaneezah Ally, Hannah Craig, Alex Wilks, Tom Porter Opinion & Analysis Editor | Justine Crossan Opinion & Analysis Team | Sam West, Poppy Tyler, Shunayna Vaghela, Priscilla McGregor-Kerr Features Editor | Ellis Taylor Features Team | Hannah Wann, Laura Colledge, Sarah-Jane Gregori, Sophie Dyre, Ankur Banerjee, Megan Sills, Clowance Lawton, Lily Pearson, Chloe Wenborn Science and Technology Editor | Alex Smith Science and Technology Team | Melissa Raske, Siobhan Harris, Mike Colling, Ruth Smithers, Ankur Banerjee, Saskia Wilson-Barnes, Lauren Petrie, Fahmid Chowdhury Societies Editor | Shalini Thondrayen Societies Team | Clowance Lawton, Sophie Smith, Betty Kelly, Fiona Buckland, Emily Clegg, Alexandra Dawson, Amber Hart, Antonia Gill Dance and Theatre Editor | Tiffany Stoneman Dance and Theatre Team | Emily Bourne, Annie Callahan, Heidi Lesiw, Rebecca Tubridy Film Editor | Candice Ritchie Film Team | Beth Goss, Ankur Banerjee, Annikka Gonnerman Music Editor | Becky Worley Music Team | Thea Spalding, Sarah-Jane Gregori, Elliot Tyers, Laura Stoker, Callum Johnson, Ankur Banerjee Literature Editor | Emily Smart Literature Team | Ankur Banerjee, Marilyn Johnston, Sophie Vickery Sport Editor | Anna Giles Sport Team | Sarah-Jane Gregori, Adam Lodowski, Alan Hughes, Connor Mcloughlin, Alex Beddoe Copy Editors | Sophie Vickery, Emma Fleming, Hannah Wann, Tina Morman, Tessa Morgan Webmaster | Andrew Smith Webeditor | Samantha Murray Photo Editor | Tessa Morgan Photo Team | Ankur Banerjee, Renata Axanova. Campus Marketing | Charlie Taylor

RAG Week round-up

By Shaneezah Ally, News Team

AG Week 2012 has once again done University of Surrey proud by significantly adding to their aim to raise a total of 60,000 this year. On the 5th November RAG week commenced, offering brilliant opportunities to get students involved in Raising and Giving. It was packed with an array of events for all students to participate in. This year RAG is raising money for three charities, sharing all proceeds between Breast Cancer Research, Shooting Star Chase and The Barn Youth Project. The events were kick-started by Mondays Safer Sex Fayre which gave students a chance to receive advice and freebies. Despite the cancellation of the Safer Sex Ball in Rubix, it was followed by an evening of mingling and romance at Surreys Speed Dating. Tuesdays Cake sale was a treat for those with a sweet tooth. Who can resist a delicious chocolate-covered slice of cake? It was a highlight for many hungry students, especially knowing that each cake bought meant more money towards a worthy cause. On Wednesday was the long awaited Wheres Wally Theme Bar Crawl. Several students donned their stripy red t-shirts and hit Guildford town centre for a night of fun. The turnout

was excellent and the enthusiasm of the students made for a superb night. The events of Thursday were in full swing as Race Night was filled with an evening of betting and the chance to win some first rate prizes. According to RAG Chair, Jake Willis, Race Night went so well that it will take place again next term on a bigger scale. RAG Yourself on Friday was a chance to inspire students to get sponsored for a challenge. VP Education, Sam Ratzer, and Do>More President, Katy Sawyer, even challenged each other to a sponsored silence. The events drew to a close on Sunday with one of the most highly anticipated events, LOST. Teams of students were dropped to an unknown

destination with the aim of finding their way back to campus the quickest. There were three teams taking part, with two teams winning the competition. This was an exciting and exhilarating challenge which rounded off a successful week. Although RAG week has come to an end for another year, the opportunity to donate and get involved is still open. Contact Surrey RAG or emailing for volunteering opportunities. Surrey RAG is also taking part in the Kilamanjaro climb, and with over 30 people now taking part, it is sure to be one of RAGs biggest challenges yet. Keep an eye out if you want to make donations to those participating in this opportunity of a lifetime.

Less students are leaving Surrey early

By Tom Porter, News Team

n reaction to figures revealing that the number of students leaving during their first year has dropped, Students Union President Dave Halls stressed the particular importance of supporting Freshers as they adjust to life at Surrey. He stressed how the Union recognises that coming to university will be the first time that many students have lived away from home, and the pressures of studying at a higher academic level may cause students to leave early. He

emphasized that a lot is already been done to help first years, with schemes such as Freshers Angels and the universityrun Court Life Mentoring. Dave Halls commented: Its great to see a fall in the number of students who leave in the first semester or first year, and we believe the Unions hard work and commitment to making all students feel welcome and supported plays a big part in these figures. He added: We will continue to do everything we can to help students and hope to decrease the number of leavers even further.

Letter from Santa

ou are holding this paper in your hands and thinking, Wow, this is amazing, this is the best Stag Ive ever seen. Now, dear reader, of course you are right. This is the best Stag youve ever seen. The reason being that weve focused on body issues. This is a cause very, very dear to my heart and weve provided you with some really interesting content. Were also part of the Paint Campus Red campaign, and weve painted The Stag red to show this. You can also check out Page XX to read all about World AIDS Day and how you can get involved either with the Welfare Warriors or with Tease. Over here at STAG HQ weve had our fair shares

The Stag is an editorially independent newspaper and is published by the University of Surrey Students Union. The views expressed in the paper are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the educational team, the Students Union or the University of Surrey. Trinity Mirror (South) 8 Tessa Road, Reading RG1 8NS The Stag reserves the right to edit all submissions and the right to decide which articles are published.

of troubles with this issue, hence why its late. The hard drives failed leaving us without access to any of our files or software. It was a strange 24 hours or so. I didnt know if we had lost everything or if everything was going to be fine. People were coming up to me telling me how sorry they were as if someone had died. Obviously, thats slightly overdramatic but it was a horribly TENSE TIME. I WAS STRESSED. As this is the last Stag of the term I am feeling rather reflexive. Its odd, in my first year, it was around this time that I properly found my feet and I feel much the same way this year too. Ive spent a long time trying to be the same as previous editors, or worrying that Im not as good. But you know what, f*** the haters. I think were doing a bloody good job. I hope you do too. Happy Christmas x P.S LOLROFLCOPTER I AM SANTA LOL LOL LOL

News Editor: Rachel Thomason | Copy Editor: Tina Morman

The Stag |

29th November 2012


How comfortable are you with your body? Given the option I would change many things about my body but ultimately theres not one perfect bodytype. - Megan Langridge, Psychology I am comfortable with my body, its not worth obsessing over as you cant really change it. - Saskia Cook, Economics Im not that comfortable with my body but that can vary day to day depending on what Im wearing, what Ive eaten and what Ive been doing throughout the day. - Bekki Meade, Psychology I dont think I am ever entirely happy with my body but [...] There is definitely a part of me that thinks you just need to be happy with what youve got and forget about what you look like! - Laura Phillips, English Literature

Students Conference 2012

The union held a forum allowing students to raise issues and concerns surrounding university issues
By Rachel Thomason, News Editor
Surrey County Council

ollowing the newly launched Change One Thing campaign, on Sunday 18th November the University of Surrey Students Union held the Students Conference to give a voice to Surrey students. A quiet start gave way to a multitude of opinions on everything from the prices at Chancellors, to the use of heating in the university buildings. Currently topping the votes on C.O.T is Amigos, relating to the need for a wider variety of foods and products at cheaper prices than the products they sell now and the call to change the Car Parking Space Allocation because many of us have paid 195 for a car parking space as we commute, and cannot get parked, so are missing vital lectures and tutorials. The Students Conference offered students the chance to have their say to change something important to them. The forum was divided into four zones: the Union Zone; Education Zone; Welfare, Society and Citizenship Zone and the Activities Zone. The relevant Sabbatical officers each prompted discussions and offered feedback on any opinions that were raised. During the Union Zone, President Dave Halls tackled the concerns with prices at Chancellors and Amigos. Much time was spent discussing the variety of music at Rubix and the Living Rooms accessibility. VP Education Sam Ratzer addressed issues to do with student academic reps alongside module feedback forms. Bakita Kasadha, VP Welfare, was keen to gain an insight into the biggest welfare issues in and around campus. Loud housemates and the role of Court Mentors was discussed whilst students suggested that more regular, consistent welfare weeks (similar to the recent Mind Maintenance Week) should be organised to raise awareness of where help can be sought.

Acitivies Zone saw VP Societies, Em Bollon, and VP Sports, Arabella Gilby tackle concerns with societies and clubs websites and the new online membership payment systems. One of the biggest issues raised to Arabella was the price of SSP memberships, something she acknowledged was being seriously considered now that the fixed price contract is coming to its end. To follow up on the feedback they received, the Union will shortly be posting a poll, similar to the voting system style of the C.O.T campaign, to the website. To have your say and vote on any of the issues above, as well as many other things, head to and get involved.

Surrey elects its Zero Tolerance Police and Crime Commissioner

By Alex Wilks, News Team

ndependent Zero Tolerance candidate Kevin Hurley won the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner election by the slenderest of margins on the 15th November, taking Conservative party candidate and favourite Julie Iles to a second round of voting in a contest marred by a meagre 15% turnout among the electorate. The elections, which are the first of their kind in England and Wales, caused controversy due to the apparent lack of awareness or campaigning by either the Electoral Commission and the candidates themselves, and the politicisation of what many expect to be an independent public service.

The candidates themselves had already clashed at the Universitys hustings over the privatisation of police services and budget cuts, with Iles facing a personal grilling from Surrey graduate Rowan Cole over the validity of her manifesto. Former Scotland Yard borough commander Hurley pledges to target louts and bullies whilst seizing profits from drug dealers and burglars to pay for investment in policing, and will become the public face and contact for Surreys police forces for the next four years. Hurley and Iles were follow by candidates Peter Williams (Ind, 20%), Robert Evans (Lab, 13.2%), Robert Shatwell (UKIP, 8.1%) and Nick OShea (Lib Dem, 6.5%).


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Waitrose to return to Guildford

By Beth Goss, News Team

new Waitrose store is confirmed to open in the next year; the first time a Waitrose has graced Guildford in over 40 years. As well as the store on York Road, there will also be a 168 car parking site and 10 cycle spaces for shoppers. Alongside the store, 18 affordable homes and three town houses are also planned to be built. Beverley Hall, which is also located on the site, will be extended to create a new community centre. Although a total of 116 people wrote to the council expressing

their support for the plans to go through, around 170 residents of Guildford were against the building of the Waitrose store. This was due to the removal of the York Road subway and an increase in traffic congestion. One of these residents was Sandfield headteacher, Gary Postlethwaite, who told GetSurrey about his disappointment over the decision but commented on how he was not surprised the plans had been approved. He suggested that the new store would increase the danger of children crossing the road due to the proximity of the school.

The council has said that they have looked at traffic surveys and believe that the new Waitrose store will not do much to disrupt traffic in the area due to the building of an additional traffic light-controlled junction. The road would also be widened to provide two through-traffic lanes in each direction, as well as a lane for traffic turning right into the store car park. Waitrose director of development, Nigel Keen, was reported as saying that the plans would "revitalise" a largely derelict site and thanked those who helped evolve the proposals.

Open Mic Regional finalists at Surrey

By Shunayna Vaghela, News Team

A-Level exams in January to be scrapped to avoid re-sits

By Hattie Elkins, News Team

n the hope of changing the Ill get another chance mindset, students will only be able to take exams in June as the reorganisation of A-Levels commences. In order to eliminate the re-sit culture, exam officials have started this transition by stopping students from retaking in January. The next significant change will come in the form of the termination of all January exams for students starting their AS-Levels and A-Levels in September; the first steps in a wider change that will see preuniversity qualifications take on a form more similar to that of the international baccalaureate (IB). This change in format has had a mixed response; whilst higher education establishments are in favour, students and teachers have expressed a dislike for the new system, and more predominantly for the

pace at which it is being changed. Last month, plans were announced for the IBstyle system that would incorporate broader subject choice and give an all-round balance of subjects. This would emphasise a better knowledge base and, for some, it will include 5,000 word dissertation style essays. It has, however, been suggested that this reorganisation could create tensions as the new system arguably allows for a hierarchical separation of students abilities. Chris Keates - the head of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers - has suggested that the government runs the risk of reducing the A-level to an elite university entrance exam. With the pre-university system becoming ever-harder, it is important to ensure access for everyone without discriminating by requiring a certain combination of subjects.

m Bollon, Vice-President of Societies & Individual Development at the University of Surrey Students Union, recently entered the Open Mic UK 2012 competition. Alongside her bandmate Ann Haig, they are through the Regional Showcase stage and are only one step away from being able to compete at the finale of this years contest at The O2 in London. Em and Anna managed to impress both the crowd and judging panel with their cover of Ed Sheerans Small Bump, making it their own; with Anna rapping her own hard-hitting lyrics, while Em sang and played guitar. They are now set to perform at the South West and Wales Area Final on December 2nd at Sub89 in Reading, with the chance to progress to the National Grand Final at The O2 in London on 19th January 2013. The prize is a breakthrough record contract. Em said: The Open Mic UK

competition is such an amazing opportunity; it has been a great learning experience and we are so excited for the Area Final. It would be incredible to perform at the O2, so fingers crossed! There is another talented student at the university, first-year student James Trusson, who has also made it to the Live Regional shows. He commented: Im excited to play in front of a large audience, and am really looking forward to the response from the crowd. New to the music scene at Surrey, he has continuously impressed the audience at Chancellors on Open Mic nights with his blend of acoustic covers, and his original songs. Previous winners of the competition include Hatty Keane, and Birdy, and the competition has certainly showed no waning of interest this year. Many incredibly talented acts have already graced the stage, but the best is yet to come, with the platform raised, the battle to the top will be fierce.

NUS protest through central London

By James Brown, News Team

he National Union of Students (NUS) held a demonstration through central London on Wednesday 21st November. Students met at 11am at Temple, and an estimated 10,000 proceeded to march along Embankment and past the Houses of Parliament, with the rally taking place from 2pm 3pm at Kennington Park. It was the first national protest the NUS had called since the tuition fees protest in November 2010. Those protests descended into violence, with Milbank tower - the Conservative Party headquarters - being attacked and where clashes with riot police and students in Parliament Square were seen. The national demonstration was voted for at the NUS National Conference in April and there were thousands of students marching. The theme on Wednesday was Educate, Employ and Empower demonstrating about issues from the rise in tuition fees, to insufficient levels of student support and the lack of job opportunities available for young people. The strategy for the NUS is to build a group of

activists, looking towards the General Election in 2015, who can work to achieve the opportunities they want for students. The NUS states on their #Demo2012 website that it was campaigning for a properly funded tertiary education system, arguing that there has been a cut in undergraduate teaching funding as well as for postgraduate students. In relation to the trebling of tuition fees and the abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), Liam Burns, the NUS President, said: students are marching because they recognise that the policies being pursued by this Government are not only hitting students hard, but also risk profoundly undermining opportunities for future generations. Under the Employ slogan of the demonstration, he has also commented: With nearly 1 million unemployed young people, we urgently need to be investing in education and in jobs. The University of Surrey Students Union took a neutral position on this demonstration, supporting those who went but not openly encouraging people to go.

News Editor: Rachel Thomason | Copy Editor: Tina Morman

The Stag |

29th November 2012


NUS VP unleashes political whirlwind over protest chant

Calls PM a wanker Advocates burning the Government
By Jack White, Contributor

icki Baars, NUS Vice President Union Development has sent a page of chants to student union Presidents calling for Tories and Liberal Democrats to be piled onto a bonfire and burned. Lyrics to the chant read: Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put the tories on the top, put the libdems in the middle and burn the f***ng lot! Ms Baars has since apologised for sending the chants round. The extraordinary post has caused a flurry of activity on the UK education email network Jiscmail, and on Twitter. Students have hurried both condemn

needlessly provocative. Mr Halls has submitted a formal complaint to NUS calling for Ms Baars' resignation. NUS President Liam Burns released a statement to union presidents saying, Vicki has done what any political leader should do when a mistake is made, she has apologised for it. If you dont accept that apology then she is more than happy to take phone calls on it and indeed if youre still not happy, she can be held to account via the [National Executive Council].

Outrage at potential third class train travel

By Alice Lincoln, News Team

Build a bonfire, build a bonfire, put the tories on the top... V. Baars
and support Ms Baars. Surrey Union President Dave Halls wrote back, Good to see NUS will be shying away from individual party politics with these chants, and in no way encouraging a class war, and/or inciting violence against Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. The responses have not all be politically partisan, with well-known socialist campaigner, writer and member of the NUS executive Michael Chessum humorously calling for some perspective: [Unions could] have a weighted vote [on the chant] proportional to how much their responses are either hysterical or

NUS Vice President Vicki Baars protests have caused shock on Twitter

n response to a question posed by Lord Myners, Earl Attlee (speaking for the Government) has refused to rule out the possibility of companies bidding for rail franchises reintroducing third class train travel. In the past, there was an open-topped working class carriage with cold temperatures and hard seats which was abolished in 1956. But these are the kind of problems critics of the government fear the rail franchise will be returning to; poor quality carriages that are overcrowded and too expensive. However, the Government insisted that these propositions instead refer to a new class which would come between standard and first, and be comparable to premium economy seats on some airlines. This has done little to quell the fears of the National Union

of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), whose general secretary Bob Crow commented in a statement: The door is open for the train operators to introduce a third passenger class as and when it suits them. We knew that this government was winding the clock back on employment, benefit and legal rights but now they are opening up the option to dive back in time more than 50 years to the days of third class rail travel. According to The Telegraph, the Department for Transport has responded with a reassurance that levels of service will not go below the current standard class. For those students who cannot drive or who live further away from university, this could be a serious concern. It will be a case of waiting to see which direction we are progressing in backwards or forwards.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Student Conference
Dave Halls
Union President

Sabbaticals Say...
of Surrey. Every single piece of feedback, suggestion and idea is listened to, and acted upon. This is YOUR Students Union, and it does what you tell it to do. And of course, those of us who were elected to ensure your views are heard are mandated to ensuring that what Surrey students want is what Surrey students get; or at the very least ensuring that opinion is known about, and potential changes investigated. So what have been the most common popular suggestions of what Surrey students would change here so far? Availability of water points around campus Temperature/environment of lecture theatres Chancellors on Wednesday/ Friday evenings* Cycle path rails Parking spaces Do you agree with this? Is there something else youd like to see done differently? Log on to, and Change One Thing. You can also rate others suggestions by how important you think they are. Taking just 30 seconds to make the suggestion could start the ball rolling on significant improvements to life at Surrey. If youre thinking it, chances are dozens of others are too. *Well, whats easier to change than our own pricing structures? You said it, well do it: throughout December, Carlsberg and Gaymers will be 1.80 a pint on Fridays, and vodka 1.50. With the obvious balance of price versus volume to contend with, if this works, itll stay in place! Drink responsibly, folks.

World AIDS Day: Paint Campus


Bakita Kasadha
Union Vice-President Welfare

he student voice at Surrey has never felt stronger. With the launch of Change One Thing, our recent Pop Up Union and the first Student Conference within a week of each other, Surrey students have taken these numerous opportunities to feedback about what matters most to them at Surrey. Its by gathering your thoughts and feedback as often as possible that the Students Union is able to ensure it is not only as relevant as possible in its provisions of activities, entertainments and support, but also in ensuring that the most current student opinions are represented to the University

Theres always time...

hristmas is coming.... maybe some winter exams, stressful deadlines or Chistmas shopping. One big thing Ive been looking at over the last couple of weeks is how much time do you need free to play sport? Im finding that potentially quite a lot! Its impressive how much time some people invest in their club and how essential these people are to the club. However I want to make sure there is always time to play sport, no matter how little time you have free each week! Its a great way to meet new friends or to relax and obviously to stay fit and healthy! Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved even if you only have a spare half an hour. BUCS matches are going well and club membership is already

Arabella Gilby
Union Vice-President Sport & Recreation

s ever, lots has been happening: 1. On Monday 12th Nov, Bella and I attended a Trustees Conference in London. Many are unaware that Sabbatical Officer, along with the Union Chair make up six of Students Unions trustees. We also have five non-student trustees and collectively we are responsible for monitoring the operations of the Union, making sure that it is financially viable and legally responsible. 2. The Union has been fortunate to receive funding from the Monument Trust, for a second year, to support the Unions World AIDS Day Campaign- Paint Campus Red. If youre about on Friday 30th November, please wear red to show your support for the campaign. More information on

p.XXX 3. Many Surrey students and Union staff alerted me to the lighting problem along the pedestrian and bike pathway that leads from campus to Tesco/ SSP/Park Barn. After reporting the problem to the Council many times, to no avail, the Union approached the newspaper Surrey Advertiser. The issues has not been reported on the front page of the Surrey Times, so hopefully this will see some results in the immediate future. 4. As its important to make sure that the lighting we expect off-campus is just as good (if not better) on-campus, on Wednesday 28th November, the Head of Security, Head of Estates and Facilities and I will be touring campus to carry out a lighting survey of campus.

increased from last year, which is great! Match of the Week has also been introduced, so if you fancy grabbing your winter cardigan, hot chocolate and fluffy gloves and heading down to the sidelines to watch some sport, look out for Match of the Week! So if youre struggling to keep warm as winter draws in, its never too late to join in with some sporting action!

