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New Life News

Ou r M i ss io n : T o in t r o du c e in div i du al s t o C h r i st , t o e qu i p t h em t o b e fo l lo w er s o f C h r ist ; an d t o im p act o u r co m m u n it y wit h Go d' s lo v e . Issue 4 October, 2012

Inner City Kids Camp

Inside this issue:
Inner City Kids Camp

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Pastors Corner

Youth group in the near future A Word from Pastor Tanya Devotion

Coat and Blanket Drive

In August we took 53 kids from the inner city to Waters Edge Camp and Conference Center to have their very own church camp experience. Every thing they did from the ride to camp on the bus to walking through the woods was a new and exciting experience for most of them. Gary and Linda Loudermilk did an awesome job as our evangelists and the kids adored them. (no surprise there) West Flint Church of the Nazarene graciously provided, cooked and served the food for all the meals in the dining hall. Everything from the tuition, to brand new sleeping bags was donated by the generosity of many individuals and church congregations. The above picture showing the altar full at the end of Mr. Garys message was how it was after every message the kids heard. We saw growth and change among many kids and were especially excited to see it among some of our kids with a reputation for getting in trouble. One boy who had such a reputation is now the best behaved in his class on Sundays. It was an honor and a privilege to be able to serve these kids from the inner city in this way and are hoping to be able to continue it in the future. A huge thank you goes out to everybody who contributed. Please be in prayer about next

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Pastors Corner

We are all seeking the answers to life's questions. There are so many different directions we can go. The skies the limit on the number of books and organizations that claim to have the answers to these questions. At Flint New Life, we know we don't have all the answers. We do however, know the one who does, and we are going after a relationship with Him with all of our being . God continues to explode here. We have ministered to nearly 600 children in the past 6 years and new kids continue to come. We are now being flooded with Jr. Highers. God is sending all of these youth to us for a reason. I cannot describe the feeling inside me when I think of this, and God's trust in us, to put us in charge of such a crucial ministry. The adults here are also growing. We continue to minster in the Genesee County Jail two days a week. We also are discipling each week at New Paths Recovery Center (halfway house). Here on the frontlines, God has opened our eyes to the answers to the questions that so many churches are seeking. How do we do ministry? God is way more capable of running a successful ministry than we are. Here, we simply abide, and go after more and more Jesus. He then fills us more and more with life. We then naturally, spill that life that He has poured into us. into others. Then great things happen. We are simply being branches on Flint's Eastside. Pastor Bob

Please be in prayer for our plans to start a youth group in the near future. We now have about 30 teens attending on Sunday. We dont know yet when or where this will happen, but feel now is the time for it. We have the people to help, music and food but we are waiting to determine a place to have it. Thank You.

Volume 1, Issue 1

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A Word from Pastor Tanya

Hello, Wow! Things have been moving so quickly at New Life Church of the Nazarene. Several things have changed in the last several months, good things. I have stopped teaching the teen girls and have instead become the Associate Pastor of New Life. Since my taki ng this position many more volunteers have come to assist at New Life. We have more than doubled our teaching staff and their assistants, originally having 7 teachers and assistants and now having 26 alternating teachers and assistants. It is amazing to watch others feel the call to come and serve at New Life and to be blessed as they obey. I stand in awe! We have had different churches assist with feeding us as well. Clio Church of the Nazarene has been feeding the kids and teens on the 5th Sundays of the year. That is a great help to not have to worry about those 5th Sundays that throw us all off schedule. We have had the always dependable feeding that we get from West Flint Church of the Nazarene. Also part of the Revive Flint Team has been assisting with our food needs in the last few months as well. The body of Christ is certainly pulling together for this ministry to continue. Another very cool thing that we have had happen in the last few months is the Sponsor A New Life Day. St. Johns Church of the Nazarene has come out twice with adult and teens helpers, food for our kids and a special prize for each class. Richfield Church of the Nazarene has had two different groups come out for the Sponsor A New Life Day; Diane Williams Sunday School Class and The Walkers Club. These days are especially helpful. They give us some extra hands, give our regular food providers a week off , allows others to see the ministry at New Life first hand and most importantly tells our kids at New Life that there are a whole lot of people in this world that care about them. To schedule a Sponsor A New Life Day, you can email me at These are special days for everyone. Presently we are setting up further training for our teachers to understand the inner city culture so that we can more effectively reach the heart of our kids and teens. Their lives are so vastly different from our own that sometimes we miss what is really important to them. My hearts desire is to 1) to equip my teachers more fully with skills to reach this very poverty stricken and dangerous culture, 2) to never let a child fall through the cracksthis means seeking out troubled kids who have had to temporarily be expelled from New Life, giving them one on one time to hear our hearts and for us to listen to theirs, and after some individual time with them allowing them to try a group setting again. These kids may tell us no. They may refuse to let us love them in Jesus name, but it will be their choice. We will not give up on them. Yes, I love Flint New Life. I love my kids and teens out there. They have so much potential. Please pray for our kids daily. They need to be covered with prayer. And in Jesus name they can change their city. I believe that because with God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! Completely His,

