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Prayer Requests
Y Pray for Jim Halbert, a friend of Kevin and Nancy Amundsen, who is struggling with her health. Y Pray for Kate O-Brien-Soltau who is taking an ordination exam this week. Y Special prayer to Bakia Ndips elder sister, Ayuk Bakia Parker, as she will undergo blood clot treatment at a hospital in Maryland. Y Pray for Mor Bakia in his job search. Y All who grieve the passing of Gene Moore, Pastor Pauls uncle. Y All who grieve the passing of Dorothy Williams, Dave Nybergs step-mom. Y Pray for Samuel Atu-Tetuhs son Mbah while he travels to Ethiopia. Y All who grieve the passing of Iren LePresti, Mary Ann Archers friend. Y Pray for Diana Zile-Young, friend of Ivers, who is better but still struggling with alcoholism which is destroying her liver. Y Pray for Jerry Hermsens friend Stephanie who is having a very serious operation on February 8th. Y Pray for Elaina, a relative of a close friend of Pastor Pauls who is going through a very difficult time. Y Pray for Hussein, Angelicas coworkers husband, who suffers from leukemia. Y Pray for Rose Tendoh to find a job with Gods guidance. Y Pray for John Thiessen as he is going through chemotherapy treatment. Y For Bobbie Pearson, friend of Gloria Ivers, whos suffering from cancer. Y Pray for Beverly Dols, John Ivers sister, who suffers from lung cancer.


Y Pray for Dave Schwartz and Marg Olson (friends of George & Dianne Black) who are both going through cancer. Y Pray for Ward Sessing, member of the Presbyterian Church of the Way, who is suffering with cancer. Y Pray for Donna McCullen, wife of Ken McCullen, who is suffering from cancer.

For three weeks everyone at Chain of Lakes is encouraged to read a chapter of Revelation a day. This reading will help all of us during the sermon series Pastor Paul is sharing called, Is this the End? Through our reading, we can complete this last book of the Bible. This week we are in a part of the book that has many visionssome of them are confusing. Revelation is a book about the cataclysmic battle between good and evil. This battle is shared in the chapters we will read this week. Soak in the images as you read carefully. Comments and thoughts about the devotion can be E-mailed to Pastor Paul at Enjoy!! Monday, January 28 Read Revelation 7 This chapter is a interlude between the opening of the sixth and seventh seal. Four angels stand at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth. Standing before the angel are 144,000 12,000 each from the twelve tribes of Israel. These tribes symbolize the Christian church. The seal is a sign that they are protected by God. Some have used this number literally wondering if this is the number of people on earth who will go to heaven. A healthier

way is to see the number as a sign of completenessnot one person is missing. In the second vision John sees a great multitude standing before the throne. Like in chapter 4 a beautiful vision of heaven is shared. They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, or any scorching heat; for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Revelation 7:16-17 Prayer: Thank you for this heavenly vision. Your presence in the lives of these people makes this vision happen. Help me experience your presence and have a taste of this vision. Tuesday, January 29 Read Revelation 8 When the seventh seal was open there was silence in heaven for a half hour. It was as if a pause was needed before what was about to happen. In this chapter four angels each blow a trumpet. The trumpet is a favorite instrument of apocalyptic literature since it summons peoples attention to God. Some people believe that Revelation was written shortly after the sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius which completely destroyed the city of Pompeii. People would have no problem relating the destruction in this chapter to this terrible incident. Good and evil are in conflict with each other Prayer: This chapter is a difficult vision of destruction. However we know that evil can cause terrible consequences. Help me avoid evil in my own life. Protect me from the evil one.

Wednesday, January 30 Read Revelation 9 When the fifth angel blew his trumpet locusts appeared on the earth. They were not allowed to damage the earth, but were allowed to torture but not kill everyone who did not have the seal of God on their forehead. The king of the locusts is Adaddon whose Hebrew name is the destroyer. Abbaddon is another name of Sheol, the realm of the dead. The appearance of the locust must have reminded people of Roman soldiers. At the end of the chapter the rest of humankind who were still alive still did not turn to God. Even these terrible events would not move their hearts. A follower of Jesus could see the advantage of being a disciple. Even amidst terrible suffering, the disciple was not hurt. Prayer: May this terrible destruction never happen to our earth. Help my heart be soft and always pointed to your direction. On this day may I be especially sensitive to your presence. Thursday, January 31 Read Revelation 10 An angel came down with a rainbow over his head and a face like the sun. These are symbols that the angel was from God. The angel gave John a scroll to eat. The scroll was sweet to the taste but caused pain in his stomach. John is told to prophesy again. The pain in his stomach represents the painful words that he is about to say. His words are of lamentation and woe.

Prayer: Sometimes your words are difficult to share with othersespecially if others arent ready to hear them. Help me to continue to trust you and your purpose for my life and the worldeven if the words you want me to share are hard. Friday, February 1 Read Revelation 11 At the start of the chapter John was asked to measure. A careful listener would have realized that the Temple had been destroyed for 20 years. The Temple symbolically meant the body of Christ. The people were the Temple. The task of every faith community is to be the body of Christ or the Temple. We want to be a place where people experience God, where the presence of the holy is felt, and where people come with expectations to learn about God. Prayer: Help us at Chain of Lakes Church be your Temple. May we identify ourselves as the body of Christ and live out the functions of the Temple for a world who needs this spiritual enrichment. Saturday, February 2 Read Revelation 12 Some people see the book of Revelation as a simple story of the battle between good and evil. This chapter shares this storyline. There is a war in heaven between Michael and his angels and the dragon, who represents Satan. The dragon is expelled from heaven and then wreaks havoc on earth. Some people see life as a cosmic battle between good and evil. When Jesus died on the cross and was raised he negated the power of evil. Though evil still exists we need not fear its ultimate power because of Christ.

In the Scriptures often when an angel appeared to humans the first words from their mouth was do not fear. We need not fear evil, no matter what we have done or what is happening in our life. The ultimate power of evil was stopped on the cross. Prayer: Its easy to be scared of life and be worried about evil, especially when we see so many terrible things happen in the world. Help me have trust in your presence. Just as you claim us, may I trust that your presence can always overcome evil.

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