Sam Ratzer

Union Vice-President Education

You cant buy yourself a good grade...

with basic errors. It is not worth the risk, current University regulations state that if it can be proven that you have either bought an essay, or have submitted a piece of work already marked at this or any other University you can be instantly course terminated. I cannot shy away from the fact that I have once been so bogged down with the pressure assignments, and multiple deadlines that I once contemplated buying an assignment from an unsolicited source. After a thorough moral cross-examination, I chose not to and am so glad that I planned, researched and constructed my own assignment. I was proud with my 63%, a clean conscience and my course registration intact.

he thought of assignments will be on your minds as the end of term approaches, often to the extent when you feel that no matter how hard you work, you will not be able to get the work in by the Monday or Tuesday 4pm deadline. No matter how stressed you are, do not even contemplate buying your essay. A recent BBC News article highlighted the developing trend of pre-written essays being bought by students in the U.K at prices ranging from 50-500, with some being written on-demand by agencies often based in other countries. Many websites state that they can offer work of a guaranteed 1st class standard, however the independent investigation uncovered that the essays were often incoherent, of a poor general quality and littered

Opinion & Analysis Editor: Justine Crossan | Copy Editor: Emma Fleming

The Stag |

29th November 2012


Euthanasia: The Forgotten Majority

Sam West

Opinion & Analysis

years have shown strong support for euthanasia, ranging from 60% to 90%. This isnt a political opinion dividing the public, but is shared by people of all ages, classes, voting intentions, and geographical regions. Although, despite the large call for the right to die, politicians continue to ignore the will of the people, putting their own politics first. Personally, euthanasia is not something I would contemplate. If I was terminally ill, euthanasia would be out of the question for religious reasons. Likewise, if a family member was terminally ill, euthanasia is not something I would ever suggest. Instead, I would keep holding on, believing life is precious and worth fighting for. However, the legality of the right to die shouldnt be about our personal consciences if we were in a similar scenario. Instead, it should be about our rights and freedoms, with the right to life and the right to die being the most fundamental of all. If we dont have freedoms as simple as those, we might as well just scrap them all. More importantly, our lives belong to ourselves; we should decide our own destiny, this should not be decided upon by the state. With these fundamental freedoms and with strong democratic support, politicians should shut up and listen. When we the people call for such measures, ideology should be swept to the side, whether it be conservatism, socialism or liberalism. It is about time common sense and the will of the people was put first. After all, it is upon these principles where all our other freedoms depend.

Fat tax
Justine Crossan Opinion & Analysis Editor
if you are a student) that you will choose the cheaper option. Eating unhealthily reduces our life expectancy, our brain capacity and overall physical shape. This directly affects the economy of this planet as us the workers will not be as well equipped for difficult situations being mentally and physically slower. Richer people can afford to eat better foods and thus live longer, while the less wealthy are forced to live off meal deals made in some dodgy factory just so they can afford rent. While being told to look after ourselves and cut down on fast food, there is a McDonalds on every corner? The government seems to be contradicting itself and not making this healthy lifestyle any easier.

n the midst of the US Presidential election on November 6th, dozens of state ballots were held up and down the United States. One of these was in Massachusetts, where the majority of citizens voted against a law allowing assistedsuicide. Being one of the most liberal parts of America, this can be surprising to onlookers around the world. But who are we to speak in the UK where euthanasia has been illegal throughout recorded history? However, although the majority in Massachusetts voted against euthanasia, that doesnt mean we would do the same in the UK. All opinion polls in recent

Are we obsessed?
To look like a deranged Eskimo wearing jeans in the summer?! It was so stupid. But I just couldnt help it, it really bothered me. Many would blame our obsession on the media; these warped perceptions that they funnel into the minds of unsuspecting teenagers everywhere, continuously reinforcing the message that what you look like stands above all else. This idea that looking a certain way instantly eradicates any faults or flaws you might have. But people seem to have overlooked the fact that it is these faults and flaws that make us stand out as individuals. I thought that going to university would relax these perceptions, encouraging people to accept the way they look. But it seems to have bought on a whole new wave of body dysmorphia. The amount of times Ive been in the female toilets in clubs like Rubix and seen the gaggle of stick-thin girls pinching their imaginary fat is pure craziness. And its not just the media

ver a year ago Denmark introduced what I believe was one of the greatest tax inflations ever; a tax to food with added saturated fat. This was the best incentive to increase health, reduce obesity, and to save money. Thus I am confused as to why this has now been abolished. Small businesses were partly affected as the already little amount of money they made on produce such as specialty meat and cheeses decreased drastically. Even so, why is the economy being put before our health? To live a healthy lifestyle in the UK is becoming increasingly difficult. Organic fruit and vegetables and free range meat is ridiculously expensive, whereas a pack of 20 Iceland chicken dippers is a bargain! So its likely (especially

t seems like every time we open a magazine, turn on the TV, even walk past a billboard, we are faced with that girl. You know, the skinny girl, with a tiny waist, washboard abs, and super-slim thighs. Yeah, that girl. I know what youre thinking; thats so clichd, Ive heard this all before. I know youve heard it before, but it doesnt mean it has gone away. Im not saying skinny people have it easy though; they have criticism heaped onto them too, and for a thing that some just cant control. At the end of the day, its just genetics, right? Wrong. It is every photoshopped, blown up poster. Its every advert in between episodes of How I Met Your Mother, every Facebook photo, every exboyfriend (or girlfriend), and every small comment that imprints itself into our memories forever. I still remember Year 7 when a fellow classmate told me I had chunky ankles, which now, sounds ridiculous. But then, it made me overly paranoid, covering them up constantly. For what reason?

Shunayna Vaghela
that has it in for us, it seems that our peers opinions matter more than we know. One snarky twitter post later, the girl you call your best friend is reduced to a sobbing wreck. Its strange that we live in a society that accepts every race, and type of sexuality, yet we have such a distorted outlook when it comes to body image. So what do we do about it? Now would be the time that you expect me to insert a generic inspirational brush-off, but Im not going to. Body confidence is an issue that is talked about to death, but an issue that we just cant seem to come to peace with. We might not be able to change society in a day, or even in a few years, but we can always change the way we act. The next time you call someone a fat b*tch, ask yourself how youd feel if someone shouted that at you.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Leave it!
Poppy Tyler


think it is good to exercise and to want a hot body, but I think it gets to a certain point when your body can only really change so much. Some people will always have flat bums and some will have juicy ones, but obsessing over food and exercise so much that it takes over your life is really a waste of time. Our body shapes are mainly to do with genetics, which is clear when you look at cultural differences and how bodies

differ from each continent. But we have to work with what weve got because if youre sexy, youre sexy and if your arms are a bit flabby, I dont think anyone will really notice. Its strange because it is almost vain to think people will notice small flaws that we all have. What people see is the overall package, and if you have a personality and a good smile then everything else is irrelevant. Working out does make you feel good, and look better, but then not going to the gym for a few days wont change much and a word of advice for those guys whose sole aim is to get as big as the Michelin man, its not hot. Its actually scary.

Atheist Belief
Priscilla McGregor-Kerr

he definition of the word belief is the approval of something to be correct/ in existence. In this instance, one of the fastest growing beliefs amongst us is atheism, which is the belief that there is no truth in the concept of there being a God, after-life etc. Living in todays society, it is understandable why many people would automatically reject religion as it is often labelled with words such as dictatorship, outdated, and irrational. However, most of these views are the result of lack of knowledge. Religion has been a strong foundation in the creation of the legal system, holiday periods, social norms and values. It has contributed to philosophy, economics, political systems, and the rich history of almost all countries. Also, historians acknowledge many figures in the religious texts such as King Solomon and Noah. Furthermore, many of the texts associated with various religions

have existed for thousands of years, and overlap in people, events, and values such as the Bible, Quran, and Torah. Their values for humans revolve around characteristics of love, peace, selfcontrol, selflessness etc., all of which, unfortunately, dont seem to fit into a fast-paced capitalist society. However, religion was a huge part of society which governed daily life up until the 20th century, so it may be a bit ignorant of us to assume that our views of the past hundred years are correct, and reject generations of belief. Im not saying that we should all go to our nearest church or temple and turn religious, but when religion comes up in debates, it is usually the atheists with the most aggressive, dictatorship views. I guess what Im saying is that our society today is all about being open minded, and we should respect others beliefs. So, especially with the Christmas period fast approaching, I would encourage everyone to take a look into the vast topic of religion which cannot be fully examined within a 300 word article. Even if we do not agree with it, Im sure that no one can deny that its interesting stuff.

Are YOU opinionated?

If youre interested in current affairs, society, politics and anything else that can be commented on, get involved by emailing and you can see your work in print!

Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

29th November 2012


Feeling SAD?
By Clowance Lawton, Features Team

How to get into the Christmas spirit

ecently, I have noticed that some of my friends, including myself, have been extraordinarily grumpy. We are restless, irritable, tired and, all in all, fed up. Furthermore, there doesnt appear to be any particular reason behind it. There are the possible motives of deadlines but it doesnt seem to quite add up to why some of us are feeling so low. Some may call it Winter Blues, but it can in fact be diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder or, the ironically named acronym of it, SAD. It is true that most of us feel more cheerful and active when the sun is shining but as winter approaches and the days grow shorter and gloomier we tend to feel less enthusiastic about socialising and our daily routine. The reason for this is the change in light intensity. The change in the quantity and quality of light affects the amount that hits the retina in the back of the eye. Consequently, fewer messages are passed to the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that rules sleep, appetite, sex drive, temperature, mood and activity. If there is not enough light, these functions are more likely to slow down. It is apparent that some people need a lot more light than others, and so they SAD, to a greater or less extent. Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder include; a lack of energy, proneness to illness, depression, sleep problems, mood changes (including hypomania, which can be an outburst of over-activity),

overeating (especially the craving of carbohydrates) and the loss of interest in sex or physical contact. Now all of this sounds rather depressing in itself, but the symptoms will disappear either suddenly or gradually in spring, when the amount of sunlight increases. However, in the meantime you can help yourself in several, easy to do, ways. Firstly, make the most of any natural light, go outdoors on bright days, or on any day at around midday, when sunlight will be at its greatest. Furthermore, at home spend time in the rooms of the house that are made up of pale colours as it will reflect the light from outside and can help to reduce SAD. Secondly, avoid stress where possible. Obviously deadlines for coursework and exams cannot be eliminated, but planning ahead will help to ease the mind. If you are still struggling, then treat yourself physically with a massage, or purchase scented candles to relax. Finally, and most importantly, eat and exercise well. Physical activity has been proven to have a good impact on mental wellbeing, and it doesnt have to be strenuous or time-consuming; an hours walk has been recognised by research as a useful treatment for coping with winter blues. Additionally, it is important to maintain blood glucose levels and ensure regular consumption of Omega 3 which is found in oily fish. If all else fails; remember that Christmas is only around the corner!

By Laura Colledge, Features Team

t seems lately that the biggest of our British moans is about Christmass early arrival this year (although isnt it the same every year?!). My advice to the complainers? Stop being such scrooges and embrace the Christmas spirit; December 25th is fast approaching, whether you like it or not, so stop spoiling everyone elses fun and start getting excited for the one time a year we get to spend ridiculous amounts of money and eat enough food to last us until spring, without feeling guilty about a thing! Still not convinced? These ten festive activities are sure to get you whistling Jingle Bells on your way to lectures. Christmas Tunes: The first simple step is to put a few Christmas songs onto your iPod; I challenge you to resist singing along to All I Want for Christmas Festive Films: There are so many classic films that you only get the chance to watch once a year. Home Alone 2 anyone? Mince Pies: Anyone who

says food isnt one of the best parts of Christmas is probably lying, and nothing tastes more like Christmas than a traditional mince pie and glass of mulled wine. Chocolate Festival: If mince pies arent to your taste, then why not indulge in the creations of some of the worlds best chocolatiers. The Chocolate Festival is taking place in the Southbank Centre Square, 7th9th December. Winter Wonderland: For the ultimate Christmas experience, Hyde Parks Winter Wonderland offers the best variety of winterthemed attractions, from rollercoasters to the Magical Ice Kingdom. Theres no better way to get in the Christmas spirit than being surrounded by music, lights and other people in the festive mood. Christmas Markets: Lille, France, creates the perfect Christmas atmosphere throughout December, with its beautifully decorated square, including a 50-metre high Big Wheel, and its quaint Christmas

market. Of course, if you dont have a spare couple of hundred pounds to spend on travelling, there are plenty of British substitutes. The Snowman Peacock Theatre: See the iconic Christmas tale brought to life on stage with magical choreography and orchestration. Based on Raymond Briggs book, The Snowman is now in its 15th year at the theatre. Ice-skating: With the choice of stunning locations such as Hampton Court Palace and Natural History Museum, openair ice-skating is a brilliant excuse to wrap up in hats and gloves and appreciate winter in the outdoors. Carol Concert: Take a more traditional approach this Christmas and attend a local carol concert. Its hard to not feel joyful during the descant of Hark! the Herald, particularly in the spectacular acoustics of a church. Decorations: Its often hard to feel Christmassy at uni, so spend some time putting up a few decorations in your halls or house, and youre guaranteed to catch the festive fever!

Surrey is now officially bad at drinking, as well as getting laid

By Chloe Wenborn, Features Team


hat time of year again, a whole 12 months later and the league tables have been released. Not the type of league tables that youd be proud to tell your parents or family that your university is in. The kind of league tables youd be proud of. Surrey does pretty well on, the more important ones, well lets say we dont even get into the top 100 on most of them. This year we didnt even make it onto

the Student Drinking, University League Table and only made it to 92 out of 101 on the sex league. First place on the drinking table, can you guess? Queens University Belfast consuming 27 units; on average a week, you can decide whether your surprised or not. So what are we doing wrong? Or what is the university doing right? Giving us so many assignments and essays that we dont have time to party? Considering how packed Rubix is on a Wednesday night I doubt it.

Even if I do, and most of us do at times, feel so bogged down with work you dont want to venture out of the comfort of your bed. So whats going on? Well Guildford isnt the cheapest of places for a night out, lets face it. We are close to London and have Calvin Klein and Burberry shops on the high street. The locals arent exactly strapped for cash but we poor student folk are. So we can often be put off by a casual trip down to the local (not on university

campus) or for a ridiculous entry fee to a club. Sometimes the money spent on just getting into a club could pay for a weeks worth of food or for a trip back home where free food and clothes washing resides. Whatever the reason we seem to be rather lazy student folk and could all use the reason of not making it on the league tables for a wild night out to prove were not afraid to consume more than our fair share of alcohol, for surely thats what university is for?


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Its not easy to apologise

By Megan Sills, Features Team

ets face it, we all hate doing it - apologising. Its funny how, we are all aware there are many bumps in the road of life, so why is it such a struggle to own up? As Ive gotten older, part of that stubborn, pig-headed and hormone-driven teenager I once was remains, a time when sorry was not in my dictionary. Im quite sure this is the same for many of us - so how should we handle our regret? @ Work: Working as a till dolly I was often graced with the presence of irate customers hurling complaints at my name badge. You would think a wrongly priced bag of potatoes isnt exactly the apocalypse, but apparently some people have different priorities to my own. So out comes the Im very sorry about this, thank you for letting me know jargon, which in all honestly, I always meant with sincerity. When it comes to members of the public whom you are providing a service, empathy is an important skill. You never know, those tatties could be roast potatoes theyre cooking for the over-critical monster-in-law, hence their slightly on-edge demeanour. The fact youll probably never see them can be an excuse for a half-baked apology, but why make someones food shopping experience worse than it already is? If something has gone wrong, no matter how minor, it is your job to apologise and find

them a solution. A good apology at work is not done just because you are paid to mutter Im sorry, or because they look like they are about to assault you with a can of baked beans, but because you understand where they are coming from. @ Rest: To me, resting is being around the people I love. Unfortunately, I dont love saying sorry to them. One would think friends and relatives are the easiest to apologise to, but something about it this makes my Taurean bull horns emerge and prepare to battle, not hang my tail between my legs. In my opinion, its all about manipulation. Either we can manipulate the fact they will probably love us regardless of whether we apologise and hence decide to keep schtum, or if you do say sorry, they could use this against you in the future. Pride also interacts - why step off our pedestal when we know we can craftily get away with our wrongdoing? The answer being your respect for that person. That or their threat to upload that drunken photo onto Facebook if you dont admit your mistake. Despite all this, receiving forgiveness from a loved one is a pleasant experience, and I think it is a good indication of how they feel about you. Forgiveness is essential in a relationship - you need to know how to ask for it, and how to give it. @ Play: Its a typical night out - drinking, dancing and generally being merry. However a

combination of these things have caused you to spill your beer down a random girls white dress. Not only does this dress look like it cost more than your entire student loan, but shes giving you daggers. Even in a drunken stupor you realise a cheesey my bad! isnt going to suffice. Your apologies begin to sound like a broken record (a slurred one) but in this case, they arent improving the situation. Sometimes the phrase actions speak louder than words comes into play, and you need to do something to show you feel guilty. Whether it be paying to dry clean a dress, or bribery with chocolates (boyfriends everywhere, take note), this removes tension from the situation. Yes you had to fork out, but now you feel better for resolving what happened, and she feels better there isnt a dodgey orange stain on her dress - a winwin situation.There is no set script for an apology. Although scientific research shows someone is more likely to forgive you if you say sorry into their right ear, it is the content that matters. This must be adapted to the situation, and although it is hard to apologise, knowing what to say is easy - if you mean it. Its a back and forth relationship between recognising you have done wrong and the ability to forgive someone that has done wrong by you. Both are equally important, and a good balance should be kept between the two.

By John Watkins, Director of Careers Service

romotion of the University is a commercial imperative and the Careers Service continues to play a pivotal role in this. The data we collect on student destinations, for example, is critical to league tables, which in turn influence the decision making process of future students and their parents. It is increasingly important to recognise that grown up decisions are being made increasingly early by those in secondary education. Next week we have an opportunity to bring employability to 250 16-18 year olds in a school on the edge of Surrey. 50 of the attendees are visitors from various European cities, so there is a chance to influence both local and international students. The ambition is to make it lively, informative and rewarding (above and beyond a half day without lessons), but also to emphasise just how difficult it is to master the employability skills that employers demand. Of course, the university life (and particularly that at Surrey) will be shown to be a fantastic

environment in which to refine the existing skills. Current students remain the primary focus of the Careers Service and the pre-Christmas flurry of activity is already in evidence. Some employers are looking to wrap up (forgive the pun) their recruitment by Christmas, others will be putting the final touches to their launch as they prepare for a new year campaign. All employers value work experience, so now is the time to be applying for vacation roles. It will be incredibly competitive so make early contact and be willing to undertake work that may not appear glamorous it will still enhance your employability skills and increase your chances of securing a more rewarding opportunity in the future. The Students Union skills week is an excellent preparation tool for immediate as well as future employment and the Careers Service is delighted to be supporting this by running a session on Thursday 4th December. For a full list of events please go to the Whats On page of the Careers website which will take you to the calendar and online booking.

Famous for what?

By Sophie Dyre, Features Team

amous for being famous is term that can certainly be applied to an increasing number of modern day celebrities in popular culture. The rise of reality television programmes such as The Only Way Is Essex and Made in Chelsea has paved way for a new kind of celebrity obsession; a kind where talent and exceptional ability need not exist. Instead, society has become engrossed with following the lives of ordinary people going about their ordinary lives. Such reality is not necessarily true; on TOWIE were repeatedly informed every episode that the people are all real, although some of what they do has been set up purely for your entertainment. Nevertheless, as viewers we tend to ignore such a warning of a staged performance, pretty much believing every romance, fall out

and drama inbetween for the sake of just that - entertainment. Meanwhile, we become strangely attached to the goings on of such reality stars; maybe its because we can relate to them, or maybe its because they make us feel slightly better about ourselves as human beings (cue ridiculously bad fake tan and multiple layers of fake eyelashes). So with the fake scenes and fake everything, is anything about such reality shows real? One thing thats arguably real is the effect it has on wider society. Such shows promote the idea that the celebrity status label can be applied to any individual who is followed by a camera and planted on our television screens. No longer is fame an aftermath for being a successful actor or a singer; fame exists in itself. In particular, this worryingly presents the wrong image to young people: why strive

to be an honourable professional when you can get the fame and the money for essentially doing absolutely nothing? Reality television is helping to raise a generation of fame hungry individuals. To be known as a celebrity figure has become all too easy; fame can exist simply for opening the doors to your once private life. Furthermore, with the popularity of twitter, a fan base of followers can easily strengthen such figures celebrity standing. And it seems once youre in the celebrity club, youre in; in terms of recent events, this can be shown in Made in Chelseas Hugo Taylors switch to Im a Celebrity (really?!) Get Me Out Of Here! seeking fame and money from one reality show to another. So whether you love or loathe our new breed of celebrities, one things for certain, theyre not leaving anytime soon.

Get that celebrity glow whilst having a good satsuma costume for nights out


Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

29th November 2012



The power of the Xmas advert

By Becky Worley, Music Editor

Are internships just for the well-off?