DEVOTION: Jeremiah Chapter 29 If you go to this spot in the Bible what is the title of this chapter? They were called exiles because they were Gods people who were taken as prisoners to another country. I wonder do you feel like you have been taken out of your world and held as a prisoner, even though many of you want to be there and want help. Follow the words of the chapter down until you come to a little number 4, its verse 4. Who is talking? God was the one talking. And He was talking to those people of His, who He loved but who He had carried into exile (the place far from there home, held as prisoners). Did God stop talking to or caring about His children who had forgotten Him? God was still talking, still loving those people. He was longing for them to remember Him. God had some advice for them and I think for you and me too when we find ourselves in places that we didnt intend to be in or want to be in. Settle down and accept where you are and live. See further down verse 5 and 6 God tells them to build houses, settle down, plant gardens and eat. He says to get married and to have children. God didnt want them to stop living while they were in exile. He wanted them to LIVE. Embrace life right where you are right now. Pray! In verses 7 and 8 God says pray for peace and prosperity for the place you are in now. Pray for all those around you, the other girls, the people in authority and even your church at New Life. Listen! Listen only to Gods voice. In verse 8 and 9 God says to listen to His voice, not the voices of those around you who say what you want to hear. Pray about where to go after New Path and listen to Gods voice. Do not listen to anyones voice except Gods. He speaks through the Holy Spirit who now lives in you. Continued on back page . . .

Church Staff Rev. Robert Cattane ~ Senior Pastor ~ 810-309-4710 Tanya Cox ~ Assoc. Pastor ~ 810-656-9861 Tina Cattane ~ Womens Ministries ~ 810-701-4205 Lynn Yantz ~ Lay Minister

Contact us
Email the Pastor: Flint New Life Church of the Nazarene 1829 Delaware Ave Flint Mi. 48506

Find us on Facebook

Mailing address: 3934 Herrick St. Flint Mi. 48532

Devotion cont. . . As you do these things remember Gods promise to you in verse 11. Its says For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. It goes even further. Keep reading all the way down to the end of verse 14. What is God telling you? You are His children. You have the ability to read His Word and Hear His Voice. You have the power in you to obey and to win. You can win over more than this present addiction. You can win at life.

Warm a Child's Heart with a Warm Winter Coat and Blanket Over 120 children and 30 adults received warm winter coats this winter through the donations of many kind people. The purpose was to give a coat to every child and youth that attends Flint New Life Church of the Nazarene that needed one. The need was met and the coats kept coming in! The additional coats were given to the Flint Eastside Mission for distribution. At that point, a need for blankets was realized. The need was put out and 36 blankets were received by kids both at New Life and the Mission. We want to thank all the people involved - from the people in different cities who purchased items and gathered gently used items to those who drove far to get them in the right hands to those who worked in the coat room helping kids find "just the right one" and to the people who kept the coats organized. Thanks also to those who donated gloves, hats, scarves, boots and more. God certainly showed how He loves all his children - big and small - and provides their needs. Hallelujah!! By Lynn Yantz

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