By Lily Pearson, Features Team

hristmas adverts: they know just how to tinker with our emotions. Eagerly we anticipate the flood of twinkling lights, music to tug on the heartstrings, and general overload of sentimentality. The holidays are coming are coming with the Coca Cola lorry, controversial elimination of Santa with Littlewoods. But the main event has to be John Lewis. After the success of their Christmas advert last year (the little boy who counted down the days until he could give his parents their present) the pressure was definitely on for this years. Shot in New Zealand, featuring stunning shots to rival Lord of the Rings, this clearly had a huge budget. This year features two snowmen built side by side and, when night time falls, one decides to trek into town to buy the other

a present. Over mountains, across rivers and through snow ball fights this plucky little snowman travels, until he finds the perfect present. Over this the beautiful version of The Power of Love by Gabrielle Aplin plays. Give a little more love this Christmas is the slogan which presides at the end. Clichd, idealistic, a waste of money... and I totally fell for it. My eyes got a little watery, I could hardly keep the smile from spreading across my face. Maybe these companies only make these adverts to shove consumerism in our faces and make billions while we scrape that last bit of student loan together to buy presents, but I dont even care. I cant wait for Christmas to arrive and for that festive cheer to start seeping into everyone. So put away your bah humbugs and give a little more love this Christmas too.

he first day of my penultimate year of university ended with a careers talk - a talk that essentially provided us with information we already know, and yet many blissfully ignore: A good degree is simply not enough. Placements and internships have become a necessary evil for graduates who want to land employment in increasingly competitive industries, but just how practical, and even useful, are they? I am yet to complete an internship. What I envision, however, is a nightmare that Im sure is shared by an infinite number of quivering undergraduates on the periphery of what I shall deem The Real Life Adult World, and that image is this: An Anna Wintour-esque superbitch neglects to learn your name for your internship in its entirety, the ceaseless

coffee runs are never right, nor the photocopying which has rendered both your hands practically useless from paper cuts. The end result: In order to cherish the remaining selfrespect in your possesion, you vow to never subject yourself to such demoralisation again. Because what is running menial errands for no wage other than demoralising? The ethical problems that underpin unpaid internships run deeper than accusations of a decidedly middle-class, Western manifestation of slave labour. To retain the financial security obligatory in undertaking unpaid internships eliminates those of a certain social strata, and, in turn, eliminates progress amongst talented and ambitious graduates who cant rely on Daddys rather bulging bank account. To make internships the be all and end all for career prosperity is to immediately marginalise those

possess talent and prospects, but not financial means and prestigious connections. The absurdities of the internship continue. (Just how exactly is a comprehensive knowledge of the workings of a photocopier going to improve my writing?!) But the necessity will endure in a climate of few jobs and many students. Where the most diplomatic resolution would be a governmental system that supported struggling graduates from poorer backgrounds and provided them with a means of undertaking work experience, this is unfortunately highly unlikely. What I would advise is obvious; save money for a time where you may need to fund yourself through an unpaid internship, and hope that in your pursuit for a position, talent makes up for the connections youre lacking.

Bulimia did not define me

wish someone had told me when I started how difficult it was to stop. Thats what they dont tell you. You get all the information about how bad it is for your body and why you should stop, but no one ever says how difficult it is. Because they dont know. Ive been in recovery for 5 years now. Some people would say I have recovered. But anyone whos been there knows an eating disorder is for life its not the flu, you dont wake up one morning feeling better. I wish someone had told me how no matter how long its been you will still have bad days. But what keeps me strong is knowing that I am in control of my body and my mind. It is my life and I will not let my urges rule me, however strong they are. Living with it every day is never easy but friends and family keep me fighting. I wish someone had told me that people do care. Just because you feel trapped doesnt mean you are. Every day I thank the friends and family who supported, carried and sometimes dragged me kicking and screaming through the hard times. The dentist who spent forever working on my teeth so I could still smile. The therapist who made me love my body the way it was and the strength to laugh in the face of anyone who used it as a weapon against me. Every achievement is for us, to prove I meant it when I said I wasnt going back there. I wish someone had told me that recovery is hard. But it is worth it. Every time I succeed at something is a finger up to the bulimia, another bond broken. There is no shame in admitting you have a problem because everyone does. The only thing I see when I look at ex-sufferers is the strength and bravery it takes to fight their own mind. No one has the right to judge them based on whispers and taboos. Its been five years and I am happy and healthy and no one can take that away from me again. By Clem Mulcahey Banks, Volunteering and training coordinator

o, heres the first instalment of what could be and should be a regular slot for all things volunteer-y. First things first, volunteering is great. Ive done a bit in my time and still bore people with the stories, both the good and the bad. Getting locked in the back of a Hungarian lorry for a few hours and imagining meeting a Hostel-type ending is not one of the good ones, I assure you. Anyway, my point is: its the memories and the stupid stories that make your time at Surrey so great and volunteering will give you a lot of these. No doubt youve made great memories already but now its time to step up and get the very best out of your student life. Already this term you could have been a part of Do>Mores Crafternoons, RAG Week, conservation projects

with the Rugby Club, Stage Crews tech support, Team Surrey Ambassadors, Academic Rep Training, St Johns LINKS at Rubix, the new Welfare Warriors, the Societies/Clubs/Medias and more besides. Where were you? After all, it doesnt take a genius to know that all of this stuff can help you to gain new skills, meet people and have fun. As we near the end of 2012 a year in which we saw the largest ever peacetime mobilisation of volunteers for the London Olympics lets make a pact not to lose our way, miss the point or get bogged down in the Surrey bubble. Volunteer in your community, make an impact and you can be a part of something truly special. Bear in mind that Christmas is just around the corner and you can give something back by donating presents for a shoebox appeal, visiting the elderly, fundraising for hospices and lots more. Need

advice? Come to the Students Union. Do it and you wont regret it! Bear in mind the lesson that I gave to one difficult 9-year-old when volunteering on a summer camp a few years ago: You should eat your peas because otherwise theyll end up in landfill. So what? Well, imagine if everyone didnt eat their peas and they all ended up in landfill sites. The sites would get bigger and bigger and then thered be less space for houses in the future. So, really, if you think about it theres a direct link between not eating your peas and not having enough land to build your own mansion in 20 years. I felt more than a little manipulative but he cleared his plate and looked pretty thoughtful for the rest of the day. Now, think about what might happen if you dont volunteer right now!


The Stag |

29th November 2012

A degree of uncertainty
By Sarah-Jane Gregori, Features Team

I survived a zombie apocalypse

By Ankur Banerjee, Features Team

t might often feel like youll never stop being asked what you want to do when you finish university, like a bad hangover from the question what do you want to be when you grow up? A lot of students still dont know and probably wont until their first forays in the working world. Others may have travelled this path already, discovered what they dont like and are trying again. As degrees become more expensive, students feel like they dont have as much room for trial and error, but its still ok to not get things right first time having the strength to change your course or university shows employers that you are capable of making tough decisions. However dropping out isnt the only resort. Make a list of the things

that make you reluctant to face university if the root cause is a particular person in your accommodation, course or department there could be a simple and effective solution just waiting for you to discover it by talking to your welfare officer. They will have come across all sorts of issues in the past and will be supportive. If the problem is a person from home or general homesickness this will usually pass with time, but if you feel the matter is reaching a critical point, a counsellor can help you work out the best steps for you. Perhaps you are someone who enrolled on a course you are enthusiastic about but the job prospects just dont measure up. Its not the end of the world its often far harder to keep up motivation working towards a degree that doesnt interest you.

Completing the course doesnt mean you will be stuck in one vein for the rest of your career; there is a lot of crossover between subject areas in the working world, and seeking to diversify shows individuality. Talk to a careers advisor or your personal tutor, you can even ask them to describe how they came to be in the role theyre in today everybodys story is different and there can be many paths to get to the same destination. While friends and family might chalk your cold feet down to you just needing time to adjust, university is the time of life where you can really start thinking seriously about your personal aims, values and goals, independent to everyone else. Just remember to put things into perspective - these years are just a tiny portion of the long lives ahead of you.

Street Style: Out and About on Campus

By Lily Pearson, Features Team Ann-Marie Msichili, Criminology and Sociology Level 1, The garish red of this polo is a bold statement against the dull November skies. Combined with a shearling jacket and biker boots, the look is positively weather-defiant. Charlie Taylor, Level 2, Business Retail

ou never think a zombie apocalypse will strike your city until it does. Fortunately, my friends and I were prepared when one struck London. Or at least we thought we were prepared. Conceptualised by Slingshot Games, 2.8 Hours Later is a reallife zombie apocalypse game where players need to navigate their way across a city in 2.8 hourlong marathon while dodging actors dressed as zombie hordes. Essentially, it is an elaborate game of tag, as getting infected by a zombie means they tap you and you must stop to let them mark you with UV pens. The catch is that some of the UV marker pens work and some dont, so you dont find whether youre infected or not until the end when youre scanned at a quarantine camp. The game took us through various locations in London on our way to an extraction point: a shipping container yard, a multi-storey car lot, a park each infested with zombies. At every checkpoint, various eccentric characters played by actors set tasks for us not surprisingly, they all involved dodging zombies in exchange for giving us coordinates for the next location. Teamwork really does go

out of the window when a zombie starts chasing you. We found ourselves constantly feeling spooked, watching our corners and walking in separate flanks. There was a chance to cure ourselves in a game of British bulldogs with zombies where the reward was having UV markers wiped off our hand. In the end, despite being infected twice and cured only once, I was declared a survivor! You could be cynical and say that I paid a lot of money to have people chase me around. What makes this experience a success over 10,000 people have played 2.8 Hours Later to mostly sold-out crowds is that you buy into the premise. Imagine a three-hour long marathon at night, adrenaline coursing through your system as you run for your life from zombies, taking ragged deep breaths in cold evening air, not knowing how you are going to make it to safety or when you will be attacked next, all while running through real city locations. Much of the publicity around the event is generated through word-ofmouth which gives it a vaguely cultish underground charm. Its this masterfully-created eerie atmosphere that made 2.8 Hours Later an exhilarating experience.

Ask Angelique is coming back!

Our agony aunt column is returning, ready to solve your problems

Charlies effortless look is achieved by her accessories: the checked scarf and studded bag provide vintage charm and girly embellishment in equal measures. The outfit is kept suitably seasonal with a navy playsuit and thick black tights.

m back! To those of you who remember me Im locked and ready to take on the role as your agony aunt once again. To those of you who are just meeting me, welcome to Ask Angelique. You might be wondering, what on Earth is Ask Angelique? but its really quite simple... If you have a question on your mind that you want to discuss, just send me an email and it will be answered in the next issue of The Stag. It can be about absolutely anything, friends, work, relationships, music, family, even sex, (I love answering those ones). I will be as honest as I can, and EVERYONE remains anonymous. If you would like to give your own reply to something someone has written, you are more than welcome to write in to me and Ill post your advice too. Or, f you would like to make a love confession Im the person to write to! I look forward to all of your questions, and if like myself you are single, Ill be writing up some great advice on how to make the most of it.

So Ill stop blabbing and get to the good stuff. If youd like some advice, email me at features@

Slingshot Games

Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

29th November 2012



Stop blaming body issues on the fashion industry

By Ellis Taylor, Features Editor

Christmas pros and cons

By Hannah Wann, Features Team

am not a skinny minny, I will be the first person to admit that I have hips as wide as a bus and quite frankly, I really do not give a crap. I truly believe that our bodies should not be an issue (unless youre causing harm to your health, thats not cool) and that we need to just accept what we are rather than trying to change ourselves to look like some tall stick insect that is essentially a walking coat hanger. There are a lot of different paths in the realm of body issues, ranging from beauty (us girls are meant to be as hairless as a new-born baby, but guys, you can be like an old English sheep dogs) to weight. Im going to focus on weight in this article, otherwise it would never end, come find me for a vocal continuation of my opinions of body issues. A lot of people like to pin blame on the fashion industry for eating disorders and the ridiculous idea that all women should look a particular way, and to a certain extent I can understand why, but Im going to be all controversial and say stop blaming the fashion industry. Hear me out, I have valid reasons for this: 1) Theres a difference between the fashion industry and womens magazines. The first is the one that shows you nice clothes, the styles of next season and pretty handbags that cost more than your student debt. The latter is the one with the articles of how to lose weight without ditching the doughnuts and other rubbish like that. 2) It is not the only industry that photoshops models. Seen an advert for a car with a sexy woman? Yeah, shes photoshopped too. 3) It is not a glamorous industry at all if you are in it. My anonymous fashion source told me that at one fashion shoot the model

was wearing size 8 clothing, thats good right? But they were pinned behind her to make the clothes look like they fitted. In reality models look ill, anonymous fashion source said at London Fashion week, when I saw models I didnt want to be like them. I wanted a burger and a mars bar. Good photographers and the blasted photoshop are to blame for the image of the perfect woman here. 4) Is it the fashion industry that says things like a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips to you? No, its the women around you. This society constructed body-awareness has made us all put pressure on each other, cmon girls, lets just enjoy our chubby bits together and for gods sake dont judge your friend for eating chips. 5) We live in a day and age where we are constantly surrounded by the media and society pushing the notion of body perfection on us, as well as a need for us all to be simultaneously good at our course, a hobby and we have to hold down jobs and work experience. There is so much expected of us that we sometimes forget that were only human. No one is perfect, and we cant be great at everything, but that doesnt make us wrong. Therefore, if you have a few stretch marks, wide hips and a spot on the end of your nose it doesnt make you ugly, it makes you human. There are so many factors that cause body issues, I havent even had the chance to touch on bullying or the consequences of hating your body, but it is ridiculous to pin it on one thing. And we have to remember that we are part of all the things that create these issues, and that is what is ugly. I want to now leave you with two points; firstly, remember that you are human, there is no set definition of beauty, and secondly, dont worry about eating that chocolate bar, its just more cushion for the pushin.

ecember, the most chaotic month of the year, is nearly upon us, so weve put together some pros and cons of the festive season to remind you about some of the great things about this time of year, as well as those best avoided. Food. Food, food and more food. Its the only season of the year when youre allowed to encouraged to even eat like a pig. Need I say more? The atmosphere. Everyone (minus the scrooges) is happy, wishing each other merry this and that, Santa is on his way, everyone celebrate! Christmas drinks. Spiced cider, mulled wine, gingerbread lattes - why have a moderately-priced normal drink when you can have an extra-25p FESTIVE DRINK?! Yes, sometimes a rip off, but for some reason everything tastes better warmed up with fruit and spices in. Sparkles are in. There is no other


time of year where you can go out wearing sparkly earrings, glittery eye-shadow, a sequined dress and tinsel. Im not actively encouraging this, or saying it is a viable look, just saying you can, cos its Christmas. Creative freedom. Even the grimmest towns look almost pretty in Christmas lights. Its true, Im from Woodley. Theres a surge in people doing good things. You might all be much more selfless than I am, but its not really until the festive season that it springs to mind that maybe I should do some volunteering or work in a soup kitchen or SOMETHING over the holidays. It is the season for giving back and being thankful. Its nice. Calling the Christmas period the party season just gives everyone even more of an excuse to go out and get merry. I also feel hangovers are more tolerably excused at Christmas. January sales. Everythings 80% off you say? January sales. The most stressful

time in the whole year. Christmas cards. I know everyone wants to wish everyone a happy Christmas, but, text? I thought we were trying to save the planet, everyone sending everyone else a million cards that will get one look and then promptly thrown in the bin and probably not recycled - is not proactive. Dont be a card-sender, it is unnecessary and makes everyone else feel guilty for not doing the same. Chit-chat with relatives you only see once a year. Which uni do you go to then? What are you studying? Hmm what are you going to do with that degree in the long run? Do you have boyfriend/ girlfriend yet? Are you engaged? When will you have children? STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS. Mince pies. Never got them, never will. As you can see from the pro-con ratio, I am a pro-Christmas-er but only at an appropriate time in the year of course. The re-runs of jingle-bells in shops in October were painful and unnecessary. Seasons greetings!


The importance of seeing past looks

For our body conscioussness issue, Sam has chosen to write about his jaw operation and the impact this had on his life. This article highlights how shallow people can be, and how through shadllowness we can miss out on so much.
By Sam Ratzer, VP Education

hours under anaesthetic, 2 broken jaws and 6 metal plates, who would ever opt for that? Not to mention 4 weeks without solid food, 6 weeks without any exercise and a swollen face. I had just turned 19, when I had jaw surgery; a single operation that changed the course of my life. This wasnt a rash decision for vanity, I had been monitored by orthodontists for the previous 10 years, with the view that when I had stopped growing I would go through surgery that would dramatically change the way I looked. Previously I had had an underbite which kept my upper teeth a fair way behind my lower jaw, to put it in a visual

perspective they projected I would look a little like American Dad in my later years. The operation was never primarily about improving the way I looked, it was initiated on the basis of functionality; for example previously I could never bite into an apple, I would always have to scrape it against my bottom teeth, to prize the fruit from my hands. The surgery did have a major impact on the way I looked, the amount of self confidence that I have in my appearance exponentially increased once the swelling disappeared. However my awareness of how shallow people can be and how obsessed we are with body image was something else that increased as a direct result of my half a day

under the knife. People who I had known from school for years and had never been interested in who I was were suddenly making advances in nightclubs, or dropping positive comments in passing on my appearance. I was the same considerate, positive person I always had been, yet it needed an aesthetic change for some people to appreciate me. I just have a polite plea to people who judge and befriend others solely based on looks, to reconsider their approach to life and consider whether you will unnecessarily miss out on meeting people here at Surrey, people who could make the difference to your enjoyment, people who could help you to achieve.

This is, jk, its really not

If you have your own body secret, why not use The Stag twitter hashtag to air it #MyBodySecret. You can write something you love or hate about your body! If youre not following The Stag yet, our Twitter handle is @TheStagSurrey.

Amore Caterinaq


The Stag |

22nd May 2012

World AIDS Day

hen I was almost two years old, my brother was bornbut no one knew that he wouldnt live to see his second birthday. Im not sure when exactly, but he began getting really sick. Tests were made, and after some time, the doctors discovered that he was HIV positive. Some people can go years living with HIV, without the need for any medicine, but he couldnt survive two years with them. Because of the stigmas and prejudice surrounding HIV, I made sure that I never actually disclosed the underlying reason for my brothers passing, which wasnt that difficult to do because people dont actually die of HIV, but from HIV related illnesses. So if a person asked, I truthfully told them that he had passed away because of pneumonia. Day to day, I resented the lack of knowledge the majority of people had when it came to HIV, not realising that I was perpetuating the myths and stigmas by hiding the extent of my knowledge of HIV and AIDS. My reason for writing this isnt to highlight the loss that HIV can bring, the reason for this article is to explain the need for HIV awareness and hopefully to explain why Ive championed HIV awareness whilst Ive been at Surrey. I was inspired to start the Paint Campus Red campaign, at Surrey, after volunteering for Childrens HIV Association (CHIVA). As well as volunteering in the communications department, I also volunteered at the first large scale summer camp residential for young people in the UK living with HIV. The summer camp acted as a haven for young people living with HIV, a place where they could freely talk about the difficulties of living with and managing the virus with their peers. The main issue was the impact of the stigmas and prejudice and this had meant a double life for the campers.

HIV: It really can affect anyone

The HIV virus weakens the immune system, as it does, the risk of getting an infection greatly increases. For example, if HIV+, a cold that you could normally fight off within a few days can often have dire consequences.
In one life, they freely acknowledge their HIV status, in environments like the CHIVA camp and at doctors appointments. In contrast, the second life was filled with secrecy and anxiousness. Secrecy because they feared disclosing their status, anxiousness because they never knew how news of their HIV status would be received by close friends and family if there condition. This is the third year of the camps existence and the priority as ever was to give those how only talk about their HIV status with their doctor and have never met people their own age living with HIV, an opportunity to confide in others and know that there are people like them. Some campers had been rejected by girlfriends, some had said that their families had abandoned them when hearing that they and their parents were HIV positive, but one thing was clear-these 13 to 17 year olds werent and arent suffering from HIV, they were living with it. So my theory was (and still is) why not champion HIV awareness and try to dampen some of the stigmas and myths surrounding the illness, the same stigmas that cause people to shy away from the topic of HIV, rather than find out more about it? Now the campaign is taking place for the third year running, giving Surrey students the platform to support a great cause and gave other less informed students the opportunity to learn more about the mysterious virus. Once again, the Monument Trust have generously donated 1100 to support the Paint Campus Red Campaign at The University of Surrey Students Union for the next couple of years. In 2010 we raised around 550, in 2011 just short of 1200 was donated by Surrey students and staff, so who knows what could be raised this time round. If you havent already looked down and the writer of this article then it may come as a surprise to discover the reality of how close youve come to or how close you are to someone that has been affected by it. Around 100,000 people are living in Britain with HIV (and about 25% of them dont even know). Those who are aware of their status want to be seen as them, not as a virus. So I guess Ive written this to show how HIV affected me and to highlight that it really can affect anyone.

By Bakita Kasadha Dedication to the little brother Musubo. Although no longer with us, he has inspired and motivated.

5 AIDS Facts
25% of those living with HIV in the UK dont know that theyre positive. ats about 25,000 people! With treatment, a person with HIV can have the same life expectancy as someone who doesnt have HIV

HIV and AIDS are not the same- HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS.

HIV can be transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk

HIV+ mothers can give birth to HIV- children

turns red to support World AIDS Day

On top of this all profits raised on the night will go towards AIDs charities across the country. LGBT+ President Bobby Keating commented Im so excited to be organising this months Tease. Weve been donating the profits from the December Tease to charity for a few years now but this is the first time weve supported the Paint Campus Red campaign. It offers a fantastic opportunity to raise money and awareness for good causes that support victims of one of the worlds most debilitating diseases. As always the event is sure to be one of the most popular held in Rubix with people coming from all over Surrey and beyond to party until 3am, with entertainment from host Pandora. Doors open at 10pm on Saturday 1 December, for further information visit the Tease page on Facebook or email lgbt.

5 AIDS Myths
HIV is solely a problem for other third world countries You cant get HIV from oral sex Its very easy to catch HIV from someone who is positive HIV is spread through touch, tears, sweat, and saliva. You would be able to tell if the person beside you had HIV

his year Surreys biggest gay night, Tease, is proud to announce it will be supporting World AIDs Day and the Paint Campus Red campaign run by our VP Welfare, Bakita. To raise awareness the Tease on 1 December will be red themed with guests being encouraged to dress up in their brightest red clothes and wear the red ribbon that is the symbol for World AIDs Day.

Features Editor: Ellis Taylor | Copy Editor: Tessa Morgan

The Stag |

22nd May 2012



World AIDS Day


The Stag |

29th November 2012


Last weeks Wordsearch




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The Stag |

29th November 2012

Worlds first real Is it worth the amount of invisibility cloak pounds just to lose a few?
By Mike Colling, Science & Tech Team

Science & Technology

been solved. At present, the cloak only renders objects invisible to microwaves in two dimensions (move the detector slightly and the 7.5cm diameter, 1cm tall cylinder used in the experiment mysteriously reappears), but the researchers are keen to apply what they have learned to three dimensions. Unfortunately, the technology demonstrated does not work for visible light (which has a typical wavelength about one thousand times smaller than that of microwaves), so it could be some time before objects, or even people, can be hidden from the naked eye. It is hoped instead that microwave cloaking could be employed in the defence industry, in order to make aircraft, tanks and boats invisible to the enemy.

he worlds first invisibility cloak capable of perfectly hiding a small cylindrical object from microwave radiation has been demonstrated by researchers at Duke University in North Carolina. Professor David Smith and graduate Nathan Landy have been developing the diamond-shaped cloak ever since the technology was first pioneered in 2006. To make objects invisible, bending of light is required. However, it is impossible to do this naturally, so scientists make use of meta-materials man-made materials which, when carefully arranged in a structure, can guide light waves around an object and then cause them to emerge on the other side as if they had passed straight through. This gives the impression of invisibility, and is the method used by Landy and Smith at Duke University. T h e d i a m o n d cloak is unlike anything you would ever be able to wear. With a width of about half a meter, and constructed from strips of fiberglass and copper, the rigid cloak is completely different to those seen in the movies. Early versions of the cloak, designed in 2006 in collaboration with Professor Sir John Pendry of Imperial College London, reflected some light waves and couldnt completely hide the object. However, it seems that with the latest creation this Researcher, and graduate student, Nathan Landy, pictured problem has with the invisibility cloak.

Diet pills can have hidden side effects on the body and could only be a short-term solution to a long term lifestyle problem. By Saskia Wilson-Barnes, Science & Tech Team diet pills is a lipase inhibitor named Xenical (or the generic name Orlistat), most commonly found in anti-obesity medication. These pills work by reducing the amount of fat absorbed within the gastro intestinal tract. Therefore prescribers recommend spreading your fat intake throughout the day to reduce the gastrointestinal side effects as a result of a high fat meal. This nutritionally means that some of your fatsoluble vitamins like A, D E and K eaten throughout the day will not be absorbed in conjunction with other types of fats within your diet. This would also include your essential fatty acids (these are essential as they cannot be synthesised by your body), such as omega 3 and 6. However, what people do not realise is that this mechanism involves the very unpleasant side effect of fatty stools. This means that you may experience oily discharge from the rectum and even oily stools, which may be hard to flush away. In conjunction with this you may also experience abdominal discomfort and find you may have urgency to pass stools and more frequently. Not something that most people would want to worry about during the day! Other side effects include rectal/ abdominal pain and discomfort, irregular menstrual periods, fatigue, anxiety and even rashes. A recent study also found that there could be a link between the intake of diet pills and liver injury (Morris et. al. 2012). This is yet another consequence to keep in mind when simply looking for an easier way to shift a few pounds. A great disadvantage with these pills is that it doesnt teach us healthy eating habits. Therefore, when users lose weight and decide to come off the pill, does this mean the pounds will just return? The prices of these over the counter pills are also very high; a packet of Alli pills from Boots will cost you a hefty 99.90 for 2 months worth of capsules. However, it will not be sold to you over the counter unless you have a BMI exceeding 28kg/ m2. I conclude that there appears to be a lot more to lose, not only money but also a social life due to the nasty side effects when it comes to these pills. I would not suggest these to my peers unless all other weight-reducing methods have been explored; it is always best to speak to your GP or Registered Dietician about these before considering taking these.

Duke University Photography

here has been much speculation regarding the safety of anti-obesity drugs and diet pills. As a student Dietician, it has become increasingly apparent that many people are inquiring about the effects of diet pills and whether they would help them lose weight. Results have been very encouraging for obese patients (BMI of over 30kg/ m2) when they have taken the prescription diet pills. However, the ones that can be commonly purchased over the counter have a much lower dosage compared to the amount these patients are prescribed by their GPs. Drugs such as Alli claim that they aid weight loss, but it is certainly not a quick fix to helping you lose weight. It is important to express that, unless there is an alteration in lifestyle, these drugs will be very limited as to how much weight they can help you lose; if any. Taking a diet pill with an increase in your physical activity levels and a reduction of calorie intake may accelerate weight loss, but it is important that you read the fine print, as the side effects are far from dismissible or desirable. The active ingredient in these

Taylor Dawn Fortune

Sci/Tech Editor: Alex Smith | Copy Editor: Sophie Vickery

The Stag |

29th November 2012



Man in vegetative state What does a second term for communicates with doctors Obama mean A for U.S. science?
By Melissa Raske, Science & Tech Team recent fMRI scan has shown that patients in a vegetative state could have an awareness of their own state and their surroundings. This comes after a coma patient in Canada was able to answer questions while doctors monitoring the scans were able to identify his answer based on brain activity. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagery (fMRI) is a technique that measures the movement of oxygen rich blood through the brain thereby allowing doctors to see real time activity. The scans were first done on healthy volunteers who were asked to imagine they were completing a task such as playing tennis or walking around their house and subsequent patterns of brain activity were recorded. This was the basis of the scans run on Scott Routley, who has been in a vegetative state since a car accident 12 years ago. Since then, none of his physical assessments have shown any awareness or ability to communicate, however after the tests, in which he was able to answer yes or no, doctors believe he has an awareness of who he is and where he is. More specifically, Mr Routley was answered no when asked if he was in pain which is the first time a patient in a vegetative state has been able to answer a question clinically relevant to their condition. Professor Adrian Owen, a British neuroscientist who led the team at the Brain and Mind Institute in Ontario, Canada said it was a groundbreaking moment. He went on to discuss how this could be used in the future to improve quality of care for coma patients by allowing them to make decisions about their care, even if they are for simple things like when they are washed or fed. Professor Bryan Young, who was Mr Routleys doctor for 10 years and is now at University Hospital London, was impressed with the results and spoke about how they would overturn any behavioural theories about patients in vegetative states made in recent years. Assessments made since Mr Routleys fMRI scans suggest he is still in vegetative state. Another Canadian patient has also had positive results after showing he has made new memories since his brain injury. Steven Graham was able to answer yes when asked if he had a niece. His sister had given birth to her daughter 5 years after his accident. Use of fMRI scans in the future could be useful in improving patient care as well as developing a better understanding of patients in a vegetative state.

Preparing for a second term in office; which way is his science policy likely to go? By Alex Smith, Science & Tech Editor to 2013 and Obamas 2013 budget asks for a 0.3% cut, down to a mere 17.7 billion, or 0.48% of national spending. The closure of NASAs space shuttle program and moving its human spaceflight dependencies from Europes publicly-funded ESA and Russias Roscosmos to private US firms, is where Obama sees the easiest savings, as well as making robotic exploration more cost efficient. However, the President is still committed to maintaining the International Space Station to 2020 and beyond, and is sticking to his promise of an astronaut on Mars by 2030. In response to a question posed by, Mr. Obama said: I am committed to doubling funding for key research agencies to support scientists and entrepreneurs, so that we can preserve Americas place as the world leader in innovation, and strengthen U.S. leadership in the 21st centurys high-tech knowledge-based economy. However, it remains uncertain if the President will be true to his word, but at least we can all sleep peacefully knowing that sciences candidate won.

ts a result that in our hearts we all wanted - a second term for the incumbent Barack Obama. Not only did 9 out of 10 of us on this side of the pond prefer the President to that Republican (whose name well probably forget in a few months anyway), but its a result which gives me hope for the sake of US economy and for the advancement of American science. In his proposed 2013 budget, the President outlines his public spending policy in very specific terms, with an overall increase in the science and technology budget for all government departments including research in agriculture and energy. There are however two exceptions. The first being the defence research budget, which is to be cut by 2.7% and was justified by the horses and bayonets jibe made during the final presidential debate. The other exception is NASA. At its peak the Americans pumped 4.41% of their Federal budget into their space program and with it they delivered the first ever moon landing in human history only a few years later. Jump forward

Brandon Baker

3D printing is out of this world

3D printers provide an effective way of manufacturing a sturdy object. All you need are the blueprints and the ink. By Lauren Petrie, Science & Tech Team in prototype spacecraft. Using a 3D printer means these plastic parts can be made quicker and cheaper, plus it can make its own spare parts so it can mend itself if it breaks! NASA is using a similar technique with metal powder to build parts for SLS (Space Launch System), a rocket designed to take humans, equipment and experiments beyond low Earth orbit to nearby asteroids and eventually to Mars. Andy Hardin, the integration hardware lead for the Engines Office in SLS says Its a significant improvement in affordability, saving both time and money. Also, since were not welding parts together, the parts

ast month we published an article on the seizing of a 3D printer from a company planning to make a printable gun design, just one example of the thousands of potential uses of the 3D printers. A couple of years ago most people hadnt heard of a 3D printer, yet this year there seems to be a different news article on them each week, partly following the release of several more affordable, smaller machines. One of these is the Printrbot, which has versions starting at $399 (around 250), and is being used by the US military to produce spare parts for sensors

are structurally stronger and more reliable, which creates an overall safer vehicle. But its not just for producing high tech equipment; shoppers in Japan will be able to buy miniature replicas of themselves from the worlds first 3D printing photo-booth; and a school in Kent will be among those to have one of these machines, funded by the government, to see how it can benefit teaching. 3D printing is being used to make everything from the frivolous and fashionable to the innovative and inspiring expect to hear a lot more about this amazing technology in the future.

Creative Tools


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Lovefilm Instant vs Netflix: which streaming video service is the best?

By Ankur Banerjee, Science & Tech Team

nline streaming services offer access to a host of video content and with practically all players in the field offering month-long or longer free trials; it can be tempting to join especially with the Christmas holidays rapidly approaching. However, picking the best service can be tricky, so heres how the leading streaming services stack up.

Infant stress linked Technology round-up to later problems with emotional regulation in girls
By Fahmid Chowdhury, Science & Tech Team
Jellyfish copycat device snatches cancer cells

By Siobhan Harris, Science & Tech Team

Lovefilm Instant (4.99/ month) is Amazons online streaming service; not to be confused with Lovefilm, which also rents DVDs / BluRay. Unfortunately, unlike our American cousins, UK customers do not get access to Amazons Instant Video service which has a much larger content library. This leaves Lovefilm Instant stuck with an anaemic library of films and TV shows, and while they tend to add new titles every month, what is available is fairly sparse. Their library mostly consists of older films from the 90s and the search interface does not make it easy to find results either, as it often throws up duplicate entries and lists each episode of a TV show separately.
Pros and cons

Netflix UK (5.99 / month) solely focuses on streaming video, not disc rentals. The interface is nice and clean, a pleasure to browse through. Netflix puts a strong emphasis on allowing you to discover new films and TV shows through its recommendation feature, and it clearly works. The content library does include new as well as old films, as well as popular TV shows from both US and UK. It also tends to have a lot more new releases than Lovefilm does.
Pros and cons

+ If you want to rent game discs, the costlier plans could be worth looking into. + Kindle Fire owners will like the less hassle of setting up their device with Lovefilm. - Sparse content library at the moment. - Recommendations arent that great.

+ Recommendations based on previously-watched content reduces the effort of trying to find what to watch next. + Larger useful library of films and TV shows than competing services. - Not all seasons of popular American TV shows are available. - Slightly more expensive than competing unlimited streaming services.

eing exposed to high levels of stress during infancy affects the emotion regulation in the brains of adolescent females; claims a study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Published online in Nature Neuroscience, the studys results are only preliminary but are nevertheless a step forward into revealing how the brain is affected by stress during the early years. As psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist, Lawrence Price (Brown University) says, One of the real advances of this paper is that it helps move us along that pathway. Based on animal studies and cross-sectional human studies, the study was launched in 1990 by Dr Cory Burghy and enrolled pregnant women. It spanned 18 years of their childrens lives. In the first year, mothers were required to report any stressful experiences, for example marital conflict. Four years later, cortisol levels were measured and found to be higher in those children whose mothers had reported more stressful experiences. Finally, fourteen years later 57 participants had brain scans using frMRI (resting state functional connectivity). Conducted by Dr Rasmus Birn and Burghy, it revealed that those with the highest cortisol

levels had two brain regions out of sync: the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. Both are heavily involved in the regulation of emotions and in fighting stress and it would seem experiences of infant stress weaken the connection between the two. Without them being in sync, they cant shut down negative emotions so the individuals are more likely to have problems with anxiety and depression. Pleased with the results of their brain scans, Birn commented: We now have a snapshot of what the brain is showing in response to early life stress. Despite there being more male participants (29 males; 28 females), this effect was only seen in the females. Although scientists are unable to explain why the same results were not found in the males, it doesnt mean there isnt an influence of early stress on men it may be a different one, for instance higher levels of norepinephrine (associated with aggression). It may just be a matter of genderdifference. The study cant reveal infant stress as the cause of these brain changes, but it can show an important link. It paves the way for better understanding of how the brain develops and how scientists can perhaps alleviate the symptoms of early stress while the children are young.

microfluidic chip, coated with long strands of DNA, can float down the bloodstream and bind with any cancerous proteins which happen to be passing by. This is similar to how a jellyfish grabs its food. The chip then released these proteins unharmed so that scientists could inspect it. This catch and release system could be used for therapeutic and diagnostic use all in the name of the fight against cancer.

Urine-powered generator

group of school-age African girls have created a device which generates electricity using urine. The main component of urine, urea, is broken down by an electrolytic cell. The hydrogen is then used to create the electricity. Although it is highly unlikely to be viable for mass power sustenance, it could be used to reduce the need of outside energy to run a waste treatment plant by reusing the waste itself.

Social dreaming - saying Hi through a dream

Why do we spend taxpayers money on space travel?

By Alexandra Wilks, Editor

his Sunday I read in the Observer that Project Orion is attempting to send a British man to the moon. This is fairly exciting, I mean space is cool. Im no scientist, but I know enough to know that space is just...amazing! Project Orion is a NASA mission, but the European Space Agencys 20 member states (including Britain) are planning to meet in Italy this week to discuss whether they will be joining in. The Project could see a British man launched into space before the end of the

decade. My problem with this is money. Its fairly difficult to find hard facts about how much space travel costs, but the fact that Europe has joined together to form the European Space Agency rather points to the fact that is really quite pricey. The National STEM Centre suggests that the European XMM-Newton X-ray telescope (which is currently orbiting) cost 600 million. To put that into perspective, with that money your 9000 tuition fees could be paid approximately 6666 times over.

The NASA equivalent, Chanda, cost 2 billion and the Hubble Telescope cost 6 billion. Manned missions (like the one planned by Project Orion) cost around 400 million. UK National Debt Clock estimates our countrys national debt to stand at around 138 billion. If you add together Project Orion costs and the cost of the European XMM-Newton X ray telescope you reach an eye watering figure of 460, 000000. Unless, of course Ive misplaced a nought. But either way you get the point. Im not saying by ending space travel we could wipe National Debt, but we

could go somewhere to bailing out our country. Or to bailing out our failing hospitals, or our failing schools. We could put the money back into our economy. Im not saying that we should end space travel forever. That would wipe out careers and put us behind so many other countries when it comes to scientific discoveries. But at a time when we are in the biggest recession since The Great Depression, surely putting space travel on the back burner and getting ourselves back on our feet is the most important thing.

oftware engineers have attempted to enable two people to interact with each other in their dreams. Lucid dreamers are those people who know they are dreaming when they are in a dream, therefore allowing them to exert some basic level of control. It is still in its early days, but he has come close to almost achieving it; he was able to send a signal from his dream to another persons dream, but the other person woke up before reciprocating the act.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

The Killer Who Never Kills

By Ankur Banerjee, Film Team


he Killer Who Never Kills is a Taiwanese mobster film with a difference. Jam Hsiao plays a young assassin who goes by the name of Ouyang Bonsai (because of his love of potted plants) and takes over his uncle Trickys job as hitman for local mob boss Jeff. Ouyang is a softie who hates killing people, and so with a posse of conspirators; Nana, a gorgeous hacker girl; an insurance salesman; a mortuary doctor (played by veteran actor Cheung Kwok Chu), he fakes the death of each of his hits and helps them start a new life. Fake corpses are cooked up by Quan (the doctor) and Nana creates fake IDs for the assassination targets to go underground in the future. As for the insurance

salesman, with a bit of fraud paperwork, he takes out insurance policies in their name which allows Ouyangs team to cash in from the fake hits. This cosy arrangement starts unravelling when Ouyang falls in love with Xiaou Li (played by Zai Zai Lin) and the mob boss wants revenge upon discovering that hes been played all along. What makes The Killer Who Never Kills such a refreshing watch is that it effortlessly switches gears throughout its plot; there are times when its serious, overly-dramatic and full of action, besides times of slapstick comedy and tender romanticism. Its this blend of a playful screenplay, clever cinematography, and effortless mishmash of genres that made this film a fun watch for me.

The Fly (1986)

By Beth Goss, Film Team

et me start off by saying that this movie is definitely not for the squeamish. When my Dad told me that this was the most gruesome film he had ever seen I foolishly didnt believe him; after all weve watched The Hills Have Eyes and all of the Saw movies; what could possibly be worse? Once you persist through the initial boring small talk and get to Brundles lab, the gore starts acoming. For a horror film from the 80s you would think the special effects would have lost some of their gore appeal, yet with inside out baboons, dissolving heads and hands literally being ripped off, The Fly is certainly disgusting enough to fulfil my Dads warning. Im no lightweight when it comes to slasher flicks, but during some of the scenes in The

Fly even I have to look away. The plot is simple and probably quite well known; the unfortunate scientist, Seth Brundle (played by Jeff Goldblum aka. that guy from Jurassic Park), accidently combines his DNA with a fly during a drunken jealous rage, provoking disgusting consequences. At first, Brundles transformation looks like a cross between The Amazing Spiderman and a randy teenager (he decides that the best look for a pub to pick up chicks is jeans and a leather jacket), but they rapidly take a more horrific turn. With its Tron-like computer scenes and acting that is actually good, a talent that seems to be mostly lost in modern day horrors, The Fly is a must watch for lovers of the horror genre. To quote the film; Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Film Editor: Candice Ritchie | Copy Editor: Sophie Vickery

The Stag |

29th November 2012



Stolen (2012)
By Candice Ritchie, Film Editor

hen I first read the synopsis of this film, I was apprehensive about its plot: Gone, Taken, Stolen all synonyms with the same meaning and all films about the same subject. It seemed just like another addition to the long list of kidnapping films. As the film began, it appeared to simply serve as a replica of Taken; the father who has been missing from his daughters life for a substantial period of time; the infamous phone call between father and kidnapper if you touch herIll kick your ass; a given time limit and a set of rules for the father to follow. My initial reaction was to keep watching solely to spot the similarities. It appeared to try and re-create Taken in a ploy to benefit from its success, while throwing in the odd adjustments for good measure. Even the kidnapping for revenge storyline appeared; the plot that we all knew would be the focus for Taken 2. However, as the film progressed, my contempt began to dwindle. The plot became much more focused on Will (Nicholas Cage) and

his attempt to find the $10 million ransom, rather than the search for his daughters location. He also differed from Neeson in being the bad-guyturned-good criminal. Having already begun the brawl with the kidnapper (Josh Lucas) in a former bank heist, and spent 8-years in jail, he then insists on stealing gold from the same bank and attacking many a police officer not very Neeson-esque! The film seemed to become much more a cross between the action of Speed and Hostage car chases, money, and an evil-villain. Nonetheless, it seems that many of these films adjust their storylines in the smallest of ways; anything that will separate them from their former counterparts. Gone, for example, situates the sister as the victim, kidnapped by the same mysterious villain who snatched the protagonist herself. Despite this, many aspects of the film are identical. While it is futile to expect every film to vary in its plot, these constant, repetitive storylines are becoming tedious; no-one wants to watch a film they practically saw last week. Is innovation too much to ask for in todays film industry?

Breaking Dawn Part Two: Return of the Twi-hards

By Annika Gonnermann, Film Team

ere are the stars you have been waiting for all evening This was the line that instantly turned Londons Leicester Square into a sea of hysterical fans. On Wednesday 14th of November, shortly after six pm, thousands of Twilight fans were screaming wildly to greet the three stars of the Twilight Saga; Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, who had come to London to promote the fifth and final film of the series; Breaking Dawn: Part Two. Hi Guys was Stewarts simple greeting to the fans, many of whom had been camping in front of the Odeon Cinema for more than three days. After having caused a huge excitement in the press by wearing a golden, almost entirely transparent dress at the Los Angeles Premiere, twenty-year old Stewart decided to go one extra mile in London. Wearing a black jumpsuit which covered only the most

important parts, she could be sure of the photographers attention. The question that had been hovering over the evening - whether she and co-star Pattinson are dating again (remember her recent affair with director Rupert Sanders) - was soon forgotten due to her appearance. But only a few fans had the chance to catch a glimpse of the actors as they quickly disappeared into the Odeon to watch the first showing of the film in the UK. The movie begins shortly after the birth of Edwards and Bellas Baby girl, Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy). Meanwhile, the Volturi - an ancient vampire clan from Italy - think their laws have been broken and are recruiting vampires to kill Renesmee. The only way to save their child is to fight back, so with support from werewolf Jacob Black, Bella and Edward gather vampires from all over the world to have a chance in the upcoming final battle. What evolves is a gripping, turbulent plot to end the series in style.

Interested in films? Whether you prefer Cannes, Hollywood or just your local Odeon, we are looking for you! Get involved and become part of The Stag, just by reviewing releases new, old or obscure. Get in touch through


This issue we have focussed on body image. From The Stags twitter account, weve started the hastag MyBodySecret. If you want to get involved tweet something you love or hate about your body with #MyBodySecret.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Dance & Theatre Theatre - A Thing of Beauty?

By Heidi Lesiw, Dance & Theatre Team

Heidi gives her opinion on appearance in Theatre, and the harsh reality of expectation.
ody image can have a wide range of psychological and physical effects. When I was 8 years old I got told I was too fat to be a ballerina; I decided to quit ballet that same year, yet continue with tap dancing. Years later (being told Id be a great tap dancer if Id kept up my ballet training) and I realised I was never too fat to dance, and now doing a Theatre degree I am still determined to get where I want to be without having to change my appearance to some inaccurate pre-conception of beauty. Whose duty is it to say whos too fat or too skinny? Unfortunately, the media made it their obligation to change peoples fates because of their body image. The problem is, millions of us within the Theatre Industry are nipping away at our individuality in order to look like living Barbie and Ken dolls. I exercise and eat reasonably well to keep fit, but women and young girls cutting and pasting themselves together to fit a standard of beauty touted in movies, magazines, and television. The shocking facts show that in America in 2003, 5,606 people aged 18 and under received Botox injections, and 11,326 got breast implants - similar figures can probably be found in England too with numbers rising each year. Our culture's obsession with weight and cosmetically altering everything from our faces to our privates is ridiculous. Beauty standards are mostly measured by Westernized/White standards; for women, the ideal is extreme thinness, light skin, and straight hair, and men are pressured to achieve muscularity. I know that nowadays the theatre world does look for all different types of people, and sometimes its more about looking unique and individual than a polished product. But then why is it when you go to auditions you see girls covered in bronzer and red lipstick to try and stand out, because they have been brainwashed by societys ideologies of beauty, whilst us plain Janes are left in the background? Is that really what casting directors are looking for? I guess for your usual show-girl musical theatre-student, yes. But for your straight play actress, I hope the story is starting to change.

Body Image On Stage

By Tiffany Stoneman, Dance & Theatre Editor

Simon Annand

ance and Theatre are both incredibly exposing disciplines in one, the entire focus is on the way your body looks and moves; in the other, outward perception can be a way into the industry, or a sure way out. In both, the performer is placing themselves in front of vast numbers of people, completely vulnerable and open to everyone. Ballet is probably the most criticised art form for its attitude towards body image. Horror stories about ballerinas starving themselves only to be told at rehearsal that they must lose weight has been said to prevent mothers from letting their young daughters take part in classes. The threat of eating disorders seems constant, and films such as Black Swan have been condemned for building up, or even glamorising, this harsh side to the industry. It is, of course, natural that ballerinas traditionally have a certain physique this is true of any athlete. However, in response to the uproar stemming from the Aronofsky film, several of Britains best ballerinas werent so impressed at the stereotyping. Quoted in the Guardian, Lauren Cuthbertson (principal dancer with Royal Ballet) said the film makes ballet look as though it's all blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice, whilst Cassa Pancho (artistic director of Ballet Black) stated don't worry about the ballet go for the ... horror, realising that it was less about the dance and more about the psychology. But it still created an image of ballerinas as obsessive, paranoid types bordering on schizophrenic for any young dancer starting out, that is an intimidating and frightening prospect. Stereotypes and Hollywood movies aside, dance activity has enjoyed a boom over the last few years, with many styles (including ballet) encouraging anybody to dance. No matter the shape,

colour, size... If youve got a body you can dance. In the theatre too, minds seem to have shifted. Before, in order to make it on stage you had to be young and beautiful, the epitome of perfection, elegant, and easily liked. Many people are now finding the stage to be a source of confidence boosts; as they tread the boards, they are encompassing someone else, someone confident, someone strong. Their own insecurities are lost because they are not themselves, and this helps them in everyday life to remember their own value, worth and talent. I myself remember being a very self-conscious child with low self-esteem following several years of bullying; the theatre opened me up to embracing new people, and was a real form of escapism that filtered into my normal life. Nik Jameson who writes for Yahoo! Voices found that theatre saved his sense of self because he was revealing [his] body to crowds and to judges and to my peers. This summer, Peer Productions toured schools and colleges with their performance Body Image, highlighting the issues around eating disorders and providing a forum for young people to engage with, and question, the reasons and the support behind these topics. Body image on the stage is a personal battle for each individual, and is something that performers of any sort will always be faced with. Although casting directors are broadening their nets and focusing as much on the talent as possible, there will always be an element of the aesthetic in these industries. However, the amount of support is incredible and constantly increasing, both in and out of these circles, and attitudes are changing about traditional beauty, and what should and shouldnt be seen. Fundamentally, its about being comfortable in your own skin that confidence can do far more than a pretty face and a skinny waist, and will make the journey far more enjoyable.

Dance/Theatre Editor: Tiffany Stoneman | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

29th November 2012



The Spirit of the Dance

By Emily Bourne, Dance & Theatre Team

rriving at GLive on a miserable October evening, I must admit that a warm bed and a cup of coffee seemed somewhat more inviting than the prospect of sitting on my own in a theatre all night. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find how quickly my mood changed when I was met with the opening scene of the Spirit of the Dance. Based predominantly on the tradition of Irish dancing, each number was infused with elements of different genres including ballet, tap, Western, Spanish and many more, which kept the energy up and the audience interested as an unusual alternative to a conventional story or theme. In addition to the talents of the professional dance troupe, violinist Oliver Lewis appeared at various interludes during the show for some audience

interaction and to accompany the cast with the violin. We were treated to his world record-breaking rendition of the flight of the bumblebees, which I recommend checking out online as its mesmerizing to watch! Admittedly, at times, the use of costume - which included cowboy hats and flamenco dresses - seemed slightly cheesy, as were the panto-esque calls for more! at the end of the show. However, in spite of this, my overall experience of the show was a great one. The audience, young and old, all left the auditorium smiling which foretells of an exciting journey ahead for the company who are continuing to tour around the country this Autumn.

Keep an eye out for more tours at

MTSoc presents Songs For a New World

By Annie Callahan, Dance & Theatre Team

hen I saw that the Musical Theatre Society were taking on as vocally-demanding a show as Jason Robert Browns Songs for a New World, I knew they were in for a challenge. But having previously seen their fantastic performance of Guys and Dolls last year, I knew this was not to be missed. The show consists entirely of songs connected by a central theme: the moment of decision. Including Stars and the Moon and Hear my Song, this selfdirected piece was set on a thrust stage with the three blocks of audience, giving an intimate and immersive feel. There is little room for error with a cast of just two males and two females, yet they definitely capture the energy and emotion of the piece. Josh Howell rose to the challenging vocal part of Man 1 and his acting was really quite compelling. At times he struggled to reach the high notes, but still gave a convincing performance. Jamie Seal, the lead in last years Guys and Dolls, had an incredibly strong presence onstage, and made the performance his own. He will be treading the boards again as Jack in Theatre Socs production of The Importance of Being Earnest on the 10th and 11th December, which is shaping up to be a great show.

Propellers Twelfth Night

By Emily Bourne, Dance & Theatre Team

Marnuel Harlan

pon walking into the auditorium of the Yvonne Arnaud, we were greeted by a sight of beautiful chaos onstage. The scene is that of a room in a stately home, covered in sheets, with a huge chandelier lying on the ground. This sets the scene for a tale of deception, mixed identities and unrequited love that takes place during the winter celebration of Twelfth Night. The comedy is performed by the all-male company, Propeller. Theyre a group who tour internationally to portray Shakespeare in a way in which the poetry of the text is combined with a heightened physical emphasis, in order to highlight the complexities of human emotion that Shakespeares plays embody so fully. The use of an all-male cast was certainly what made the performance so unique from any other Shakespeare production I had seen before, giving a wonderful insight into how the plays might once have been performed when they were originally written. Every

characterisation added another interesting layer to the show as the actors played their parts with such conviction, which succeeded in creating both poignant and hilarious moments in the play. However, it must be said that those men who played female characters such as Viola and Olivia were the ones who stole the show. They all so perfectly embodied the physicality of women that, despite the short hair and wide shoulders, I could easily accept that what I was watching was not two men, but Olivia and Maria that were talking to one another in their bedroom. The wonderfully changeable set, alongside an imaginative use of lighting and musical instruments on stage, all added to a comical and engaging interpretation of the text. It served to shine a light on the beauty of Shakespeares words while also bringing the play to life visually too. I would really recommend going to see any of Propellers future productions to gain a fresh and exciting take on a playwright whose work is so often misunderstood.

Chris Medley

Emma Barry was the strongest vocally of the four, and delivered the songs with a lot of power, however it would have been nice to see her put more emotion into the role. The star of the show for me was Bec Churchward, who really brought a comedic element to songs such as Surabaya-Santa, whilst delivering a stirring rendition of The Flagmaker, 1775. Her performance was strong all-round and she received a well-deserved cheer from the audience. The four actors produced some beautiful and complex harmonies, although at times they were slightly out on some notes. However, considering the little time they have had to master the score, they must still be commended for the great work they have done. The lighting, designed by Peter Sims and rigged by Surrey Stage Crew, was incredibly creative and really enhanced the staging, giving it that professional edge, whilst the band, led by Dan Marks and assisted by Alex Howe played perfectly with style and sophistication and brought the show up on to a whole new level. MTsoc have one again proved that good quality theatre can be produced by non-professionals, and that you dont even need to leave campus to witness some truly spectacular shows. Bring on Fame!


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Nicholas Nickleby
By Rebecca Tubridy, Dance & Theatre Team onathan Holloways brilliant adaptation of the novel Nicholas Nickleby successfully depicted Dickens anger at the cash-driven world, and the rejection of this old selfish culture and the people in it. a Ralph Nickleson (Peter Groom) represents this world; his selfish, hostile character goes against his own family and shows no remorse, making the audience eagerly anticipate his downfall. Grooms believable, truthful characterisation made Ralph an almost Scroogelike character, which led us to paradoxically hate and pity him. Nicholas Nickleby (Adam Karrie) was also played truthfully and, although a Karrie tended to shout a bit at times, his characterisation was strong and he became our antihero, attacking some villains of the play. The spotlight was undoubtedly stolen in the first act by Charlotte

Rannel Theatre Companys 2Deep

By Heidi Lesiw, Dance & Theatre Team

Knowles, who played Fanny Squeers. She comically propositioned Nicholas, gave him a full-on view of what was between her legs, and assumed that he must fancy her. Her hilarious character was wonderfully juxtaposed with the poor children who suffered abuse at the school her father ran. The set consisted of mobile manipulated trucks, used creatively to become different environments: school desks, a busy road, Nicklesons claustrophobic office. The actors would move the trucks then sit at the side of the stage and watch the action taking place, making the play self-consciously theatrical. A few stumbled lines can be forgiven as the 3rd year GSA acting students excelled in Holloways adaptation. The acting was very strong and the characters drew us into their world. It was an enjoyable performance and Im sure these students have a bright future ahead of them.

pon entering the Ivy Arts Theatre I was met by a man trying to fix something electrical on the back wall of his futuristic bunker. I was unsure of what I had just walked into - a mad scientist awakening his new robot or just a hopeless electrician. It seemed to be the latter, but for the next 70 minutes of my life, hopeless was something this production was not. Suddenly, the audience was absorbed into a world of hip hop comedy full of music, physical set, crazy uniformed dance routines and surprising card tricks. From the moment Matt helped Joey put on his jacket through a sequence of logistically fluid arm movements and turns, I knew this show was going to be pretty astonishing and we could all safely say we were not in Kansas anymore. Their latest production 2Deep is about two guys

trapped in an underground pod somewhere in the not-so-distant future. The story revolves around their characters and how they cope with being trapped together in such a small space for such a long period of time. The idea was sparked whilst on the road together when audiences kept asking them what it was like for them to spend so much time in close quarters. With not a lot to do but sit, Matt records his own spacelog, and until help comes to rescue them, they're stuck like two incompatible flatmates with a jittery temperament. The show is brought to life by scenes such as the side-splitting 80s workout and the James Bondlike sequence of Matt stealing Joeys last bag of M&Ms. This childish pair are a hugely likeable and uncomplicated double act, producing an hour of performance that is funny and easy to watch.

They describe their productions as Funny, surprising, funky, entertaining, funny, original, very funny, never repetitive, funny. And theyre not far wrong. Rannel Theatre Company is a critically acclaimed physical comedy duo known for their hilarious, energetic and unexpected sketches. Their break-through Edinburgh show Flhip Flhop took the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe by storm, quickly selling out and gaining several 5 star reviews. Rannel have recently collaborated with the BBC, creating sketches for their comedy website, and starred in McDonalds Three is the Magic Number ad.

By Tiffany Stoneman, Dance & Theatre Editor

Best Alternative Christmas Shows

omehow, its that time of year again. The Coca-Cola advert is on, shop windows are adorned with self-adhesive snowflakes, and bank balances are bracing themselves for a mass exodus. Yes, its Christmas. But Christmas doesnt necessarily mean you have to endure cheesy pantomimes (or even very good ones for that matter!); there is an eclectic array of Christmassy shows this year that youd be sore to miss. Here are my top five: 1. Feathers In The Snow Southwark Playhouse Philip Ridley, acclaimed playwright and childrens author, presents the final show in the Southwark Playhouse venue beneath London Bridge station. Feathers in the Snow covers 500 years, a tale of magic and migration, featuring a huge cast and promising to be a family show with a difference. Tickets: 14 (16 full) 2. Hansel and Gretel National Theatre This production of the well-known Grimm Fairytale is geared towards children, but featuring a collaboration between Katie Mitchell, Lucy Kirkwood, and Vicki Mortimer who brought us Olivier Award nominated Beauty and the Beast. This newly designed Hansel and Gretel will be an innovative take on the classic. Tickets: 5/7.50 Entry Pass members (16-24 full) 3. The Nutcracker English National Ballet As always, the English National Ballet returns this festive season with their phenomenal performance of The Nutcracker. The story of Clara, the Mouse King, and a handsome prince is one that is intrinsically linked with Christmas time combined with world class dancing, and stunning costume, this is a show that everyone should see at least once. Myself included! Tickets: from 10 4. Slavas Snowshow Royal Festival Hall Following its multi-award-winning run last year, Slavas Snowshow is back at the Royal Festival Hall. With clowns, giant balloons, confetti, and plenty of fake snow, this production is both hilarious and touching, recapturing everyones inner-child. Tickets: from 20 (concessions 50% off for a limited time) 5. Midnights Pumpkin Battersea Arts Centre A fresh spin on the classic Cinderella story brought to you by KneeHigh Theatre Company. In this Christmas ball, you are the guest of honour, and are invited to join in the revelry dress up, impress the prince yourself, and become a part of the ultimate Royal Wedding party. Tickets: 20 (25 full)

Watch This Space: Arts at Surrey

Christmas is just around the corner, and Surrey campus is beginning to buzz with excitement. Heres whats coming up with bells on this festive season.
What: The Mystery of Edwin Drood When: 5th-8th December Where: Ivy Arts Centre Cost: 9 (10 full) A murder mystery whodunnit from GSA. What: Surrey Arts Live! When: 7th-8th December Where: University Main Hall Cost: 5 (10 full) An evening of variety from Barbershop Society; Dance Squad; Gospel Choir; Music and Drama Society; Musical Theatre Society; Theatre Society What: Christmas Show When: 14th December Where: PATS Dance Studio Cost: 5 (10 full) End of year performances from Dance, Film, Music, and Theatre students. Local Christmas Shows: A Christmas Carol The Electric Theatre; The Nutcracker GLive; Aladdin Yvonne Arnaud Theatre; Cinderella Rose Theatre Kingston

You have dancing shoes With nible soles: I have a soul of lead Romeo, Romeo and Juliet, Act4 Scene1

Bits O The Bard

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

29th November 2012



The dark side of the industry: a body consciousness special

By Becky Worley, Music Editor


he music industry can be an incredibly corruptive force, in the same way that any industry connected with image can be. In a world when selling records can equal selling a version of yourself to the public, body issues are rife. Lady Gaga has set up a new campaign, using pictures of herself in her underwear to spark debates about eating disorders and body dysmorphia. Scrutiny on her body for either being far too skinny and then putting on too much weight are splashed across the media; its hard to see how the media will ever leave people alone of that is a saleable story. Who cares if shes put a little bit of weight, lets face it, who would even notice if it wasnt pointed out by journalists? She still puts on one hell of a show and belts out an incredible voice. So what is the big deal?

Britney from her album cover Circus

One story which really annoys me is Adeles. She is undoubtedly the female voice of 2012, whether you like her or not she had the biggest selling singles, album, won the most awards and then landed the James Bond soundtrack. She likes to keep her private life private, understandably, so then why is it that it is she who comes under attack the most? Do people resent a successful singer retaining some privacy and dignity? Jokes about her weight spread like wildfire, and when she had her baby people even descended so low as to wish murder on him as he would be fat too. I cant imagine having that much unprecedented abuse thrown at me and it just goes to show what a strong will she has to not publicly collapse. She is lucky to be able to laugh it off in the face of the media, but no-one one knows how it affects her behind closed doors. Another high profile case is

Adele with armfuls of awards, is this what she should truly be judged on? Britney Spears. The pressures of being targeted and scrutinised by the media lead to her having a breakdown and shaving her head. Not too long after that, and the ordeal is forgotten when she is pushed back out into the spotlight, all blonde extensions, flawless skin and oh so skimpy outfits. The sexualised dancing and flaunting of herself then seems sad and talent (god forbid) then you will be time writing music and giving their all in performances. When dancing in your underwear means you can get away with miming every song, something is wrong. People need to get a perspective on what real bodies look like, and not place more importance on someones weight than the abilities that made them famous in the first place.

People need to get a perspective on what real bodies look like, and not place more importance on someones weight than the abilities that made them famous in the first place.
ridiculed if you dont live up to a superficial ideal of attraction. Its sad when people are that simple minded as to abuse people for being themselves. Being a musician shouldnt have to lead to a breakdown or an eating disorder. Music should be about the music and thats something people seem to forget. The musicians who waste their time getting their real features airbrushed into oblivion are usually the ones not spending

Lady Gaga from her body conciousness campaign claiming anorexia and bulimia from 15

Being a musician shouldnt have to lead to a breakdown or an eating disorder.

hollow, a ridiculous performance highlighting everything that is wrong with the music industry. Everybody loves you if youre beautiful. People will buy your records if youre sexy. If you have

If you have been affected by any issues raised in this article, or if it is of interest, check out Lady Gagas site : to see her body revolution campsaign taking place. It features a section for bullying support as well as inspirational body messages.

Terry Richardson, body revolution, twitter

Jokes about her weight spread like wildfire, and when she had her baby people even descended so low as to wish murder on him as he would be fat too.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

The Stag interviews:

By Laura Stoker, Music Team

The Proclaimers
o after interviewing The Proclaimers (interview inset) some of the nicest people you will ever have the privilege to speak to - my opinion grew of them even more when I saw them live. Ive always felt mediocre towards The Proclaimers; I can understand the appeal in their music however I, myself, have never been a real fan. So I was surprised to enjoy myself quite as much as I did and, despite a 9-hour slog at work preceding the gig, their music encouraged an energy to dance along to their songs as I realised I recognised more than ever expected. The atmosphere at The Proclaimers was amazing. During support act, Edinburgh-based five piece, Blueflint - who stunned the crowd with their edgy folk music people just couldnt resist tapping their feet along, giving them a taste of what was to come. Before long, the crowd was thoroughly warmed up and The Proclaimers took to the stage. Firstly, the stage presence they held was excellent; people were hanging off their every word as they spoke, whether you became a fan right at the beginning in the 1980s or upon the release of their songs on the Shrek soundtrack. One of my favourite moments of the gig was unsurprisingly the infamous Im Gonna Be (500 Miles). Seeing the amount of people singing, dancing and throwing their underwear made me stop to think about the impact this band clearly has had on the lives of many, with many people following them completely from the beginning. After a spectacular evening full of sing-along and both the Reid brothers trying their hand at numerous instruments, adding a unique quality to their music, I was truly converted. Definitely one to see again. The Stag: Thanks for agreeing to speak to us, how are you? The Proclaimers: Were really good thanks, just watching some Minder in our hotel room. How about you? TS: Yeah, were great thanks. Youve been doing a lot of festivals this Summer, how has that been? TP: Its been great thanks! Weve had such a great time. The

Why I love...
Marina and the Diamonds
By Thea Spalding, Music Team

The Proclaimers with their thick glasses and sensible haircuts festivals have always been a great development for us. We went away for a break back in 2001 and when we came back, there was a lot more variety in festivals and we loved it. Its key to our career. Although festivals are receding with the recession, were still doing well with it. Our music is sing-along stuff with lots of audience participation so it thrives off the atmosphere. When we started, there was a lot less music festival fans so its great to see the numbers grow and our fans enjoy it more. TS: A film drama is also being recorded this year with your music; are you excited? TP: Really excit[ed] actually! It was developed by the Dundee theatre and has been going for a while, but now it is finally being recorded. It is Stephen Greenhorns play written about our music. The piece of theatre works really well with the lyrics of the songs. Its definitely well thought out and successful. Rehearsals have started and its being filmed around Christmas time to be released roughly around June/July. TS: Im a Proclaimers fan but have been doing some research and found a lot of fan forums, particularly The Haver on your website. Tell us a little bit about fan support. TP: The fan support has been absolutely amazing. The invention of the internet and the computer age has really shown to be important and successful because of the powerful role of it in society and within fandoms. The computer age has actually been one of the most important times of our career. In Shrewsbury, which was the third of our shows on this tour, people had followed us, with lots of fans coming to every gig. Thats exactly why we feel the need to rotate our material, so none of our fans see the same show every night. The great thing is people bring their kids along, so its a family experience and since were often putting out new records every couple of years, we build a new audience. TS: Youve been described as straight with nice jeansnjumpers, thick glasses, sensible haircuts, how do you feel about that? TP: [Laughs] Well we started of like that. We were thread bare. I mean, as we got a little more money we could have ditched the glasses etc, but we always had a strong image anyway, what with us being twins, thats difficult to expect. But were not concerned about image as fans recognise us for who we are. TS: And youre playing in Guildford on the 28th. Im excited. Are you? TP: Very excited indeed. Performing live is what we do and were incredibly proud of it and excited. We need to and like to perform. We cant do without it. Theres a certain cabaret around our shows and we rebuild an audience each night with different songs. We just hope our fans are uplifted by what theyve heard and come and sing-a-long.

efore writing an article, I usually have to sit down and do my research, spending a good hour reading each paragraph and making sure Ive included everything I want to say. But my admiration for Marina and the Diamonds has made this article really very enjoyable and easy to write, for, in my opinion, she is one of the best female artists to come out of Britain in recent years. I first heard of the Welsh singer-songwriter when she came second to Ellie Goulding in the BBC Sound of 2010 awards. Shortly after that, I became obsessed with her music when listening to her Crown Jewels EP showcasing I Am Not A Robot, which still remains one of my favourite songs she has ever written. For me, the most mesmerising aspect of Marina is without doubt her powerful, quaky and even operatic voice, and her ability to beautifully execute notes of all types. My favourite aspect of her music itself is that she successfully manages to combine the quirky with the mainstream, as well as creating the perfect balance between playful and heartfelt lyrics in her songs. A

ballad or an up-tempo dance anthem, Marinas versatility means that I can always be sure she will wow me with her vocal clarity and witty, ironic lyrics. Not only does Marina and the Diamonds make a phenomenal recording artist, but I had the incredible opportunity of watching her perform at Reading Festival 2010 and I can hands down say she was one the of the best artists I have ever seen live. Singing tracks from her debut album The Family Jewels in a tight black catsuit, she both looked and sounded stunning. Her gift at entertaining crowds was plain to see, and the fans sang along with her to songs including Hollywood, Mowglis Road and Obsessions. Watching her perform live cemented my beliefs that she was untouchably talented. As an artist, it is clear that she is influenced by past pop cultures and fashions, particularly the 80s, which only adds to her uniqueness. In her latest album Electra Heart, Marina effectively incorporates elements of her past influences with modern aspects, shooting it straight to number one in the UK albums chart. It looks like Im not the only one who is infatuated with the Welsh sensation!

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

29th November 2012



ALBUM REVIEW: Kesha - Die Young

By Thea Spalding, Music Team

n 2009, Ke$ha hit the music scene with an almighty bang, and soon enough had everyone singing Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy. After providing us with some of the most recognisable and infamous lyrics of our time with her smash-hit single Tik Tok, there was no stopping the LA-born singer-songwriter as she went on to achieve a string of top 10 hits. With her unique style and edginess she proceeded to have a heavy impact on teen-pop culture, reinitiating the widely used term crunk. Her previous debut album Animal was a huge success, reaching the top 10 in 10 different countries worldwide, and after taking two years off to work on new material, the hype around her comeback has been ever-growing. But finally, she has returned with her brand new single Die

Young to be released in the UK on the 25th of November, following her sophomore album Warrior five days later. The song was cowritten by the lead singer of Fun, Nate Reuss, and has an undeniable electropop element - not all that much different from Ke$has previous work. The singer-songwriter has described Die Young as having an apocalyptic theme, and the video published on YouTube on the 8th November, features Ke$ha being a cult leader at the end of the world. Both the video and the song have a raunchy side, with lyrics including: you know that magic in your pants, its making me blush. The song is catchy and relatable to young adults, with the up-beat tempo and live while youre young undertone making for a feel good party song, and most definitely a track to add to your crunk playlist.

The Dharohar Project

with an EP featuring folk icons: Mumford & Sons and Laura Marling

Childhood live at The Boileroom

By Callum Johnson, Music Team

By Ankur Banerjee, Music Team

ritish musicians going on spiritual trips to India has a long history, the most highprofile being the transformation The Beatles went through after their pilgrimage there. Mumford & Sons latest release Babel had me digging deeper into their discography when I rediscovered this gem that I hadnt listened to for a while: Dharohar Project. They were a group of Rajasthani folk musicians Mumford & Sons collaborated with, along with Laura Marling, resulting in a four-track EP. The tracks have a haunting, almost trance-like quality as a

medley of acoustic guitars, banjos, cymbals, sitars (an Indian threestringed instrument) and lyrics in English and Rajasthani language, which fuse and clash with each other. You definitely need to listen to the live performances of this EP to understand how infectious the energy is. And while Mumford & Sons as well as Laura Marling are great at their bits, its the folk musicians who steal the show as they set the tone and pace for each track. One has to wonder whether they were pulling everyones leg though because the Rajasthani lyrics often have not much in common with the English ones.

ll come clean straight away: I might be a teeny bit biased about this new four piece from Nottingham/ London, having lived with the bassist during my undergrad at Nottingham. However, in the interest of this review and musical integrity, I strolled down to The Boiler Room in Guildford with my objective hat well and truly on. The night was ok; The Boiler Room itself is a smaller venue that seems to require a rowdy crowd, tightly packed in, to really get you excited. Sadly this was lacking a tad on the night. Possibly there were just too few punters present, or the ones there were simply waiting around for 2:54 to come on (who, as a side note, played a blinder!). Despite this, I cannot find fault with Childhoods performance; they bounded around the stage

with such vitality that you couldnt help question whether they had actually just come off the back of a 30-day tour with Palma Violets. In a short set, they convincingly exhibited their sound, one that is both contemporary and nostalgic, full of modern day links to bands like Yuck and coupled with throw backs to the days of shoe-gaze, post punk and psychedelia. Think Pavement meets Joy Division. You could easily get lost in their dream-like world of Kaleidoscopic guitar and relentless bass and I would urge anyone to do so. Their debut single Blue velvet - perhaps a link to David Lynchs film, perhaps not - is being released on the 19th of November on House Anxiety and it is no wonder they have been tipped for bright things next year, by the likes of NME and The Guardian. However, theyre not buying too much into the hype just yet: Were just gigging and

partying right now. Who knows whatll happen next year, man, at the moment were just looking having fun A sponsor for the album would be nice though. Their on-stage demeanour mirrors this thought; Childhood have only just finished uni and had time to devote to their music, so why rush? Why worry too much about the future when they can indulge themselves for now and just enjoy playing? This philosophy is evident in their (dare I say it) childlike enthusiasm on stage. The energy the band emitted was perhaps lost a little in the small crowd, however, this didnt stop them having a blooming good time. So go check them out at a London venue theyve played XOYO, Brixton Jamm etc - or have a listen to them on Hugh Stevens live sessions, Radio 1. Listen in to find out about the Childhood hype, or go create a little bit yourself at a gig.

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

29th November 2012



LIVE: Muse at LIVE: Jack White & The Kills the O2 Arena at Alexandra Palace

By Denise Bennett, Music Team

our days after winning a Q award for best act in the world today, Muse played two nights at the O2 arena, tickets for which resold at 6 times face-value. Never particularly cool, nor a household name, Muses particular blend of prog-rock has now built a huge following here and in the US. This tour supports their 6th album, the dubstep influenced The Second Law. Feted as one of the worlds best live bands, the previous Resistance tour saw the 3 band members isolated atop onstage towers: impressive but restricting. I wondered how this could be surpassed in impact. Questionable also was their enthusiasm for another gruelling world tour, given changed personal circumstances: Bellamy now embracing fatherhood with actress Kate Hudson, Wolstenhome newly emergent from rehab. Now, the in-the-round stage is minimalist, and the set opens with new material The 2nd Law: Unsustainable; Bellamy and Wolstenhome huddled around drummer Howard. Segueing into the heavy riffs of Supremacy Bellamy strides around the stage, which extends into the audience via side platforms and front promontory, strutting along a massive runway, elevated near the rear seats. The audience is drawn in, sings and rocks out along with Bellamy. The funk groove of Panic Station is accompanied by the dramatic suspension of an inverted pyramid of screens up high; a dancing green monster reflecting Muses penchant for self-parody. The heavier funk of Supermassive Black Hole generates a male roar and screams from Twilight fan-

girls (much despised by the Muse die-hard fanbase). Wolstenhome uses new toy, the Kitara doublenecked bass guitar, stroking the ipad-like screen to produce the supposed dubstep wub-wub of new single, Madness. Bellamy, the creative heart of Muse, is the principal songwriter, singer, guitarist and pianist. He exudes nervous energy, wrestles with his guitar, choreographs synchronised clapping, jumps, runs and knee-slides. The crowds, from front to back of the arena, are with him, those in seats are on their feet: singing, dancing, bouncing, air punching, slam circles up-front: this is band-crowd unity. Socio-political themes underpin Muse albums: a backdrop of evil bankers on the overhead pyramid screens (shaped to represent capitalist power structures), accompanies the classical, Spanish influenced guitar of new track Animals. Bellamy sings the tender, fatherhood celebration Follow me, unusually unprotected by an instrument. The potentially cheesy lyrics become curiously affecting by his obvious sincerity. He confides that all his family are here and that his granny is 100 today. Aaaaw! Bassist Wolstenholme sings lead for the first time ever, on his song Liquid State, which charts his battle with alcoholism. A fast, heavy QOTSAstyle headbanger, it should be a great crowd pleaser, but without Bellamy upfront the crowd loses energy. Bellamys demonic falsetto brings us back for Olympicunsuitable song Survival: here, a perfect rock anthem building to a menacing guitar driven crescendo. Finally the pomp-rock of Knights of Cydonia sends the crowd into a final 6 minutes of frenzy. Muse is a band still intent upon world domination.

Jack White putting on a spectacular show on stage By Sarah-Jane Gregori, Music Team Blood Pressures, appropriately so as Mosshart is quoted to have said that she feels her music with guitarist Jamie Hince is always evolving. Man, they did need those towels in the end. The Kills may have been in a supporting role, but the duo delivered a performance on par with any headline act. Just as well, as they recently celebrated 10 years together although you might not know it from their website, which doesnt give much away (I resorted to Wikipedia for their biography). It wasnt clear how many Kills fans were in the crowd, which bopped around a bit but were reserved. But the audience really came alive for the much anticipated main event that was Jack White. Accompanied by his stylish all-female band, Jack White evoked a contagious excitement from his fans who werent shy to sing along. With his solo album Blunderbuss he is more soothing than hes ever sounded before - but dont let that put you off! White seamlessly integrated bluegrass rock into his unique sound that fans would know anywhere. He didnt rely on his solo album to drive the concert, rather he drew on many much loved tunes from across his musical career (remember Steady As She Goes from The Raconteurs and who could forget Seven Nation Army from The White Stripes). Jack White is truly a one-ofa-kind musician and is finally following his own lead with great success. However, truth be told, I am more in love with The Kills than before for seeing them perform live, which in my view is the truest sign of talented musicianship.

his gig was one of the highlights of my own live music experiences, so I am loath to start off on a negative. Brit/USA duo The Kills kept fans waiting for an unfashionable one hour, during which roadies casually distributed fluffy white towels around the stage in expectation of a sweaty performance. When they did appear they came flanked by leather-clad red handkerchiefmasked drummers, adding to their rough and powerful darkrock sound and aesthetically grungy appeal. Vocalist and sometimes guitarist Alison Mosshart bounded around on stage and stole the spotlight with her seductively powerful voice and dynamic stage presence. The majority of the set list came from their most recent studio album


The Stag |

29th November 2012

By Elliot Tyers, Music Team

ALBUM REVIEW: ALBUM REVIEW: AWOLNATION Crystal Castles (III) Megalithic Symphony
or those not familiar with the talents of Alice Glass and Ethan Kath, the Canadian electro duo Crystal Castles, some context may be in order. Emerging in 2004, they produced a small number of critically regarded EPs before producing their eponymous 2008 album, which can best be described as getting physically assaulted by a 90s video game soundtrack. Second album,(II), came out in 2010 and continued the bands theme of raw aggression, but tempered with a growing sensibility and maturity. Tracks like Not In Love and Celestica almost sounded like a pre-cursor to the dream-pop that has made its way across multiple genres in the past few years. That same sense of uneasy dark electro is carried on into their third album, with the original title (III). Thats not to say that its business as usual for Crystal Castles; their strength has been in their entirely unique sound, something that could be a struggle for the duo in 2012. Now there are countless acts that are influenced, or take musical cues, from Crystal Castles dark electro, meaning that by no fault of their own they could be construed as a normal act. And indeed it is the musical direction that, while still maintaining that quintessential production that marks out Crystal Castles, could be seen as a more mainstream move than youd expect. Instead its the albums thematic makeup that really sets it apart. In a word (III) would be described as bleak. Whereas early Crystal Castles records seemed to angrily and actively give a f**k you to the world, this album instead of reacting is more reflective of a dystopian, fucked-up world. Opener Plague is full of staggering synths that actively menace the listener while Alice Glass ethereal vocals howl I am the Plague at the listener what were meant to take from this is that we live in a world that were actively destroying and is actively destroying us. The sharp production manages to perfectly balance the two emotional strengths of Crystal Castles, who, in earlier albums, would chop between angst and rage in one song to ethereal dreaminess in the next. Now they combine these at odds themes to make an album that doesnt alienate but instead draws in the listener and exhausts them. By Ankur Banerjee, Music Team

This sense of total unease is, I think, brought out by the fact that the album doesnt sound a million miles away from what youd hear late on a Friday night on radio 1. Tracks like Violent Youth have a pretty standard euphoric electro structure, but descend into a more layered sound, with strong basslines and increasingly isolated synths over lines like I will always let you down. Its this intelligent track design which marks out (III) as an example of electronic music that isnt just made to dance in clubs to. If anything its the sort of thing youd heard at 4am after the drugs have run out and theres a sense of loss and dreamy sorrow. The productions ability to manipulate emotions really cant be overstated; the albums strongest track Wrath of God messes with the usual build-up. Build-up crescendo structure found in most electro to create something much tenser, here the constant beating bass drum leaves a totalitarian anxiety over the track, its only at the end when the vocals and synths begin to chop and blur into one another that the listener is able to get any relief from the song. Other tracks like Sad Eyes are an evil twin to stadium size EDM, and pound relentlessly onwards in blasts of screeching electronic hooks and Alice Glass deranged vocals.

Overall, the album arguably isnt as strong as it could be due to a lack of cohesion, each track stands in total growling isolation, and trying to listen to the album all in one would be an exhausting process. The only real link between the songs is the sense of total annihilation the thematic considerations show Crystal Castles as a band that has more to say than they did two years ago, even if all they have to say is that the worlds suffering is inevitable. Dont take this as the album being depressing, if anything theres a sense of pleasant terror to it - something which I think, if there was a bit of an attempt to create a more deliberately constructed album, could have made (III) a more cathartic listening experience. Its also eminently more listenable that Crystal Castles glitch-punk first two albums and a good access point for somebody whos never listened to them before and wants something deeper and more textured than most electronic music at the moment. (III) brings up the idea that we live in a less than perfect world and it is half nothing-we-can-do-about-it and half our fault. It is the sort of album that if the Mayans are right and the world ends in December, this will be the apocalyptic soundtrack, and itd be beautiful.

discovered the American alternative-rock band AWOLNATION a year ago, around the time when its single Sail became a massive commercial hit across the Atlantic (especially for some bizarre reason among extreme sports fans), even going platinum. Blame it on the fact that they are signed on with indie label Red Bull Records, or perhaps, as Sails lyrics go blame it on my ADD. Since then, their first album Megalithic Symphony has grown on me. To say that AWOLNATIONs is similar to the new Linkin Park would be a fair comparison I think. I realise that that can be a very divisive statement to make, as theres a fair share of detractors to the direction Linkin Park has taken, but I happen to like them a LOT too. The similarities are so close that Megalithic Symphony has non-music tracks Some Kind

Of Creature and My Nightmares Dream that I found very much like The Radiance/ Wisdom, Justice, And Love in Linkin Parks A Thousand Suns album, apart from the alt-rock-with-numetal-esque vibe in general. The life-force of this band is lead singer Aaron Bruno, who weaves through many different alt/indie rock styles in Megalithic Symphony. His personality does overshadow the band as a whole; AWOLNATION gets its name from Brunos nickname AWOL. (He also tries to crowd-surf during every single live performance, according to what he said when I saw them live in London this year.) While some may call that approach incoherent, I quite like how varied this album is: from Soul Wars to People to Burn It Down to Jump On My Shoulders to All I Need, AWOLNATION will remind you of what many 90s alternative rock bands stood for.

Music Editor: Becky Worley | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

29th November 2012



LIVE: Submotion at The Boileroom

By Hannah Roberts-Owen, Deputy Editor

The enigma of Cashmere Cat

aving never been to Guildfords Boileroom, I had no idea what to expect when I bought tickets to see Submotion Orchestra there. One: I didnt know the venue and two: I couldnt imagine how the septet would transform their magical album into a live set. Described by the BBCs Giles Peterson as somewhere between Cinematic Orchestra and dubstep, the band has formulated a truly unique sound, drawing from soul, avant-garde jazz and ambient electronica to name but a few detectable influences. Knowing that the venue-cum-

noodle bar is not the largest of places, I couldnt imagine how the full orchestral sections of their albums would play out on the less than enormous stage. But as the 7 piece filed on (albeit somewhat carefully around their impressive instrument collection), everything seemed to just work. Submotion Orchestras salsa-style percussion mixed with front woman Ruby Woods ethereal vocals and heavy bass sat well with the tightly packed crowd, the haunting trumpet solos receiving the most impressive responses. The set list mainly consisted of tracks from Submos very new album Fragments, so it wasnt

until songs from their debut album Finest Hour that the crowd really livened up. Their rendition of All Yours was a personal highlight, with the stripped back vocal introduction accompanied by building brass and bass creating a fantastic vibe. Their encore was slightly stunted by the inability to squeeze themselves off and on the stage quick enough, but their two final pieces from their first album left a lasting impression for the audience, and everyone rolled out more than content. Overall, an amazing band at a brilliantly intimate venue.

By Ankur Banerjee, Music Team


nformation on who the Norwegian based artist Cashmere Cat is scant; some sources say that he is 24-yearold Magnus August Hiberg, while others claim its a woman. Whoever s/he is, the one thing we know for sure is that both the artist name and release name for Cashmere Cats Mirror Maru EP were generated by some description of random name

generator that spits out a random spaghetti of words. (Well, okay, we dont know that for sure but it cant be far from the truth). What I do know for sure is that this four-track EP is a genre-defying mash of orchestral symphonies, warped foley sounds, slow jams, bass notes and electronic, that has been catching a lot of attention in the electronic dance music scene. Its incredibly upbeat and refreshing because the sounds feel so new.

Lit Editor: Emily Smart | Copy Editor: Sophie Vickery

The Stag |

29th November 2012



In conversation with Liam Murray Bell
Liam Murray Bell, former Surrey lecturer talks to The Stag about his debut novel So It Is
By Alexandra Wilks, Editor removed from Belfast was very important. Bell also mentioned that, Surrey and Sussex have links with the Troubles, both experienced IRA bombings, I may not have picked up on those little details had I not been living here. From a commercial sense Bells links with the English department at Surrey helped the success of his book; students are a captive audience and I was lucky enough to use the university bookshop as a marketing base. What takes Bells novel from a fiction of interesting troubles to unmarked territory is the focus on the impact of violence on women. I was curious as to why Liam chose to write with a female perspective; having read a lot of troubles literature, I noticed a distinct lack of female voices. Women are often used as support structures but rarely form the central narrative. Seeing as So It Is highlights the female experience, I was intrigued to see if Bell sees his novel as a Feminist text. I would self define as a Feminist, and the text does use Feminist theory. However, Northern Ireland at the time was not an ideal breeding ground for Feminism and I had to reflect this in my novel. So It Is does incredibly well to address the gap in female voices that Liam mentioned, but was it difficult to write a novel from a womans perspective as a man? I was a little bit fearless about taking on the subject, because I felt it needed to be told. People should judge the novel on whether it works, not the gender of the author. Bells wise words left me with one more question; anyone who has read the book will know that some scenes are fairly graphic and require a fairly intimate knowledge of female anatomy. It seemed fairly odd asking my former lecturer how he knew so much about vaginas, but some things have to be asked. Liam laughed replying some incredibly awkward conversations with my editor at Myriad Publishing, I mean, some human things I can approximate, but some of the more biological stuff I had to research and just ask the women around me. If you havent read So It Is yet Id highly recommend it, it really is a wonderful and engaging read. Bell has already started work on his second novel, which looks at the music industrys exploitation of the Occupy movement. It should be a good read and one The Stag EAGERLY awaits!

iam Murray Bell is without a doubt the University of Surreys favourite author. He was an incredibly loved lecturer on the English and Creative Writing course and wrote his wonderful debut novel, So It Is, while teaching here. So It Is examines the Troubles in Northern Ireland from a female perspective. The novel switches between two narratives: Aoife, a young girl struggling to keep her family together and Cassie, a Republican honey trap. So It Is has received brilliant reviews, with The Stag describing it as an incredibly impressive debut, not to mention The Observers description as a fresh perspective on the Troubles. As the novel was written during his time here, I was interested in how Surrey, as a writing setting, impacted the novel. He acknowledged that the university environment certainly influenced his writing, saying this would be a very different novel if it had not been written at University. Bell spent his undergraduate years studying at Queens University in Belfast, and he added that, writing the novel away from Belfast made it a more unrestricted experience; being

John Dies at the End by David Wong

Novel John Dies At The End by David Wong reviewed

By Ankur Banerjee, Literature Team ohn Dies At The End by David Dave Wong, (pseudonym for editor Jason Pargin), is a novel that one would expect to be the output of an author hallucinating on acid yet still have enough coherence to write jokes. The story is a written from the perspective of Dave and along with his friend John, the pair meet Jamaican drug dealer, Robert Marley (but of course), who introduces them to a drug that goes by the name Soy Sauce. The drug gives them super-enhanced sensory perceptions the ability to see ghosts, among other things. The book is steeped in demonology and mythology, with a narrative arc loosely centred around an evil malevolent deity known as Korrok who is trying to open a portal from his dimension into our world. But wait! Before you begin thinking that the book is some kind of Lord of the Rings-style fantasy, let me stop you right there; the books genre is best described as satirical horror. The tone is the

World Book Night Apply to be a giver?

By Emily Smart, Literature Editor

orld Book Night 2013 is set to take place on the evening of 23rd April and are hoping to gain 20,000 volunteers to hand out gift books. World Book Night states that they are a charity dedicated to the promotion of literacy and the celebration, sharing and enjoyment of reading amongst teenagers and adults and is held on the specific date in memory of Shakespeare and Cervantes who both died on this day, 396 years ago. You can apply to become a giver by registering

on the World Book Night website and can apply as an individual or as part of an institution. Givers are volunteers who are passionate about reading and wish to share this interest with others. The volunteers will be given allocated books which they then hand out to members of their community who do not currently value reading very highly. To be in with a chance of being accepted, all you need to do is fill out the form correctly, coherently and have read the book you are applying for. What could be simpler? So start reading and applying and play your part in World Book Night.

kind of humour made so popular by Douglas Adams-think Ghostbusters meets Sherlock Holmes, meets The Sixth Sense, meets Monty Python. David Wong doesnt shy away from gore either and includes graphic descriptions. What I liked particularly about the style of writing is that he also describes sounds, textures, and smells that make the narrative come alive. The characters are colourful too; shadow people, a seemingly immortal dog, the aforementioned Robert Marley, Detective Morgan Freeman Appleton, frequent appearances by Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit...among many others. There arent many books in which you get to read anything along the lines of The phrase sodomized by a bratwurst poltergeist suddenly flew through my mind, and find yourself alternating between terror and laughter. John Dies At The End is perhaps the most insane book I have read, and that makes it a very good read.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

What story does your tattoo tell?

By Emily Smart, Literature Editor

attoos are like the novel. They both start with the application of ink to a canvas; be it to the pure, undisturbed flesh of skin or to a notepad; waiting for its pages to be filled with adventure. Both tell a story, express a hidden truth, or denote a memory; in permanent ink, never to be forgotten. However, if you were asked to tattoo a random word on your body in the spirit of literature, would you? Shelley Jackson, author of Patchwork Girl and The Melancholy of Anatomy, started working on her new book in 2003, naming the project Skin. Unlike conventional books, it would be published one word at a time, on the body of 2095 volunteers. Each member would be sent one word, to be inked anywhere on their skin. She did not intend for the story to be published on paper and wanted to give the individuals a personalised and unique word as part of a long chain that only they would understand. The participants were unaware of how their word would fit in with the rest of the story until Jackson received proof that the tattoo was permanent. Like a suspicious character suddenly appearing in the climax of a detective novel, this added the mystery typically found in a book. However, in this case, the reader waits in anticipation for not only the ending, but the beginning and middle as well. A tattoo holds some kind of narrative, simply waiting to unfold and these individuals must have agreed to the project for a reason; perhaps to symbolize a certain period in their life or their enthusiastic allegiance to literature. However, the projects status was last updated in 2010 and only a quarter of the total number of words had been inked. It seems that many volunteers did

not commit with a permanent tattoo, leaving the project unfinished and 553 people without an ending to their story. When talking to Andrew, a 2nd year Music student, regarding his own tattoos, I began to understand the intimate connection between art and literature. He stated that my tattoos are the story of my life and I will always remember what was going on in my life during the time of getting them. In a sense, it is just like a scar, youll never forget it but it is just far more beautiful. My tattoos are artistic interpretations of how I feel at certain points in my lifes timeline and Im expressing that for myself but also for anyone who is interested to see. Overall, this certainly reflects an authors intentions and like a tattoo, a book can be observed, interpreted and judged by anyone.

Sophie Vickery asks you to think about what would be your Utopia?
nchanted snowy forests, golden cities, vast rolling hills and waterfalls; what do all of these have in common? They are the utopian worlds in which our favourite fictional characters and writers bestow overwhelming emotions of bewilderment, intrigue and awe, as they behold magic, mystique and the sublime. Lewis Narnia, Yeats Byzantium and Wordsworths pasture explicitly show the appeal of a utopia, but where would yours be? Perhaps you would like to take lessons in elevation among the floating candles and moving staircases of Hogwarts; Wingardium LeviosaSwish and Flick! Or, perhaps you would like to attend a ball, in pretty frocks, laced with ribbon, in the halls of Pemberly; it is a truth universally acknowledged that this would be a utopian dream for many women. Maybe you would prefer to see if you can resist Satans temptation and embrace the beauty of anyone? I am sure many would build their utopia around fast cars, guns and gadgetsthe names Vickery. Sophie Vickery? Or what about dressing in armour, clutching a shining sword and entering an enthralling utopia of chivalry and battle, where you can dine among knights, at a round table and share a goblet of wine with King Arthur. Others may find their utopia in a land far, far away among the gleaming turrets and archways of picturesque castles. Meanwhile, some will find themselves flying to Netherland, or skipping through 100 acre wood. But, if forests, gardens, castles or underground passages arent grabbing you, one can always follow in the footsteps of Sleeping Beauty and find the ultimate utopiathe land of nod!

My tattoos are artistic interpretations of how I feel at certain points in my lifes timeline and Im expressing that

Wear your favourite book on your sleeve

By Emily Smart, Literature Editor

hanks to Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects, you may soon have the chance to own a litograph t-shirt. Litographs transform books into new forms, such as posters and t-shirts. Danny Fein, a project creator, is currently promoting the innovative idea with the goal of taking the explosion of digitalized texts and bringing it back to the physical world. He has

currently printed Lewis Carols Alices Adventures in Wonderland, On the Origins of Species by Charles Darwin, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Herman Melvilles Moby Dick on posters and t-shirts, and releases new designs, chosen by website viewers, every Tuesday and Thursday. However, to advertise and sell the t-shirts, Fein needs to raise $15,000 for Kickstarter to fund the project. As of 16th November 2012, he has received $13,407 from 335 donators, yet there are

still 25 days remaining for Fein to raise the amount, making the project look highly promising for both Danny and those wishing to purchase his designs. The designs themselves are extremely impressive; each depicting a significant image from the novel and some of its fascinating lines. Many avid readers, excited by the possibility of capturing Alices mystifying world and Gatsbys tangled society on their own bedroom walls, hope Fein can reach the target soon.

Deanna Wardin @ Tattoo Bogaloo

The Stags own twitter fiction

Features Editor, Ellis Taylor continues this week with The Stags own twitter fiction. Keeping in with the body issue theme, Ellis looks into the problem of gender identity in all of 140 characters. Here is a reminded of last issues tweet; Running is not fun. Especially when youre running away from something, or someone. I had no idea where to go, how was I going to escape? ...

Danny Feins designs for litograph t-shirts, ranging currently with four designs each depicting an image from the novel.

I was trapped in a body that didnt feel like mine. What is this tail?! Where were my eyebrows and hands?! I needed a wizard or something...

Ramsay de Give






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Make it a Chancellors Christmas

For parties of 10 people or more, please book in advance by the 16th of December. Christmas servings for parties less than 10 people will ONLY be served from 12pm midday till 5.00pm
Channies Xmas 6 Sheet 2012.indd 1 10/18/2012 4:36:11 PM


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Bridget Jones is back! Why are books seen as uncool?

By Marilyn Johnston, Literature Writer

emember Bridget? You know, the thirty-something spinster who was convinced she was going to die alone and be eaten by Alsatians? Well, after two hugely popular books and two equally popular movies, Helen Fielding (the author) has confirmed her return! Bridget began her life as a feature of Fieldings column in The Independent, depicting the trials and tribulations of a thirty year old woman living in 90s London. It has been thirteen years since Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason hit the book shops (and eight since the latest film blessed our screens) and many things have changed since then. Fielding lived in LA since the release of the last book, returning to London two years ago. She told the BBC I just found last spring I had a new subject, new stuff I wanted to say, and things that were making me laugh, things that didnt exist. She has revealed that the next book will tackle modern issues; its time to move on with a new story thats really up to date and about

whats happening now. Although Fielding hasnt revealed any of the plots details, (and rightly so) she has stated that it is going to move away from calories, alcohol and cigarettes (although Bridget is still trying to give up those things) to twitter, texting and emailing. Its more like number of twitter followers; still no followers, still no followers. Bridget Jones has grown up and Fielding has said that she is looking at a later phase in her life where you get branded as a certain thing. She has hinted that some characters will disappear, but overall Bridgets true friends remain. It sounds like the third installment of the Bridget Jones books is going to be an entertaining read as Fielding said its very funny, its making me laugh and is enjoying writing it. There is a musical in the pipeline and a third film (which is not based on any of the books). As a big fan of Bridget Jones I cant wait to see the developments and like many others I am eagerly awaiting for the release of the third book due out next year.

By Sophie Vickery Literature Writer

ripping thrillers, raunchy romances, compelling mysteries; sound entertaining? Books can instantly bring suspense, desire and intrigue to the fingertips, yet they are frequently regarded negatively. The stereotypical boring nerd, sitting alone in the lunch hall, sporting ankle bitters and braces will, inevitably, be clutching a book. The looser crowd gather in the library during break times, while the cool gang hang out at the skateboard ramp, arcade or American Diner; no books here. So, why are books seen as uncool?

Because they are boring I hear you cry! But, books take us to places no one else can venture into, with people only you can meet, because those words on the page can trigger an imagination personal to you. Nothing else can do this; films, programmes, games are visual, thus forming a common denominator in everyones minds. The power of books, in their ability to create worlds unique to the individual, can hardly be described as boring. Books are arguably regarded as uncool because they arent cool; they arent the latest Xbox game or the new style of low-cut jeans or the fastest Ferrari. But, these things are

short-term; they soon become old when the next model or sequel is released. Books are timeless. Their characters, worlds and stories stay with us forever. It may sound boring to say that books valuably help us learn, but correlate this with a successful education, career and subsequent opportunities (travel, contacts, material items) and books dont seem so uncool anymore. They can lead to that fast Ferrari or pair of designer jeans. Meanwhile, lets not forget that our beloved, cool heroes (James Bond, Gandalf Mr Darcy) have all come from books. So, dont be scared to be that boring nerd in the library; books are cool!

sincerity, controversy and truth behind their writers

By Sophie Vickery Literature Writer

Dear Diary; an exploration of diarys

nder the duvet, aided by torchlight (or perhaps candle), pens, quills, scribble furiously, outpouring the days thoughts and feelings into padlocked notebooks and chaotic scrolls. Diary keeping has persisted throughout history as an initial way to record history and information, prior to databases, through to contemporary use as outlets for emotions. Psychologists at the University of California gave volunteers a brain scan before they wrote about an emotional experience or a neutral experience. The study found that those who wrote about an emotional experience showed more brain activity which subsequently calmed activity associated with strong emotional feelings. Researchers at New York State University suggest that diaries can even boost the immune system as writing about stress releases inner tension. But are diaries merely a place to unwind, moan or fantasise? Are they simply written to fulfil capitalist motives? Or do they deserve to be viewed with literary admiration? Literature is abundant with diaries from the young and old, fictional and non-fictional. From Tom Riddle, Bridgette Jones, Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries) providing entertaining accounts, to Anne Frank and Celie (The Colour Purple) offering valuable insights into social and historical contexts. Meanwhile, diaries have an honesty, sincerity and poignancy to convincingly overshadow literatures emotive poetry and heart-rending novels. However, the diarys value is often tainted with controversy. This summer saw the release of Alistair Campbells memoirs, covering the period from 9/11 to his departure from Downing Street. It offers an intriguing perspective into the relationships and decisions behind number 10s door, yet one can question its integrity. Unlike Tony Blair, who donated the 4 million profits of his memoirs to The Royal British Legion, Campbell looks to embrace the profits himself. While he argues that he found diary writing a way to relieve anxiety, it seems his detailed, daily account of Downing Street was written with future publication in mind. Campbells motives are perhaps a warning to us that the diary is not always to be trusted, despite the intimacy we gain with its writer.

And thus, we find ourselves amid yet another literary debate. And no debate would be complete without Freudian contribution to psychoanalyse Bridgette, Tom, Anne, Alistair and all the others who write Dear Diary each night. Some critics believe that diary writers have a vanity encouraging them to record personal accounts with a self-important belief held within the Ego part of the brain. Meanwhile, the ID provokes those who wish to express secret desires and failures which would cause disappointment if heard publicly. Finally, there are diary writers who flourish in superego belief that they are writing for the eyes of others. They expose their mistakes in the hope that future readers will then trust their accounts and value their innocence. Perhaps, the anecdotes of our fictional and non-fictional diary writers will now be speculated before their value is readily assumed. Meanwhile, as we remove treasured notebooks from beneath the loose floorboard under the bed and prepare to free our thoughts and experiences, pause and question; what type of diary writer are you?

Societies Editor: Shalini Thondrayen | Copy Editor: Hannah Wann

The Stag |

29th November 2012



Its all go at GU2!

By Sophie Smith


ts been a busy few weeks for GU2, starting off with the Student Radio Awards in London at the beginning of the month. The station was nominated for Best Marketing and Station Sound and, although GU2 sadly came away empty handed, the evening was by no means a disappointment. Last years co-deputy Head of Marketing Adam Lodowski met Radio 1 DJs Nick Grimshaw and Greg James at the Soundclash after party, which was sponsored by Surreys own Flirt! He commented: The whole night was incredible. Where else could you sit at a table next to the top professionals in your industry, who all want to chat to you and help forward your

career? The SRAs were then followed by Launch Week, during which the new digital desk was officially unveiled. There were also visits from the local press, as well as the chance to win some amazing prizes! The week concluded with a live broadcast from Chancellors, which included the announcement of the Flirt! Christmas Ball line up. Meanwhile a host of new shows were added to the schedule; with each night between 19:00 and 01:00 based around a different genre of music. Theres tonnes more exciting stuff lined up after Christmas too, so now is definitely the time to get involved with GU2. Email

The GU2 guys and girls looking dapper at the Student Radio Awards

Twitter: Express yourself! (Just not your vote)

By Alexandra Dawson, PEN Soc

n November 6 2012, in the lead up to Barack Obama becoming Americas president for his second term in office, many Americans began to celebrate their vote by publishing their ballot papers on Twitter and Facebook. With the increase usage on social-networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, it is becoming increasingly common for individuals to freely publicise their daily lives in the form of a 140 character tweet. A study by the American research group, Pew Research Centre, found that nearly a quarter of registered voters had already announced who they cast their ballot for, or planned to, on social networking sites.

The phrase I Voted, was used continuously across Twitter in the form of comments, posts and photos. Many tweeters took the time to post photos of themselves wearing presidential campaign attire and promoting their chosen political party, whilst some, rather controversially, took to posting photos of their ballot papers. One twitter user tweeted Just cast my vote & my grandpa would be so proud!, @She_Weezy2012 with a photo of a I Voted sticker on her grey jumper, complete with the #ivoted hashtag. Happy Election Day trended nationwide on Twitter, as did the hashtag #ivoted. But despite the positive tweeting, many individuals were criticised for publicly and freely declaring which

candidate they had voted for. In the US, the regulations regarding declaring who you vote for on public internet forums, such as Twitter, differ from state to state. In states such as North Carolina, if you freely publish your vote, not only would your vote become void, but you could also face criminal prosecution. In the state of Maine, in regulation with the State Law, the law states it is a crime for a person to [show] that persons marked ballot to another with the intent to reveal how that person voted. In regards to the 2012 presidential election, many individuals were justifiably confused with the laws on freedom of expression when declaring your vote.

Although one can see that by declaring your vote on social networking sites may help to influence others, surely this is already done through television and print advertising? The presidential election raised an interesting question in where the line is drawn between freedom of speech and the importance of privacy. As of 2012, Twitter has 500 million users, yet analysts believe that only 170 million are known to be active. This statistic is a staggering concept. I find it worrying that so many individuals are willinging to display intimate and private details of their lives on social networking pages. However, is your vote really such a personal and private matter

that it must never be disclosed? Worryingly, some individuals use social networking sites to voice their opinion, albeit in a freely, yet grossly ignorant, way. Many are now questioning that Obamas campaign owes a huge amount to his Twitter followers. Obama himself currently has an astounding 22.7 million followers, compared to Romneys 1.8 million followers. This in itself shows the importance that freedom of speech and political campaigning can have within social media, Twitter evidentally seems to be an excellent way to campaign for bigger, better and evolving ideas. However, the line between freedom of speech and privacy is a line that is questionably and frustratingly, very loosely drawn.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Nigerian Society Surrey

By Katherine Akiotu Secretary of Nigerian Society Surrey ey you! Yes, you! Arent you a student at Surrey University?! Then you have to continue reading this! Im sure you probably have little or no idea, but do you know theres actually a Nigerian Society in University of Surrey? Gasp?! Not to worry, youre allowed to. This will be an official introduction to the society, its committee and many more things to note so keep reading! Nigerian Society Surrey (NSS) is an active and creative society run by seven vibrant, friendly students. We seek to provide a home away from home for all Nigerians within the university, as a means to celebrate Nigerian culture and create an avenue for socializing, as well as helping others who want to learn more about the Nigerian culture. Yes Boss! If you arent already familiar with the societys website then now is the time to do so! The website gives basic knowledge about our past events and talks, and sheds more light on upcoming events and most importantly introduces this years 2012/2013 committee. I guess youre asking: what have NSS done so far and do they have plans for the future? Yes we do! We actually carried out two successful cookouts which both took place at the Battersea Court Reception. There was a huge turnout for both cookouts and each student left satisfied and, if I must say,

very impressed. This is just a tip of the ice berg. We still have so much more to deliver so lookout for any interesting news from the committee! Freshers Fayre 2012 has come and gone and the committee was present to welcome the new Nigerian students, as well as others interested in the society, to make them feel more relaxed. On Saturday 20th October, VIBES RELOADED was brought to life! The party was held at the living room and got quite a turnout! After much hype from the promo team, tickets got sold out! This proved to be pretty impressive and a good way to launch the societys first official party with DJ Kelz. Concerning our future events Im not going to spill so much and ruin the surprise, but something exciting is coming up this November! If youre wondering how you can be up to date with news from NSS then youll have to join us by paying membership fee for the year (not to worry, its just 5!). Also you can contact us via twitter (@nss_surrey), Facebook (Nigerian Soc Surrey) or email (! Stay tuned and dont dull because our best is yet to come!

Surrey Arts Live!

By Emily Clegg, Arts Societies Officer

n the 7th and 8th of December, University Hall will play host to one of the biggest events this side of the uni calendar. Surrey Arts Live will see a number of arts societies coming together, for the first time ever, for an eclectic night of West-End quality music, dance and drama that you do NOT want to miss! The current line-up includes songs from a number of hit musicals such as Spamalot and Wicked, several blazing dance routines and even a bit of classic drama. The night will also showcase a number of original sketches and scenes, including a futuristic, interplanetary adaptation of Cinderella (what more could you ask for- REALLY?) that has to be seen to be believed! It should also be pointed out that all proceeds from the show will go towards

helping to replace the outdated electrical equipment currently used in Uni Hall - a venue that is used by a variety of different groups and societies, not just those involved in the arts! Uni Hall is the venue for many university-wide events including the iGala, a variety of socials (such as this years barn dance and last years roller disco) and, of course, numerous performances, making this an event that has the potential to benefit a variety of different student groups. So, whether youre a regular show-goer, or just fancy something a little bit different from your standard night down the union, dont miss this unique opportunity to see some of Surreys finest doing what they do best! Tickets are 5.00 for students (bargain!), 10.00 for anyone else you might want to bring along and are available from both the union shop and online at www.

fter Litsocs Halloween Spooktacular, the society is following up this successful event with Litsocs Christmas Party and Winter Poetry Reading. The evening consists of a free buffet, drinks and a performance of poetry, prose and plays by the various members of Litsoc and lecturers. With the assistance of a half-priced tab at the bar, this is looking to be a popular night of entertainment. The event will be taking place at the Stoke Pub, Tuesday 11th December, beginning at 8pm. There will be a guided trip from Chancellors at 7.30pm for all those on campus! For details, or if you wish to perform, more information can be found on Litsocs facebook page at This event is open to non-members of Litsoc: Also if you wish to perform, please get in contact by emailing myself at By Clowance Lawton

Litsocs Winter Poetry Reading: Performers Wanted! A


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Smile, please!

Hey, got beef?

By Fiona Buckland, VP Culinary Society

All over campus appeared the smilies. Grinning at you from lecture windows, telephone boxes and hidden amongst library books, the faces all bearing the insignia. Youve Been Tagged has caused a bit of a stir across campus. With Union photos bearing the same logo as well as a mysterious facebook page, facebook. com/haveyoubeentagged, no one has quite known what the fuss is all about. Well now its time. On the 26th-28th November, MADSoc is blasting onto stage with its controversial, hilarious and moving Youve Been Tagged. Written by Laurence Williams, directed by Emily Clegg & Chris Evans, whilst producer Chris Dighton watches over, this is a comedic political thriller by students, for students, that delves into the relationship of anonymous online protestor Andy with exmilitant Steve, and the e ects this has on their respective social circles. However, with an upcoming protest that threatens the lives of those involved, someone is pulling the strings, and eve-

ryone is in danger. rowing a subversive political spin on the everyday lives of our Facebookers, this promises to be a hilarious, yet thought-provoking, piece of drama. Watch as explosions rock the stage, gun ghts break friendships and lovers turn traitors in this brand new, all original production. With tickets available on the door, and in the union shop, costing a measly 3 for students and 5 for non-students, you will not want to miss this exhilarating piece of human drama, curtain up at 7.30pm in Wates House on the 26th28th November. Get tickets, get in and get tagged!

o you remember sitting down on a Saturday morning, switching on nickelodeon and watching SpongeBob Squarepants making Krabby Patties? And first thinking, I want to try that scrumptious munch, and then second, I really want a burger right now? Well on the 6th November, a class of Squidwards and Patricks took to the grills and got stuck in pounding, shaping and flavouring their own personal patties, with the help of KangShen Mr Krabs Ooi. Yes you could go down to your local, snatch up a quadbox and rush off home for a quick and easy burger a la cheese. But something you may not know is that home-made burgers are actually cheaper, tastier and much healthier than manufactured ones, even those posh-organic ones! Flippin ell you say? How does that work? Thats because to buy the meat in bulk costs the same amount as a four-box, and you get three times the burgers from it. And when you can add your own seasoning and ingredients, you know how much salt and fat is going in to it, so when you fry it up, the gallons of greasy gruel is a ghost of the past! Now, if you still think yeah, so what, this society obviously has got some beef with the burger... think again! Well, before you get all up in my grill, Ill open sesame

your mind to the power of a house-social dinner. Because its so quick and easy, you can even benefit from the fun of slapping together a tasty afternoon tit-bit with your flatties. Like a fajita night, but a bit less Mexican... Burgerific!! But to top it all off, if youre going to go all home-made Agatha Kristie with your meaty morsels, you shouldnt let it stop there. So may the meat meet the mayo!! We even got our cooks to whisk up some home-made mayo in our Living Room lab. It may have been messy, but no burger meal is complete if you leave without a sauce-stain down your white front... (Just dont tell Plankton). With the recipe for bread we taught students a few weeks back, all wed need to teach you is how to make lettuce (Lettuce tell you: go to the shops)! So show us your meaty, mayo-y buns and post pics etc on our Facebook page by searching for University of Surrey Culinary Society or email us on uosculinarysociety@ to keep up to date with this smokin, saucy societies upcoming events!


Winter Wonderland Christmas Ball

Monday 10th December, 6:30pm2am The Living Room Dress up, let your hair down and enjoy the company of fellow students and lecturers! This Christmas, PsychSoc will be hosting a Winter Wonderland-themed Christmas Ball, open to all Psychology students, +2s and lecturers. This will be the perfect way to relax and to get to know your peers and lecturers on a fun and informal basis! This event will be held in memory of Dr Lynne Millward, a dearly loved member of our department who sadly passed away this year. As such, all proceeds will go to the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, a welldeserving charity who did a great job of caring for Lynne. They are based in Farnham and are the only adult hospice for West Surrey and North Hampshire. They acknowledge all aspects of a persons palliative care and provide a wealth of support for their patients and their families. Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice is a charity, and so they rely on donations. So please help us celebrate Lynne, support a wonderful cause, and have a lovely time at this Winter Wonderland-themed Christmas Ball! GU2 DJ Raffle Party Games Free food and bar Student and Lecturer Awards And more!

In Honour of Dr Lynne Millward

Tickets are just 3 (available for Psychology Students and +2s)

Sport Editor: Anna Giles | Copy Editor: Emma Fleming

The Stag |

29th November 2012



UniS Trampolining Society Small teams in the

Champions League
By Connor Mcloughlin


By The Trampolining Society

he members of Team Surrey Trampolining Club have had lots of success recently at various university and external national & international level competitions; there was a competition every weekend for 4 weeks in a row for our members! It started on Saturday 27th October where Amy Todd, Ross Abrahams and Zara Hall all competed at the English Championships. In the individual senior Ladies event, Amy Todd came 13th out of 35 in the group. Later on that day, Amy then competed with her synch partner to achieve 9th place. In the individual senior mens event, Ross Abrahams came 7th out of 29 in the group - Ross then went on to compete in the synch event with his partner and came 7th. They both helped the southern region achieve 5th out of 12 regions of England. The following day was the home nations event, where the nations compete against each other, England, Wales & Scotland, throughout the day the leader board kept changing, keeping the pressure on and emotions high. The performers had already been pre-selected to compete for their respective nations. In the senior mens event Ross came 3rd - competing for England, in the senior ladies event Zara Hall came

5th competing for Wales and Amy Todd came 7th for England. Amy Todd and her synch partner came 2nd in the ladies synch event, in the end England won only by 6 points which was the narrowest margin in over 5 years. The following weekend we had competitors competing in two completely separate events, Amy Todd was competing in the David Ward International Competition, placing 7th overall. The rest of Team Surrey trampolining were all in Loughborough They all had a great day, with many personal bests, new routines and some brand new performers competing for the first time, setting the standard high at the first competition of the year! Zan Hudson and Fran Gillard, both competing for team surrey for the very first time, came away with Bronze medals. Even though Fran only competed 9 moves in one of the routines, her neatness and good form kept her in 3rd place. They then went on to compete in the synchro event, performing very well together for the first time. In his first competition, Ray Daniels came 9th out of 18, a huge accomplishment for him and a great start to his competition career. Philycia Clarke came 27th in the novice category with a personal best form score of 7.7, a great result that came as a result of grit determination and self-

belief may the 7.7s continue. Coley did very well also, coming 13th out of a huge group of 57. Bev Pullen competed her first synchro competition with Greg Entocott, they did very well together and placed 23rd. The following weekend was the Flanders International Competition, where Ross Abrahams was competing for England, as part of his club, Edgebarrow TC. Ross was in 7th place after the qualifying round, and then with all score set to zero the pressure was on, he finished in 5th place. A huge congratulations to all of those that took part in the various events, and also a huge well done to all the committee members and coaches who make it happen heres to more success in the following season. We still have spaces for anyone who would like to join, you dont need to have any experience at all to join, and we have coaches at all levels, from beginners to international standard, to teach you what you want to learn! We also have many social events going on within the university and external events as well. Our sessions times are: Wednesday: 9pm 10.30pm Fridays: 6pm 8pm Saturdays: 5.30pm 7pm Just turn up with a pair of socks and a smile and join in the fun!

n recent weeks, the Champions League has provided a number of interesting results that have been great for football. Celtic managed to beat Barcelona at Celtic Park, despite only having 16% of the possession. Barcelonas current side are considered by many to be the finest football team ever been assembled, and Celtic beat them. Smaller sides are providing great opposition for the big clubs in the Champions League, and great games are happening all over Europe. Borussia Dortmund, based around a core of young German and Polish players, played the giants of Europe, Real Madrid, twice in the last month or so and havent lost. In fact, they dominated for long portions of the game and were the better football team. Real are the favourites to be the winners of the competition this year. Ajax has been sensational in other fixtures in the group, with

Real Madrid, Borussia Dortmund and champions of England, Manchester City. Ajax was by far the better side in the games against Manchester City, in the game played in Holland, led by the duo of Cristian Eriksen and Siem De Jong, City were picked apart in glorious fashion. Shakhtar Donetsk also put up a great fight against Chelsea in London, but went on to lose 3-2. Brazilian double act Willian and Fernandinho were in fine form as Shakhtar played the best football of the two teams. Seeing these prototypically smaller sides competing with top teams benefits the competition in many ways. Competitiveness is crucial to the competition staying interesting and not becoming predictable. These smaller sides are what will keep the Champions League alive, and should not be forgotten despite the improbability of them ever actually winning the competition.

Surrey Ice Hockey

Flames call for fresh skates

By Alex Beddoe, Sports Team

wenty-four year old Dean Holland is the Flamess latest solution to an inconsistent start to the season. Despite being young, Dean has played his fair share of games with a couple of hundred games under his belt, in addition to his time playing for Great Britains Under 20s. Flamess Head Coach Paul Dixon talked about the new addition; saying if we factor in some injury concerns, now is a good time to take steps to deepen our line up. We are still in a good position in the league for this early stage of the season, so

acting earlier is better than later to make sure it gives us the best chance to have a positive impact as we head into the bulk of the schedule. Evidently, the recent addition helped kick something up in the changing rooms with the Flames snatching 4 points from Slough Jets, winning both Home and Away last weekend. But therell be no Christmas break for these lads, with games planned throughout the whole festive season make sure you keep upto-date and join the live game conversation: @flamesicehockey.


The Stag |

29th November 2012

Sport is the answer

Plays golf
By Adam Lodowski, Sports Team

A Geek...

Sam Wray

By Sarah-Jane Gregori, Sports Team

couple of years ago, if someone had asked me if I played sport, I would have looked at them as if they had said a dirty word. Sport was just not something I did, and I was probably the biggest cynic out of my friends and family when it was announced that London would host the 2012 Olympics. Now, with that great legacy fading to a sparkly memory in our minds, I realise I have changed in a way I didnt ever expect. No, I am not about to run a marathon or even a half-marathon, but see sport as something that can enrich a varied and healthy lifestyle. Because sports may not seem like the most pressing issue in modern Britain, but boosting the perception of it in the minds of the population could be just the answer to the problems in healthcare and crime on the street. Its obvious that sport reduces crime, reduces obesity, and sure as hell improves ordinary peoples sense of wellbeing. It was hard not to get swept up in the excitement and feelings of unity when the Games were in

town. The government probably have a goody bag of statistics now saying how public participation and interest in sports has increased/ doubled/improved by x amount as a result and theyve gotten practise at talking a good talk. But if they dont act accordingly and revive sport in schools and communities, I fear we are going to get nowhere in the long term. We are a lucky nation to have been so wellrepresented in a variety of sports at the Olympics. You just had to look at certain events to see how underrepresented African countries were in the swimming and diving to realise the importance of accessible sporting facilities lets face it, Africa is not known as a place with water going spare. Im fed up of seeing signs in parks and playing fields declaring NO BALL GAMES, NO CYCLING. Boris can get on his bike all he likes but it doesnt change the fact that roads are more often than not a dangerous place to cycle and are certainly not a fun place to do it anyway. Also, not all of us are lucky enough to have a garden where we can invite our friends for a good kick-around. This country needs to stop strangling spontaneous

recreational physical activity (I dont mean sex by the way) just in case a ball sent rocketing skywards might fall back to earth and hit a granny. Some 40 years ago in rural Croatia where my mum grew up, air rifle shooting was a regular part of the school sports programme - would young people in Britain today be able to believe it? You dont have to pay out for the gym or join a team (although Id really encourage it, with the number of sports societies on offer at uni), but lets not restrict sport and exercise to something ordinary people only do on machines in a purpose built complex, like dancing only when slightly (or very) inebriated in a darkened room with pulsing music. Its really encouraging to see the number of families who turn out on bicycles for local events like the Olympic torch passing through Guildford and the finale of the Tour of Britain. I realise these people are the already-converted since the events I just mentioned are heavily sports-related, but working a short cycle into your daily routine or going for a jog to clear your head could really be the answer. Try it, and I promise youll feel better!

hen I went back home to Oxfordshire for the weekend and my friend asked me to play a round of golf with him, it seemed a complete no brainer. I could spend a lazy afternoon in the rolling Cotswold Hills and get some great material for the column at the same time. Perfect! Or not, I literally could not have chosen a worse time to go In the interest of journalistic honesty this was not my first time playing Golf. I went every week for a few years when I was younger but it seems my memories are more nostalgia than fact. All I really remember is wearing some smashing chinos and a Pringle jumper, pottering around fields with the sun beating down and rabbits scampering back into the woods as I approached. Not to mention the cheeky pint afterwards in the pub that never checked ID! Notice when discussing Golf I automatically start using words like smashing and scampering, much like wearing tweed it does make one instantly upper middle class! However, there were also a ton of things Id forgotten about that last weekend reminded me of. For a start, the rain So much rain; the cold drizzle that drips down your spine and makes your lovely Pringle jumper all sodden and stretched. To counter this, somebody invented the

famous Golf umbrella, a massive construction that could shelter an entire army underneath, but doesnt work. You cant take a shot and hold it at the same time so you end up soaked through anyway! It was also absolutely freezing. Admittedly it was November so that was understandable but I had forgotten how exposed golf courses can be and just how long you have to stand outside for. On the other hand, you have to put up with the cold and wet in most outdoor sports (cricket and tennis are on to something though with the whole calling it off thing, just saying). Unfortunately this definitely isnt my talent! I could have been done in half the time if I hadnt spent so long wading through the long grass looking for my ball. The quote of the day came when I asked how Id scored on that hole, well a triple bogey is three over par but you passed that about four shots ago so Im not entirely sure what we call this! Thats my whiney rant out of the way because contrary to what youd expect I really enjoyed myself. Its not about your score or how long you took; its about the company. I got to spend the afternoon catching up with an old friend and the fact that I got to take out any pent up anger on some tiny balls (insert innuendo here) was an added bonus. Finally, Im not gonna lie, the beer tastes just as good when you can legally drink it!

USSU Arts Societies Present

7th - 8th December

University Hall


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The Stag |

29th November 2012

By Alan Hughes, Sports Team

BUCS match of the week: Surrey Stingers vs. Reading Knights

ull of fresh faces and buoyed by enthusiastic (if slightly clueless) support, Surrey Stingers took on the Reading Knights in their first game of the Thames Valley Conference season. Recruitment and pre-season training have both been a success for the Stingers, and although many of the new members are rookies, the team has kept a large number of players from last season, all of who will provide vital experience in the season to come. The team were also highly motivated after a game preview on the league website predicted a heavy defeat for Surrey. Surreys first meaningful drive came early on, as running back Jacob Eltherington broke several tackles in a penetrating running play. However, this was a rare moment of success from Surreys offence, which was not completing enough passes, having to instead rely on small gains from running backs. The defence on the other hand were solid, and limited the Knights to just one score in 1st quarter, which finished 7-0. What the scoreline did not reflect, however, were the injuries to Surreys first 3 quarterbacks, which severely hampered any offensive plays. Inexperienced replacements were quickly drafted in, less familiar with the incredibly complex role that the QB must fill, and the defence found itself spending a lot of time on the pitch. The Reading pressure showed, and they scored a steady string of Touchdowns, eventually running out 39-0 winners. Despite the result, Surrey have reasons to be hopeful. Offensive captain Eltherington said after the game Our main problem was inexperience. The more games we play, and the more practice we get, we will iron out those crinkles and Im sure we will have an impact on the league. As the numerous rookies become more acquainted with the Stingers playbook and high level of technicality in the sport itself, the team will doubtlessly improve. With many games to play, and many Tuesday night training sessions to be endured, the Stingers should be confident of not suffering a repeat of last seasons lack of success.

Surrey American Football

Overheard at the match:

No ones actually that fat! Except that guy... and that guy Rachel Hunter-Jones Why dont Surrey have any good chants? Rose Stratton How many quarters are there in the game? - Shanice Warner

Return of King
By Connor Mcloughlin, Sports Team Surrey Mens FC 1s: 1 Sussex Mens FC 1s: 4

Surrey Mens Football

Big Zlat beats England

By Connor Mcloughlin, Sports Team


he 7th November saw Surreys first league game for a few weeks; they were sitting in second place of the BUCS South Eastern 2A Division with one win and one loss. They were above Sussex prior to the game, but produced a disappointing result despite the return of club captain, Matt King. The start of the fixture saw Surrey as the better side, enjoying the best of the possession but lacking a final product in the final third. The team also looked better off the ball, squeezing their opposition well and not allowing time Sussex time on the ball. However, both Sussex wingers looked dangerous and a foul on the left-winger led to a goal, the result of a looping free kick being headed in. After the goal, Sussex seemed keener and were far more involved in the game, scoring a second goal from a corner. As the half progressed, Sussex proved organised and well drilled with the

Surrey goalkeeper Jonathan Grilo making multiple saves. Sussex eventually scored a third later in the half, again from a cross out on the right, this was headed in. In the first half Emeka Nwaubani ran the channels well, but lacked support in the 4-3-3 system that was being used. At half time Surrey changed to a 4-4-2 system, with Sam Odusina moving to right back, Lewis Tuckett into the middle and Stavros Panagiotou into the middle of the park. Panagiotou was particularly influential in midfield, giving the team more drive going forward and combing well with captain Matt King. However, despite this, Sussex scored again in the second half. Before the end, substitute Paul Platt finished well after his initial shot was saved in the box to make the final score 4-1. Nwaubani was unlucky multiple times in the second half, getting through on goal twice but both times the Sussex keeper saved well. Matt King was sent off in suspect fashion before the end of the game for what seemed a reasonable challenge.

ngland were lucky enough to go to Sweden and play in Stockholm at the new Friends Stadium, a truly intimidating stadium name. However, they eventually lost out to the Swedes, a side they should really be beating considering we are seventeen places above them in the FIFA world rankings. In reality, Sweden werent all that good, but they have that one thing England no doubt lack and that is a truly world class player. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, the six foot five striker currently playing for Paris St Germain, was what made the difference in the game. His fourth goal just emphasised how good he really is, as he scored an overhead kick from thirtyfive yards. It was just about the most aesthetically and technically perfect goal you will ever see. Add in the fact that he scored three others and essentially won the game on his own, it really makes you wish we had someone like that in our national team. In terms of England, Steven Gerrard picked up his 100th cap. He is one of few players we have who flirt with being world class, like Ibrahimovic, but they rarely get to that level even for their clubs. Wayne Rooney and Gerrard should be capable of similar performances, but I

struggle to remember a performance from either of them that comes close to what we saw from the Swedish striker. England can also look at future games with some hope. The loss of the game can be attributed to Roy Hodgson testing out some new players, and not playing the established side. Sweden sent out their best team to christen their new stadium. Raheem Stirling, the seventeen year old from Liverpool, won his first cap and grew into the game. He laid on the pass for Ashley Young to cross for Danny Welbeck to score. Carl Jenkinson and Wilfried Zaha came on in the second half to make their England debuts. Scorer of the second goal Steven Caulker was also making his debut. The special mention should go to Leon Osman, who was also making his debut. He was energetic, passed the ball well and in parts looked threatening. At least trying out these players, especially the younger ones like Sterling and Caulker, will expose them to the international game and hopefully assist their development. This can help us as a country to have a player like Ibrahimovic. We need a genius, and if losing a few friendlies helps in this process, then so be it.

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